The genealogy and history of the Ingalls family in America

Last Updated on November 16, 2019 by Dennis

Title:The genealogy and history of the Ingalls family in America : giving the descendants of Edmund Ingalls who settled at Lynn, Mass. in 1629
Author: Burleigh, Charles
Publication date: 1903
Publisher: Malden, Mass. : G.E. Dunbar
Digitizing Sponsor: MSN
Contributor: Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center
Repository:Internet Archive
The genealogy and history of the Ingalls family in America
Title Page

Edmund Ingalls, son of Robert and grandson of Henry Ingalls, was born at Skirbeck, Lincolnshire, England, about 1598, came to Salem, Mass. in Governor Endicott’s company in 1628. With his brother Francis and four others he commenced the settlement of Lynn in 1629. He was a man of good character even though the following court record is found “20/4/1646, Edmund Ingalls was fined for bringing home sticks in both his arms on the Sabbath day from Mr. Holyokes rails, witnesses Joseph flood, Obadya flood, Jane flood.” These were probably jealous neighbors and it goes to show the strict observance of the Sabbath in those days. His name is often found on the town records showing him to be one of the prominent citizens. In March, 1648, while travelling to Boston on horseback, he was drowned in the Saugus River, owing to a defective bridge. His heirs recovered damages from the town. His will was probated Sept. 16, 1648 and the estate appraised at L135.


Abbott, Adams, Additon, Adle, Aexander, Ainley, Ainsworth, Alden, Aldrich, Allen, Alley, Allin, Allison, Amsden, Anderson, Andrews, Anthony, Appley, Arey, Arms, Arnold, Ashley, Ashton, Atherton, Atkins, Attwill, Atwater, Atwood, Austin, Averill, Avery, Ayer, Ayers, Babb, Bachelder, Bacon, Badau, Bagley, Bailey, Baker, Ball, Ballentine, Ballou, Balon, Bancroft, Barbee, Barber, Bardwell, Barger, Barker, Barnes, Barney, Barnhouse, Barrett, Barry, Bartholomew, Bartlett, Barwood, Basford, Bass, Bassett, Bassford, Batchelder, Baxter, Beach, Beal, Beale, Beane, Beaser, Beaton, Beck, Beckett, Bedore, Beebe, Beeker, Beeman, Beers, Belknap, Bell, Benedict, Benjamin, Bennett, Benson, Bentley, Berkley, Berry, Bessom, Bickford, Biddle, Bigelow, Bill, Billings, Bingham, Binnel, Binney, Bishop, Bitnar, Bixby, Black, Blackford, Blackler, Blaisdell, Blake, Blakiston, Blanchard, Blanding, Blaney, Bliss, Blodgett, Blood, Boardman, Bodwell, Bogne, Bonner, Boomhower, Booth, Borthwick, Bortle, Bosworth, Botham, Botolph, Boughton, Bourn, Bowden, Bowen, Bowers, Bowing, Bowker, Bowles, Bowman, Bowser, Boyden, Boyle, Boynton, Brackett, Bradford, Bradley, Bradstreet, Brady, Bragdon, Bragg, Brandow, Brazer, Bream, Breed, Breese, Brent, Brewer, Brewster, Bridgeo, Bridgham, Brigden, Briggs, Brigham, Bright, Brimmer, Brinimer, Bristol, Briton, Brockway, Brooke, Brooker, Brooks, Brown, Bryant, Buck, Buel, Buffum, Bugbee, Bullen, Bullock, Bump, Bunker, Burbank, Burdick, Burea, Burgess, Burke, Burleigh, Burlingham, Burn, Burnett, Burney, Burnham, Burns, Burr, Burrill, Burrow, Burrows, Burt, Burton, Burtt, Bush, Buss, Buswell, Butler, Butterfield, Button, Buttrick, Butts, Buyea, Cadwell