Genealogy of the descendants of John Walker of Wigton, Scotland

Genealogy of the descendants of John Walker of Wigton, Scotland, with records of a few allied families : also war records and some fragmentary notes pertaining to the history of Virginia, 1600-1902

Surnames Mentioned:

Abernathy, Abernethy, Abernathie, Acres, Adair, Adams, Adamson, Adger, Albin, Albright, Alexander, Allen, Allein, Allerman, Allison, Alter, Alters, Anderson, Andrews, Angellotti, Archer, Ariome, Armour, Armstrong, Arnold, Asbery, Ashford, Ashley, Ashton, Atar, Atkins, Atkyns, Atkinson, Audrain, Austin, Axtel, Axtell, Ayers, Aylette, Babcock, Bacon, Bagby, Bailey, Baird, Baker, Bakewell, Balch, Baldwin, Ball, Ballard, Baltimore, Bancroft, Banks, Banning, Barber, Barclay, Barkdale, Barker, Barnard, Barnes, Barnett, Barr, Barrett, Barrickman, Barry, Barton, Baskett, Baskin, Bateman, Bates, Bayon, Beard, Beahm, Beaty, Beeding, Beezly, Begnell, Belknap, Belnap, Bell, Bennett, Bent, Benton, Beresford, Bergen, Berkley, Bernard, Berry, Berryman, Bickett, Biddle, Biehl, Bigham, Billington, Bird, Bishop, Bissell, Bivins, Blachert, Black, Blacketer, Blackwell, Blackwood, Blair, Blakeman, Bland, Blatchly, Blaydes, Blount, Blunt, Boatright, Boggs, Bohon, Bolling, Bollus, Bonaparte, Bondmant, Bonner, Boone, Boon, Booth, Boquet, Borden, Burden, Boswell, Bouser, Bowdry, Bowen, Bower, Bowling, Bowman, Bowyer, Boyd, Braddock, Bradford, Bradley, Bradly, Bradshaw, Beady, Bragg, Braidenthal, Branch, Brand, Brandon, Brandsletter, Brannen, Brant, Brashears, Bratton, Braxton, Breck, Breckenridge, Breese, Brent, Brevard, Brice, Brickwood, Briggs, Briscoe, Broadus, Brockman, Brooking, Brooks, Brown, Brownlee, Bruce, Brumback, Bruster, Bryam, Bryan, Bryant, Bryce, Buchanan, Buck, Buckner, Bud, Buford, Bugg, Bulkley, Bullock, Bull, Burch, Burnett, Burney, Burns, Burr, Burris, Burson, Burton, Bush, Bussy, Butler, Buzan, Byrd, Byrnside, Cady, Callahan, Caldwell, Calhoun, Calloway, Calvin, Cameron, Campbell, Canady, Canby, Cannon, Cantrell, Capps, Carlson, Carmichael, Carmine, Carpenter, Carr, Carrack, Carrick, Carson, Carter, Cartwright, Caruthers, Cary, Casey, Cass, Cassidy, Cates, Cathay, Cavin, Cearley, Chalmers, Chamberlain, Chambers, Chance, Chandler, Chapman, Charlie, Chase, Chatfield, Chatterdon, Chatterson, Cheek, Chening, Chevalier, Chicester, Childs, Chinn, Chisholm, Chittick, Chitwood, Chrisman, Christian, Chriswell, Churchill, Claflin, Clanahan, Clark, Clarkson, Clarkston, Clay, Claypool, Clayton, Clemens, Clement, Cleveland, Cloyd, Clybourne, Coale, Coalter, Cobb, Cochran, Coffee, Coffin, Colby, Cole, Coles, Coleman, Collier, Collins, Colwell, Combs, Coombs, Compton, Conkling, Connelly, Conover, Conrad, Cook, Cooke, Coop, Cooper, Corcoran, Corl, Cornelius, Cornwallis, Correy, Coryell, Cosby, Coster, Cottingham, Cotton, Couch, Courtney, Cowden, Cowen, Cowgill, Cowles, Cox, Craft, Craig, Crain, Cram, Crane, Craven, Crawford, Creel, Crew, Crews, Crocker, Crockett, Cromwell, Cross, Crow, Cruger, Culton, Culwell, Cumings, Cummings, Cunningham, Curry, Currie, Curtin, Cutton, Dabney, Dale, Daly, Damron, Dandridge, Daniel, Daniels, Darby, Darlington, Darnell, Daugherty, Dougherty, Davenport, Davidson, Davies, Davis, Day, Deadrick, Deathrow, Debrow, Decker, Deming, Denny, Denton, Dewey, DeWitt, Dick, Dickerson, Dickey, Dickson, Diddle, Diehl, Diggs, Dill, Dillon, Dilworth, Dimitry, Dinwiddie, Doak, Doake, Dobbins, Dodds, Dodge, Dohey, Dohoney, Donaldson, Donely, Donihue, Donahue, Dorchester, Dorsey, Doughty, Douglass, Dove, Downey, Downing, Draper, Drewey, Drysdale, Du