Biographical Sketch of John T. Breck

JOHN T. BRECK, eldest son of Henry Breck, established himself as a merchant at Cornish Flat, in 1841. His integrity and fine business qualities have secured to him a handsome fortune, and an honorable reputation among his neighbors. His is a rare case of success in trade and universal esteem among his neighbors and townsmen. After having been in trade 26 years, he cannot be said to have an enemy. He is a gentleman of fine literary taste and varied attainments. He fitted for college, but on account of a trouble with his eyes, abandoned the idea of a college … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Robert Breck

ROBERT BRECK, the second son of Henry, is an active and successful merchant at Ascutneyville, Vt., where he has been in trade for more than 20 years, and, like his brother John T., has succeeded, by his skill and good judgment, in handsome accumulations, and by his integrity and genial manners in securing the esteem and friendship of all who know him.

Biographical Sketch of Henry Breck

HENRY BRECK, now eighty-one years of age, was a native of Boston. He came to Croydon in 1807, and was clerk in. the store at the Flat, owned by his brothers, William and. James. In 1815, he purchased their interest and continued. in trade there until 1818, when he removed to Four Corners,. where he continued in business until 1837, when he removed to Cornish Flat. On the death of his brother William, in 1848, he removed to Claremont, and settled on the” homestead” where he now lives. Mr. Breck took an active part in the erection of the Church … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Martin B. Breck

MARTIN B. BRECK, eldest son of James Breck, Esq., was born Oct. 15, 1812. He was educated at the district school and Newport Academy, after which he turned his attention to mercantile pursuits. He remained with his father at Newport until he attained to his majority. He followed his vocation at Croydon, at Newport, and at Boston until 1841, when be removed to Rochester, N. Y., where his operations have been “eminently successful,” and where he now lives enjoying all the blessings which affluence can afford. In 1838 he married Mary Faxon, of Newport, who lived but a year and … Read more

Biography of William Breck

William Breck was a prominent and wealthy resident of Claremont in his time. Born in Croydon, N.H., December 17, 1826, he was a son of Henry and Keziah (Marsh) Breck. The grandfather, William Breck, who was born in Boston, Mass., May 11, 1745, was a merchant in that city until 1792, when he came to West Claremont. Here he bought a farm of a Mr. Dickinson, the deed of which bears the date May 3, 1792; and he resided on the estate for the rest of his life. He was a business man of unsullied integrity, and while residing in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Breck

JAMES BRECK, a native of Boston, was for twelve years, from 1804 to 1816, the leading merchant and one of the most influential men in Croydon. While here, he was Selectman five years and Representative four. In 1811, he married Martha Burr, daughter of Capt. Martin Burr, one of the early settlers of the town. They had a large family. Martin B., the oldest son, followed his father’s calling. WILLIAM and JAMES, the second and third sons, graduated at Dartmouth College and turned their attention to law. The former, appointed Consul to China, has been, with his lady, for several … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Margaret A. Breck

MARGARET A. BRECK, daughter of James Breck, Esq., was born April 24, 1814. She was married to H. H. Perkins, Esq., at Newport, in 1837, and removed to St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin, where he died in 1850, leaving three children. The eldest daughter married W. D. Webb, an attorney at law at Minneapolis, Minnesota. The son, James Breck Perkins, a member of the senior class in Rochester University, is now traveling in Europe. Mrs. P. is finely educated, has a well balanced mind, and a decided taste for literature.

The Settlers of Narraguagus Valley Maine

Narraguagus Valley Some Account of its Early Settlement and Settlers

A glance at the map of the western part of Washington County will show that any treatment of the early settlement upon the Narraguagus River, necessarily involves more or less of the histories of Steuben, Milbridge, Harrington and Cherryfield. Steuben was formerly township “No. 4, East of Union River,” and No. 5 comprised the territory now included in the towns of Milbridge and Harrington. The town of Cherryfield is composed of No. 11, Middle Division, Brigham Purchase, and of the northeastern part of what was formerly Steuben. All that part of Cherryfield lying south of the mills on the first … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Breck

WILLIAM BRECK, son of Henry Breck, was born Dec. 17, 1826. At the age of fourteen, he removed with his father to Cornish. At eighteen, he went to Claremont, and was Assistant Postmaster for two years ; at the expiration of which time, on account of ill health, he returned to his father’s roof at Cornish. At twenty-two, he went into trade with his brother John at Cornish, and continued there four years ; at which time, laboring under a severe attack of asthma, he went to California, where he was in active business eight years, when, having regained his … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry Breck

HENRY BRECK, Jr., third son of Henry Breck, has been a practical farmer and gardener in the vicinity of Boston for several years, and is well known for his skill in his business, and his integrity and intelligence. He now lives at Watertown, Mass., where he has a very fine farming establishment.

Weymouth ways and Weymouth people

Weymouth ways and Weymouth people

Edward Hunt’s “Weymouth ways and Weymouth people: Reminiscences” takes the reader back in Weymouth Massachusetts past to the 1830s through the 1880s as he provides glimpses into the people of the community. These reminiscences were mostly printed in the Weymouth Gazette and provide a fair example of early New England village life as it occurred in the mid 1800s. Of specific interest to the genealogist will be the Hunt material scattered throughout, but most specifically 286-295, and of course, those lucky enough to have had somebody “remembered” by Edward.