Slave Narrative of Emma Grisham

Person Interviewed: Emma Grisham Location: Nashville, Tennessee Place of Residence: 1118 Jefferson St., Nashville, Tennessee Age: 90s “I wuz bawn in Nashville. I’se up in 90 y’ars, but I tell dem I’se still young. I lived on Gallatin Pike long ‘fore de war, an uster se’d de soldiers ride by.” “Mah marsters name wuz Wm. Penn Harding. Mah daddy wuz sold at Sparta, Tennessee ‘fore I wuz bawn en Marster Harding bought ‘im. Mah mammy erready ‘longed ter de Hardings.” “I don’ member much ’bout slavery I wuz small, but I know I wore a leetle ole slip wid two … Read more

Slave Narrative of Alice Bradley

Interviewer: Grace McCune Person Interviewed: Alice Bradley Location: Athens, Georgia Alice Bradley, or “Aunt Alice” as she is known to everybody, “runs cards” and claims to be a seeress. Apologetic and embarrassed because she had overslept and was straightening her room, she explained that she hadn’t slept well because a dog had howled all night and she was uneasy because of this certain forerunner of disaster. “Here t’is Sunday mornin’ and what wid my back, de dog, and de rheumatics in my feets, its [TR: ‘done’ crossed out] too late to go to church, so come in honey I’se glad … Read more

Grisham, Ira C. – Obituary

Ira C. Grisham, 51, a former resident of Maupin and a retired rancher of that section died at 8 o’clock Sunday morning following a dinner at his home on Friday evening when poison food was consumed. Mr. Grisham’s wife, Nettie, is seriously ill, as is Mr. and Mrs. Perry Strong, now confined in The Dalles Hospital. All are reported in better condition but unable to leave their beds as a result of the family dinner. According to the facts given by the guests and by Mrs. Grisham after they had taken sick, meat pie, beans, and canned beets had constituted … Read more

Grisham, Jessie Beryl Pegg – Obituary

Mrs. Jessie Beryl Pegg Grisham who died at the family home at 1208 Garrison Street at 9 o’clock this morning [October 29, 1926] will be buried in the Odd Fellows Cemetery at 2 o’clock Sunday. Rev. C. A. Edwards will officiate at graveside services at which the Rebekahs will be in charge. Mrs. Grisham leaves a widower, Ira C. Grisham, her aged mother, Mrs. Caroline Pegg who lives with one of Mrs. Grisham’s sisters, Mrs. J. P. Abbott of Wapinitia, and two other sisters in the east, Mrs. E. E. Ellithorpe of Chicago and Mrs. C. E. Kirkwood of Constantine, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John W. Grissam

JOHN W. GRISSAM, produce merchant, was born April 11, 1832, in Christian County, Ky. His parents were J. W. and Sarah W. (Wells) Grissam. The father was a native of South Carolina; he managed the farm for many years and served the county for some years in an official capacity; he was Deputy Sheriff’, Tax Collector and Constable, all under the old Constitution. It was generally conceded that he gave good satisfaction in his official work. He departed this life December 7, 1861, at the age of sixty-four years; he with his wife were for many years worthy members of … Read more

Biographies of Western Nebraska

History of Western Nebraska and its People

These biographies are of men prominent in the building of western Nebraska. These men settled in Cheyenne, Box Butte, Deuel, Garden, Sioux, Kimball, Morrill, Sheridan, Scotts Bluff, Banner, and Dawes counties. A group of counties often called the panhandle of Nebraska. The History Of Western Nebraska & It’s People is a trustworthy history of the days of exploration and discovery, of the pioneer sacrifices and settlements, of the life and organization of the territory of Nebraska, of the first fifty years of statehood and progress, and of the place Nebraska holds in the scale of character and civilization. In the … Read more