Bose, Duckworth, Dudley, Duffus, Dulaney, Dunbar, Duncan, Dunker, Dunlap, Dunlevy, Dunn, Duvall, Dyer, Eads, Early, Edge, Edgerly, Edmonson, Edwards, Eldredge, Eldridge, Elliot, Elrod, Embree, Emery, English, Enloe, Eno, Epperson, Epps, Erwin, Wstes, Evans, Everard, Ewing, Ewins, Fairfax, Faivre, Farnsworth, Farragut, Febiger, Felly, Felton, Ferguson, Field, Fillmore, Findlay, Finlay, Finley, Fisher, Fitzgerald, Fitzpatrick, Fitz William, Flaugherty, Fleming, Fletcher, Flint, Flournoy, Flowers, Foote, Foot, Ford, Forney, Forrest, Forte, Foskett, Fouke, Foun, Fox, Frazier, Frame, Freeman, Frink, Frost, Fry, Fullerton, Fulton, Gaines, Gallaher, Galloway, Gamble, Gardiner, Gardner, Gardnier, Garland, Garner, Garnett, Garrett, Garrison, Garth, Gasperson, Gates, Gault, Gauss, George, Gerry, Geyes, Gheislin, Gibbs, Gibson, Gilbert, Gilchrist, Gilkerson, Gillespie, Gillis, Gilmer, Gilmore, Girty, Gist, Glascow, Glasgow, Glover, Gold, Golladay, Gooch, Goodrich, Goodson, Gordon, Gore, Gould, Gracey, Grados, Graham, Grant, Grasty, Gray, Grayson, Greathouse, Greeley, Green, Greenberry, Greenfield, Greenlee, Greenup, Gregg, Gregory, Griffin, Griffith, Griggs, Grimes, Grinnan, Grisham, Guffy, Guilford, Gunter, Haff, Hagood, Haines, Hainline, Hale, Hall, Hamilton, Hamlin, Hammer, Hammond, Hammons, Hand, Handy, Hanglin, Hanna, Hardeman, Harden, Hardin, Hardenbrook, Hargrove, Harlan, Harland, Harmon, Harman, Harney, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Harroun, Hart, Hartman, Harwood, Haskill, Haslem, Hatfield, Havenor, Hawkins, Hawley, Hayden, Haynes, Hays, Hay, Healy, Heathcock, Heatwold, Hedge, Hedgwood, Hemans, Hemphill, Hempstead, Henderson, Hendren, Hendricks, Henley, Henneman, Henry, Hensley, Herrin, Hersman, Hewitt, Hibarger, Hickey, Hicks, Higanbotham, Higginbotham, Higgins, Highfill, Hill, Hindman, Hine, Hines, Hingston, Hinton, Hirst, Hixon, Hoag, Hoague, Hobson, Hodges, Hogan, Hoge, Hogsett, Hogshead, Hogue, Holland, Hollenbeck, Holler, Hollingsworth, Holloway, Holmes, Holt, Hood, Hopewell, Hopkins, Hopping, Horn, Horne, Hornback, Hornbeck, Horton, Housman, Houston, Howard, Howe, Howell, Hubbard, Huddleston, Hudson, Huffman, Hugg, Hughes, Hughing, Hull, Hume, Humes, Hummer, Humphrey, Hungate, Huntgate, Hunt, Hunter, Hurlburt, Hutcheson, Hutchinson, Hyde, Hyatt, Imbri, Inman, intz, Ironsides, Irvin, Irvine, Ervine, Ivins, Jacks, Jackson, Jacobs, Jarret, Jayne, Jeans, Jefferson, Jeffries, Jenkins, Jennings, Jewell, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Joplin, Jordan, Jost, Joy, Judy, Julian, Jull, Jump, Kane, Kasson, Kay, Keagy, Keech, Keen, Keeney, Keiting, Keller, Kelly, Kelso, Kenard, Kendall, Kennady, Kennedy, Kennard, Kenny, Kenogy, Kent, Kester, Kidd, Kimbrough, Kimmel, King, Kinnard, Kinnard, Kinnier, kinney, Kirk, Kirkendal, Kirkpatrick, Kirkwood, Kleinfelter, Klinck, Knott, Knox, Kolb, Kollock, Kretsinger, Kuhn, Kyle, Lacosts, Lacy, Ladd, Lair, Laird, Lamar, Lambert, Lamon, Lamoreau, Lancaster, Lane, Langley, Langston, Lansdale, Lapsley, La