, Caldwell, Call, Cameron, Campbell, Capps, Capron, Card, Carey, Carlisle, Carlton, Carman, Carpenter, Carr, Carrier, Carsley, Carter, Cartland, Carver, Case, Cass, Castle, Caswell, Cate, Chace, Chaddock, Chaffee, Chamberlin, Chambers, Champlin, Chandler, Chapin, Chaplin, Chapman, Charles, Chase, Chatman, Chatsey, Chauncey, Cheesbro, Cheney, Cherrytree, Chesboro, Chesbro, Cheseborongh, Chesman, Chester, Chickering, Child, Childs, Chittenden, Choate, Church, Cilley, Claflin, Clapp, Clarence, Clark, Clarke, Cleaves, Clement, Clements, Cleveland, Clifford, Clinklingbeard, Cloon, Cloud, Cloudman, Clough, Clow, Coates, Cobb, Coburn, Coffing, Coggins, Cogswell, Colbeth, Colburn, Colby, Colcord, Cole, Collins, Combs, Comstock, Conary, Connell, Connor, Conrad, Conway, Cook, Cooley, Coombs, Cooper, Coops, Copling, Copp, Copper, Corbin, Corey, Cornell, Corner, Cornish, Cottle, Cotton, Coughlin, Countryman, Cousens, Cowell, Cox, Crabtree, Craft, Crafts, Craig, Craiger, Crain, Cram, Cran, Crandall, Crane, Cranwell, Crawford, Crayton, Cresy, Crippen, Crocker, Crombie, Cronley, Crosby, Cross, Crout, Crowe, Crowley, Crumb, Cummings, Cunningham, Currier, Curtice, Curtis, Curwen, Cushman, Cutler, Cutter, Cytithia, Daggett, Dahim, Dake, Dakin, Dalphin, Dame, Dandley, Dane, Daniels, Dart, Davidson, Davis, Davy, Dawes, Dawson, Day, De La Mater, Dean, Dearborn, Deethe, Dego, DeGrase, Delano, Delora, Demming, Denis, Dennis, Dennison, Deshon, Desirudie, Devereux, Dexter, Diamond, Diamont, Dickerson, Didrick, Dight, Dinius, Dixon, Dobbins, Dodge, Donaldson, Donnelly, Doolittle, Dority, Dorr, Dorrance, Doty, Dougharty, Dougherty, Douglass, Dow, Doyle, Drake, Draper, Dresser, Drew, Driver, Drown, DuBois, Dudley, Dufresne, Dunbar, Dunham, Dunklee, Durkee, Dustin, Dwinnell, Dyer, Dymon, Eaglin, Early, Eastman, Easton, Eaton, Eddy, Edes, Edgett, Edmunds, Edson, Elder, Eliott, Elkins, Elliott, Ellis, Ellison, Elmer, Elson, Elwin, Elwood, Ely, Emerson, Emery, Emmerton, Emmons, Emory, Engle, Errington, Erwin, Esterbrook, Estes, Esty, Evans, Eveland, Everett, Everst, Eybret, Fairbanks, Fairbrother, Fairfield, Falcke, Fales, Farley, Farmer, Farnham, Farnum, Farr, Farrington, Farwell, Faulkner, Faxon, Fay, Fellows, Ferguson, Fernald, Ferris, Fessenden, Field, Fields, Fife, Fink, Fish, Fisher, Fisk, Fitzgerald, Fleming, Fletcher, Flint, Flood, Flower, Floyd, Fogg, Follet, Folsom, Fonda, Foose, Foote, Forbes, Ford, Forrester, Foster, Fowle, Fowler, Fox, Franklin, Frazer, Frazier, Free, Freeman, French, Friend, Frisbee, Frissell, Frost, Frye, Fuller, Fultz, Gage, Gamble, Gammon, Gardener, Gardner, Garfield, Garlock, Garrott, Gatcomb, Gates, Gaylord, Geddis, Gee, Geel, Geer, George, Georke, Gerrish, Gibbs, Gibson, Giddings, Gifford, Gilbert, Gile, Gilkey, Gillis, Gilman, Gilmore, Gilpatrick, Girdler, Glasey, Gleason, Glover, Goff, Goodell, Goodrich, Goodsell, Goodwin, Gordon, Goss, Gott, Gould, Graham, Granger, Grant, Graves, Gray, Greeley, Green, Greenleaf, Gregory, Gridley, Griffin, Griggs, Grindle, Griswold, Groshong, Gross, Grosvener, Grosvenor, Grout, Grover, Groves, Grow, Guild, Guilder, Guilford, Gunn, Guptill, Guy, Hackett, Hadley, Haines, Hale