The genealogy and history of the Ingalls family in America

The genealogy and history of the Ingalls family in America

Edmund Ingalls, son of Robert, was born about 1598 in Skirbeck, Lincolnshire, England. He immigrated in 1628 to Salem, Massachusetts and with his brother, Francis, founded Lynn, Massachusetts in 1629. He married Ann, fathered nine children, and died in 1648.

Ponca Tribe

Chief Standing Bear

Ponca Indians. One of the five tribes of the so-called Dhegiha group of the Siouan family, forming with the Omaha, Osage, and Kansa, the upper Dhegiha or Omaha division. The Ponca and Omaha have the same language, differing only in some dialectic forms and approximating the Quapaw rather than the Kansa and Osage languages. The early history of the tribe is the same as that of the other tribes of the group, and, after the first separation, is identical with that, of the Omaha. After the migration of the combined body to the mouth of Osage river the first division of the Omaha group … Read more

Biography of Samuel Theodore Howe

Samuel Theodore Howe. Beginning in 1871, when he was appointed to a township office in Marion County, Samuel T. Howe had been engaged in the discharge of duties connected with some public and official positions practically without interruption to the present time. He first attained state wide prominence in the early ’80s when he was elected state treasurer. He had also been state railroad commissioner, and for the past ten years had been the senior commissioner of the tax commission of Kansas. He was born July 23, 1848, at Savannah, Wayne County, New York, but was reared and educated at … Read more

Abbe-Abbey Genealogy

A genealogical dictionary of the first settlers of New England vol 1

The “Abbe-Abbey Genealogy” serves as a comprehensive and meticulously compiled homage to the heritage of the Abbe and Abbey families, tracing its roots back to John Abbe and his descendants. Initiated by the life-long passion of Professor Cleveland Abbe, this genealogical exploration began in his youth and expanded throughout his illustrious career, despite numerous challenges. It encapsulates the collaborative efforts of numerous family members and researchers, including significant contributions from individuals such as Charles E. Abbe, Norah D. Abbe, and many others, each bringing invaluable insights and data to enrich the family’s narrative.

William Lewis Genealogy

Lewis Family Genealogy

Professor K. O. Thompson, author of the Lewis Family Genealogy descended the family tree through the line of Nathaniel Lewis, son of William Lewis and Mary Cheevers, for nine total generations in this free manuscript. If you descend from Nathaniel Lewis or William Lewis then this rare manuscript could be quite valuable to you.

Portrait and Biographical Record of Seneca and Schuyler Counties, NY

Portrait and Biographical Record of Seneca and Schuyler Counties New York

In this volume will be found a record of many whose lives are worthy the imitation of coming generations. It tells how some, commencing life in poverty, by industry and economy have accumulated wealth. It tells how others, with limited advantages for securing an education, have become learned men and women, with an influence extending throughout the length and breadth of the land. It tells of men who have risen from the lower walks of life to eminence as statesmen, and whose names have become famous. It tells of those in every walk in life who have striven to succeed, … Read more

Biographies of Western Nebraska

History of Western Nebraska and its People

These biographies are of men prominent in the building of western Nebraska. These men settled in Cheyenne, Box Butte, Deuel, Garden, Sioux, Kimball, Morrill, Sheridan, Scotts Bluff, Banner, and Dawes counties. A group of counties often called the panhandle of Nebraska. The History Of Western Nebraska & It’s People is a trustworthy history of the days of exploration and discovery, of the pioneer sacrifices and settlements, of the life and organization of the territory of Nebraska, of the first fifty years of statehood and progress, and of the place Nebraska holds in the scale of character and civilization. In the … Read more

1894 Michigan State Census – Eaton County

United States Soldiers of the Civil War Residing in Michigan, June 1, 1894 [ Names within brackets are reported in letters. ] Eaton County Bellevue Township. – Elias Stewart, Frank F. Hughes, Edwin J. Wood, Samuel Van Orman, John D. Conklin, Martin V. Moon. Mitchell Drollett, Levi Evans, William Fisher, William E. Pixley, William Henry Luscomb, George Carroll, Collins S. Lewis, David Crowell, Aaron Skeggs, Thomas Bailey, Andrew Day, L. G. Showerman, Hulbert Parmer, Fletcher Campbell, Lorenzo D. Fall, William Farlin, Francis Beecraft, William Caton, Servitus Tucker, William Shipp, Theodore Davis. Village of Bellevue. – William H. Latta, Thomas B. … Read more

