Darby, Mrs. – Obituary

Mrs. A.E. Darby died Sunday morning of the influenza just ten days after the death of her husband. Short outdoor services were held at the house at one o’clock Monday. The body was taken to Salem for burial. It was taken by the mother and brother of the deceased. Mrs. Darby leaves one child which will be taken care of by her mother Mrs. Davis. (This article states A.E.- Husband listed in his obituary as O.E.) Wallowa County Reporter Thursday December 26, 1918

Henry County Alabama Biographies

Hon Robert H. Walker

These 59 people who once resided in Henry County, Alabama, have had biographical details published online or in book form. Please click on their names to view the biographies available for each of them. Aycock, William B. Baker, Joseph Beach, Henry M. Bradley, William E. Capps, William Jefferson Crawford, A. C. Crawford, James R. Crawford, James W. Darby, John Isaac Dawsey, John F. Dawsey, Thomas J. Drewry, John W. Espy, John Jolly Espy, Joseph S. Espy, Thomas M. Forrester, B. A. Foster, John Webb Fowler, J. L., Dr. Gordon, Alexander C. Helton, James Herring, Bright W. Holley, Francis M. Irwin, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Eaton Darby

Darby, John Eaton; physician; born, South Williamstown, Mass., Aug. 20, 1835; son of William and Electa (Edwards) Darby; A. B., Williams College, 1858; M. D., Western Reserve Medical College, 1861; married at Cleveland, Julia Frances Wright, of Hudson, O., April 11, 1861 (died May 3, 1867); 2d, Emma Maybell Cox, of Cleveland, May 1, 1872 (died June 2, 1888); prof. Latin and Greek, Cleveland Institute, 1858-1860; demonstrator anatomy, Western Reserve Medical College, 1861-1862; surgeon in Civil War, 1862-1866; surgeon Cleveland & Pittsburg R. R., 1867-1887; member medical board, City Hospital, 1895-1908; emeritus prof. therapeutics, 1906, Western Reserve Medical College; has … Read more

Darby, O. E. Rev. – Obituary

Rev. Darby A Victim of Influenza Rev. O. E. Darby, Christian minister at Lostine, died of bronchial pneumonia at his home in that on Friday evening, Dec. 13th. He contracted the illness while attending a ministerial meeting at Portland and was ill about one week. The body was held at Lostine until Tuesday when it was taken to Salem for burial. Mrs. Darby is very low with pneumonia and not expected to survive. They have one child one year old and sick with influenza. Miss Darby a sister of the deceased, accompanied the remains to Salem for burial. Wallowa County … Read more

Weymouth ways and Weymouth people

Weymouth ways and Weymouth people

Edward Hunt’s “Weymouth ways and Weymouth people: Reminiscences” takes the reader back in Weymouth Massachusetts past to the 1830s through the 1880s as he provides glimpses into the people of the community. These reminiscences were mostly printed in the Weymouth Gazette and provide a fair example of early New England village life as it occurred in the mid 1800s. Of specific interest to the genealogist will be the Hunt material scattered throughout, but most specifically 286-295, and of course, those lucky enough to have had somebody “remembered” by Edward.