1893 Ieshatubby Roll

Shonian, Chickasaw

This is a verified roll of Chickasaws registered by Ieshatubby in the Choctaw Nation under the act of June 20, 1893. The sheets are divided into columns for names, number of men, number of women, number of boys, number of girls, and totals. This roll does not indicate the amount paid or the recipients of the payments. It consists of two sheets of legal-cap paper; some names are written in ink, others in pencil. The word “paid” is generally written or indicated by ditto marks in the totals column. This roll was utilized by the Dawes Commission for enrollment purposes but was never indexed.

Biography of William L. Yancey

William L. Yancey. The various items in the career of William L. Yancey show that he is one of Champaign County’s farmers who have made more than an ordinary success, and that while acquiring material prosperity he has not neglected those public interests which claim his attention in common with all good citizens. Though he started life comparatively a poor man, he now has a farm in Mahomet Township which is easily among the best in that section. He is a native son of Champaign County and his record is such that everywhere his word is considered as good as … Read more