Lord Family of Norwich Vermont

Jonathan Lord, Jr., and David Lord, the first of the name to locate in Norwich, came from Colchester, Connecticut, (in what year is not definitely known, probably about 1773). They were two of several children born to Jonathan and Ruth Lord of that place. Jonathan, Jr., was born February 17, 1752; was a voter in Norwich in 1784. He married, in October, 1782, Mary Smith, and their children were: Porter Lord. Russell Lord. John Lord. Polly Lord. Lydia Lord. John Proctor Lord Rachel Lord. Mr. Lord died at Norwich February 27, 1821. David Lord was born at Colchester August 4, … Read more

Narrative of the Captivity of Frances Noble – Indian Captivities

Narrative of the captivity of Frances Noble, who was, among others, taken by the Indians from Swan Island, in Maine, about the year 1755; compiled by John Kelly, Esq. of Concord, New Hampshire, from the minutes and memoranda of Phinehas Merrill. Esq. of Stratham, in the same state; and by the Former Gen. Tleman communicated for publication to the editors of the Historical Collections of New Hampshire.

Biographical Sketch of Charles Sumner Howe

Howe, Charles Sumner; college pres.; born, Nashua, N. H., Sept. 29, 1858; son of William R. and Susan D. Woods Howe; B. S., Massachusetts Agricultural College, and Boston University, 1878; post-graduate course, mathematics and physics, Johns Hopkins; Ph. D., University of Wooster, 1887; (Sc. D., Armour Institute Tech., Chicago, 1905; LL. D., Mt. Union College, Ohio, 1908; and Oberlin College, 1911); married, Abbie A. Waite, of North Amherst, Mass., May 22, 1882; prin. Albuquerque (N. M.), Academy, 1879-1881; prof. mathematics and astronomy, Buchtel College, 1883-1889; prof. mathematics and astronomy, 1889-1902, acting pres. 1902-1903, pres. since 1903, Case School of Applied … Read more

Howe, Catherine Bushell Tallman Large – Obituary

Mrs. Kate Tallman Howe, 77, of Marysville, died at an Everett hospital Monday [February 24, 1941]. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Daisy Bestman of Everett; four sons, William Large of Darrington, Dick and Jack Large of Hoquiam and Archie Carmichael of Everett; a brother, Richard Bushell of Seattle; two sisters, Mrs. Lydia Ross of Olympia and Mrs. Isabelle Ruchty of Bellingham; fifteen grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Funeral services for Mrs. Howe were held this Wednesday afternoon at Schaefer’s Funeral Home at Marysville, the Rev. F. L. Erickson officiating. Burial was made in Marysville Cemetery. Contributed by: Shelli … Read more

Vital records of Southborough, Massachusetts

Vital records of Southborough, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849 title page

The list of vital records of Southborough, Massachusetts, comprised in this volume includes all which were entered in the Town Books during the period from the earliest date there found to the end of the year 1849. Some additions and corrections of names and dates have been made from the records of the First Church, these being indicated in each instance by proper reference. There are a total of 6,297 births, marriages, and deaths recorded. This book is free to read or download.