, Hall, Hallett, Hallock, Halstead, Ham, Hamill, Hamlet, Hamlin, Hammond, Hancock, Hanscom, Hansen, Hanson, Hapagood, Hapgood, Haraden, Harden, Harding, Harford, Harker, Harmon, Harp, Harrell, Harriman, Harrington, Harris, Hart, Hartrock, Hartshorn, Hartt, Harvey, Haseltine, Haskell, Hastings, Hatch, Hathaway, Hawes, Hawkes, Hawkins, Hawley, Hay, Hayes, Haynes, Hayward, Hazard, Head, Heald, Heath, Hedden, Hency, Hendley, Hendrick, Hendricks, Herbert, Herrick, Hess, Hibbard, Hibner, Hickman, Hicks, Higgins, Hildreth, Hilhard, Hill, Hiller, Hilliard, Hills, Hillyer, Hilton, Hinckley, Hines, Hitchcock, Hitchings, Hoadley, Hodgden, Hodge, Hodges, Hodgman, Hoitt, Holbrook, Holcomb, Holden, Holland, Hollenbeck, Holman, Holmes, Holt, Holton, Holyoke, Holznagle, Homan, Homer, Hood, Hooke, Hooper, Hope, Hopkins, Hopper, Horne, Horton, Hortou, Hotaling, Hough, Houghtaling, Houghton, Houston, Hovey, How, Howard, Howe, Howland, Howlett, Hoyt, Hubbard, Huckins, Hudson, Huested, Hughson, Hull, Humeston, Humphrey, Hunt, Hunter, Huntington, Hutchins, Hutchinson, Huten, Hyde, Ingell, Ingersol, Ingersoll, Ingeson, Ingham, Inman, Ireson, Jackman, Jacobs, Jacoy, James, Jameson, Janes, Japp, Jarvis, Jayne, Jencks, Jenkins, Jenness, Jennie, Jennings, Jewell, Jewett, Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Jose, Joseph, Joy, Kadell, Keiser, Kelham, Kelley, Kellum, Kelly, Kelsey, Kelton, Kemp, Kendrick, Kennedy, Kenney, Kent, Kibben, Kilborn, Kilts, Kimball, King, Kinne, Kinney, Kirkland, Kittle, Kittredge, Klinefilter, Kling, Knapp, Knight, Knights, Knowles, Knowlton, Kollman, Kurtz, Ladd, Laine, Lake, Lamb, Lamson, Lancaster, Lane, Lanpher, Lantridge, Larabee, Larkin, Larrabee, Lary, Laughlin, Lawrence, Lawson, Lawton, Leach, Leamnon, Lee, Leete, Leighton, Leland, Leonard, Lerving, Lewis, Libby, Lincoln, Lindsay, Linton, Little, Littlefield, Livermore, Locke, Lockwood, Long, Longfellow, longley, Loomis, Lord, Loring, Losee, Lougee, Louks, Love, Loveitt, Lovejoy, Loveland, Lovering, Low, Lowell, Lucas, Luce, Luddin, Lufkin, Lum, Lummus, Lundy, Lye, Lyman, lynch, Lyon, Mabey, Mabie, MacBain, MacClaurin, Macdonald, MacKean, Mackey, Maddox, Magee, Magrath, Maiten, Manchester, Mann, Manning, Mansfield, Manson, Marble, March, Marcy, Market, Marks, Marsh, Marshall, Marston, Martin, Martinson, Marvin, Mason, Masse, Massy, Mastin, Mathews, Mating, Matteson, Mavery, May, Mayberry, Maynard, McAlister, McCall, McCarlie, McCaslin, McCauley, McClelland, McDermott, McDonald, McDowell, McGaffey, McIntire, McKenty, McKibben, McLean, McWain, Mead, Medhurst, Meecham, Meeker, Meers, Melvin, Merrill, Merritt, Messier, Metcalf, Mickle, Middleton, Milbury, Miles, Miller, Milliken, Miltimore, Miner, Minor, Mitchell, Montgomery, Moon, Moony, Moore, Moorehouse, Moores, Moot, Morgan, Morrison, Morse, Morton, Moseley, Mosher, Moslem, Mosley, Moter, Moulton, Mount, Mudge, Mudgett, Munn, Munroe, Murphy, Murray, Murry, Myers, Myrick, Neiger, Nelson, Nevins, Newcomb, Newhall, Newman, Newton, Nichols, Niles, Noble, Noonan, Norris, North, Northup, Norton, Norwood, Nowell, Noyes, Nutting, Oatman, Ober, Odbert, Odell, ODonnel, Ogden, Ogier, Orcutt, Ordway