Brown Genealogy

Brown Genealogy

In 1895, Cyrus Henry Brown began collecting family records of the Brown family, initially with the intention of only going back to his great-grandfathers. As others became interested in the project, they decided to trace the family lineage back to Thomas Brown and his wife Mary Newhall, both born in the early 1600s in Lynn, Massachusetts. Thomas, John, and Eleazer, three of their sons, later moved to Stonington, Connecticut around 1688. When North Stonington was established in 1807, the three brothers were living in the southern part of the town. Wheeler’s “History of Stonington” contains 400 records of early descendants of the Brown family, taken from the town records of Stonington. However, many others remain unidentified, as they are not recorded in the Stonington town records. For around a century, the descendants of the three brothers lived in Stonington before eventually migrating to other towns in Connecticut and New York State, which was then mostly undeveloped. He would eventually write this second volume of his Brown Genealogy adding to and correcting the previous edition. This book is free to search, read, and/or download.

John L. Bell

2nd Lt. 113th Field Artillery, Battery F, 30th Div. Trained at Camp Sevier, S. C. Was then sent to Officers Training Camp at Leon Springs, Texas. From there to artillery school in France. Commissioned 2nd Lt. July 12, 1918; assigned from this school to U. S. Field Artillery Motor Training Center at La Blanc Dept. Indre, France. Sailed for USA March 4, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C., April 25, 1919.

History of old Chester from 1719 to 1869

History of Old Chester title page

The *History of Old Chester from 1719 to 1869* by Benjamin Chase, published in 1869, offers a detailed account of the early settlement and development of Chester, New Hampshire. Compiled with the assistance of local historian Judge Samuel D. Bell, the book explores the town’s founding, genealogies, and significant events, using primary sources such as deeds, probate records, and personal diaries. Chase aimed to preserve the history and traditions of Chester’s early settlers while providing a comprehensive record for future generations. The work covers a broad range of topics, including religious, military, industrial, and genealogical history.

1899 Directory for Middleboro and Lakeville Massachusetts

1899 Middleboro and Lakeville Massachusetts Directory Cover

Resident and business directory of Middleboro’ and Lakeville, Massachusetts, for 1899. Containing a complete resident, street and business directory, town officers, schools, societies, churches, post offices, notable events in American history, etc. Compiled and published by A. E. Foss & Co., Needham, Massachusetts. The following is an example of what you will find within the images of the directory: Sheedy John, laborer, bds. J. G. Norris’, 35 West Sheehan John B., grocery and variety store, 38 West, h. do. Sheehan Lizzie O., bds. T. B. Sheehan’s, 16 East Main Sheehan Lucy G. B., bds. T. B. Sheehan’s, 16 East Main … Read more

Bell, Delmer Ivan – Obituary

Haines, Baker County, Oregon Funeral services were held Feb. 3rd at Zacher Mortuary for Delmer Ivan Bell. Mr. Bell was born Oct. 11, 1896 in Stone Hill, Missouri and died January 29th at the Veteran’s Hospital in Palo Alto, California. He was retired as a sawyer from Tite Knot Pine Mill. Redmond Lodge No. 154, A.F. & A.M., officiated with Richard Hoopes of Prineville, assisted by Jack Eberhard. Survivors include his widow, Beulah, step-daughter, Mrs. Patricia Frizzell, Cathlamet, WA.; brothers Earl from Amity, and Herschel from Union, Howard from Philomath, Willard from Richland, and Byron from Riggins; two sisters,Mrs. Beulah … Read more

Biography of George Bell

George Bell and members of his family have been prominently identified with various localities in Kansas for thirty-five years or more. The family now reside in Topeka. The birthplace of George Bell was Darlington, Yorkshire, England, where he was born in 1845. He grew up at Darlington, and while there he lived on an estate where Queen Victoria’s three noted grandsons came to hunt. George Bell came to know these distinguished European characters very well. They are now the Czar Nicholas of Russia, Emperor William of Germany and King George of England. George Bell in 1877 came to America, was … Read more

Records of Pleasant Hill Methodist Church, 1829-1894

Pleasant Hill Methodist Church, 1953

This is a copy of a record book of the Pleasant Hill Methodist Church in Washington Township, Guernsey County, Ohio. The front portion of this manuscript contains the history of Pleasant Hill Methodist Church, which we provide here, and biographies of their pastors up to 1953. Starting on page 18 you will find the Membership Record for the church beginning in 1829 and through January of 1894.

