Richard Dexter Genealogy, 1642-1904

Arms of Dexter

Being a history of the descendants of Richard Dexter of Malden, Massachusetts, from the notes of John Haven Dexter and original researches. Richard Dexter, who was admitted an inhabitant of Boston (New England), Feb. 28, 1642, came from within ten miles of the town of Slane, Co. Meath, Ireland, and belonged to a branch of that family of Dexter who were descendants of Richard de Excester, the Lord Justice of Ireland. He, with his wife Bridget, and three or more children, fled to England from the great Irish Massacre of the Protestants which commenced Oct. 27, 1641. When Richard Dexter and family left England and by what vessel, we are unable to state, but he could not have remained there long, as we know he was living at Boston prior to Feb. 28, 1642.

Families of Ancient New Haven

Four Corners New Haven Connecticut

The Families of Ancient New Haven compilation includes the families of the ancient town of New Haven, covering the present towns of New Haven, East Haven, North Haven, Hamden, Bethany, Woodbridge and West Haven. These families are brought down to the heads of families in the First Census (1790), and include the generation born about 1790 to 1800. Descendants in the male line who removed from this region are also given, if obtainable, to about 1800, unless they have been adequately set forth in published genealogies.

Mt. Olive Baptist Church Cemetery, Cass County, Illinois

Mount Olive Cemetery, Cass County, Illinois

The Mt. Olive Baptist Church Cemetery is located about halfway (approx. 7 miles each way) between Chandlerville and Oakford, Illinois. It is located at the intersection of the Chandlerville-Oakford Road and Pontiac Road. Look for Mt. Olive Baptist Church. This is a transcription of the cemetery.

Vanderburgh County Indiana Will Abstracts, 1821-1873

Sample Last Will and Testament

Abstracts of over 600 wills for Vanderburgh County, Indiana, extracted by Mrs. Arthur C. Bitterman. Book A was typed by Mrs. James A. Gentry, book B typed by Mrs. Marvin J. Huff, and published as one by the Vanderburgh Chapter of the DAR. Book A primarily covers wills written or filed within the time period of 1823-1849 and book B includes the years of 1849-1873. In both cases there are wills that fall outside those dates.

Biography of W. B. D. Newman

W.B.D. NEWMAN. – This well-known pioneer and veteran of the Indian wars comes of primitive stock of old Virginia, where the English family settled on the south bank of the Potomac, and where the father of our subject was born in 1793, and grew up to be a stout defender of the young American republic in the war of 1812. The mother, Matilda Downing, was also of Virginia, having come from that state to Kentucky. William was born in 1827 in the latter state, and two years later accompanied his parents to Ohio. Meeting with the loss of his mother … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward E. Newman

Newman, Edward E.; banker; born, Cleveland, Aug. 10, 1880; son of Herman and Julia C. Henkel Newman; educated, Cleveland public and high schools; married, Cleveland July 8, 1899, Helen Mae Thayer; asst. see ‘y The Cleveland Trust Co.; director The Ohio Quarries Co.; director and treas. F. H. Dembren, Safety Vault & Building Co., and the Webster Safe Deposit Co.; member Athletic Club.

Read Family of Massachusetts

Alex. Read

(I) John Read, supposed son of William and Lucy (Henage) Read, was born in 1598, and it is said came to America with the great fleet in 1630. He is of record in 1637 in Weymouth, was in Dorchester the next year, and went from there to that part of Braintree now Quincy. In 1643 or 1644 he accompanied Rev. Mr. Newman and his church society to Rehoboth, where his name appears the third on the list of purchasers of the town. He was a man of large property for those times, and held the office of constable, which was … Read more

