Brown Genealogy

Last Updated on March 9, 2023 by Dennis

In 1895, Cyrus Henry Brown began collecting family records of the Brown family, initially with the intention of only going back to his great-grandfathers. As others became interested in the project, they decided to trace the family lineage back to Thomas Brown and his wife Mary Newhall, both born in the early 1600s in Lynn, Massachusetts. Thomas, John, and Eleazer, three of their sons, later moved to Stonington, Connecticut around 1688. When North Stonington was established in 1807, the three brothers were living in the southern part of the town. Wheeler’s “History of Stonington” contains 400 records of early descendants of the Brown family, taken from the town records of Stonington. However, many others remain unidentified, as they are not recorded in the Stonington town records. For around a century, the descendants of the three brothers lived in Stonington before eventually migrating to other towns in Connecticut and New York State, which was then mostly undeveloped. He would eventually write this second volume of his Brown Genealogy adding to and correcting the previous edition. This book is free to search, read, and/or download.

  • The first section contains records of Nicholas Browne and his son Thomas, who settled in Lynn, Mass., in 1630. The basis of this genealogy, as in his earlier Brown Genealogy, are the three sons of Thomas Brown and Mary Newhall; viz., Thomas, John, and Eleazer Brown, who came to Stonington, Conn., about 1680, taking fifty-three numbers in regular order as given in his first volume.
  • The second section takes up Charles Browne and his descendants, who settled in Rowley, Mass., in 1647, and who doubtless came with the early pioneers from 1630 to 1635. Part 2 starts on page 399. it is indexed separately starting on page 598.

Surnames Mentioned in Part 1, Descendants of Thomas, John, and Eleazer Brown:

The index for part 2, Descendants of Thomas, John, and Eleazer Brown, begins at page 559.

