McQueen, Joshua P. – Obituary

Newman Man Takes Own Life With Poison. Mr. Joshua P. McQueen Committed Suicide Thursday Evening Of Last Week By Taking Concentrate Lye And Carbolic Acid-Funeral Held Saturday Afternoon. The funeral rites took place at the late home on Kings Street, Saturday afternoon, at 3 o’clock, conducted by Rev. F. O Fannon, pastor of the Christian church, and were largely attended by relatives and friends. Music on the occasion was rendered by a quartet composed by Mrs. F. S. Lydick, Mrs. George Roller, Messrs. F. L. White and M. S. Smith; and at the request of the family Mr. Smith sang … Read more

McQueen, Albert Marion – Obituary

McQueen–entered into rest in this city, July 9, 1925, Albert M. McQueen, father if Mrs. G. [Gertrude] Eads of Cosumnes, Mrs. A. [Alatha] Wills of Sacramento, Warren S., J. T.[Joseph Tanner], H. C. [Harry Christopher], E. E.[Earl Estes] and R. O. [Rolla Orville] McQueen. A native of Indiana, aged 74 years and 9 months. Friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, Saturday at 2 o’clock. From the funeral home of James Garlick, 1517 11th Street under auspices of general relief committee L.O.O.F Interment Odd Fellows Lawn. Contributed by: Shelli Steedman

McQueen, Minnie Corrinne Smith – Obituary

Mrs. Minnie Corrinne McQueen, age 79, a lifelong resident of the Tuscola vicinity, died at her home here [March 9 1947] at 3:45 p.m. Sunday. She had broken a hip in a fall at her home October 23, and had been bedfast since that time. Funeral services were held at the Mt. Gilead Church at 2.30 p.m. Tuesday. Rev. Guy Holmes of Peoria was in charge assisted by the pastor of the church, Rev. Harry Stewhart. Burial was in Broadus Cemetery. Mrs. McQueen was born four miles south of Tuscola, July 10, 1867, daughter of Leander and Sarah Simonton Smith. … Read more

McQueen, Leonard – Obituary

Leonard R. McQueen, 79, Flat Rock, Washington Township retired farmer, died Wednesday [September 13, 1972]. Major Hospital patient since Feb. 4. Bartholomew County native, lived in the Flat Rock community most of his life. Member of the Flat Rock United Methodist Church, a 50 year member of Camon Lodge 343, F. and A.M., at Clifford, and a member of the Flat Rock Citizens Committee. Ewing Mortuary with the Rev. Ray Bozell officiating. Burial will be in Flat Rock Cemetery. Born Sept. 15, 1892, s/o Alfred Jefferson and Laura (Reed) McQueen. Survivors: 1 daughter, Mrs. Garnet (DeVone) Hamilton, Flat Rock; 4 … Read more

McQueen, Hester Anna – Obituary

Mrs. Hester A. McQueen, 72, the widow of Wayne B. McQueen, died Saturday [October 20, 1979] in Community Hospital. A Bartholomew County native, she lived in Indianapolis since 1923 and was a member of Bible Church and Bible Church Ladies’ Auxiliary. Services will be held at 1 p.m. Monday in the church, with entombment in Washington Park East Mausoleum. Friends may call after 2 p.m. Sunday in Shirley Brothers Irving Hill Chapel. Survivors include a son, Eugene McQueen, and five daughters, Mrs. Nellie Mocas, Mrs. Eileen Nickell, Mrs. Juanita Coleen Lepper, Mrs. Mary Collins, and Mrs. Viola Briddle, all of … Read more

Alabama Court Records

1910 Alabama Census Map

This page provides an extensive list of Alabama court records that have been transcribed and placed online.

McQueen, Leonard – Obituary

Leonard R. McQueen, 79, Flat Rock, Washington Township retired farmer, died Wednesday [September 13, 1972]. Major Hospital patient since Feb. 4. Bartholomew County native, lived in the Flat Rock community most of his life. Member of the Flat Rock United Methodist Church, a 50 year member of Camon Lodge 343, F. and A.M., at Clifford, and a member of the Flat Rock Citizens Committee. Ewing Mortuary with the Rev. Ray Bozell officiating. Burial will be in Flat Rock Cemetery. Born Sept. 15, 1892, s/o Alfred Jefferson and Laura (Reed) McQueen. Survivors: 1 daughter, Mrs. Garnet (DeVone) Hamilton, Flat Rock; 4 … Read more

McQueen, Floyd E. – Obituary

Floyd E. McQueen, 56-year-old widely known Shelby county resident, died at 11:50 a.m. Tuesday [April 29, 1947] at the Major hospital. His death was caused by an embolism. Mr. McQueen, whose home was in Washington township, near Flat Rock, was born in Bartholomew county on July 20, 1890, a son of Alfred J. and Laura (Reed) McQueen. In 1920 he was married to Izetta Nading at Flat Rock, and she survives with two sons, A. J. McQueen, of Flat Rock, and Al McQueen, at home. Also surviving are a grandson, Alfred J. McQueen; four sisters and three brothers, Mrs. Alvin … Read more

