Logan County, Kentucky Wills – Book A, with index

Will book A, Logan County, Kentucky

The wills in this book come from Book A of the Wills found at the Logan County Court house in Russellville, Kentucky. The information was extracted in 1957 by Mrs. Vick on behalf of the DAR located in Russellville. The text in this book was done with an old manual typewriter and has the usual faint and filled-in type often found with such papers. On top of the difficulty in interpreting the print from the typewriter, the scanning process was also deficient, and led to the creation of a faint digital copy exacerbating the difficult to read text.

Biography of J. Edward Cook

J. Edward Cook. Judicious and legitimate has been the advertising policy that has been utilized in the exploitation of the King Ni-Ko system for the cure of the tobacco habit, and the basis of this advertising has been proved efficacy and definite results. The system of treatment accomplishes all that is claimed for it and this fact constitutes the best of the commercial assets on which has been developed the extensive and beneficent business enterprise of which the popular and progressive proprietor is the well known citizen of Wichita whose name initiates this paragraph. Mr. Cook was born in Keokuk … Read more

Expeditions of Fowler and James to Santa Fe, 1821

General Thomas James

When Pike returned from his western expedition and related his experiences in Santa Fe and other places among the Spaniards, his accounts excited great interest in the east, which resulted in further exploits. In 1812, an expedition was undertaken by Robert McKnight, James Baird, Samuel Chambers, Peter Baum, Benjamin Shrive, Alfred Allen, Michael McDonald, William Mines, and Thomas Cook, all citizens of Missouri Territory; they were arrested by the Spaniards, charged with being in Spanish territory without a passport, and thrown into the calabazos of Chihuahua, where they were kept for nine years. In 1821, two of them escaped, and coming down Canadian and Arkansas rivers met Hugh Glenn, owner of a trading house at the mouth of the Verdigris, and told him of the wonders of Santa Fe. Inspired by the accounts of these travelers, Glenn engaged in an enterprise with Major Jacob Fowler and Captain Pryor for an expedition from the Verdigris to Santa Fe.

Cook, Mrs. Effie – Obituary

Mrs. Effie Cook Answers Call Mrs. Effie Cook passed away at the Wallowa County Hospital Sunday evening, Sept. 5, at the age of 69 years, 11 months and 26 days. Mrs. Cook was born at Summerville, Union County in 1878 to James Wesley and Sarah Jane Miller Hammack. She came to Wallowa county when a young girl and was united in marriage to G.B. Cook (who preceded her in death) Dec. 4, 1896. To this union were born three children, Roy Cook of Wallowa, Charlie Cook of Lostine, and Mrs. Earl Whitely (who also preceded her in death). Surviving are … Read more

Laura E. Todd Cook

COOK, Laura E. Todd8, (Lewis H.7, Carrington6, Daniel5, Daniel4, Daniel3, Samuel2, Christopher1,) born Dec. 18, 1847, married July 22, 1866, Arthur Cook. Children: I. Lewis A., b. July 7, 1867, d. May 24, 1869. II. Anna E., b. Jan. 10, 1869. III. J. W., b. April 21, 1871.

Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia of Chester County, PA

Title Page for Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia of Chester County Pennsylvania

Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia of Chester County, Pennsylvania – comprising a historical sketch of the county, by Samuel T. Wiley, together with more than five hundred biographical sketches of the prominent men and leading citizens of the county.

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Lee Cook

Nannie, daughter of Clark and Lydia (Smith) Swimmer, was born in the Cherokee Nation. Educated in Cherokee National schools. Married at Webbers Falls in 1898 Lee Cook. They are the parents of: Andrew, who served three months in the World war; Glenn, and Evaline Cook. Mr. Cook is a farmer.

Cook, G.L. – Obituary

Enterprise, Oregon Memorial services for George LeRoy Cook who passed away Friday, March 27, 1964 at Wallowa Memorial Hospital were conducted by the Bollman Funeral Home Tuesday at 2 p.m. at the Wallowa Christian Church, with the Rev. Frank Needles officiating. Mrs. Don Scott was organist and a group from the church choir sang: “Will There Be Any Stars” and “Beyond The Sunset.” Casket bearers were: Francis Armon, Marshall Weaver, Kenneth Weaver, Fred Gray, Frank Lindsey and Verne Hamar, and internment was in the Lostine cemetery. The deceased was the son of George B. and Effie M. Cook and was … Read more

History of Clarks Nebraska, 1865-1976

Heritage of Clarks Nebraska

We begin our story in the year 1854 when the United States Congress organized the Nebraska Territory. Four years later, a law was passed defining the boundaries of its counties and locating their county seats. Merrick County now had a name and a county seat — Elvira. To the present day no one knows the exact location of Elvira, but many pioneers believed it was located two miles southeast of Clarks. The county received its name from the wife of the Speaker of the House of Representatives. Her maiden name was Elvira Merrick. The volume “History of Nebraska” tells us … Read more