Point, Large, Lariner, La Salle, Latham, Law, Lawson, Layne, Lea, Leach, Leake, Leckey, Lee, Leet, Leffler, Leftrich, Legare, Legrand, Lemon, Lemons, Lesley, Leslie, Letcher, Lewis, Leyburn, Libhart, Lightfoot, Lincoln, Lindell, Lindquist, Lindsay, Lindsley, Linthacom, Listre, Litton, Locke, Lockhart, Lockwood, Logan, Lombard, Long, Longstreet, Lonsdale, Looney, Love, Lowry, Lubring, Lucas, Luce, Ludington, Lump, Luna, Lusk, Luster, Luttrell, Lyle, Lynn, lyons, Lytton, Mac Peter, McAden, McAlpine, McBridle, McBroom, McCampbell, McCauley, McChesney, McClellan, McClelland, McClenahan, McClernand, McClung, McClure, McCook, McCorkle, McCormick, McCowan, McCown, McCrosky, McCue, McCune, McCutchin, McCutchen, McCutheon, McCutcheson, McDaniel, McDonald, McDowell, McElvane, McEvain, McEwen, McFarland, McFarlane, McGaughey, McGaw, McGehee, McGinnis, McGuire, McIlhenny, McIlwaine, McKamy, McKay, McKee, McKegy, McKelway, McKenzie, McKinley, McKinney, McKnight, McLary, McLaughlin, McLaw, McMahon, McMillen, McMullan, McMullin, McMurtry, McNeilley, McNish, McNown, McNutt, McPheeters, McQueen, McRae, McSpadden, McSpeden, Mackey, Macomb, Madison, Magill, Magruder, Mahan, Makamie, Maimson, Mallet, Mallett, Malott, Maltby, Mangrum, Mann, Marmaduke, Marquis, Marshall, Marshe, Marstella, Martin, Mason, Mays, Meade, Means, Medcalf, Meigs, Melton, Melvan, Meredith, Merritt, Messerly, Messpley, Metcalf, Mettock, Meyers, Michaels, Miles, Millar, Miller, Minor, Mitchell, Mobley, Moffett, moffitt, Moir, Monk, Monroe, Montgomery, Montague, Montour, Montrose, Moody, Moon, Moore, Moorman, Morgan, Morri, Morris, Morrison, Morrow, Morse, Morsgrove, Morton, Moss, Mundy, Munsell, Murdock, Murphy, Murrell, Murzy, Mustard, Myers, Nadiene, Nangle, Nash, Naylor, Neal, Neely, Nell, Nelson, Newell, Newman, Newton, Nicewander, Nicholson, Nickle, Nisbit, Nisgar, Nixon, Noble, Noel, Norman, Norris, Northrup, Norvell, Nott, Nye, Oakman, Oats, Ogan, Ogle, O’Hara, Olds, Oller, O’Meahra, Omohundra, O’Neal, Onstatt, Orchard, Osborn, Otis, Overall, Owens, Page, Pair, Palmer, Pancoast, Pannil, Parker, Parkison, Parmer, Parrotte, Parry, Parsons, Patrick, Patterson, Patton, Paul, Paulline, Paxton, Payne, Payton, Peabody, Pearce, Pease, Pearsall, Peck, Pedelford, Peebles, Pegram, Pelligren, Pendleton, Penn, Pennell, Pennington, Perick, Perrick, Perry, Peters, Petter, Pettus, Petty, Peyton, Phelps, Phillips, Phresher, Pickens, Pickerell, Pickering, Pickett, Pierce, Pile, Pyle, Pinney, Piper, Pise, Pittman, Plaste, Platt, Playfair, Pleasant, Poage, Poague, Polk, Pollard, Pollock, Poole, Pope, Porter, Portlock, Posey, Potts, Powell, Powers, Pratt, Prennett, Prentice, Prescott, Preston, Price, Priest, Proctor, Prosser, Provine, Pruitt, Pullain, Purg, Quebec, Race, Raeville, Ragland, Ralston, Ramsey, Randolph, Rankin, Ranklin, Ratcliffe, Rathell, Raugh, Rawley, Ray, Rayburn, Read, Reardon, Reed, Rector, Reddick, Reeves, Reid, Renaud, Renick, Renken, Rentgen, Reynolds, Rhea, Rhoades, Rice, Rich, Richards, Richardson, Rickard, Ricketts, Ridenour, Rider, Riffley, Rind, Ringland, Risk, Ritchey, Rivens, Rizer, Roach, Rob, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Robison, Rodgers, Rodlinson, Rogers, Rolf, Ronald, Root, Rorer, Rose, Rosebro, Rosecrans, Rosenberry, Ross, Rossington, Rothman, Rountree, Rowan, Rowe, Rowland, Rowles, Rowley, Roy, Ruffner, Rushing, Russell, Rutherford, Ryan, Saffel, Safferance, Sage, Sagers, Sale, Sample, Sanders, Sandidge, Sands, Sannoner, Sargent, Saunders, Savage, Schneider, Schrekkenart, Schuyler, Scott, Seaton, Seay, Sbeastian, Sedberry, See, Seeley, Seeright, Selfridge, Sellers, Sessions, Settington, Sevier, Seward, Seyburn, Shankland, Shanks, Shannon, Shed, Shegg, Shelbey, Sheldon, Shelly, Shelton, Sheridan, Sherlock, Sherman, Sherwood, Shields, Shirley, Shirrod, Shotwell, Shue, Shuey, Shuff, Siggins, Simpson, Sinclair, Singer, Singleton, Sizer, Skinner, Slabaugh, Slaven, Smiley, Smith, Smithson, Snead, Sneed, Snider, Snyder, Snodgrass, Sommers, Somers, Summers, Southall, Spears, Speece, Spellman, Spotswood, Stahl, St. Clair, St. Claire, Stanard, Stanford, Stantree, Starkweather, Stearns, Steel, Steele, Stelle, Stephens, Stephenson, Stepp, Sterrett, Steuben, Stevens, Stevenson, Still, Stimmer, Stinson, Stockton, Stockwell, Stoddard, Stogwell, Stokes, Stone, Story, Stotts, Stover, Strain, Strawther, Street, Strickler, Stuart, Stewart, Stubbins, Stull, Sturgeon, Sullivan, Sully, Summerville, Sumner, Surridge, Sutherland, Sutton, Swain, Sweeney, Swink, Swoope, Sympson, Tabb, Taber, Tabor, Talmage, Tandy, Tarlton, Tarleton, Tasker, Tate, Taylor, Teacker, Teale, Tedford, Telford, Temple, Terrel, Terrell, Thomas, Thomason, Thomson, Thompson, Thorn, Thornberry, Thornton, Thorowgood, Thurlow, Thurman, Thurmond, Tibbetts, Tifany, Tiffany, Tilford, Tilton, Timberman, Tippy, Tobien, Tod, Todd, Tolman, Tomkins, Tomlin, Toole, Toomy, Tooney, Tough, Townsend, Towson, Tracer, Tracy, Trammell, Tranton, Traughber, Trayham, Tremaine, Tremmel, Trimble, Trinnell, Tripp, Trotti, True, Tumbull, Trusell, Tucker, Tuesdale, Tull, Tunnecliffe, Turk, Turner, Tutt, Tuttle, Tweedle, Twitty, Underhill, Underwood, Updyke, Van Buren, Van Cleave, Van Dorn, Van Delishmut, Van Dyck, Van Meter, Van Sweringen, Van Valkenburg, Vaughn, Venable, Vesey, Vieten, Von Brocke, Vorhees, Waddel, Waddell, Waddy, Wade, Waggener, Waggoner, Wakefield, Wallace, Waller, Walkup, Walters, Wlaworth, Walz, Wampler, Ward, Ware, Wardlaw, Warnock, Warren, Warwick, Washburn, Washington, Waterman, Waters, Watson, Watts, Way, Wayne, Wear, Weatherby, Webster, Weed, Weir, Weiser, Welch, Welsh, Weld, Wells, Wentgen, West, Westbrook, Westfall, Wetzel, Weymire, Wharton, Wheeler, Whilly, White, Whitfield, Whitford, Whitley, Whitsitt, Whitmore, Whitworth, Wilbarger, Wicker, Wicks, Wilburn, Wilcox, Wilcoxen, Wilford, Wilkerson, Wilkinson, Wilkins, Willock, Williams, Williamson, Willis, Willy, Wilmer, Wilson, Winchester, Winder, Winsel, Winslow, Wisdom, Wise, Witherspoon, Wood, Woodruff, Woods, Woodsnall, Woodson, Woodward, Wooley, Wooten, Work, Workman, Worley, Wormley, Worth, Worthington, Wright, Wyatt, Wyland, Wylie, Wyne, Wythe, Yancey, Yarwood, Yates, Yeaman, Yerger, Yorkshire, Young, Younger, Zane, Zinzendorf, Zollars, Zumalt,

