Biography of John F. Sutherland

JOHN F. SUTHERLAND. – The apable and inteligent gentleman whose name is at the head of this article is granted space for an epitome of his life’s career in this volume since he has long been a resident of this county and has displayed while here commendable integrity, coupled with excellent ability, and has wrought faithfully in all the undertakings that have come to his hand. In Franklin county, Arkansas, on June 20, 1868, John F. was born to James M. and Sarah (Woods) Sutherland. The father served as a scout for the Union army in Arkansas during the war … Read more

History of Blaine Washington, 1884-1959

Pioneers of peace - diamond jubilee anniversary, Blaine, Washington, 1884-1959

“History of Blaine Washington, 1884-1959” offers a comprehensive and engaging exploration of Blaine, Washington’s rich history and cultural heritage. Published in 1959 to commemorate the diamond jubilee of Blaine, this book captures the essence of a community that has thrived on the principles of peace and cooperation. Situated in Whatcom County, Blaine’s unique geographical location near the Canadian border plays a pivotal role in its identity, an aspect vividly illustrated through the symbol of the International Peace Arch.

Sutherland, William Morrow – Obituary

Private family services for William Morrow Sutherland, 76, of Charleston, will be held in Heppner where he will be laid to rest in the Morrow family plot beside his father and mother. Mr. Sutherland died in Roseburg of complications of age on Jan. 19, 1995. He was born to Mr. and Mrs. Martin VanBuren Sutherland on Oct. 11, 1918. He attended Lincoln High School in Portland, then attended Reed College and majored in economics, graduated in 1941. Immediately following graduation, he enlisted in the U.S. Army, becoming a second lieutenant in the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. After separation … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. R. Sutherland

J. R. Sutherland, contractor and builder, is a native of Woodstock, Can.; in 1866, came to St. Joseph, Mo., in 1868, came to Omaha; October 1869, came to Tekamah, and at once commenced this business. He is now the oldest contractor in Tekamah. He built the Odd Fellows’ building, school house, the Methodist and Presbyterian churches and many other buildings, and is the principal contractor in this locality; has been a member of the Council since its organization and is Chairman of the board; also President of the School Board; is a member of the Presbyterian Church.

Biography of Myron C. Sutherland

Myron C. Sutherland, whose farm is a model of its size in Seneca, Ontario county, New York, has been connected with agricultural interests all his life, and, by means of extensive traveling, has acquired the best methods in vogue throughout the length and breadth of the country. James Sutherland, his father, was born in Ontario county, New York, in 1815, and died there in 1877. He married Elizabeth Clark, who was born in Ontario county in 1820. Children . Myron C., see elsewhere, George W. and David C. Myron C. Sutherland was born in Seneca, Ontario county, New York, April … Read more

1894 Michigan State Census – Eaton County

United States Soldiers of the Civil War Residing in Michigan, June 1, 1894 [ Names within brackets are reported in letters. ] Eaton County Bellevue Township. – Elias Stewart, Frank F. Hughes, Edwin J. Wood, Samuel Van Orman, John D. Conklin, Martin V. Moon. Mitchell Drollett, Levi Evans, William Fisher, William E. Pixley, William Henry Luscomb, George Carroll, Collins S. Lewis, David Crowell, Aaron Skeggs, Thomas Bailey, Andrew Day, L. G. Showerman, Hulbert Parmer, Fletcher Campbell, Lorenzo D. Fall, William Farlin, Francis Beecraft, William Caton, Servitus Tucker, William Shipp, Theodore Davis. Village of Bellevue. – William H. Latta, Thomas B. … Read more

History of Ontario County, New York, part 2

History of Ontario County, New York

The History of Ontario County, New York genealogical section provides an extensive array of surnames, indicating the comprehensive nature of the section in Part 2. These genealogies not only serves as a reference for individuals researching family histories but also reflects the diverse settler and immigrant populations that have contributed to the fabric of Ontario County. Each surname represents a family’s journey, struggles, and contributions to the county’s development over centuries.

Brown Genealogy

Brown Genealogy

In 1895, Cyrus Henry Brown began collecting family records of the Brown family, initially with the intention of only going back to his great-grandfathers. As others became interested in the project, they decided to trace the family lineage back to Thomas Brown and his wife Mary Newhall, both born in the early 1600s in Lynn, Massachusetts. Thomas, John, and Eleazer, three of their sons, later moved to Stonington, Connecticut around 1688. When North Stonington was established in 1807, the three brothers were living in the southern part of the town. Wheeler’s “History of Stonington” contains 400 records of early descendants of the Brown family, taken from the town records of Stonington. However, many others remain unidentified, as they are not recorded in the Stonington town records. For around a century, the descendants of the three brothers lived in Stonington before eventually migrating to other towns in Connecticut and New York State, which was then mostly undeveloped. He would eventually write this second volume of his Brown Genealogy adding to and correcting the previous edition. This book is free to search, read, and/or download.

History of Minneapolis and Hennepin County, Minnesota

History of Minneapolis and Hennepin County, Minnesota

The aim of this history was to present in a permanent form the key incidents in the history of Minneapolis, from its earliest settlement to its publication in 1895. The primary facts and events recounted were mostly obtained from living witnesses and participants. It was rare for a city with more than two hundred thousand inhabitants to have so many of its first settlers still alive. The city’s growth had been so extraordinary and unprecedented that many of its earliest settlers remained. Some information was also gleaned from the notes left by now-deceased writers who witnessed the events described. Great care was taken to verify the accuracy of all facts and incidents mentioned. While it might have been too much to hope that the work was entirely free from errors, it was confidently believed that any such errors were few and insignificant.

Marriages of Orange County, Virginia, 1747-1810

Marriages of Orange County, Virginia, 1747-1810

Catherine Lindsay Knorr’s Marriages of Orange County, Virginia, 1747-1810 stands as a pivotal work for genealogists and historians delving into the rich tapestry of Virginia’s past. Published in 1959, this meticulously compiled volume sheds light on the matrimonial alliances formed within Orange County, Virginia, during a period that was crucial to the shaping of both local and national histories. The absence of a contemporary marriage register presented a formidable challenge, yet through exhaustive examination of marriage bonds, ministers’ returns, and ancillary records, Knorr has reconstructed a reliable record of these marriages.

Sutherland, Infant Child – Obituary

In Baker, at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, February 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sutherland, of Union, a daughter. Later-The infant died and was brought to Union for burial Friday. Newspaper article – 1921 Contributed by: Larry Rader

1923 Historical and Pictorial Directory of Angola Indiana

1923 Angola Indiana Directory Book Cover

Luedders’ historical and pictorial city directory of Angola, Indiana for the year 1923, containing an historical compilation of items of local interest, a complete canvass of names in the city, which includes every member of the family, college students, families on rural lines, directory of officers of county, city, lodges, churches, societies, a directory of streets, and a classified business directory.

Some Sandy Basin Characters

Some Sandy Basin Characters

It is the purpose of this volume to capture and preserve some of the more striking activities of a few prominent leaders of Sandy Basin, as learned from available records and the existing recollections of the pioneers, and to show how the men and women of its earlier days lived and exerted themselves to make a living for their own families and to be of service to their less fortunate neighbors.