List of Marriages at St. Catherine Jamaica Previous to 1680
Matrimonies solemnized and confirmed at St. Catherine, Jamaica previous to 1680.
Matrimonies solemnized and confirmed at St. Catherine, Jamaica previous to 1680.
This manuscript, in its essence, is a collection of 948 biographies of prominent men and women, all leading citizens of Western Colorado. In this context, Western Colorado encompasses the counties of Archuleta, Chaffee, Delta, Eagle, Garfield, Gunnison, Hinsdale, La Plata, Lake, Mesa, Mineral, Moffat, Montezuma, Montrose, Ouray, Pitkin, Rio Blanco, Routt, San Juan, and San Miguel.
Abstracts of over 600 wills for Vanderburgh County, Indiana, extracted by Mrs. Arthur C. Bitterman. Book A was typed by Mrs. James A. Gentry, book B typed by Mrs. Marvin J. Huff, and published as one by the Vanderburgh Chapter of the DAR. Book A primarily covers wills written or filed within the time period of 1823-1849 and book B includes the years of 1849-1873. In both cases there are wills that fall outside those dates.
THOMAS BAKER. – Mr. Baker was born in Bullitt county, Kentucky, in 1832, being the son of George C. and Elizabeth Miller Baker. When he was eighteen months old his parents moved to Hancock county, Illinois. He remained in that country until the spring of 1852, being employed on his father’s farm. In the spring of this year, he started with his older brother across the plains to California, and arrived in the Golden State in August, 1852. For ten years he was actively engaged in mining, and was among the number who made the stampede to the Florence mines … Read more
Charles A. Baker of Wichita lacked only three or four months of being a native son of Kansas. He has spent practically his entire career in this state, and by close attention to his business as a plumber has built up one of the leading establishments at Wichita, and his business is registered under the state laws. He was born at Rio, Wisconsin, June 30, 1870, and it was in September of the same year that his parents moved to Arkansas City, Kansas. After a public school education, gained in Wichita, he began an apprenticeship at the plumbing trade, and … Read more
ABIJAH R. BAKER: clergyman; b. Franklin, Mass., 1805. He was pastor of the Congregational Church at Medford, Mass., in 1836, and in 1849 assumed a pastorate in Lynn; was author of many books, including “The School History of the United States”, “The Catechism Tested by the Bible”, and “O Question Book on the Sermon on the Mount”. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN: musician; b. Wenham, Mass., 1811; from 1842 to 1848 was supt. of musical instruction in the grammar schools. He introduced music into public schools of Lowell and Lawrence; became editor of Boston Musical Journal; and, from its foundation in 1857, was … Read more
Cove, Union County, Oregon Four-Year-Old Boy Passes On Robert Orien Baker, the four year old son of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Baker, passed away at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baker, at 5 o’clock March 7th, 1922, from pneumonia. He was born near Cove, January 27, 1918, and was four years, one month and 11 days old. His mother, Mrs. R. J. Baker, was laid to rest on March 4th, and he leaves his father, a brother and sister, besides other relatives. The remains were laid to rest beside his mother in Cove cemetery at … Read more
This history of Seneca County New York Press as transcribed from the History of Seneca Co., New York by Morrison in 1876. Provides a history of the printing industry in Seneca up until 1875.
Mrs. Sarah Baker died at her home near Wallowa on Monday, July 29th, having just passed her 76th birthday. She was buried from the Baptist church in Enterprise on July 30th. Rev. Loree of this place had charge of the service. Mrs. Asa Hulse of this city was a granddaughter. Wallowa County Recorder Wednesday July 31, 1918 Mrs. Sarah Baker Goes To Her Rest Had Lived in County for 30 Years, First at Wallowa and Later on Swamp Creek. Mrs. Sarah Baker, widow of James T. Baker and a Wallowa county pioneer, died early Monday morning, July 29, 1918, at … Read more
Part of the law firm of Smith, Baker, Efller & Eastman; had issue: (1) Bessie (b. March 22, 1884); m. June 26, 1907, Frank Norton Spencer. (2) Pauline (b. Dec. 3, 1885); unm. (3) Herbert Howard (b. Sept. 24, 1888); m. 1913, Katharine Menzies Kinsey; grad. from Yale College; is at present Vice-President and Sec. of the Libbey Owens Glass Co. of Toledo. Ch.: Herbert Howard, Jr. (b. May 22, 1915), Katharine Menzies (b. Nov. 26, 1916), Richard (b. Oct. 15, 1921). (4) Marjorie (b. Sept. 8, 1898); m. Oct. 7, 1924, Aaron Barrows Cutting of Montclair, N. J. c. … Read more
The commercial interests of Moscow are well represented by William Alexander Baker, a leading and enterprising merchant, whose well directed efforts, sound judgment and reliable dealing are bringing to him a creditable and satisfactory success. For twelve years he has carried on operations in Moscow, where he deals in both new and second-hand goods. He is a native of Virginia, born in Augusta County, July 13, 1855, of Scotch-Irish descent. His grandfather, Guinn Baker, was the founder of the family in the Old Dominion, and was an industrious and respected farmer and a valued member of the Methodist church. He … Read more
An extensive collection of material relating to Autauga County Alabama genealogy, includes vital records, cemeteries, census, history, and other records.