Abernathie, Abernathy, Abernethy, Acres, Adair, Adams, Adamson, Adger, Albin, Albright, Alexander, Allein, Allen, Allerman, Allison, Alter, Alters, Anderson, Andrews, Angellotti, Archer, Ariome, Armour, Armstrong, Arnold, Asbery, Ashford, Ashley, Ashton, Atar, Atkins, Atkinson, Atkyns, Audrain, Austin, Axtel, Axtell, Ayers, Aylette, Babcock, Bacon, Bagby, Bailey, Baird, Baker, Bakewell, Balch, Baldwin, Ball, Ballard, Baltimore, Bancroft, Banks, Banning, Barber, Barclay, Barkdale, Barker, Barnard, Barnes, Barnett, Barr, Barrett, Barrickman, Barry, Barton, Baskett, Baskin, Bateman, Bates, Bayon, Beady, Beahm, Beard, Beaty, Beeding, Beezly, Begnell, Belknap, Bell, Belnap, Bennett, Bent, Benton, Beresford, Bergen, Berkley, Bernard, Berry, Berryman, Bickett, Biddle, Biehl, Bigham, Billington, Bird, Bishop, Bissell, Bivins, Blachert, Black, Blacketer, Blackwell, Blackwood, Blair, Blakeman, Bland, Blatchly, Blaydes, Blount, Blunt, Boatright, Boggs, Bohon, Bolling, Bollus, Bonaparte, Bondmant, Bonner, Boon, Boone, Booth, Boquet, Borden, Boswell, Bouser, Bowdry, Bowen, Bower, Bowling, Bowman, Bowyer, Boyd, Braddock, Bradford, Bradley, Bradly, Bradshaw, Bragg, Braidenthal, Branch, Brand, Brandon, Brandsletter, Brannen, Brant, Brashears, Bratton, Braxton, Breck, Breckenridge, Breese, Brent, Brevard, Brice, Brickwood, Briggs, Briscoe, Broadus, Brockman, Brooking, Brooks, Brown, Brownlee, Bruce, Brumback, Bruster, Bryam, Bryan, Bryant, Bryce, Buchanan, Buck, Buckner, Bud, Buford, Bugg, Bulkley, Bull, Bullock, Burch, Burden, Burnett, Burney, Burns, Burr, Burris, Burson, Burton, Bush, Bussy, Butler, Buzan, Byrd, Byrnside, Cady, Caldwell, Calhoun, Callahan, Calloway, Calvin, Cameron, Campbell, Canady, Canby, Cannon, Cantrell, Capps, Carlson, Carmichael, Carmine, Carpenter, Carr, Carrack, Carrick, Carson, Carter, Cartwright, Caruthers, Cary, Casey, Cass, Cassidy, Cates, Cathay, Cavin, Cearley, Chalmers, Chamberlain, Chambers, Chance, Chandler, Chapman, Charlie, Chase, Chatfield, Chatterdon, Chatterson, Cheek, Chening, Chevalier, Chicester, Childs, Chinn, Chisholm, Chittick, Chitwood, Chrisman, Christian, Chriswell, Churchill, Claflin, Clanahan, Clark, Clarkson, Clarkston, Clay, Claypool, Clayton, Clemens, Clement, Cleveland, Cloyd, Clybourne, Coale, Coalter, Cobb, Cochran, Coffee, Coffin, Colby, Cole, Coleman, Coles, Collier, Collins, Colwell, Combs, Compton, Conkling, Connelly, Conover, Conrad, Cook, Cooke, Coombs, Coop, Cooper, Corcoran, Corl, Cornelius, Cornwallis, Correy, Coryell, Cosby, Coster, Cottingham, Cotton, Couch, Courtney, Cowden, Cowen, Cowgill, Cowles, Cox, Craft, Craig, Crain, Cram, Crane, Craven, Crawford, Creel, Crew, Crews, Crocker, Crockett, Cromwell, Cross, Crow, Cruger, Culton, Culwell, Cumings, Cummings, Cunningham, Currie, Curry, Curtin, Cutton, Dabney, Dale, Daly, Damron, Dandridge, Daniel, Daniels, Darby, Darlington, Darnell, Daugherty, Davenport, Davidson, Davies, Davis, Day, Deadrick, Deathrow, Debrow, Decker, Deming, Denny, Denton, Dewey, Dewitt, Dick, Dickerson, Dickey, Dickson, Diddle, Diehl, Diggs, Dill, Dillon, Dilworth, Dimitry, Dinwiddie, Doak, Doake, Dobbins, Dodds, Dodge, Dohey, Dohoney, Donahue, Donaldson, Donely, Donihue, Dorchester, Dorsey, Dougherty, Doughty, Douglass, Dove, Downey, Downing, Draper, Drewey, Drysdale, Du