McQueen, Melinda Catherine Cochran – Obituary

In last week’s issue of the paper, we announced that Mrs. J. P. McQueen had suffered a stroke of paralysis on the 8th of April and that she was in critical condition at the time of going to press on Thursday, being in an unconscious condition. She remained in that condition until relieved by death, the messenger coming about 8 o’clock Friday evening [April 12, 1918]. The deceased had been a resident of Newman for the past twenty-eight years and prior to removal here had lived on a farm in South Prairie, where she had a large circle of warm … Read more

McQueen, Wayne B. – Obituary

Funeral services for Wayne B. McQueen, 74 years old, a retired truck driver and Army veteran of World War I, will be held at 2 p.m. Monday in Bible Church, 3745 East Pleasant Run East Parkway. Entombment will be in Washington Park East Mausoleum. A native of Columbus, Ind. and resident here 45 years, Mr. McQueen died Friday [October 18, 1968] in his home at 2601 North Butler Avenue. Friends may call after 9 a.m. today in the Moore and Kirk North East Chapel. Survivors include the widow, Mrs. Hester Anna McQueen; a son, Eugene McQueen; five daughters, Mrs. Viola … Read more

McQueen, George Dallas – Obituary

The sad news of the death of Mr. George Dallas McQueen, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Demp Cutsinger, of near Chrisman, reached the city, Monday. The deceased had been in failing health for some time and went to the St. Mary’s Hospital in Decatur, where on Sept. 28th a surgical operation for cancer of the stomach and other complications was performed. His condition was known to be serious and having recovered from the operation, he went to the home of his daughter where he remained until death. George Dallas McQueen was born May 4, 1844, and was united … Read more

McQueen, Charles H.

The Evening Republican, October 10, 1921, p. 1. Charles H. McQueen, 66 years old, a life-long resident of this county, died Saturday night at 9:30 o’clock [October 8, 1921] at his home 157 Indiana Avenue, East Columbus, of injuries received several days ago in an accident when he was thrown from his bicycle by being struck by an automobile driven by William Jones, also of East Columbus. Mr. McQueen was on his way home from his work at the Mooney tannery when the accident happened. He was turning off of California Street onto Third Street, going east, when he was … Read more

McQueen, Thomas L.

The Columbus Republican, February 28, 1907. Thomas L. McQueen aged sixty-nine years, died at his home in Clifford at 9 o’clock last Monday [February 25, 1907] of a complication of diseases, after an illness of two years. The deceased is survived by a wife and three children–A. L. Ralph and Clara McQueen. He was born in Clifty township and spent his life in that and Flatrock townships. He was a retired farmer and was well and favorably known throughout the county. He was a member of the Red men at Taylorsville and that organization will have charge of the funeral … Read more

McQueen, Warren Sewell – Obituary

McQueen–In this city, November 9, 1943. Warren Sewell McQueen, husband of Philis I. McQueen, father of Mrs. Edna M. Ubben, Marjorie E., Donalda D., Barbara J., Thelma D., Charles W. McQueen of Arden District, brother of Mrs. Gertrude Smith, of Ben Ali, Earl McQueen of Del Paso Heights, Joseph and Rallo McQueen of Missouri; a native of Kansas aged 57 years. Friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral today (Friday) at 3 p.m. from the Chapel of Harry A. Nauman & Son 2021- 28th Street, Internment Odd Fellows Lawn Cemetery. Contributed by: Shelli Steedman

McQueen, Spencer Quick – Obituary

Spencer Quick McQueen, age 75, retired Tuscola farmer, died at his home on South Ohio Street, at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday [October 13, 1942] of complications following a long illness. Funeral services will be held from the Mt. Gilead Church at 2 p.m. today (Thursday) with burial in the Broadus Cemetery with the Waddington funeral service in charge. The deceased, a long-time resident of Douglas County, was born at Columbia, Ind., July 5, 1867, son of Thomas and Phoebe McQueen. On October 3, 1888, he was married to Miss Minnie Smith, who with eight children survives. The children are Mrs. Clarence … Read more

Cutsinger, Zua McQueen – Obituary

Cutsinger, Zua McQueen Douglas Co., IL Funeral services were held Tuesday at 2 o’clock at the Christian Church in Newman for Mrs. Zua Cutsinger, 78, who died Saturday [June 16, 1945] at the home of her brother, A. N. McQueen, and Mrs. McQueen.  Rev. J. L. Coleman officiated with interment in Newman Cemetery. Mrs. Cutsinger was born March 3, 1867 at Clifford, Indiana, daughter of William R. T. and Ellen McQueen.  She is survived by three children, Mrs. Hazel Alice Wilson of Gary, Indiana; W. E. Cutsinger of Lyons; and Lois N. Cutsinger of Newman.  She also leaves three brothers; … Read more