Biographical Sketch of David G. Janes

David G. Janes enjoys the unique distinction of being the only man now occupying a dominant position in the business life of Racine, of whose father it may be said with equal truth that he was an important factor in the actual founding of the city eighty years ago. Mr. Janes was born in Racine, April 2, 1852, and has lived here all of his life, getting his education in the public schools of the city. He is married and has three daughters and two sons, one of whom, Arthur R., is associated in business with him. Mr. Janes is … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Julius French Janes

Janes, Julius French; pres. and gen’l mgr. Standard Steel Castings Co.; born, Erie, Pa., Sept. 24, 1877; son of Herman and Julia (Williams) Janes; educated, Brooks Military Academy, University School, Phillips Andover Academy, Andover, Mass.; graduated from Yale in 1902; married, Nov. 11, 1904, Ruth Hawkins; issue, one son, Julius French; in sales dept. the Bourne-Fuller Co., three years; salesman with Morgan Lithograph Co.; appointed to joint management of sales dept. and treasurer in 1908; established Standard Steel Castings Co., 1912; member Calvary Presbyterian Church, Hermit and Euclid Clubs. Recreations: Golf, Tennis, Fishing and Motoring.

Biography of Lorenzo Janes

Lorenzo Janes was a prominent figure in that notable group of sterling men from New England and New York who pioneered Racine, city and County, and gave to the settlements, the villages and the cities a tone and character that have survived the lapse of three-fourths of a century of time, as well as the influence of the flood of alien peoples that has poured into this section during the last forty years. Mr. Janes was born in Washington County, Vermont, September 18, 1801. He married in Albany, New York, and practiced law and became a judge there before moving … Read more

Stephenson County Illinois World War 1 Veterans

Honor roll of the Great War, Stephenson County, 1917-1919

This small booklet contains all the known men and women who participated in World War 1 and claimed their home of record as Stephenson County, Illinois. By participation, this record does not limit this to soldiers, but also contains the records of those men and women who served the Red Cross, Y.M.C.A., and other non-fighting positions. This book is free to read or download.

Families of Ancient New Haven

Four Corners New Haven Connecticut

The Families of Ancient New Haven compilation includes the families of the ancient town of New Haven, covering the present towns of New Haven, East Haven, North Haven, Hamden, Bethany, Woodbridge and West Haven. These families are brought down to the heads of families in the First Census (1790), and include the generation born about 1790 to 1800. Descendants in the male line who removed from this region are also given, if obtainable, to about 1800, unless they have been adequately set forth in published genealogies.

The genealogy and history of the Ingalls family in America

The genealogy and history of the Ingalls family in America

Edmund Ingalls, son of Robert, was born about 1598 in Skirbeck, Lincolnshire, England. He immigrated in 1628 to Salem, Massachusetts and with his brother, Francis, founded Lynn, Massachusetts in 1629. He married Ann, fathered nine children, and died in 1648.