Bose, Duckworth, Dudley, Duffus, Dulaney, Dunbar, Duncan, Dunker, Dunlap, Dunlevy, Dunn, Duvall, Dyer, Eads, Early, Edge, Edgerly, Edmonson, Edwards, Eldredge, Eldridge, Elliot, Elrod, Embree, Emery, English, Enloe, Eno, Epperson, Epps, Ervine, Erwin, Estes, Evans, Everard, Ewing, Ewins, Fairfax, Faivre, Farnsworth, Farragut, Febiger, Felly, Felton, Ferguson, Field, Fillmore, Findlay, Finlay, Finley, Fisher, Fitz William, Fitzgerald, Fitzpatrick, Flaugherty, Fleming, Fletcher, Flint, Flournoy, Flowers, Foot, Foote, Ford, Forney, Forrest, Forte, Foskett, Fouke, Foun, Fox, Frame, Frazier, Freeman, Frink, Frost, Fry, Fullerton, Fulton, Gaines, Gallaher, Galloway, Gamble, Gardiner, Gardner, Gardnier, Garland, Garner, Garnett, Garrett, Garrison, Garth, Gasperson, Gates, Gault, Gauss, George, Gerry, Geyes, Gheislin, Gibbs, Gibson, Gilbert, Gilchrist, Gilkerson, Gillespie, Gillis, Gilmer, Gilmore, Girty, Gist, Glascow, Glasgow, Glover, Gold, Golladay, Gooch, Goodrich, Goodson, Gordon, Gore, Gould, Gracey, Grados, Graham, Grant, Grasty, Gray, Grayson, Greathouse, Greeley, Green, Greenberry, Greenfield, Greenlee, Greenup, Gregg, Gregory, Griffin, Griffith, Griggs, Grimes, Grinnan, Grisham, Guffy, Guilford, Gunter, Haff, Hagood, Haines, Hainline, Hale, Hall, Hamilton, Hamlin, Hammer, Hammond, Hammons, Hand, Handy, Hanglin, Hanna, Hardeman, Harden, Hardenbrook, Hardin, Hargrove, Harlan, Harland, Harman, Harmon, Harney, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Harroun, Hart, Hartman, Harwood, Haskill, Haslem, Hatfield, Havenor, Hawkins, Hawley, Hay, Hayden, Haynes, Hays, Healy, Heathcock, Heatwold, Hedge, Hedgwood, Hemans, Hemphill, Hempstead, Henderson, Hendren, Hendricks, Henley, Henneman, Henry, Hensley, Herrin, Hersman, Hewitt, Hibarger, Hickey, Hicks, Higanbotham, Higginbotham, Higgins, Highfill, Hill, Hindman, Hine, Hines, Hingston, Hinton, Hirst, Hixon, Hoag, Hoague, Hobson, Hodges, Hogan, Hoge, Hogsett, Hogshead, Hogue, Holland, Hollenbeck, Holler, Hollingsworth, Holloway, Holmes, Holt, Hood, Hopewell, Hopkins, Hopping, Horn, Hornback, Hornbeck, Horne, Horton, Housman, Houston, Howard, Howe, Howell, Hubbard, Huddleston, Hudson, Huffman, Hugg, Hughes, Hughing, Hull, Hume, Humes, Hummer, Humphrey, Hungate, Hunt, Hunter, Huntgate, Hurlburt, Hutcheson, Hutchinson, Hyatt, Hyde, Imbri, Inman, intz, Ironsides, Irvin, Irvine, Ivins, Jacks, Jackson, Jacobs, Jarret, Jayne, Jeans, Jefferson, Jeffries, Jenkins, Jennings, Jewell, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Joplin, Jordan, Jost, Joy, Judy, Julian, Jull, Jump, Kane, Kasson, Kay, Keagy, Keech, Keen, Keeney, Keiting, Keller, Kelly, Kelso, Kenard, Kendall, Kennady, Kennard, Kennedy, Kenny, Kenogy, Kent, Kester, Kidd, Kimbrough, Kimmel, King, Kinnard, Kinney, Kinnier, Kirk, Kirkendal, Kirkpatrick, Kirkwood, Kleinfelter, Klinck, Knott, Knox, Kolb, Kollock, Kretsinger, Kuhn, Kyle, La Point, La