Prominent British Bells of Today

1929 The following prominent Bells of the British Empire are listed in WHO’S WHO (British) CAPT. ADOLPHUS EDMUND BELL , London ; Lieut-Comdr. Archibald Colquhoun; Archibald Graeme, London; Lt.-Col. Arthur Hugh; Arthur William, Guernsey, England; Rev. Benjamin, Edinburgh; Bernard Humphrey, Chief Justice of the Sudan; Sir Charles; Rev. Canon Charle, Carlyle, York, Eng.; Charles Francis; Clive, writer, London; Col. Edwards Edward, publisher, London; Edward Allen, clergyman, Cumberland; Ernest; publisher, reformer, London; Sir Ernest; Lieut.-Col. Francis Hayley, Hong Kong, China; Rt. Hon. Sir Francis H. D., Wellington, N. S.; Frank; Lieut.Col. Frederick William; Hon. George Alexander, late provincial treasurer, Regina, Canada; … Read more

Early Records of Londonderry, Windham, and Derry, N.H.

Early Records of Londonderry, Windham, and Derry, N.H. 1719-1762, Vol. 1 title page

The sources from which the Early Records of Londonderry, Windham, and Derry, N.H. have been drawn are Volumes I and II of the old town books. These old town books include minutes, ear markings, surveyors and homestead records, tax lists, inventory lists, accounts, school records and other miscellaneous records.

List of the Drummond Island Voyageurs

A Group of Voyageurs

In 1828 the transfer of the British garrison from Drummond Island to Penetanguishene commenced. A list of voyageurs who resided on Drummond Island at the time of the transfer. In many cases a brief biographical sketch is contained which may provide clues to their ethnicity, family relationships, and the location where they or their ancestors settled.

Portrait and Biographical Record of Seneca and Schuyler Counties, NY

Portrait and Biographical Record of Seneca and Schuyler Counties New York

In this volume will be found a record of many whose lives are worthy the imitation of coming generations. It tells how some, commencing life in poverty, by industry and economy have accumulated wealth. It tells how others, with limited advantages for securing an education, have become learned men and women, with an influence extending throughout the length and breadth of the land. It tells of men who have risen from the lower walks of life to eminence as statesmen, and whose names have become famous. It tells of those in every walk in life who have striven to succeed, … Read more

Logan County, Kentucky Wills – Book A, with index

Will book A, Logan County, Kentucky

The wills in this book come from Book A of the Wills found at the Logan County Court house in Russellville, Kentucky. The information was extracted in 1957 by Mrs. Vick on behalf of the DAR located in Russellville. The text in this book was done with an old manual typewriter and has the usual faint and filled-in type often found with such papers. On top of the difficulty in interpreting the print from the typewriter, the scanning process was also deficient, and led to the creation of a faint digital copy exacerbating the difficult to read text.

Biography of Amanda Payne Morgan Bell

The life history of Amanda Payne Morgan Bell, who formerly, served as County Superintendent of schools, will prove of interest to her many friends and acquaintances. She was born in Fort Smith, Arkansas, her parents being Gideon and Mary L. (Payne) Morgan, the former born near Nashville, Tennessee, and of Cherokee Indian descent, while the mother’s birth occurred in Arkansas. In early life the father removed to Arkansas and eventually to Oklahoma, the train on which he was riding being the first to stop at Gibson Station, this state. Here he became a large planter and took a very active … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George W. Bell, M.D.