Henry County Alabama Biographies

Hon Robert H. Walker

These 59 people who once resided in Henry County, Alabama, have had biographical details published online or in book form. Please click on their names to view the biographies available for each of them. Aycock, William B. Baker, Joseph Beach, Henry M. Bradley, William E. Capps, William Jefferson Crawford, A. C. Crawford, James R. Crawford, James W. Darby, John Isaac Dawsey, John F. Dawsey, Thomas J. Drewry, John W. Espy, John Jolly Espy, Joseph S. Espy, Thomas M. Forrester, B. A. Foster, John Webb Fowler, J. L., Dr. Gordon, Alexander C. Helton, James Herring, Bright W. Holley, Francis M. Irwin, … Read more

Newman, A. J. Mrs. – Obituary

La Grande, Union County, Oregon The death of Mrs. A.J. Newman occurred at her home in La Grande Saturday morning after a long and painful sickness, the result of an accident. The deceased was aged about forty-six years and leaves a husband and daughter in bereavement. The funeral took place Saturday afternoon. Eastern Oregon Republican Wednesday, December 26, 1894

1910 Quapaw Census

1910 Quapaw Census (1)

Pages of the 1910 Quapaw Census. Contains table showing the previous roll number, current roll number, Indian name if given, English name if given, Relationship, Age, and Sex. Also contains the original images of the census.

Sevier County 1830 Tennessee Census

1830 Sevier County Census transcription

Published in Knoxville, Tennessee in 1956 and distributed by the Genealogical Publishing Company of Baltimore, Maryland, Sevier County, Tennessee: Population Schedule of the United States Census of 1830 (Fifth Census) provides a transcription of the often difficult to read, 1830 Sevier County Tennessee census. Authored by Blanche C. McMahon and Pollyanna Creekmore, this meticulous reproduction of the original census record sheds light on the people of Sevier County in 1830.

Kansas Registrations of Enemy Aliens, 1917 – 1921

Enemy Alien Registration Affidavit for Bernhardt Vick - Cropped Photo

The series contains original affidavits of registration that record personal information about each registrant, their photograph affixed to the majority of documents, and the registrants fingerprints. All of these are specific to Kansas, and most have the actual documents attached.

Biography of Robert C. Newman

Robert C. Newman of St. Louis, special representative of the Missouri State Life Insurance Company, associated with the home office, was born January 11, 1891, in the city which is still his home. Here he was reared and in the public schools was educated, also spending one year in the Washington University… At the early age of twenty he began selling life insurance, associating himself with the Prudential Ifisurance Company, with which he remained from September, 1911, until May, 1915, and during that period he led the sales of the company throughout the United States. In 1915 Mr. Newman accepted … Read more

Slave Narrative of Mrs. Sarah Byrd

Person Interviewed: Sarah Byrd Location: Georgia Age: 95 An Interview On Slavery Obtained From Mrs. Sarah Byrd—ex-Slave Mrs. Sarah Byrd claims to be 95 years of age but the first impression one receives when looking at her is that of an old lady who is very active and possessing a sweet clear voice. When she speaks you can easily understand every word and besides this, each thought is well expressed. Often during the interview she would suddenly break out in a merry laugh as if her own thoughts amused her. Mrs. Sarah Byrd was born in Orange County Virginia the … Read more

A History of Orange County Virginia

Map of Orange County Virginia

A History of Orange County Virginia” by William Wallace Scott offers a detailed chronicle of this pivotal region from its formation in 1734 to the end of the Reconstruction era in 1870. Published in 1907, this 292-page volume encapsulates the political and social evolution of Orange County.

Biography of Malcolm Campbell Newman, M. D.

Malcolm Campbell Newman, M. D., whose work as a physician and surgeon had brought him high standing among the citizens of Toronto and over a large part of the county, moved to Toronto in 1913 from Virgil, where he had practiced for several years. Doctor Newman looks after a large general medical and surgical practice, having his offices on the main street of town, and since locating at Toronto had served as health officer. He is a member of the Woodson County and State Medical societies and the American Medical Association. Doctor Newman was born in Gentry County, Missouri, August … Read more