Progressive Men of Western Colorado

Early Life in Colorado

This manuscript, in its essence, is a collection of 948 biographies of prominent men and women, all leading citizens of Western Colorado. In this context, Western Colorado encompasses the counties of Archuleta, Chaffee, Delta, Eagle, Garfield, Gunnison, Hinsdale, La Plata, Lake, Mesa, Mineral, Moffat, Montezuma, Montrose, Ouray, Pitkin, Rio Blanco, Routt, San Juan, and San Miguel.

A Genealogy of the Lake Family

Ancestor Register of Esther Steelman Adams

A genealogy of the Lake family of Great Egg Harbour in Old Gloucester County in New Jersey : descended from John Lade of Gravesend, Long Island; with notes on the Gravesend and Staten Island branches of the family. This volume of nearly 400 pages includes a coat-of-arms in colors, two charts, and nearly fifty full page illustrations – portraits, old homes, samplers, etc. The coat-of-arms shown in the frontspiece is an unusually good example of the heraldic art!

1918 Warren County Farmers’ Directory – B Surnames

Abbreviations Used in this Directory a–Acres; Ch — Children; O–Owner; T–Tenant or Renter; R –Rural Route; Sec-Section; Maiden name of wife follows directory name in parentheses (); figures at end of information–year became resident of county. Star (*) indicates children not at home. Name of farm follows names of children in quotations marks. In case of a tenant, the farm owner’s name follows the figures giving size of farm. Example: ABBEY, William L. (Lena Riggs) Martha and Cora Abbey, Mother and Sister; Kirkwood R1 Tompking Sec8-5 T80a H.M. Abbey Est. (1886) Tel. Farmers’ Line Kirkwood MEANS ABBEY, William L. – … Read more

Bull, John Alva – Obituary

John Alva Bull, 78, died suddenly at his home on Route 5, Saturday [September 20]. Bull was born at the family farm, September 10, 1891 to Walter A. and Rebecca Bull and spent his entire life in the Kittitas Valley. He graduated from the local school and attended the University of Washington where he studied law. On Dec. 24, 1915 in Salt Lake City, he married Margaret Porter whom he had met while both where students of the University. Since their marriage they have made their home on Route 5 on the farm his mother, Rebecca Nelson [Bull], had homesteaded. … Read more

Record of the Smith family descended from John Smith

Record of the Smith family descended from John Smith

This book contains the history of the descendants of John Smith, born in Ireland in 1686, died in Uwchlan, Chester County, Pennsylvania, December 19, 1765; and his wife, Susanna, born in Ireland in 1691, died in Uwchlan, Chester County, Pennsylvania, December 24, 1767.

Genealogy of Elizabeth Caroline Seymour Brown

Genealogy of Elizabeth Caroline Seymour Brown

Over a period of many years Mrs. Elizabeth Caroline Seymour Brown, early member of Linares Chapter, D.A.R., collected genealogy of her forebears. It was her wish that her work be sent to the library of the National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution. This collection was painstakingly copied, with some additions and corrections, maintaining the same general form as used in the original notes. Elizabeth’s family originated in England moving to New England in the 1600’s. Her family lines involve many of the early lines in Connecticut, Massachusets, and New Hampshire. The families are arranged mostly in alphabetical order, and contain information from a simple direct line descendancy, to more elaborate genealogy.

Major families researched include: Alverson, Arms, Arnold, Ballou, Barden, Barker, Barnard, Bassett, Belden, Benedict, Betts, Blakeslee, Blanchard, Bradstreet, Brigham, Bronson, Buckmaster, Bull, Butterfield, Carpenter, Clark, Clerke, Cooke, Coombs, Cornwall, Corbin, Curitss, Dickerman, Dickson, Doolittle, Downey, Dudley, Eastman, Easton, Errington, Evarts, Fairbank, Foote, Gilbert, Goodrich, Graves, Gregory, Groves, Hale, Hand, Hall, Hawkes, Hawkins, Hills, Holmes, Hopkins, Hoyt, Huitt, Hurd, Keayne, Keene, Lockwood, Lupton, Lord, Manning, Marvin, Mayo, Merriman, Miller, Morris, Morton, Mosse, Moulton, Munger, Needham, Parker, Parkhurst, Potter, Peck, Pettiplace, Purefoy, Priest, Rusco, St John, Scofield, Seymour, Sherman, Smith, Strong, Swinnerton, Symonds, Threlkell, Thorne, Ventriss, Wade, Watson, Weed, White, and Yorke.