Biography of Francis H. Cook

FRANCIS H. COOK, – Mr. Cook was born in Marietta, Ohio, in 1851. He went with his parents to Iowa at the age of twelve. His father was a farmer, and have his attention to agriculture and to sawmilling; but it was decided to make a printer of the boy. He was accordingly apprenticed to work at the cases in the office of the Harrison County Union, a paper owned and edited by Judge Henry Ford, who was also sitting on the bench of the northwest district of Iowa. The journal changed proprietors quite frequently, young Cook remaining through the … Read more

Abstractions from Huron County Ohio, Will Book A

Volume A, Huron County Wills to 1852

This volume is “Abstractions from Huron County Ohio, Will Book A.” These will abstractions cover the years from 1828 to 1852. They have been taken out of order as they appeared in the original volume and sorted by name. This abstraction was done by Henry Timman of Norwalk, Ohio, in 1960.

Cook, George Bartholomew McClellen – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon “Mack” Cook Answers Call George B. McClellen Cook passed away at the Enterprise hospital Feb. 1 after a short illness. “Mack” Cook was born Feb. 27, 1862, near Dallas, Polk County, Oregon to Thomas l. and Harriet Cook who crossed the plains by ox team in 1854. He was one of ten children born to this union. The family resided in Polk County until 1878 when the father and his sons, Jerile, William, Tom (Dick) and N.J. came to Wallowa County and all located homesteads on the South fork of the Wallowa river except N.J. who … Read more

Harris Family Genealogy of East Bridgewater Massachusetts

B. W. Harris

The Harris family here briefly considered — that of some of the descendants of the late Deacon and Hon. William Harris, of East Bridgewater, who for a quarter of a century was town clerk, for several years town treasurer, and a representative in the Massachusetts General Court — is one of the ancient and honorable families of the Bridgewaters. Deacon Harris’s son, the late Hon. Benjamin Winslow Harris, lawyer, statesman and judge through nearly sixty years, had a long, useful and honored public career; and his son, Hon. Robert Orr Harris, has for thirty years held a high place at … Read more

Jennie Estella Todd Cook of North Heath MA

COOK, Jennie Estella Todd8, (Horace L.7, Lyman6, Asa5, Gershom4, Gershom3, Michael2, Christopher1), born Oct. 12, 1856, married Oct. 3, 1877, Murray Cook. They lived in North Heath, Mass. Children: I. Mary Blendenah, b. Aug. 11, 1879. II. William Shirley, b. July 15, 1882, m. June 26, 1908, Olive Bolton, of Heath, Mass. III. Eva Melinda, b. Sept. 23, 1886, m. Sept. 10, 1905, Cyrus Merrifield, of Guilford, Vt. IV. Arthur Lovell, b. Sept. 28, 1888. V. Carlton Francis, b. June 9, 1890. VI. Alice Maude, b. April 22, 1894. VII. Catherine Jennie, b. June 20, 1897, d. March 8, 1900.

Descendants of Mark Lothrop of Bridgewater MA

The Lothrop family, of which the late Frederick Lothrop Ames was a descendant on his mother’s side, is an old family of Massachusetts. The name Lowthrop, Lothrop or Lathrop is derived from Lowthrope, a small parish in the wapentake of Dickering, East Riding of Yorkshire, England, four and a half miles northeast from Great Driffield, and a perpetual curacy in the archdeaconry of York. The church there was an ancient institution, said to have been built about the time of Edward III., although there has been no institution to it since 1579.

Cook, J.A. – Obituary

Ashland, Oregon J.A. Cook Dies This Afternoon J.A. “Allie” Cook, long-time Ashland resident and owner of The Reception Pool Hall, passed away at his High Street home shortly after noon today. His death came as a result of a prolonged illness. Funeral arrangements, which will be announced later, will be in charge of the Litwiller Funeral home. Source: Daily Tidings, Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon, may 5, 1939. Contributed by: Sue Wells. Transcribed by: Gary Jaensch Note: J.A. Cook was James Alvin Cook, his parents were Thomas Richard and Nancy Josephine Hammack-Cook-King. He was born in Wallowa County, Oregon

Cook, Amanda Cox Mrs. – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Mrs. Frank Cook Called To Her Rest. Mrs. Amanda Cook, wife of Frank Cook, passes away at her home in Enterprise Friday, February 28, 1941. She had been in poor health for the past year. Amanda Cox was born in Kentucky, March 28, 1875. She went to Oklahoma with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dilliard Cox in 1895 where they made their home for several years. After her parent’s death she came to Enterprise. This was in 1922. She was married to Frank Cook October 28, 1925. She was survived by her husband, two sisters, Pearl … Read more