Grinnell Family of New Bedford, MA

l grinnell

Since the early settlement of Newport and Portsmouth, R. I., shortly after 1638, the Grinnells have been identified with Rhode Island and Massachusetts history, the earlier generations living largely in the towns of Newport county, R. I., and for the past hundred and more years branches of this southern Rhode Island family have been representative of the best citizenship in the old Massachusetts town of New Bedford. At New Bedford lived Capt. Cornelius Grinnell, a patriot of the Revolution, and long engaged in the merchant service, who married into the old historic Howland family, and one of whose sons, Joseph Grinnell, for almost a decade represented the New Bedford district in the United States Congress, and was long prominent as a merchant and manufacturer and banker of the town; and there lived the late Lawrence Grinnell, father of the late Frederick Grinnell, who so long was at the head of the Providence Steam and Gas Pipe Company and the General Eire Extinguisher Company, a man of genius in mechanical lines, whose inventions gave him distinction, and one of whose sons, Russell Grinnell, is at this time vice president of the General Fire Extinguisher Company. It is with this New Bedford branch of the Grinnell family this article deals.

Abbott Genealogical Register

Abbott Genealogical Register

In 1847, Abiel Abbot and Ephraim Abbot compiled a comprehensive genealogical record titled “Abbott Genealogical Register,” detailing the lineage of several Abbott families originating from early New England settlers. Initially aimed to document the descendants of George Abbot, Sr. of Andover, the scope expanded to include numerous branches such as George Abbot, Jr., Thomas Abbot of Andover, Arthur Abbot of Ipswich, Robert Abbot of Branford, Ct., and George Abbot of Norwalk, Ct., among others. This volume, published by J. Munroe and Company in Boston, Massachusetts, integrates meticulously gathered data, revealing the expansive and intertwined genealogies of the Abbott families. The authors’ painstaking research and dedication to accuracy, despite challenges in data completeness, provide a valuable resource for anyone tracing the Abbott lineage or studying early American familial structures.

True Relations – Adventure of the Country

Here the river became narrower at eight, nine or ten feet at a high water, and six or seven at a low. The stream exceeding swift and the bottom hard channel. The ground on the most part was a low plain with sandy soil, this occasioned me to think it might come from some lake or some broad ford, for it could be far to the head. But rather then endanger the barge, yet to have been able to resolve this doubt and to discharge of the imputation of malicious tongues, that I half suspected I was not in so … Read more

Bartlett Family Genealogy

3rd Page of Bartlett Family Genealogy

Typing on six onion skinned papers, Ralph Sylvester Bartlett presented his lineage in the early 1900’s. His Bartlett family were early pioneers in Kittery Maine in the section later known as Eliot Maine. Whether he ever meant to compile these pages into book form is left for you to interpret, but somebody did eventually compile the 6 pages they had of his family tree. We provide the entire 6 pages in digital format below the transcription.

Rough Riders

Rough Riders

Compiled military service records for 1,235 Rough Riders, including Teddy Roosevelt have been digitized. The records include individual jackets which give the name, organization, and rank of each soldier. They contain cards on which information from original records relating to the military service of the individual has been copied. Included in the main jacket are carded medical records, other documents which give personal information, and the description of the record from which the information was obtained.

Biographical Sketch of Gen. Nathan Emery

GEN. NATHAN EMERY, an active and successful farmer, was noted for his public spirit, and more especially for his zeal and interest in the militia. He passed through all the various grades from private to Major General, and contributed liberally both of time and money to maintain the honor of the institution. He married Esther Hagar, a lady of excellent judgment. He died at the Flat-whither he had removed to spend his declining years-in 1857, aged 65 years.

The Wilson Family, Somerset and Barter Hill Branch

The Wilson family, Somerset and Barter Hill branch

In the preparation of “The Wilson family, Somerset and Barter Hill branch” I have discovered two lists of the names of the sons and daughters of Col. Ben and Ann Seay Wilson of “Somerset” in Cumberland County, Virginia, in addition to the list found in my father’s notes. None of these was arranged in the same chronological order. It was my good fortune in 1915 to find the Bible, claimed to be the Bible of Col. Ben and Ann Seay Wilson of “Somerset” in Cumberland County, Virginia. At that time this was in the hands of Miss Clementine Reid Wilson, Col. Ben’s great-granddaughter, and it was my privilege to copy, with the aid of a reading glass, for the ink was badly faded, the names of their children from that Bible in the same chronological order in which they were recorded. This chronological order, and military records found, support each other. I therefore believe that this sketch contains the most accurate chronological list of Col. Ben’s and Ann Seay Wilson’s children to be found outside of his Bible.

History of Chester, New Hampshire, including Auburn

History of Chester, New Hampshire title page

The *History of Chester, New Hampshire, Including Auburn* by John Carroll Chase, published in 1926, serves as a supplement to the original 1869 *History of Old Chester*. This work was produced in response to a desire to document events that had occurred in the town since the previous publication, as well as to cover topics that were initially omitted. While Chester had seen a decline in population and industrial activity, the book highlights notable historical and social developments. It incorporates additions to military history, church records, and gravestone inscriptions, providing a comprehensive overview of Chester and Auburn’s past.

Holman Family of Attleboro, MA

David Emory Holman

For something more than two centuries the Holman family of which the Attleboro Holmans are a branch has been identified with the history of this Commonwealth, and for half of that period the Holmans have been people of distinction in the town just named, closely identified with its social, religious, educational and business life.