Descendants of Matthew Watson of Leicester, Massachusetts

Watson Coat of arms

Matthew Watson (d. 1720), of English lineage, married Mary Orr in 1695, and in 1718 the family immigrated from Ireland to Boston, Massachusetts and settled in Leicester, Massachusetts. Descendants and relatives lived in New England, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Nebraska, Rhode Island, California, Nevada, Michigan and elsewhere. Includes Watson, Armington, Bemis, Denny, Draper, Kent, Washburn, Bailey, Barnard, Belcher, Bent, Biscoe, Bolles, Breckenridge, Bright, Browning, Bryant, Bullock, Burrage, Dennis, Fisher, Foster, Green, Hayward, Hobbs, Hodgkins, Holman, Howard, Jenks, Jones, Kellogg, Kitchell, Knight, Lazelle, Livermore, Loring, Mason, Maynard, Munger, Patrick, Prouty, Remington, Reed, Rice, Richardson, Rogers, Sadler, Sibley, Snow, Sprague, Stone, Studley, Symonds, Taitt, Thomas, Thompson, Trask, Tucker, Waite, Webster, Westcott, Wheeler, Whittermore, Wilson, Woods and related families.

Stephenson County Illinois World War 1 Veterans

Honor roll of the Great War, Stephenson County, 1917-1919

This small booklet contains all the known men and women who participated in World War 1 and claimed their home of record as Stephenson County, Illinois. By participation, this record does not limit this to soldiers, but also contains the records of those men and women who served the Red Cross, Y.M.C.A., and other non-fighting positions. This book is free to read or download.

The Waitley family in the United States

The Waitley family in the United States

“Marian Drew Waitley’s ‘The Waitley Family in the United States’, self-published in 1956, documents the lineage and historical narrative of the Waitley family, tracing back to John S. Waitley, an early ancestor from Scotland. This book leverages details from a 19th-century biographical history specific to several Iowa counties to shed light on John S. Waitley’s life, including his migration from Massachusetts to Ohio and his role as a Free-will Baptist Church minister. The narrative explores his family connections, notably a disputed link to Josiah Bartlett, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, and outlines the broader familial contributions and movements across the United States, all while addressing discrepancies in historical and genealogical records regarding familial relations.”

History of Chester, New Hampshire, including Auburn

History of Chester, New Hampshire title page

The *History of Chester, New Hampshire, Including Auburn* by John Carroll Chase, published in 1926, serves as a supplement to the original 1869 *History of Old Chester*. This work was produced in response to a desire to document events that had occurred in the town since the previous publication, as well as to cover topics that were initially omitted. While Chester had seen a decline in population and industrial activity, the book highlights notable historical and social developments. It incorporates additions to military history, church records, and gravestone inscriptions, providing a comprehensive overview of Chester and Auburn’s past.

Business Men of Northern Maine

Winn Maine - Main Street looking East

The Northern Maine, its Points of Interest and its Representative Business Men manuscript provides historical sketches of the nine towns featured within it’s embrace, as well as biographical sketches of the businesses and the men and women who owned and ran those businesses found within the towns of Houlton, Presque Isle, Caribou, Ft. Fairfield, Danforth, Lincoln, Mattawamkeag, Winn, and Kingman.

Abbott Genealogical Register

Abbott Genealogical Register

In 1847, Abiel Abbot and Ephraim Abbot compiled a comprehensive genealogical record titled “Abbott Genealogical Register,” detailing the lineage of several Abbott families originating from early New England settlers. Initially aimed to document the descendants of George Abbot, Sr. of Andover, the scope expanded to include numerous branches such as George Abbot, Jr., Thomas Abbot of Andover, Arthur Abbot of Ipswich, Robert Abbot of Branford, Ct., and George Abbot of Norwalk, Ct., among others. This volume, published by J. Munroe and Company in Boston, Massachusetts, integrates meticulously gathered data, revealing the expansive and intertwined genealogies of the Abbott families. The authors’ painstaking research and dedication to accuracy, despite challenges in data completeness, provide a valuable resource for anyone tracing the Abbott lineage or studying early American familial structures.

History of Lawrence County South Dakota

Lawrence County for the Dakota Territory Centennial, 1861-1961 title page

In celebration of the Dakota Territory Centennial, the 186-page book “Lawrence County for the Dakota Territory Centennial, 1861-1961” serves as a comprehensive guide and a treasure trove of information for genealogists and historians alike, offering a detailed exploration of Lawrence County’s rich history, culture, and development over a century. Compiled with meticulous care by editor Mildred Fielder and published by Seaton Publishing Company in 1960, this book is free to read and download.