Biographical Sketch of Isaac Morris

Morris, Isaac; manager; born, Cradley, England, Aug. 4, 1853; son of John Morris; educated, English common schools; married, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Mary Allen Southall; issue, two sons and two daughters; citizen-Republican; one of the common people; business career, messenger, 1863; telegraph operator, 1870; steelworker, 1872 to 1878; Western Union Telegraph Co., as operator, chief operator and mgr., 1878 to 1903; mgr. American District Night Watch and Fire Alarm System, 1903 to date; F. & A. M., past presiding officer of all bodies; Oriental Commandery, K. T., past commander and present prelate; A. A. S. R., past master Rose Croix Chapter. Recreation: … Read more

James M. Morris

Private 1st Class, 7th Anti-Aircraft Btry., 10th Regt., A. A. Sector; of Henderson County; son of W. A. and A. B. Morris. Entered service May 25, 1917, at Hendersonville, N.C. Sent to Ft. Caswell. Transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France June 10, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne, Verdun, Toul Sector. Gassed at St. Mihiel. Returned to USA January 5, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Wadsworth, S. C., Feb. 11, 1919.

Abstracts of Wills on File in the City of New York Surrogate’s Office 1660-1680

Sample Last Will and Testament

Abstracts of wills on file in the surrogate’s office city of New York 1660-1680. From May 1787 to the present, county surrogate’s courts have recorded probates. However, the court of probates and court of chancery handled estates of deceased persons who died in one county but who owned property in another. An 1823 law mandated that all probates come under the jurisdiction of the county surrogate’s courts. Each surrogate’s court has a comprehensive index to all probate records, including the unrecorded probate packets. Interestingly enough, there are wills existing and on record at the Surrogate’s Office in New York City for the time-span of 1660-1680. Genealogical extracts of these wills have been provided below.

Ponca Tribe

Chief Standing Bear

Ponca Indians. One of the five tribes of the so-called Dhegiha group of the Siouan family, forming with the Omaha, Osage, and Kansa, the upper Dhegiha or Omaha division. The Ponca and Omaha have the same language, differing only in some dialectic forms and approximating the Quapaw rather than the Kansa and Osage languages. The early history of the tribe is the same as that of the other tribes of the group, and, after the first separation, is identical with that, of the Omaha. After the migration of the combined body to the mouth of Osage river the first division of the Omaha group … Read more

Mt. Olive Baptist Church Cemetery, Cass County, Illinois

Mount Olive Cemetery, Cass County, Illinois

The Mt. Olive Baptist Church Cemetery is located about halfway (approx. 7 miles each way) between Chandlerville and Oakford, Illinois. It is located at the intersection of the Chandlerville-Oakford Road and Pontiac Road. Look for Mt. Olive Baptist Church. This is a transcription of the cemetery.

Morris, Wilma May – Obituary

La Grande, Oregon Wilma May Morris, 86, a lifetime resident of Union County, died Sept. 1 at a local care facility. A memorial service will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday at First Baptist Church in La Grande. Private interment was held at the Summerville Cemetery. Mrs. Morris was born May 21, 1920, the daughter of Spencer D. and Nellie B. (Poole) Burch in Elgin. On Aug. 31, 1941 she married Manford Morris in La Grande. They farmed together on an 1896 Century Farm in Cove for many years. She was a member of the La Grande First Baptist Church … Read more

Morris, Mary Jean Metcalf Mrs. – Obituary

La Grande, Oregon Mary Jean Morris, 78, of La Grande died Feb. 19, 2004, at Grande Ronde Hospital in La Grande. A service in celebration of her life was at 11 a.m. today at Mount Hope Cemetery. She was born on May 7, 1925, at La Grande to Easton and Maurine Thompson Metcalf. She spent her early childhood in La Grande. The family moved to Telocaset and later to Durkee following her father’s career with the railroad. She was a Baker High School graduate. After graduation, she went to work for Woolworth’s in Baker City. She married Robert “Chuck” Morris … Read more

Biography of Hon. Benjamin Shackelford

But few men of his day and time, a period when judges held office during good behavior, occupied the circuit bench longer than Judge Benjamin Shackelford. For thirty-six years-more than the average of human life-he presided over the Circuit Court of this judicial district. And during that time fewer of his decisions were reversed by the higher courts than of any judge, perhaps, in the State. Although making no parade of it, Judge Shackelford possessed in a full measure that absolute incorruptibility that insures purity in the administration of the law. His judgments were always distinctly marked with impartiality and … Read more

A History of Washington Valley New Jersey

Washington Valley plotted from earliest available deeds

In 1949 a committee came together to prepare a history of Washington Valley New Jersey. From its origins as a settlement in 1749 through the pivotal moments of the Revolutionary War and into the nineteenth century, they delve into the lives of the early families who once called this valley home. Despite the challenges of piecing together a fragmented historical record, their endeavor aims to illuminate the valley’s heritage, drawing on a diverse array of sources, from land deeds and wills to personal anecdotes and genealogical research. This book is free to read or to download as a PDF.