, Orlendorf, Orne, Osgood, Owen, Owens, Page, Paine, Palmer, Parker, Parmelee, Parrot, Parrott, Parshall, Parsons, Patrick, Pattee, Patterson, Paul, Payne, Peabody, Pearson, Pearsons, Peary, Pease, Peaslee, Pecker, Pelley, Penn, Pennock, Perkins, Perley, Perry, Person, Peter, Peters, Pettes, Pettibone, Pfaffman, Phelps, Phillips, Pickering, Pierce, Pierpent, Pike, Pillsbury, Pinkham, Piper, Pitcher, Pitman, Pitt, Ploss, Pluche, Poland, Pollard, Pomeroy, Pool, Poole, Poor, Pope, Porter, Potter, Powell, Powers, Pratt, Preble, Prentiss, Prescott, Pressey, Preston, Price, Priest, Prince, Prine, Proctor, Prosser, Prout, Pullen, Purington, Putnam, Questrom, Quick, Rafter, Rand, Randall, Randlett, Rankin, Ranney, Raymond, Reader, Record, Reed, Reeder, Reese, Reeve, Reid, Remick, Renton, Reynolds, Rhodes, Rice, Rich, Richards, Richardson, Richmond, Richson, Riddell, Ridden, Rideout, Rider, Ridgeway, Riley, Rix, Robbins, Roberts, Robillard, Robinson, Roby, Rockerfellow, Rockwood, Rodenwald, Roe, Rogers, Rollins, Rood, Root, Roundy, Rouse, Rowe, Rowland, Roy, Royce, Rugg, Ruggles, Rundell, Russell, Rutherford, Sabin, Safford, Sage, Salisbury, Sammis, Sanborn, Sargent, Sarvay, Saunders, Saville, Sawin, Sawyer, Scales, Scammons, Schatzman, Schofield, Schuyler, Scofield, Scott, Scottow, Scouton, Scranton, Scribner, Searle, Seavey, Seibor, Semor, Sessions, Severance, Sewell, Shannon, Sharpe, Shatswell, Shattuck, Shaw, Shedd, Shekel, Sheldon, Shepard, Shepley, Sherlock, Sherman, Sherwin, Shipper, Shirrell, Shook, Short, Showen, Shurtleff, Sighmy, Silsbee, Silsby, Simmons, Simpson, Sims, Sinclair, Sinsbaugh, Sisson, Sitterby, Skinner, Slater, Sleeper, Sleppy, Slingerland, Sly, Small, Smith, Snell, Snow, Snyder, Soden, Soles, Sorensen, Soule, Southard, Southworth, Spalding, Sparhawk, Sparrow, Spaulding, Spear, Spencer, Spicer, Spickerman, Spofford, Sprague, Spurgeon, Squires, Stacey, Stacy, Stafford, Staley, Stanbach, Stanley, Stanton, Stark, Starkweather, Starr, Stearns, Stedman, Steele, Stephenson, Stetson, Stevens, Stewart, Stickney, Stiler, Stiles, Stimson, Stocker, Stockwell, Stoddard, Stone, Stoner, Storrs, Story, Stratton, Strouthers, Stuart, Styles, Sullivan, Summers, Sumner, Sutton, Swan, Swartout, Sweatland, Sweet, Swisher, Symonds, Taft, Taggart, Talbot, Tanner, Tapley, Tappan, Tarbell, Tarr, Taylor, Tenney, Terrington, Terry, Tew, Tewksbury, Thayer, Thomas, Thompson, Thorn, Thorndike, Thorne, Thorp, Thurston, Tiffany, Tifft, Tilley, Tillottson, Timmerman, Tinker, Tisdale, Todd, Tompkins, Tooker, Torch, Torrey, Tower, Townsend, Tracy, Trafton, Traill, Trask, Traux, Traver, Treadwell, Tredwell, Trescott, Trevett, Tripp, Trow, True, Trull, Trundy, Trussell, Tucker, Turner, Tuttle, Twaddle, Twiss, Tyler, Udell, Underhill, Underwood, Upham, Upton, Urann, Usher, Utley, Valentine, Valleth, Van Allen, Van Ettan, Van Grosbeck, Van Lew, Van Name, Van