Abram Rencher Winston

Lt. Col., Med. Corps, 30th Div. Born in Franklin County, 1878; son of R. N. and Charlotte Winston. Husband of Mrs. Fannie Winston. Entered the service at Franklinton July 27, 1917. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Overseas to France May 8, 1918. Promoted to rank of Lt. Col. April 15, 1919; to rank of Captain, Feb. 23, 1903; to rank of Major, March 4, 1905. Fought at Somme, Aisne, Ypres, Lys. On Mexican border eight months. Landed in USA August 20, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Dix, Oct. 31, 1919. Holds British Decoration D. S. O., also American Citation.

Families of Ancient New Haven

Four Corners New Haven Connecticut

The Families of Ancient New Haven compilation includes the families of the ancient town of New Haven, covering the present towns of New Haven, East Haven, North Haven, Hamden, Bethany, Woodbridge and West Haven. These families are brought down to the heads of families in the First Census (1790), and include the generation born about 1790 to 1800. Descendants in the male line who removed from this region are also given, if obtainable, to about 1800, unless they have been adequately set forth in published genealogies.

Spokane Story

Spokane Story

“Spokane Story: A Colorful Early History of the Capital City of the Inland Empire” by Lucile Foster Fargo offers readers an evocative journey through the formative years of Spokane, Washington. Published in 1957 by Northwestern Press in Minneapolis, this work seeks to straddle the realms of history and storytelling, presenting a narrative that is neither entirely factual history nor pure fiction. Fargo accepts the challenging task of depicting Spokane’s cultural and developmental evolution from its fur trade beginnings to its emergence as a municipal entity in the early twentieth century.

Marriage records of Liberty County Georgia, 1785-1895

Marriage records of Liberty County, Georgia, 1785-1895

These marriage records were abstracted from unbound marriage bonds and licenses in the Liberty County Courthouse, Hinesville, Georgia. The names were copied as they were spelled on the bonds, often barely legible and often spelled differently on the same bond. Sometimes the marriages were performed before the licenses were issued. The first date given in the abstracts is the date of the license or bond; the second is the date of marriage. The following abbreviations are used in these abstracts with the meaning indicated:

The genealogy and history of the Ingalls family in America

The genealogy and history of the Ingalls family in America

Edmund Ingalls, son of Robert, was born about 1598 in Skirbeck, Lincolnshire, England. He immigrated in 1628 to Salem, Massachusetts and with his brother, Francis, founded Lynn, Massachusetts in 1629. He married Ann, fathered nine children, and died in 1648.

Biography of R. G. Winston

Many of the substantial and thrifty citizens of this western county of Wallowa have come from the east as is the case in many of the other adjacent counties, and here these pioneers have found a home, while they have taken hold of the resources given by nature and have wrought out wealth and the comforts of civilization. Notable among this number is the esteemed and genial citizen whose name is at the head of this paragraph and to whom we are pleased to accord a representation in the history of our county, since he has labored here from the … Read more