Ishman Rowland Williams
Capt., Inf., Co. C, 3rd Div., 7th Regt.; of Harnett County; son of Marshall McD. and Mrs. Mary L. H. Williams. Entered service Aug. 27, 1917, at Dunn, N.C. Sent to Ft. Oglethorpe, transferred to Camp Greene. Sailed for France April 6, 1918. Promoted to rank of 2nd Lt. Oct. 26, 1917; 1st Lt. Nov. 13, 1918; to Capt. May 10, 1919. Fought at Aisne defensive June 2 to 6, 1918; Bois De Belleau June 15th to 21st; Marne defensive and Aisne-Marne offensives July 8 to 23, 1918. Wounded at Aisne-Marne offensive July 23 by shell, one pounder explosion. Sent … Read more