Wintergreen Cemetery, Port Gibson, Mississippi

Wintergreen Cemetery, Port Gibson, Mississippi

This survey of Wintergreen Cemetery, Port Gibson, Mississippi, was completed in 1956 by Mr. Gordon M. Wells and published by Joyce Bridges the same year. It contains the cemetery readings Mr. Wells was able to obtain at that date. It is highly likely that not all of the gravestones had survived up to that point, and it is even more likely that a large portion of interred individuals never had a gravestone.

Norwich Vermont in the Civil War

During the four years of war for the suppression of the Rebellion, Norwich furnished 178 different men for the armies of the Union. There were seven re-enlistments, making the whole number of soldiers credited to the town 185. By the census of 1860, the number of inhabitants was 1759. It appears, therefore, that the town sent to the seat of war rather more than one in ten of its entire population, during the four years’ continuance of hostilities. About the same proportion holds good for the state at large, Vermont contributing, out of an aggregate population of 315,116, soldiers to … Read more

Handbook of Historical Data Concerning Leicester, Massachusetts

The John King House

This post contains a brief outline of the history of the town of Leicester, Massachusetts. However, at the bottom of the page, it provides extensive additional free material on historical and genealogical research within Leicester Massachusetts. If you have ancestors in Leicester, do not miss this!

The Ancestry of Sarah Stone

The ancestry of Sarah Stone, wife of James Patten of Arundel (Kennebunkport) Maine

The ancestry of Sarah Stone, wife of James Patten of Arundel (Kennebunkport) Maine
Contains also the Dixey, Hart, Norman, Neale, Lawes, Curtis, Kilbourne, Bracy, Bisby, Pearce, Marston, Estow and Brown families.

History of the Bridges Between Hanover NH and Norwich VT

Norwich-Hanover covered bridge

The earliest form of transportation across the Connecticut River between Norwich and Hanover of which we have any information was the canoe of Nathan Messenger, who sometime in the summer of the year 1765 established a hunting camp near the bank of the river, a few rods south of where the west end of Hanover bridge now is. In this canoe the family and household goods of John Hutchinson were brought over from the Hanover side in the late fall of the same year, at the completion of their long journey from Ashford, Conn., to their new home. This family … Read more

Norwich Vermont and Dartmouth College

Notwithstanding the fact that Norwich had for many years within its borders a collegiate institution of its own, founded and directed by its most distinguished son, the relations of their people towards Dartmouth College on the opposite bank of the Connecticut were always intimate and friendly.

Gleanings from English Records about New England Families

Gleanings from English Records about New England Families

The classic work often cited by more contemporaneous authors on early New England families and the records of them found within the Principal Probate Registry, Somerset House, Strand, the Public Record Office, Fetter Lane, and the British Museum, Bloomsbury, while on a visit in London during the summer and fall of 1879.

Index to Articles found in the El Farol Newspaper 1905-1906

El Farol Masthead

The Lincoln County New Mexico online archives contains pdf’s of all remaining copies of the El Farol Newspaper of Capitan NM, but doesn’t have an index to the newspaper. C. W. Barnum, an active member of AHGP, and state coordinator for the New Mexico AHGP recently invested his time and energy into providing an every person index to the various extant issues. He has shared this wonderful index with AccessGenealogy in hopes that it will reach a wider audience. Enjoy!

Genealogy of John Steele, 1842 to 1962

The family tree of John Steele, 1842 to 1962

Ethyl M. Steele Thompson’s purpose in penning this manuscript was to list by family all descendants of John Steele, who came from Scotland to Canada to reside until his death, in 1899, in Asphodel Township, Peterborough County, Province of Ontario, Canada. The genealogy begins with Robert Steel, who, with his wife and family, emigrated from Scotland to Canada. This manuscript is unsourced, and large portions may come from the personal knowledge of it’s author, especially those contemporaneous with it’s publication.

Sargent, Rosa Marie Del Curto Mrs. – Obituary

Pine Valley, Oregon Rosa Marie Sargent, 85, of La Grande, a former longtime Pine Valley resident, died Dec. 7, 2004, at a La Grande care home. There will be a Celebration of Life service for her at 2 p.m. Saturday at Loveland Funeral Chapel in La Grande. Visitations will be until 7 o’clock tonight and from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday at Loveland Funeral Chapel. There will be a memorial service at Pine Haven Cemetery in Halfway on Memorial Day of 2005. Family and friends are invited. The ceremony will be announced again at that time. Rosa was born … Read more

Norwich Vermont in the Revolutionary War

The sources of information in regard to the part taken by the town in the Revolutionary struggle are few and scanty. The earliest allusion in the town records to this important epoch of the country’s history is found in the election of a Committee of Safety at the annual town meeting, March 11, 1777. This committee was five in number: Deacon Joseph Smalley, Samuel Hutchinson, John Hatch, Captain Hezekiah Johnson and John Hopson. There is much reason to believe, however, that this was not the first Committee of Safety that acted for the town; but was a new committee selected … Read more

Satterfield and Allied Families of Person County, North Carolina

Satterfield and allied families of Person county, North Carolina and surrounding counties

This manuscript starts with John Satterfield who resided in Orange County, North Carolina and then concentrates on his descendants who resided in Person and the surrounding counties of North Carolina. Allied families include: Yarbrough, Carter, Bigger, Cary, Winstead, Cozart, Bumpass, Sargent, Gold, Carney, Walker and Davey families.