Walker, Vanarsdale, Vandewarker, Varney, Vasey, Vaughan, Vedder, Vegas, Verplank, Vickery, Vincent, Viport, Virtue, Vosburg, Wadsworth, Wagner, Waite, Waitt, Walby, Walker, Wallace, Walters, Wandell, Wanzer, Ward, Warden, Ware, Warner, Warren, Warriner, Washburn, Watrous, Watson, Watt, Watterman, Watts, Way, Weatherbee, Weaver, Webb, Webster, Weeks, Weierwiller, Weizel, Welch, Wellington, Wells, Wendall, Wentworth, West, Westbrook, Westervelt, Weston, Wetherbee, Wheat, Wheeler, Whipple, Whitcomb, White, Whitfield, Whitford, Whiting, Whitman, Whitney, Whittemore, Whitten, Whittier, Wicker, Wiers, Wilber, Wilcox, Wilder, Wiley, Wilkinson, Willard, Willett, Willey, Williams, Willis, Wills, Willson, Wilson, Winans, Winchell, Windsor, Winegard, Wing, Wingate, Winslow, Winston, Winthrop, Witham, Witherell, Witherton, Withey, Wood, Woodard, Woodcock, Woodell, Woodman, Woodruff, Woods, Woodstock, Woodward, Wool, Wooley, Wooster, Worcester, Worden, Wordsworth, Wormstead, Worth, Worthan, Worthen, Wrann, Wray, Wright, Wyman, Yeaton, Yelyea, Yeomans, Young, Zering, ,

Abbott, Adams, Additon, Adle, Aexander, Ainley, Ainsworth, Alden, Aldrich, Allen, Alley, Allin, Allison, Amsden, Anderson, Andrews, Anthony, Appley, Arey, Arms, Arnold, Ashley, Ashton, Atherton, Atkins, Attwill, Atwater, Atwood, Austin, Averill, Avery, Ayer, Ayers, Babb, Bachelder, Bacon, Badau, Bagley, Bailey, Baker, Ball, Ballentine, Ballou, Balon, Bancroft, Barbee, Barber, Bardwell, Barger, Barker, Barnes, Barney, Barnhouse, Barrett, Barry, Bartholomew, Bartlett, Barwood, Basford, Bass, Bassett, Bassford, Batchelder, Baxter, Beach, Beal, Beale, Beane, Beaser, Beaton, Beck, Beckett, Bedore, Beebe, Beeker, Beeman, Beers, Belknap, Bell, Benedict, Benjamin, Bennett, Benson, Bentley, Berkley, Berry, Bessom, Bickford, Biddle, Bigelow, Bill, Billings, Bingham, Binnel, Binney, Bishop, Bitnar, Bixby, Black, Blackford, Blackler, Blaisdell, Blake, Blakiston, Blanchard, Blanding, Blaney, Bliss, Blodgett, Blood, Boardman, Bodwell, Bogne, Bonner, Boomhower, Booth, Borthwick, Bortle, Bosworth, Botham, Botolph, Boughton, Bourn, Bowden, Bowen, Bowers, Bowing, Bowker, Bowles, Bowman, Bowser, Boyden, Boyle, Boynton, Brackett, Bradford, Bradley, Bradstreet, Brady, Bragdon, Bragg, Brandow, Brazer, Bream, Breed, Breese, Brent, Brewer, Brewster, Bridgeo, Bridgham, Brigden, Briggs, Brigham, Bright, Brimmer, Brinimer, Bristol, Briton, Brockway, Brooke, Brooker, Brooks, Brown, Bryant, Buck, Buel, Buffum, Bugbee, Bullen, Bullock, Bump, Bunker, Burbank, Burdick, Burea, Burgess, Burke, Burleigh, Burlingham, Burn, Burnett, Burney, Burnham, Burns, Burr, Burrill, Burrow, Burrows, Burt, Burton, Burtt, Bush, Buss, Buswell, Butler, Butterfield, Button, Buttrick, Butts, Buyea, Cadwell, Caldwell, Call, Cameron, Campbell, Capps, Capron, Card, Carey, Carlisle, Carlton, Carman, Carpenter, Carr, Carrier, Carsley, Carter, Cartland, Carver, Case, Cass, Castle, Caswell, Cate, Chace, Chaddock, Chaffee, Chamberlin, Chambers, Champlin, Chandler, Chapin, Chaplin, Chapman, Charles, Chase, Chatman, Chatsey, Chauncey, Cheesbro, Cheney, Cherrytree, Chesboro, Chesbro, Cheseborongh, Chesman, Chester, Chickering, Child, Childs, Chittenden, Choate, Church, Cilley, Claflin, Clapp, Clarence, Clark, Clarke, Cleaves, Clement, Clements, Cleveland, Clifford, Clinklingbeard, Cloon, Cloud, Cloudman, Clough, Clow, Coates, Cobb, Coburn, Coffing, Coggins, Cogswell, Colbeth, Colburn, Colby, Colcord, Cole, Collins, Combs, Comstock, Conary, Connell, Connor, Conrad, Conway, Cook, Cooley, Coombs, Cooper, Coops, Copling, Copp, Copper, Corbin, Corey, Cornell, Corner, Cornish, Cottle, Cotton, Coughlin, Countryman, Cousens, Cowell, Cox, Crabtree, Craft, Crafts, Craig, Craiger, Crain, Cram, Cran, Crandall, Crane, Cranwell, Crawford, Crayton, Cresy, Crippen, Crocker, Crombie, Cronley, Crosby, Cross, Crout, Crowe, Crowley, Crumb, Cummings, Cunningham, Currier, Curtice, Curtis, Curwen, Cushman, Cutler, Cutter, Cytithia, Daggett, Dahim, Dake, Dakin, Dalphin, Dame, Dandley, Dane, Daniels, Dart, Davidson, Davis, Davy, Dawes, Dawson, Day, De La Mater, Dean, Dearborn, Deethe, Dego, DeGrase, Delano, Delora, Demming, Denis, Dennis, Dennison, Deshon, Desirudie, Devereux, Dexter, Diamond, Diamont, Dickerson, Didrick, Dight, Dinius, Dixon, Dobbins, Dodge, Donaldson, Donnelly, Doolittle, Dority, Dorr, Dorrance, Doty, Dougharty, Dougherty, Douglass, Dow, Doyle, Drake, Draper, Dresser, Drew, Driver, Drown, Dubois, Dudley, Dufresne, Dunbar, Dunham, Dunklee, Durkee, Dustin, Dwinnell, Dyer, Dymon, Eaglin, Early, Eastman, Easton, Eaton, Eddy, Edes, Edgett, Edmunds, Edson, Elder, Eliott, Elkins, Elliott, Ellis, Ellison, Elmer, Elson, Elwin, Elwood, Ely, Emerson, Emery, Emmerton, Emmons, Emory, Engle, Errington, Erwin, Esterbrook, Estes, Esty, Evans, Eveland, Everett, Everst, Eybret, Fairbanks, Fairbrother, Fairfield, Falcke, Fales, Farley, Farmer, Farnham, Farnum, Farr, Farrington, Farwell, Faulkner, Faxon, Fay, Fellows, Ferguson, Fernald, Ferris, Fessenden, Field, Fields, Fife, Fink, Fish, Fisher, Fisk, Fitzgerald, Fleming, Fletcher, Flint, Flood, Flower, Floyd, Fogg, Follet, Folsom, Fonda, Foose, Foote, Forbes, Ford, Forrester, Foster, Fowle, Fowler, Fox, Franklin, Frazer, Frazier, Free, Freeman, French, Friend, Frisbee, Frissell, Frost, Frye, Fuller, Fultz, Gage, Gamble, Gammon, Gardener, Gardner, Garfield, Garlock, Garrott, Gatcomb, Gates, Gaylord, Geddis, Gee, Geel, Geer, George, Georke, Gerrish, Gibbs, Gibson, Giddings, Gifford, Gilbert, Gile, Gilkey, Gillis, Gilman, Gilmore, Gilpatrick, Girdler, Glasey, Gleason, Glover, Goff, Goodell, Goodrich, Goodsell, Goodwin, Gordon, Goss, Gott, Gould, Graham, Granger, Grant, Graves, Gray, Greeley, Green, Greenleaf, Gregory, Gridley, Griffin, Griggs, Grindle, Griswold, Groshong, Gross, Grosvener, Grosvenor, Grout, Grover, Groves, Grow, Guild, Guilder, Guilford, Gunn, Guptill, Guy, Hackett, Hadley, Haines, Hale, Hall, Hallett, Hallock, Halstead, Ham, Hamill, Hamlet, Hamlin, Hammond, Hancock, Hanscom, Hansen, Hanson, Hapagood, Hapgood, Haraden, Harden, Harding, Harford, Harker, Harmon, Harp, Harrell, Harriman, Harrington, Harris, Hart, Hartrock, Hartshorn, Hartt, Harvey, Haseltine, Haskell, Hastings, Hatch, Hathaway, Hawes, Hawkes, Hawkins, Hawley, Hay, Hayes, Haynes, Hayward, Hazard, Head, Heald, Heath, Hedden, Hency, Hendley, Hendrick, Hendricks, Herbert, Herrick, Hess, Hibbard, Hibner, Hickman, Hicks, Higgins, Hildreth, Hilhard, Hill, Hiller, Hilliard, Hills, Hillyer, Hilton, Hinckley, Hines, Hitchcock, Hitchings, Hoadley, Hodgden, Hodge, Hodges, Hodgman, Hoitt, Holbrook, Holcomb, Holden, Holland, Hollenbeck, Holman, Holmes, Holt, Holton, Holyoke, Holznagle, Homan, Homer, Hood, Hooke, Hooper, Hope, Hopkins, Hopper, Horne, Horton, Hortou, Hotaling, Hough, Houghtaling, Houghton, Houston, Hovey, How, Howard, Howe, Howland, Howlett, Hoyt, Hubbard, Huckins, Hudson, Huested, Hughson, Hull, Humeston, Humphrey, Hunt, Hunter, Huntington, Hutchins, Hutchinson, Huten, Hyde, Ingalls, Ingell, Ingersol, Ingersoll, Ingeson, Ingham, Inman, Ireson, Jackman, Jacobs, Jacoy, James, Jameson, Janes, Japp, Jarvis, Jayne, Jencks, Jenkins, Jenness, Jennie, Jennings, Jewell, Jewett, Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Jose, Joseph, Joy, Kadell, Keiser, Kelham, Kelley, Kellum, Kelly, Kelsey, Kelton, Kemp, Kendrick, Kennedy, Kenney, Kent, Kibben, Kilborn, Kilts, Kimball, King, Kinne, Kinney, Kirkland, Kittle, Kittredge, Klinefilter, Kling, Knapp, Knight, Knights, Knowles, Knowlton, Kollman, Kurtz, Ladd, Laine, Lake, Lamb, Lamson, Lancaster, Lane, Lanpher, Lantridge, Larabee, Larkin, Larrabee, Lary, Laughlin, Lawrence, Lawson, Lawton, Leach, Leamnon, Lee, Leete, Leighton, Leland, Leonard, Lerving, Lewis, Libby, Lincoln, Lindsay, Linton, Little, Littlefield, Livermore, Locke, Lockwood, Long, Longfellow, Longley, Loomis, Lord, Loring, Losee, Lougee, Louks, Love, Loveitt, Lovejoy, Loveland, Lovering, Low, Lowell, Lucas, Luce, Luddin, Lufkin, Lum, Lummus, Lundy, Lye, Lyman, Lynch, Lyon, Mabey, Mabie, MacBain, Macdonald, MacKean, Mackey, Maddox, Magee, Magrath, Maiten, Manchester, Mann, Manning, Mansfield, Manson, Marble, March, Marcy, Market, Marks, Marsh, Marshall, Marston, Martin, Martinson, Marvin, Mason, Masse, Massy, Mastin, Mathews, Mating, Matteson, Mavery, May, Mayberry, Maynard, McAlister, McCall, McCarlie, McCaslin, McCauley, McClelland, McDermott, McDonald, McDowell, McGaffey, McIntire, McKenty, McKibben, McLean, McWain, Mead, Medhurst, Meecham, Meeker, Meers, Melvin, Merrill, Merritt, Messier, Metcalf, Mickle, Middleton, Miles, Miller, Milliken, Miltimore, Miner, Minor, Mitchell, Montgomery, Moon, Moore, Moorehouse, Moores, Moot, Morgan, Morrison, Morse, Morton, Moseley, Mosher, Moslem, Mosley, Moulton, Mount, Mudge, Mudgett, Munn, Munroe, Murphy, Murray, Murry, Myers, Myrick, Nelson, Nevins, Newcomb, Newhall, Newman, Newton, Nichols, Niles, Noble, Noonan, Norris, North, Northup, Norton, Norwood, Nowell, Noyes, Nutting, Oatman, Ober, Odbert, Odell, Ogden, Ogier, Orcutt, Ordway, Orlendorf, Orne, Osgood, Owen, Owens, Page, Paine, Palmer, Parker, Parmelee, Parrot, Parrott, Parshall, Parsons, Patrick, Pattee, Patterson, Paul, Payne, Peabody, Pearson, Pearsons, Peary, Pease, Peaslee, Pecker, Pelley, Penn, Pennock, Perkins, Perley, Perry, Person, Peter, Peters, Pettes, Pettibone, Pfaffman, Phelps, Phillips, Pickering, Pierce, Pierpent, Pike, Pillsbury, Pinkham, Piper, Pitcher, Pitman, Pitt, Ploss, Pluche, Poland, Pollard, Pomeroy, Pool, Poole, Poor, Pope, Porter, Potter, Powell, Powers, Pratt, Preble, Prentiss, Prescott, Pressey, Preston, Price, Priest, Prince, Prine, Proctor, Prosser, Prout, Pullen, Purington, Putnam, Questrom, Quick, Rand, Randall, Randlett, Rankin, Ranney, Raymond, Reader, Record, Reed, Reeder, Reese, Reeve, Reid, Remick, Reynolds, Rhodes, Rice, Rich, Richards, Richardson, Richmond, Riddell, Rideout, Rider, Ridgeway, Riley, Robbins, Roberts, Robillard, Robinson, Roby, Rockwood, Roe, Rogers, Rollins, Rood, Root, Roundy, Rouse, Rowe, Rowland, Roy, Royce, Rugg, Ruggles, Rundell, Russell, Rutherford, Sabin, Safford, Sage, Salisbury, Sanborn, Sargent, Sarvay, Saunders, Saville, Sawin, Sawyer, Scales, Scammons, Schatzman, Schofield, Schuyler, Scofield, Scott, Scottow, Scouton, Scranton, Scribner, Searle, Seavey, Seibor, Semor, Sessions, Severance, Sewell, Shannon, Sharpe, Shatswell, Shattuck, Shaw, Shedd, Shekel, Sheldon, Shepard, Shepley, Sherlock, Sherman, Sherwin, Shipper, Shirrell, Shook, Short, Showen, Shurtleff, Sighmy, Silsbee, Silsby, Simmons, Simpson, Sims, Sinclair, Sinsbaugh, Sisson, Sitterby, Skinner, Slater, Sleeper, Sleppy, Slingerland, Sly, Small, Smith, Snell, Snow, Snyder, Soden, Soles, Sorensen, Soule, Southard, Southworth, Spalding, Sparhawk, Sparrow, Spaulding, Spear, Spencer, Spicer, Spickerman, Spofford, Sprague, Spurgeon, Squires, Stacey, Stacy, Stafford, Staley, Stanley, Stanton, Stark, Starkweather, Starr, Stearns, Stedman, Steele, Stephenson, Stetson, Stevens, Stewart, Stickney, Stiler, Stiles, Stimson, Stocker, Stockwell, Stoddard, Stone, Stoner, Storrs, Story, Stratton, Strouthers, Stuart, Styles, Sullivan, Summers, Sumner, Sutton, Swan, Swartout, Sweatland, Sweet, Swisher, Symonds, Taft, Taggart, Talbot, Tanner, Tapley, Tappan, Tarbell, Tarr, Taylor, Tenney, Terrington, Terry, Tew, Thayer, Thomas, Thompson, Thorn, Thorndike, Thorne, Thorp, Thurston, Tiffany, Tifft, Tilley, Tillottson, Timmerman, Tinker, Tisdale, Todd, Tompkins, Tooker, Torch, Torrey, Tower, Townsend, Tracy, Trafton, Traill, Trask, Traux, Traver, Treadwell, Tredwell, Trescott, Trevett, Tripp, Trow, True, Trull, Trundy, Trussell, Tucker, Turner, Tuttle, Twiss, Tyler, Udell, Underhill, Underwood, Upham, Upton, Urann, Usher, Utley, Valentine, Valleth, Van Allen, Van Ettan, Van Lew, Van Name, Van Walker, Vanarsdale, Vandewarker, Varney, Vasey, Vaughan, Vedder, Vegas, Verplank, Vickery, Vincent, Viport, Virtue, Vosburg, Wadsworth, Wagner, Waite, Waitt, Walby, Walker, Wallace, Walters, Wandell, Wanzer, Ward, Warden, Ware, Warner, Warren, Warriner, Washburn, Watrous, Watson, Watt, Watterman, Watts, Way, Weatherbee, Weaver, Webb, Webster, Weeks, Weierwiller, Weizel, Welch, Wellington, Wells, Wendall, Wentworth, West, Westbrook, Westervelt, Weston, Wetherbee, Wheat, Wheeler, Whipple, Whitcomb, White, Whitfield, Whitford, Whiting, Whitman, Whitney, Whittemore, Whitten, Whittier, Wicker, Wiers, Wilber, Wilcox, Wilder, Wiley, Wilkinson, Willard, Willett, Willey, Williams, Willis, Wills, Willson, Wilson, Winans, Winchell, Windsor, Winegard, Wing, Wingate, Winslow, Winston, Winthrop, Witham, Witherell, Witherton, Withey, Wood, Woodard, Woodcock, Woodell, Woodman, Woodruff, Woods, Woodstock, Woodward, Wool, Wooley, Wooster, Worcester, Worden, Wordsworth, Wormstead, Worth, Worthan, Worthen, Wrann, Wray, Wright, Wyman, Yeaton, Yeomans, Young, Zering,

Lynn Massachusetts,


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