Biography of Frank Kellogg Bull

The name of Bull has been associated with the development of Racine’s greatest industry and one of the most important manufacturing enterprises of the country-the J. I. Case Threshing Machine Company-since 1S63, when Stephen Bull assumed financial management of the enterprise. He was succeeded in the presidency of the company by his son, Frank Kellogg Bull, who remains in active connection with the business at the present time as chairman of the board, and in all the years his developing powers have proven adequate to the demands made upon him in the control and development of this gigantic concern. Mr. … Read more

Margaret and David Mitchell: Fourth Generation

Eliza Jennie Johnston

William Bradford Laughead 211. Laughead, William Bradford (43) ; b. May 24, 1838; was a student at Westminster College, New Wilmington, Pa. Enlisted in the Union Army in the summer of 1862; died of fever near Lexington, Ky., Nov. 28, 1862. Nancy Laughead-Young 212. Laughead-Young, Nancy (43), Pasadena, Cal.; b. 1842. m. Nov. 21, 1867, James H. Young. Resided until recently in Washington, Iowa; is now in California. United Presbyterian. David Laughead 213. Laughead, David (43) ; b. May, 1816. Died March, 1863. James Henry Laughead 214. Laughead, James Henry (43), Washington, Iowa; b. April 11, 1848. m. Feb. 20, … Read more

David and Margaret Mitchell, First Generation

The Children of David and Margaret Mitchell Elizabeth (Mitchell) Laughead 1. Elizabeth (Mitchell) Laughead. Born the last part of the year 1763, in Cumberland County, Pa., not many miles southwesterly from Carlisle. She was baptised by Rev. John Cuthbertson, Feb. 20, 1764 ; moved to Kentucky with parents in 1779, and, with them in the fort, shared the hardships of the early pioneers. About the year 1786, she married David, son of James and Eleanor (McKnight) Laughead, who were married by Rev. John Cuthbertson, Dec. 12, 1752, at Octarara, Pa. and who, about 1784, moved to Fayette Co., Ky. It … Read more

History of Minneapolis and Hennepin County, Minnesota

History of Minneapolis and Hennepin County, Minnesota

The aim of this history was to present in a permanent form the key incidents in the history of Minneapolis, from its earliest settlement to its publication in 1895. The primary facts and events recounted were mostly obtained from living witnesses and participants. It was rare for a city with more than two hundred thousand inhabitants to have so many of its first settlers still alive. The city’s growth had been so extraordinary and unprecedented that many of its earliest settlers remained. Some information was also gleaned from the notes left by now-deceased writers who witnessed the events described. Great care was taken to verify the accuracy of all facts and incidents mentioned. While it might have been too much to hope that the work was entirely free from errors, it was confidently believed that any such errors were few and insignificant.

David and Margaret Mitchell Genealogy – Appendix

A Tribute to Albert Small by David Mitchell Small My father always provided well for his family. During the Civil War, he staid at home and his father went in his place; my father having such a large family, this plan was thought the best. My father helped at home to gather recruits, and I remember of his telling of his numerous narrow escapes from the opposition. He was always one of the leading men in the church (U. P.) The 23d psalm was his favorite and he said that when he died he wanted us to repeat that psalm. … Read more

Biography of Charles H. Bull

When Charles H. Bull passed away Racine County lost a citizen who had long been numbered with the representative agriculturists of this part of the state. He owned and cultivated a fine farm of eighty acres on section 31, Raymond Township, and his business affairs were carefully and wisely managed. New York numbered him among her native sons, his birth having occurred in Cayuga County on the 6th of June, 1839. His father, De Grove Bull, was also a native of the Empire state, where he spent his youthful days upon a farm and later took up that occupation as … Read more

Families of Ancient New Haven

Four Corners New Haven Connecticut

The Families of Ancient New Haven compilation includes the families of the ancient town of New Haven, covering the present towns of New Haven, East Haven, North Haven, Hamden, Bethany, Woodbridge and West Haven. These families are brought down to the heads of families in the First Census (1790), and include the generation born about 1790 to 1800. Descendants in the male line who removed from this region are also given, if obtainable, to about 1800, unless they have been adequately set forth in published genealogies.