Salle, Lacosts, Lacy, Ladd, Lair, Laird, Lamar, Lambert, Lamon, Lamoreau, Lancaster, Lane, Langley, Langston, Lansdale, Lapsley, Large, Lariner, Latham, Law, Lawson, Layne, Lea, Leach, Leake, Leckey, Lee, Leet, Leffler, Leftrich, Legaré, LeGrand, Lemon, Lemons, Lesley, Leslie, Letcher, Lewis, Leyburn, Libhart, Lightfoot, Lincoln, Lindell, Lindquist, Lindsay, Lindsley, Linthacom, Listre, Litton, Locke, Lockhart, Lockwood, Logan, Lombard, Long, Longstreet, Lonsdale, Looney, Love, Lowry, Lubring, Lucas, Luce, Ludington, Lump, Luna, Lusk, Luster, Luttrell, Lyle, Lynn, Lyons, Lytton, M'Clary, Mac Peter, Mackey, Macomb, Madison, Magill, Magruder, Mahan, Maimson, Makamie, Mallet, Mallett, Malott, Maltby, Mangrum, Mann, Marmaduke, Marquis, Marshall, Marshe, Marstella, Martin, Mason, Mays, McAden, McAlpine, McBridle, McBroom, McCampbell, McCauley, McChesney, McClellan, McClelland, McClenahan, McClernand, McClung, McClure, McCook, McCorkle, McCormick, McCowan, McCown, McCrosky, McCue, McCune, McCutchen, McCutcheson, McCutchin, McCutheon, McDaniel, McDonald, McDowell, McElvane, McEvain, McEwen, McFarland, McFarlane, McGaughey, McGaw, McGehee, McGinnis, McGuire, McIlhenny, McIlwaine, McKamy, McKay, McKee, McKegy, McKelway, McKenzie, McKinley, McKinney, McKnight, McLaughlin, McLaw, McMahon, McMillen, McMullan, McMullin, McMurtry, McNeilley, McNish, McNown, McNutt, McPheeters, McQueen, McRae, McSpadden, McSpeden, Meade, Means, Medcalf, Meigs, Melton, Melvan, Meredith, Merritt, Messerly, Messpley, Metcalf, Mettock, Meyers, Michaels, Miles, Millar, Miller, Minor, Mitchell, Mobley, Moffett, Moffitt, Moir, Monk, Monroe, Montague, Montgomery, Montour, Montrose, Moody, Moon, Moore, Moorman, Morgan, Morri, Morris, Morrison, Morrow, Morse, Morsgrove, Morton, Moss, Mundy, Munsell, Murdock, Murphy, Murrell, Murzy, Mustard, Myers, Nadiene, Nangle, Nash, Naylor, Neal, Neely, Nell, Nelson, Newell, Newman, Newton, Nicewander, Nicholson, Nickle, Nisbit, Nisgar, Nixon, Noble, Noel, Norman, Norris, Northrup, Norvell, Nott, Nye, O'Hara, O'Meahra, O'Neal, Oakman, Oats, Ogan, Ogle, Olds, Oller, Omohundra, Onstatt, Orchard, Osborn, Otis, Overall, Owens, Page, Pair, Palmer, Pancoast, Pannil, Parker, Parkison, Parmer, Parrotte, Parry, Parsons, Patrick, Patterson, Patton, Paul, Paulline, Paxton, Payne, Payton, Peabody, Pearce, Pearsall, Pease, Peck, Pedelford, Peebles, Pegram, Pelligren, Pendleton, Penn, Pennell, Pennington, Perick, Perrick, Perry, Peters, Petter, Pettus, Petty, Peyton, Phelps, Phillips, Phresher, Pickens, Pickerell, Pickering, Pickett, Pierce, Pile, Pinney, Piper, Pise, Pittman, Plaste, Platt, Playfair, Pleasant, Poage, Poague, Polk, Pollard, Pollock, Poole, Pope, Porter, Portlock, Posey, Potts, Powell, Powers, Pratt, Prennett, Prentice, Prescott, Preston, Price, Priest, Proctor, Prosser, Provine, Pruitt, Pullain, Purg, Pyle, Quebec, Race, Raeville, Ragland, Ralston, Ramsey, Randolph, Rankin, Ranklin, Ratcliffe, Rathell, Raugh, Rawley, Ray, Rayburn, Read, Reardon, Rector, Reddick, Reed, Reeves, Reid, Renaud, Renick, Renken, Rentgen, Reynolds, Rhea, Rhoades, Rice, Rich, Richards, Richardson, Rickard, Ricketts, Ridenour, Rider, Riffley, Rind, Ringland, Risk, Ritchey, Rivens, Rizer, Roach, Rob, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