Benjamin Kimball Chase
10. BENJAMIN KIMBALL6 CHASE (Daniel5, Moses4, Daniel3, Moses2, Aquilla1) was b. April 5. 1795. A farmer and ever res. upon his father’s estate. He d. June 16. 1842. He had m. Oct. 21, 1835, Sarah Ann Taft. b. June 9, 1815. After his death, his wid. m. March 7, 1843, Enoch F. Chellis of Plainfield, b. Aug. 9, 1815, who, after this, lived in town the remainder of his life, dying Aug. 1, 1355. Shed. Feb. 4, 1888. Children: i. DANIEL, b. July 9, 1836. Was in trade at the Flat several years and afterwards in Boston; associated with his … Read more