1899 Directory for Middleboro and Lakeville Massachusetts

1899 Middleboro and Lakeville Massachusetts Directory Cover

Resident and business directory of Middleboro’ and Lakeville, Massachusetts, for 1899. Containing a complete resident, street and business directory, town officers, schools, societies, churches, post offices, notable events in American history, etc. Compiled and published by A. E. Foss & Co., Needham, Massachusetts. The following is an example of what you will find within the images of the directory: Sheedy John, laborer, bds. J. G. Norris’, 35 West Sheehan John B., grocery and variety store, 38 West, h. do. Sheehan Lizzie O., bds. T. B. Sheehan’s, 16 East Main Sheehan Lucy G. B., bds. T. B. Sheehan’s, 16 East Main … Read more

Wintergreen Cemetery, Port Gibson, Mississippi

Wintergreen Cemetery, Port Gibson, Mississippi

This survey of Wintergreen Cemetery, Port Gibson, Mississippi, was completed in 1956 by Mr. Gordon M. Wells and published by Joyce Bridges the same year. It contains the cemetery readings Mr. Wells was able to obtain at that date. It is highly likely that not all of the gravestones had survived up to that point, and it is even more likely that a large portion of interred individuals never had a gravestone.

Record of the Smith family descended from John Smith

Record of the Smith family descended from John Smith

This book contains the history of the descendants of John Smith, born in Ireland in 1686, died in Uwchlan, Chester County, Pennsylvania, December 19, 1765; and his wife, Susanna, born in Ireland in 1691, died in Uwchlan, Chester County, Pennsylvania, December 24, 1767.

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Morris

The parents of Joshua and Samuel Morris died in Virginia. Joshua married Narcissa Vallandigham, and settled in Missouri in 1821. Their children were William H., Samuel J., Lewis R., Sarah J., and Rachel A. Samuel Morris, brother of Joshua, was a saddler by trade, and made such good saddles that they became popular all over the country, and he had all the work he could do. He settled in Missouri in 1821, and married Esther Bryan, daughter of Henry Bryan. Their children were Joshua, Chester, Marion, Naoma, Cynthia, Lucinda, Julia, Virlena, and Alice. Mr. Morris lives in Saline County; his … Read more

Biography of Thomas Morris

THOMAS MORRIS. Perseverance, intelligence and industry combine oto form the price of success in farming in these modern days of agricultural work, when the hard, unremitting toil of former years has given way in large degree to the scientific use of modern machinery and a comprehensive knowledge of intelligent methods of treating the soil, Madison County is the home of many skilled farmers who treat their vocation more as a profession than as a mere occupation and take a pardonable and justifiable pride in their accomplishments, among, these being Thomas Morris, the owner of eighty acres of fine land located … Read more

Biography of Mont Morris

The agricultural interests of Nodaway township find a worthy representative in Mont Morris, who is the owner of an excellent farm of one hundred and twenty acres situated on the southwest quarter of section 23. This farm is largely devoted to the raising of stock and Mr. Morris is well known as a breeder of shorthorn cattle. He was born in Champaign county, Illinois, October 22, 1866, and is a son of Price W. and Elizabeth (Horr) Morris, both of whom were natives of Ohio but spent their last days in Page county. The father devoted his entire life to … Read more

Morris, Vernon Antone – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Vernon Antone Morris, 85, a former Baker City resident, died Nov. 25, 2004, in Prineville. His funeral will be at 1:30 p.m. Thursday at Coles Funeral Home. Military honors will be performed by Baker City AMVETS, No. 1874. Visitations will be from noon to 7 p.m. Wednesday at Coles Funeral Home, 1950 Place St. Private interment will be at Mount Hope Cemetery. Mr. Morris was born in 1919 to Sam and Oradelia Chmidling Morris in Baker City. Vernon was reared on his grandfather Chmidling’s farm north of Baker City. He was a member of a family of … Read more

Sevier County 1830 Tennessee Census

1830 Sevier County Census transcription

Published in Knoxville, Tennessee in 1956 and distributed by the Genealogical Publishing Company of Baltimore, Maryland, Sevier County, Tennessee: Population Schedule of the United States Census of 1830 (Fifth Census) provides a transcription of the often difficult to read, 1830 Sevier County Tennessee census. Authored by Blanche C. McMahon and Pollyanna Creekmore, this meticulous reproduction of the original census record sheds light on the people of Sevier County in 1830.

Biography of Honorable Daniel Buck

Daniel Buck came to Norwich in 1784 or ’85, and opened the first lawyer’s office in town, on the hill near the old center meeting house, then just being completed and there continued to live and transact business for twenty-five years, or until he removed to Chelsea in 1809. Norwich then contained probably about one thousand inhabitants, but no village, there being at that time not over three or four dwellings where Norwich village now stands. But little is known of Mr. Buck previous to his coming to Norwich. He was born at Hebron, Conn., November 9, 1753, and was … Read more