Robison, Rodgers, Rodlinson, Rogers, Rolf, Ronald, Root, Rorer, Rose, Rosebro, Rosecrans, Rosenberry, Ross, Rossington, Rothman, Rountree, Rowan, Rowe, Rowland, Rowles, Rowley, Roy, Ruffner, Rushing, Russell, Rutherford, Ryan, Saffel, Safferance, Sage, Sagers, Sale, Sample, Sanders, Sandidge, Sands, Sannoner, Sargent, Saunders, Savage, Sbeastian, Schneider, Schrekkenart, Schuyler, Scott, Seaton, Seay, Sedberry, See, Seeley, Seeright, Selfridge, Sellers, Sessions, Settington, Sevier, Seward, Seyburn, Shankland, Shanks, Shannon, Shed, Shegg, Shelbey, Sheldon, Shelly, Shelton, Sheridan, Sherlock, Sherman, Sherwood, Shields, Shirley, Shirrod, Shotwell, Shue, Shuey, Shuff, Siggins, Simpson, Sinclair, Singer, Singleton, Sizer, Skinner, Slabaugh, Slaven, Smiley, Smith, Smithson, Snead, Sneed, Snider, Snodgrass, Snyder, Somers, Sommers, Southall, Spears, Speece, Spellman, Spotswood, St. Clair, St. Claire, Stahl, Stanard, Stanford, Stantree, Starkweather, Stearns, Steel, Steele, Stelle, Stephens, Stephenson, Stepp, Sterrett, Steuben, Stevens, Stevenson, Stewart, Still, Stimmer, Stinson, Stockton, Stockwell, Stoddard, Stogwell, Stokes, Stone, Story, Stotts, Stover, Strain, Strawther, Street, Strickler, Stuart, Stubbins, Stull, Sturgeon, Sullivan, Sully, Summers, Summerville, Sumner, Surridge, Sutherland, Sutton, Swain, Sweeney, Swink, Swoope, Sympson, Tabb, Taber, Tabor, Talmage, Tandy, Tarleton, Tarlton, Tasker, Tate, Taylor, Teacker, Teale, Tedford, Telford, Temple, Terrel, Terrell, Thomas, Thomason, Thompson, Thomson, Thorn, Thornberry, Thornton, Thorowgood, Thurlow, Thurman, Thurmond, Tibbetts, Tifany, Tiffany, Tilford, Tilton, Timberman, Tippy, Tobien, Tod, Todd, Tolman, Tomkins, Tomlin, Toole, Toomy, Tooney, Tough, Townsend, Towson, Tracer, Tracy, Trammell, Tranton, Traughber, Trayham, Tremaine, Tremmel, Trimble, Trinnell, Tripp, Trotti, True, Trusell, Tucker, Tuesdale, Tull, Tumbull, Tunnecliffe, Turk, Turner, Tutt, Tuttle, Tweedle, Twitty, Underhill, Underwood, Updyke, Van Buren, Van Cleave, Van Delishmut, Van Dorn, Van Dyck, Van Meter, Van Sweringen, Van Valkenburg, Vaughn, Venable, Vesey, Vieten, Von Brocke, Vorhees, Waddel, Waddell, Waddy, Wade, Waggener, Waggoner, Wakefield, Walkup, Wallace, Waller, Walters, Walz, Wampler, Ward, Wardlaw, Ware, Warnock, Warren, Warwick, Washburn, Washington, Waterman, Waters, Watson, Watts, Way, Wayne, Wear, Weatherby, Webster, Weed, Weir, Weiser, Welch, Weld, Wells, Welsh, Wentgen, West, Westbrook, Westfall, Wetzel, Weymire, Wharton, Wheeler, Whilly, White, Whitfield, Whitford, Whitley, Whitmore, Whitsitt, Whitworth, Wicker, Wicks, Wilbarger, Wilburn, Wilcox, Wilcoxen, Wilford, Wilkerson, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Williams, Williamson, Willis, Willock, Willy, Wilmer, Wilson, Winchester, Winder, Winsel, Winslow, Wisdom, Wise, Witherspoon, Wlaworth, Wood, Woodruff, Woods, Woodsnall, Woodson, Woodward, Wooley, Wooten, Work, Workman, Worley, Wormley, Worth, Worthington, Wright, Wyatt, Wyland, Wylie, Wyne, Wythe, Yancey, Yarwood, Yates, Yeaman, Yerger, Yorkshire, Young, Younger, Zane, Zinzendorf, Zollars, Zumalt,


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