The Baker family of Taunton, the head of which was the late Charles F. Baker, who for years was one of the successful business men of Taunton, his adopted city, esteemed and respected for his many noble qualities of mind and heart, springs from the old Swansea-Rehoboth family of the name, the progenitor of which was John Baker. Little is known of the latter save that his wife was formerly Susannah Wood, and that he died in 1767. From this (I) John Baker of Swansea and Rehoboth the descent of the late Charles F. Baker, the head of the Taunton family under consideration, is through Nathaniel, Joseph, Levi and Caleb W. Baker.
Interviewer: Mrs. Sadie Hornsby Person Interviewed: Georgia Baker Location: Athens, Georgia Georgia’s address proved to be the home of her daughter, Ida Baker. The clean-swept walks of the small yard were brightened by borders of gay colored zinnias and marigolds in front of the drab looking two-story, frame house. “Come in,” answered Ida, in response to a knock at the front door. “Yessum, Mammy’s here. Go right in dat dere room and you’ll find her.” Standing by the fireplace of the next room was a thin, very black woman engaged in lighting her pipe. A green checked gingham apron partially … Read more
The series contains original affidavits of registration that record personal information about each registrant, their photograph affixed to the majority of documents, and the registrants fingerprints. All of these are specific to Kansas, and most have the actual documents attached.
Grace Edith Baker, 69, 231 So. 79th St., and a resident of Tacoma for several years, died at the home of her daughter, Mr. C. E. Moore, Hoquiam, Tuesday [May 22, 1951] following an extended illness. She was born in Minnesota and had lived in Washington almost all of her life. She is survived by her husband, G. A. Baker, Tacoma; two daughters, Mrs. Ruth D. Hinthorne, Alderwood Manor, and Mrs. Esther Moore, Hoquiam; one son, Harold A. Baker, Tacoma, and six grandchildren. Services will be held at the chapel of the Orting Funeral Home, Saturday at 1:30 p.m. with … Read more
Rev. Robert Baker came from Tennessee to Missouri at a very early date, and was one of the first Methodist preachers in Montgomery County. He organized the first church of that de-nomination in this County, at the house of Rev. Drury Clanton, who was also a Methodist preacher. His house was situated on a branch called “Pinch,” about five miles southwest of Danville, and the church was organized in 1819. Baker was an old revolutionary soldier and drew a pension from the government, all of which he gave to his church and the Sunday-school cause. He had two sons, Jacob … Read more
Frank De Forrest Baker, a well-known farmer and lumber dealer of Plainfield, belongs to a family that came of English yeomanry stock, and has been known for centuries in England for industry, sturdiness, and reliability. The name denotes the occupation of the founder of the family. In the fifteenth century the Bakers possessed considerable property in the north of England, and were known as being thrifty, industrious, and very tenacious of their rights. In 1650 there were many of the name at Aylesbury, County of Bucks, who became followers of George Fox, the Quaker, and with him suffered imprisonment by … Read more
Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Alma Wilhelmina Eckley Baker passed away at Wallowa Memorial Hospital in Enterprise on Sunday, June 24, 1894. She was born on June 7, 1905at Joseph, daughter of Albin Max and Louise Rudger. As a young girl she grew up in the Liberty area east of Joseph and received her education at the Liberty School. She was baptized in the Lutheran Church. She started her married life with her husband, Benjamin Eckley, at Devil’s Gulch in a home in the mountains near Little Ship Creek. Ben ran two bands of sheep there and in the higher mountains. … Read more
FREE – Readable and downloadable copy of the Portrait and biographical record of Genesee, Lapeer and Tuscola counties, Michigan published in 1892.