The progenitor of this Massachusetts Holman family, Solomon Holman, with his brother John, is said to have come from the Bermuda Islands to Newburyport, the family tradition being that the Holman family came from Wales to the Bermuda Islands some time between 1670 and 1690; that the two named were seized by a press-gang and brought to this country and escaped from a British ship at Newburyport; that John, the youngest, went to North Carolina and Solomon settled in Newbury. Coffin’s Newbury says Solomon Holman and wife came there about 1693 or 1694. Solomon Holman married Mary Barton and their twelve children were:

Brown Genealogy

Brown Genealogy

In 1895, Cyrus Henry Brown began collecting family records of the Brown family, initially with the intention of only going back to his great-grandfathers. As others became interested in the project, they decided to trace the family lineage back to Thomas Brown and his wife Mary Newhall, both born in the early 1600s in Lynn, Massachusetts. Thomas, John, and Eleazer, three of their sons, later moved to Stonington, Connecticut around 1688. When North Stonington was established in 1807, the three brothers were living in the southern part of the town. Wheeler’s “History of Stonington” contains 400 records of early descendants of the Brown family, taken from the town records of Stonington. However, many others remain unidentified, as they are not recorded in the Stonington town records. For around a century, the descendants of the three brothers lived in Stonington before eventually migrating to other towns in Connecticut and New York State, which was then mostly undeveloped. He would eventually write this second volume of his Brown Genealogy adding to and correcting the previous edition. This book is free to search, read, and/or download.

History of old Chester from 1719 to 1869

History of Old Chester title page

The *History of Old Chester from 1719 to 1869* by Benjamin Chase, published in 1869, offers a detailed account of the early settlement and development of Chester, New Hampshire. Compiled with the assistance of local historian Judge Samuel D. Bell, the book explores the town’s founding, genealogies, and significant events, using primary sources such as deeds, probate records, and personal diaries. Chase aimed to preserve the history and traditions of Chester’s early settlers while providing a comprehensive record for future generations. The work covers a broad range of topics, including religious, military, industrial, and genealogical history.

Disbursements to Cherokees under the Treaty of May 6, 1828

Treaty of May 6, 1828, page 9

Abstract of disbursements and expenditures made by George Vashon, Indian Agent for the Cherokees west of the Mississippi, under the stipulations of the Treaty with said tribe of 6th May, 1828, between the 16th September, 1830, and the 31st December, 1833. In total this list represents 390 Cherokee families and 1835 individuals who each received 25.75 as part of their payment under the 5th article of the treaty of 6th May, 1828.

Descendants of James Keith of Taunton, MA

Edwin Keith

The family bearing the name of Keith at Taunton, whose head was the late Edwin Keith, Esq., who for some sixty years was engaged in business there and was one of the highly esteemed and respected citizens of the place, for upward of twenty-five years connected with the Taunton Gas Company, long its superintendent and treasurer, and who in various capacities served his adopted town and city officially, is a branch of the ancient Bridgewater Keith family, the progenitor of which was Rev. James Keith, formerly of Scotland, who came to New England and soon thereafter became pastor of the church at Bridgewater, which he . served for fifty and more years.

Emery, Mary Ann Mrs. – Obituary

Died of Heart Disease On last Tuesday morning, Mrs. Mary Ann Emery, wife of H.C. Emery, of this city, died after a brief illness of less than one hour. For some years the aged lady had suffered from heart disease and the morning of her death suffered an attack, which was attended with fatal results. The funeral took place yesterday morning from her late residence which was largely attended by the many friends of the deceased. Rev. R.H. Paker of the Presbyterian church, conducting the ceremonies. Eastern Oregon Republican, Thursday September 19, 1889

Biographical Sketch of James S. Emery

James S. Emery was one of the stalwart pioneers of the free-state cause, who bravely and ably assisted the struggling territory and commonwealth to firmly lay their foundations. A son of the Pine Tree State, he was born in Franklin County, July 3, 1826; graduated from Waterville College in 1851; was admitted to the bar in New York City in January, 1854, and in the following September came to Lawrence with the second party of free-state immigrants to make the venture into the danger zone. He was a member of the Big Springs convention and in September, 1855, made a … Read more

Abbe-Abbey Genealogy

A genealogical dictionary of the first settlers of New England vol 1

The “Abbe-Abbey Genealogy” serves as a comprehensive and meticulously compiled homage to the heritage of the Abbe and Abbey families, tracing its roots back to John Abbe and his descendants. Initiated by the life-long passion of Professor Cleveland Abbe, this genealogical exploration began in his youth and expanded throughout his illustrious career, despite numerous challenges. It encapsulates the collaborative efforts of numerous family members and researchers, including significant contributions from individuals such as Charles E. Abbe, Norah D. Abbe, and many others, each bringing invaluable insights and data to enrich the family’s narrative.

Muster Roll of Captain Samuel Burrell’s Company

Title page to the Aroostook War

Muster Roll of Captain Samuel Burrell’s Company of Infantry in Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from twenty-fifth day of February, 1839, the time of its rendezvous Augusta, Maine, to the nineteenth day of April, 1839, when discharged or mustered.

Muster Roll of Captain John D. Barnard’s Company

Title page to the Aroostook War

Muster Roll of Captain John D. Barnard’s Company of Infantry in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the sixth day of March, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Augusta, Maine, to the twenty-eighth day of March, 1839, when discharged or mustered.

Muster Roll of Captain Daniel W. Clark’s Company

Title page to the Aroostook War

Muster Roll of Captain Daniel W. Clark’s Company of Infantry, in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the sixth day of March, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Calais, Maine to the fifth day of April, 1839, when discharged or mustered.