Bull, Paul Clinton – Obituary

La Grande, Union County, Oregon 1911-2000 Paul Clinton Bull, 89, passed away November 26, 2000 at a local care facility in La Grande. Paul was born on February 7, 1911 to Charles C. and Muriel L. (Goodnough) Bull in La Grande. He was their only child. Viewing will be 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday and 8 a.m. to 12 noon Friday at Loveland Funeral Chapel, 1509 Fourth St., La Grande. Services will begin at 1 p.m. Friday, December 1, 2000 at the funeral chapel with Rev. Susan V. Smith-Allen officiating. A reception will follow at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church. … Read more

Slave Narrative of Margrett Nickerson

Interviewer: Rachel A. Austin Person Interviewed: Margrett Nickerson Location: Jacksonville, Florida Age: 89-90 In her own vernacular, Margrett Nickerson was “born to William A. Carr, on his plantation near Jackson, Leon County, many years ago.” When questioned concerning her life on this plantation, she continues: “Now honey, it’s been so long ago, I don’ ‘meber ev’ything, but I will tell you whut I kin as near right as possible; I kin ‘member five uf Marse Carr’s chillun; Florida, Susan, ‘Lijah, Willie and Tom; cose Carr never ‘lowed us to have a piece of paper in our hands.” “Mr. Kilgo was … Read more

Bull, Charles C. – Obituary

La Grande, Union County, Oregon Charles C. Bull, a retired railroad engineer died at a local hospital on December 8, 1969. Funeral services will be at Daniels Valley Funeral Chapel on Thursday at 2 p.m. with the Rev. William S. Woodman of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church officiating. Burial will follow at Hillcrest Cemetery. Mr. Bull was born at Valparaiso, Indiana on July 8, 1882. He came to Huntington in 1904 and went to work for the Union Pacific Railroad as an engine wiper. He started his work in La Grande as a railroad fireman in September 1905. He retired on … Read more

Bull, Muriel Lovisa – Obituary

La Grande, Union County, Oregon Muriel L. Bull, 85, formerly of 1403 6th St., La Grande, died Friday at a local hospital. Mrs. Bull was born on Sept. 21, 1885 at Island City, the daughter of Charles D. and Mary Bay Goodnough. She moved to La Grande when she was four years old and lived her entire life here, except while attending Holmes Business College in Portland. Mrs. Bull worked in the office of the La Grande Investment Company which was owned by W. D. Sargeant and J. K. Wright. After a few years she went to work in the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of De Grove Bull

De Grove Bull, living on section 26, Mount Pleasant Township, was born in Raymond Township, October 1, 1867, and in his youthful days enjoyed the educational advantages offered by the common schools, while later he attended Rochester Academy until he reached the age of twenty-two years. He engaged in farming with his father for three years and then went to Chicago, where he secured a position with Marshall Field & Company, serving in the shipping department for about seven years. On the expiration of that period he returned to Racine County and again worked upon his father’s farm for three … Read more

Brown Genealogy

Brown Genealogy

In 1895, Cyrus Henry Brown began collecting family records of the Brown family, initially with the intention of only going back to his great-grandfathers. As others became interested in the project, they decided to trace the family lineage back to Thomas Brown and his wife Mary Newhall, both born in the early 1600s in Lynn, Massachusetts. Thomas, John, and Eleazer, three of their sons, later moved to Stonington, Connecticut around 1688. When North Stonington was established in 1807, the three brothers were living in the southern part of the town. Wheeler’s “History of Stonington” contains 400 records of early descendants of the Brown family, taken from the town records of Stonington. However, many others remain unidentified, as they are not recorded in the Stonington town records. For around a century, the descendants of the three brothers lived in Stonington before eventually migrating to other towns in Connecticut and New York State, which was then mostly undeveloped. He would eventually write this second volume of his Brown Genealogy adding to and correcting the previous edition. This book is free to search, read, and/or download.