Brookfield Massachusetts Warnings 1737-1788

Worcester County MA Warnings

In the following information all the names, dates and other essential particulars which appear in the returns to the Court in the County of Worcester during the entire period – a full half-century, from 1737 to 1788 – in which these entries were made, are given. The returns from each place have been brought together and arranged under the name of the town or district, in this case Brookfield Massachusetts.

Index to Articles found in the El Farol Newspaper 1905-1906

El Farol Masthead

The Lincoln County New Mexico online archives contains pdf’s of all remaining copies of the El Farol Newspaper of Capitan NM, but doesn’t have an index to the newspaper. C. W. Barnum, an active member of AHGP, and state coordinator for the New Mexico AHGP recently invested his time and energy into providing an every person index to the various extant issues. He has shared this wonderful index with AccessGenealogy in hopes that it will reach a wider audience. Enjoy!

Richard Dexter Genealogy, 1642-1904

Arms of Dexter

Being a history of the descendants of Richard Dexter of Malden, Massachusetts, from the notes of John Haven Dexter and original researches. Richard Dexter, who was admitted an inhabitant of Boston (New England), Feb. 28, 1642, came from within ten miles of the town of Slane, Co. Meath, Ireland, and belonged to a branch of that family of Dexter who were descendants of Richard de Excester, the Lord Justice of Ireland. He, with his wife Bridget, and three or more children, fled to England from the great Irish Massacre of the Protestants which commenced Oct. 27, 1641. When Richard Dexter and family left England and by what vessel, we are unable to state, but he could not have remained there long, as we know he was living at Boston prior to Feb. 28, 1642.

Ora B. Todd of Panama NY

Ora B. Todd7, (Bela6, Caleb5, Gideon4, Gideon3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Dec. 20, 1808, in Salisbury, N. Y., died Feb. 9, 1889, in San Jacinto, Cal., married Oct. 1832, Lorinda, daughter of Luke and Lucia Wolcott, who was born Oct. 27, 1810, died Oct. 19, 1885, in Santa Paula, Calif. They removed from Panama, Chautauqua County, N. Y., to Santa Paula, Calif., in March 1884, whence they seem to have moved to Santa Jacinto, where he died. Mr. Todd was a good reader of music, which he taught some in the old fashioned way; a fine violinist and a most excellent … Read more

Tuscarora Reservation Map and Occupants, 1890

Tuscarora Reservation Map, 1890

The Tuscarora Reservation, in Niagara County, New York, is formed from 3 adjoining tracts successively acquired, as indicated on the map. Their early antecedents as kinsmen of the Iroquois, their wanderings westward to the Mississippi, and their final lodgment at the head waters of the rivers Neuse and Tar, in North Carolina, are too much enveloped in tradition to be formulated as history, but courageous, self-supporting, and independent, after long residence upon lands owned by them in that colony, they first came into collision with white people, then with other tribes of that section, until finally, overpowered by numbers, they … Read more

Kansas Registrations of Enemy Aliens, 1917 – 1921

Enemy Alien Registration Affidavit for Bernhardt Vick - Cropped Photo

The series contains original affidavits of registration that record personal information about each registrant, their photograph affixed to the majority of documents, and the registrants fingerprints. All of these are specific to Kansas, and most have the actual documents attached.

1893 Ieshatubby Roll

Shonian, Chickasaw

This is a verified roll of Chickasaws registered by Ieshatubby in the Choctaw Nation under the act of June 20, 1893. The sheets are divided into columns for names, number of men, number of women, number of boys, number of girls, and totals. This roll does not indicate the amount paid or the recipients of the payments. It consists of two sheets of legal-cap paper; some names are written in ink, others in pencil. The word “paid” is generally written or indicated by ditto marks in the totals column. This roll was utilized by the Dawes Commission for enrollment purposes but was never indexed.

The Ancestry of Sarah Stone

The ancestry of Sarah Stone, wife of James Patten of Arundel (Kennebunkport) Maine

The ancestry of Sarah Stone, wife of James Patten of Arundel (Kennebunkport) Maine
Contains also the Dixey, Hart, Norman, Neale, Lawes, Curtis, Kilbourne, Bracy, Bisby, Pearce, Marston, Estow and Brown families.

Biographical Sketch of William Johnson

William Johnson, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Cook’s Mills; one of the early settlers; was born March 22, 1822; came to this State in 1850, and to this county and settled in North Okaw Tp. in 1857. He was married to Miss Mary J. Miller, who was born July 22, 1834; they have four children, viz., Robert M., Anna A., Sarah J. and Franklin. The farm of Mr. Johnson consists of 240 acres, valued at $7,000. Since his residence in the township he has held the office of School Trustee and Director several years.