George W. Bell was born January 1858, the third son of Silas Bell and Mary Jane Grigsby. Silas Bell was a lieutenant in the Mexican War, and captain of Company C, Confederate army, and was killed at the battle of Wilson Creek, August 10, 1861. Dr. Bell’s parents were from Tennessee, emigrating to Dade County, Missouri, where he was born in 1858. The young man was educated at the neighborhood schools until 1876, when he went to the Dadeville graded school, where he remained one session, after which he began clerking in a drug store for Messrs. Davis & Baily, … Read more

Isaac Bell, Jr., Family

L203 GILBERT DE CLARE: a Magna Charta Surety; a descendant of KING ALFRED THE GREAT, son of Richard de Clare, a Magna Charta Surety. His descendant, 14 generations removed, was No. L221. L221 LADY CATHERINE AYLMER, a desc. of thirteen (who were of kin to nine of the others) of the twenty-five Barons who were Sureties for the observance of the Magna Charta. Widow of Sir Nicholas Plunket, of Dublin , m. Captain Michael Warren, Warrenstown, County Meath , Ireland (d. 1712). L222 OLIVER WARREN, Lieutenant, R. N., of Warrenstown. L223 NATHANIEL WARREN , of “Neilstown House,” Stillorgan and ” … Read more

The San Antonio Story

San Antonio Texas in 1854 looking west from La Villita

“The San Antonio Story” by Sam Woolford, with contributions from his wife Bess Carroll Woolford, is a history of San Antonio, Texas. Published in 1950 by Joske’s of Texas, the book was conceived as a remedy for the lack of historical knowledge among San Antonio’s school children, a concern identified by Herbert U. Rhodius, chairman of the Municipal Advertising Commission of San Antonio in 1948-49. Rhodius and his colleagues believed that a readable and authentic history could address this educational gap, making it suitable supplementary reading for public junior high schools.

Surnames Isaac to Johnson

This document contains genealogical statements regarding various individuals and families of Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Mississippi Choctaw descent who sought recognition and enrollment in tribal rolls. The records, primarily from 1909 reports, detail claimants’ ancestry, enrollment issues, and tribal affiliations. Many individuals were denied enrollment due to factional disputes, legal technicalities, or failure to apply within deadlines. The document includes references to official reports and affidavits, offering insights into the complexities of Native American citizenship and land rights during the early 20th century.

Slave Narrative of James Singleton

Person Interviewed: Rev. James Singleton Location: Mississippi Date of Birth: 1856 “My name’s James Singleton. I’se a Baptist preacher. I was born in 1856, but I doan know zactly what date. My mammy was Harr’et Thompson. Her marster was Marse Daniel Thompson over in Simpson County on Strong River at a place called Westville. My pappy, he come from South Ca’lina—Charleston—an’ was give to do old folks’ darter. His name was John Black an’ he was owned by Mr. Frank Smith over in Simpson. He was brought down frum South Ca’lina in a wagon ‘long wid lots mo’. “Me, I … Read more

Bell of Thirsk

A101 RALPH BELL. A102 Robert, of Sowerby: 1615-1711. A103 Ralph, of Sowerby: d. s. p. 1735. He was succeeded by his nephew. A104 Ralph Consett, of Brawith Hall, who assumed under his uncle’s will, the surname of Bell : d. 1770. A105 Ralph, of Thirsk: b. 1720. (1) John, A106. (2) Robert, of Kildale: b. 1768. (A) Marianne.: m. Edmund Turton. (3) Marianne,: m. 1798, Rev. Henry Gale, M.A. A106 John, of Thirsk: b. 1764. (1) Ralph: b. 1804, d. y. (2) John, of Thirsk: b. 1809; d. unm. 1857, having devised the estate to his nephew. (3) Frances ,: … Read more