Biography of Frank H. Sargent, M.D.

Frank H. Sargent, M.D., a rising young medical practitioner of Pittsfield, was born in this town, October 31, 1861, son of Charles H. and Almira (Ring) Sargent. His great-grandfather, Benjamin Sargent, served under General Washington in the Revolutionary War. He later became a Baptist minister, and preached in Pittsfield from 1808 to 1818. He died March 19, 1818, at the age of fifty-eight years. His wife, in maidenhood Eunice Lindell, reared a family of seven children. Moses L. Sargent, grandfather of Frank H., was born in Bow, N.H., May 12, 1793. He resided most of his life in Pittsfield, and … Read more

Biography of John Sargent

John Sargent was and is an honored name in the State of Kansas. For years he was foremost among the building contractors of Topeka. The power he exerted as a factor in business affairs was only part of the outflowing of a strong and harmonious character. He was a big man in all the relationships of a long lifetime. Thus death selected a partieularly conspicuous victim when John Sargent died suddenly Sunday morning, March 12, 1916, just before stepping into his automobile to be driven to church. Both before and after his death it was recognized that the city had … Read more

1867 Plymouth County Massachusetts Directory, Oil and Candle Manufacturers to Pump Makers

Oil and Candle Manufacturers  Judd L. S., Marion Organ Manufacturers Reynolds P., N. Bridgewater Marston A. B. Campello, Bridgewater Oysters and Refreshments (See Eating Houses) Nash J. E. Abington Douglas W. East Abington Gilman A. N., Bridgewater Fuller John, Bridgewater Hull J. C., Bridgewater Tripp B. F., Middleboro Union Saloon, Middleboro Grover R. B., No. Bridgewater Washburn and Richardson, No. Bridgewater Ballard S. D., Plymouth Dodge J. E., Plymouth Painters Carriage  Peirce Wm. M., Abington Ford B. F. East Abington Bates Asa, South Abington Hersey David A. Hingham Sprague Joseph T., Hingham Eldridge David, Kingston Boomer B. L., Middleboro Southworth Rodney E., Middleboro … Read more

Cook Family of Norwich Vermont

Three brothers, Samuel, Francis, and Lyman, with their two sisters, (children of Jonathan and Lydia [Aldrich] Cook), ran away from the Shaker settlement at Lancaster, Mass., where they had been placed by their parents before 1800, and came to this vicinity at an early day. Samuel settled in Norwich, and married Anna Pratt, by whom he had nine children. From Samuel the later generations of Cooks in town were descended. Francis also located in Norwich, on the farm now occupied by David Sargent, and there he lived and died. He was never married. Lyman Cook settled in Thetford. Another brother, … Read more

Sargent, W. B. – Obituary

Union County, Oregon W.B. Sargent one of the oldest and most prominent attorneys of Union county, died at his home in La Grande Friday evening of last week. Mr. Sargent had been ill for about a year, and a month ago, on account of his failing health, he sold his interest in the La Grande Investment company and retired. from this time his condition grew rapidly worse until death. The funeral service was held from the Elk’s home Monday afternoon, all offices and business houses in La Grande closing during the funeral hour. North Powder News Saturday September 13, 1919

Biographical Sketch of David Sargent

David Sargent, a well-known farmer and cattle dealer of Dunbarton, Merrimack County, N.H., was born in this town in 1833, son of Eliphalet R. and Lydia (Wells) Sargent. His paternal grandfather, Thomas, was a native of Goffstown, N.H., in which place, also, he died. He was a farmer by occupation. Eliphalet R. Sargent was born in Goffstown, Hillsborough County, N.H. He acquired a common-school education in his native town, after which he engaged in farming during the rest of his active life. In politics he was a Republican; and he served as Selectman and as Representative to the legislature two … Read more

Dunbar Genealogy of Narraguagus Valley Maine

Narraguagus Valley Some Account of its Early Settlement and Settlers

The Dunbars of Narraguagus Valley Maine are all descended from Obed and Abigail Dunbar, who were early settlers in Steuben, and came from Taunton, Mass. Their children were Merrill, Caleb, Polly, Peter, Humphrey and Abigail.