1921 Farmers’ Directory of Leroy Iowa

1921 Farm Map of Leroy Township, Audubon County, Iowa

Abbreviations: Sec., section; ac., acres; Wf., wife; ch., children; ( ), years in county; O., owner; H., renter.   Albertsen, Albert. P. O. Audubon, R. 2. R. 274.63 ac., sec. 1. (16.) Owner, Edwin F. Johnson. Anderson, A. R. P. O. Audubon, R. 3. O. 360 ac., sec. 25. (33.) Anderson, Chris. Wf. Christina; ch. Christina, Lauritz, Amelia, Iler, Alfred, Samuel and Clarence. P. O. Audubon, R. 3. O. 80 ac., sec. 26. (8.) Anderson, Jens C. Wf. Marie; ch. A. H. C., Carrie, Dagmar, Samuel, Dorcas and Theodora. P. O. Audubon, R. 6. O. 240 ac., sec. 19, and … Read more

List 3, Cherokees

List of Cherokees and Cherokee Freedmen whose names were omitted from final rolls because no application was made or by reason of mistake or oversight. Shows the names of 125 Cherokees by blood and 2 Cherokee freedmen all except 5 being minors, and most of them less than 4 years of age March 4, 1906.

Biography of Charles H. Johnson

Charles H. Johnson, of Colony, during his long and active career had been a farmer, insurance man and auctioneer, editor and publisher and also an inventor of no ordinary ability and success. He was born at Forest Home, Iowa, July 2, 1856, a son of James C. and Sarah Ann (Swangle) Johnson. Both parents were natives of Ohio. They went to Iowa as pioneers and after living in that state for a number of years came to Kansas in 1873 and here also they identified themselves with the pioneer element in Linn County. The father was an active farmer and … Read more

History of Blaine Washington, 1884-1959

Pioneers of peace - diamond jubilee anniversary, Blaine, Washington, 1884-1959

“History of Blaine Washington, 1884-1959” offers a comprehensive and engaging exploration of Blaine, Washington’s rich history and cultural heritage. Published in 1959 to commemorate the diamond jubilee of Blaine, this book captures the essence of a community that has thrived on the principles of peace and cooperation. Situated in Whatcom County, Blaine’s unique geographical location near the Canadian border plays a pivotal role in its identity, an aspect vividly illustrated through the symbol of the International Peace Arch.

Biography of Edna L. Johnson, Miss

Miss Edna L. Johnson. In no other field have woman’s work and influence proved such ennobling factors as in the sphere of education. The instruction and the character training of the children of Kansas are largely in the hands of devoted women, and many of the most responsible posts in the school system of the state are filled by woman teachers. The entire school system of Cowley County is under the supervision of Miss Edna L. Johnson, county superintendent of schools, and the people of the county recognize her unqualified fitness for the duties of the office. Miss Johnson was … Read more

Johnson, Philena Steward – Obituary

Mother Of Woman Legislator Dies Mrs. Philena Steward Johnson, aged mother of one of Montana’s two women legislators, Mrs. Luck A Curran, whose picture was carried in yesterday’s Observer,. passed away yesterday afternoon at her home here after a short illness. Mrs. Johnson is survived by her husband E. R. Johnson, and by her two daughters, Mrs. Curran of Helena, Mont., and Mrs. Charles Sterling, of Brocton Mont. Both daughters are to arrive in La Grande, tomorrow. The body is at the Snodgrass and Zimmerman mortuary and funeral arrangements will be made later. La Grande Evening Observer, Tuesday 6 Jan … Read more

Biography of Peter G. Johnson

Peter G. Johnson. The years 1858 and 1859 were particularly important ones in the history of Kansas. With the adoption of a constitution in the latter year, the peaceful, homeseeking settlers who had come from afar, even from other lands, to establish themselves on these wide prairies, as yet uncrowded as were older sections, found assurance of settled conditions and of the opportunity of preserving the homes they had founded. In the spring of 1858 the parents of Peter G. Johnson, one of Riley County’s most respected citizens, settled in Butler County, Kansas. They were natives of Sweden who emigrated … Read more

List 5, Choctaws

List of Choctaws and Mississippi Choctaws whose names were omitted from final rolls because no application was made or by reason of mistake or oversight. Shows the names of 22 Choctaws by blood, of 5 Mississippi Choctaws and 1 intermarried Choctaw. The approved rolls contain the names of 18,766 persons enrolled as citizens by blood. 1,643 persons enrolled as Mississippi Choctaws, and 1,672 enrolled as citizens by intermarriage. The percentage of omissions in each of these classes is very small, and in fact negligible.

Johnson, Zeb Dee – Obituary

Elgin, Oregon Zeb Dee Johnson, 29, formerly of Elgin, died Aug. 23 in Tillamook County. A celebration of life runs from 3 to 7 p.m. Sept. 5 at the Community Center in Elgin. A second service begins at 6:30 p.m. Sept. 27 at the Tillamook Cheese Visitor Center. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Oregon. Cash donations can also be made to Community Bank in Northeast Oregon, to help offset funeral costs. The Observer – Obituaries for the day of August 30, 2008 ______________________________ Zeb Dee Johnson, 29, formerly of Elgin, … Read more