Abbott, Abrams, Ackley, Adam, Adams, Aiken, Ailman, Akers, Aldrich, Alexander, Allcott, Allen, Alley, Allin, Ammerman, Amsden, Andrews, Andros, Archer, Armstrong, Arnold, Ashcraft, Aster, Athes, Atwood, Austin, Avery, Ayer, Babbitt, Babcock, Bailey, Baker, Balch, Baldwin, Ball, Ballard, Banks, Barber, Barclay, Barker, Barnes, Barnhart, Barnwell, Barrell, Barrows, Barstow, Bartlett, Barton, Bascom, Bass, Bassett, Baxter, Beadle, Bean, Beard, Beardsley, Beaumont, Becker, Beebe, Beemer, Beers, Beeton, Bell, Benjamin, Bennett, Benson, Bentley, Benton, Berridge, Bester, Bevens, Bever, Biddlecom, Bidlack, Bill, Billings, Bird, Birdsey, Birney, Bissell, Bixby, Black, Blackburn, Blackmer, Blackridge, Blair, Blaisdale, Blanchard, Blatchford, Blend, Bliven, Bloodgood, Boardman, Boggs, Bogue, Boles, Bolton, Bond, Bonham, Bonnell, Booth, Borden, Bordman, Boss, Botsford, Bowman, Box, Boys, Bradford, Bradshaw, Brainard, Brasted, Bratager, Brayton, Breed, Brewster, Briggs, Brink, Brizzy, Broad, Brockway, Bromley, Brooks, Brouse, Brown, Browne, Browning, Brumbaugh, Bryant, Buell, Bull, Bullock, Bunnell, Burch, Burdick, Burgess, Burkett, Burlington, Burns, Burr, Burritt, Burroughs, Butler, Butterfield, Buxton, Cadwell, Cady, Cafferty, Calhoun, Camel, Camp, Campbell, Capin, Capwell, Card, Carey, Carlton, Carman, Carmen, Carpenter, Carskadden, Carson, Carter, Case, Casler, Castler, Chace, Chadwick, Chaffee, Chalmers, Champlin, Chapin, Chapman, Chappell, Charles, Chase, Chesebro, Chesebrough, Chester, Childs, Chrissman, Chumasero, Church, Churchill, Clarance, Clark, Clarke, Clay, Cleveland, Clowes, Coats, Coggswell, Cole, Coleman, Colgrove, Collins, Colwell, Combs, Conant, Conger, Conkey, Conklin, Conkling, Cook, Coolbaugh, Cooley, Coolidge, Coon, Cooper, Corey, Corliss, Corson, Cottrell, Cowan, Cowles, Cox, Coxe, Cram, Crandall, Crans, Crary, Crumb, Culbertson, Culver, Curtiss, Cutler, Cuzner, Daggett, Danger, Daniel, Daniels, Davenport, David, Davis, Day, Dean, Decker, Deckhart, Dellamy, Delong, Denison, Dennison, Depew, Derrick, Detra, Deuro, Devendorf, Deverell, Dewey, Dickinson, Dickson, Die, Dillon, Dinsmore, Dixon, Doane, Dobson, Dodge, Domenici, Dopp, Dorland, Doty, Dougherty, Douglas, Dow, Downing, Draper, Dudley, Dunham, Dunn, Dunning, Dunton, Durfee, Duthig, Dwell, Dwight, Dye, Dyer, Eames, Ebbuhardt, Ecclestone, Eckert, Edelmann, Edmonds, Edmundson, Edwards, Eldred, Eldredge, Elliott, Ellsworth, Elsasser, Elsbree, Ely, Emerson, Engel, Ennis, Epplor, Estabrook, Evans, Fairchilds, Fanning, Farnsworth, Fassett, Fay, Fellow, Fellows, Felton, Ferguson, Field, Finley, Fish, Fisk, Fitch, Flanders, Fleming, Flint, Flynn, Foot, Foote, Forbes, Foster, Frankenstein, Franklin, Frazier, Frear, Freeman, Fretcher, Fries, Frink, Frisbee, Frisbie, Frost, Fuller, Furman, Futchey, Gale, Gallaudet, Gallup, Gamon, Ganett, Gannon, Gardiner, Gardner, Garnant, Garner, Garry, Gartland, Gaskill, Gates, Gavitt, Gay, Gazely, Geary, Geckler, Geer, Genung, Gibbs, Gilbert, Gilkey, Gillette, Gilmartin, Gilmore, Gnuse, Godfrey, Goff, Goodenough, Goodhue, Goodrich, Goodwin, Gordon, Gore, Goring, Gorton, Goss, Gould, Gouldon, Graber, Grant, Graves, Gray, Green, Gregg, Gregson, Gridley, Griffin, Grooves, Grout, Grover, Gunn, Hadcok, Hagadorn, Hagarty, Hall, Hallock, Hamlin, Hammers, Hammond, Hancock, Hand, Hanley, Hansman, Hardin, Harding, Hardy, Harkness, Harmon, Harrington, Harris, Harrison, Harry, Harvey, Hastings, Hatch, Hatcher, Hauer, Haukins, Haven, Hawes, Hawthorn, Hayes, Hazard, Hazen, Heath, Heathcote, Heatherby, Helmer, Henderson, Henry, Henson, Hern, Herrington, Hess, Hewitt, Hibbard, Hicks, Hidecker, Higgins, Hill, Hillard, Hilliard, Hillis, Hinckley, Hinley, Hitchcock, Hix, Hobson, Hodge, Hodgeeng, Hodgson, Hoffman, Hogan, Holden, Holdridge, Holdsworth, Holland, Hollenbeck, Hollister, Holloway, Holmes, Homet, Hooker, Hoover, Hope, Hopkins, Horsfall, Horton, Hosselkus, Hough, Houghton, Houston, Howard, Howell, Howes, Howmiller, Hoxie, Hoyt, Hubbard, Hudleston, Hughes, Hull, Hume, Humphrey, Hunter, Huntley, Hurd, Hussey, Hutchinson, Huyk, Hyde, Iler, Ingerson, Inghram, Ingraham, Ingram, Irish, Irwin, Jackson, James, Jeffery, Jenks, Jennings, Jepson, Johnson, Jones, Joseph, Joslin, Joslyn, Justin, Kane, Kavanaugh, Keeley, Keen, Kelley, Kellogg, Kelly, Kelsey, Kennedy, Kenney, Kent, Kenyon, Ketchum, Kieffer, Kilduff, King, Kingsbury, Kingsley, Kinne, Kinner, Kinney, Kirkpatrick, Kirtland, Kitchen, Knapp, Kneeland, Knoblock, Konkle, Kothe, Krantz, Kranz, Krauss, Kress, Krief, Kuebler, Kurowski, Lacey, Lacy, Ladd, Lake, Lamb, Lameraux, Lamont, Lamphere, Lampman, Lamson, Lander, Lane, Lang, Langodn, Langsworthy, Lanphere, Larkin, Larned, Laughton, Lawrence, Lawton, Lebates, Lee, Leeds, Leidlein, Lemon, Lenety, Leonard, Lewis, Leyford, Lezenby, Light, Lincoln, Listman, Livingston, Lloyd, Lockwood, Londergan, London, Long, Loomis, Loper, Lough, Loveland, Lovett, Low, Lum, Lund, Lung, Lutes, Luther, Lyman, Lynch, Mabbett, Macumber, Magee, Main, Maine, Mallory, Mamerll, Mann, Manning, Manville, Mapes, Marcellus, Margeson, Markoff, Marquis, Marsden, Marsh, Marshall, Martin, Masse, Masters, Mathewson, Maxfield, Maxson, Maxwell, Maynard, Mayne, McAllester, McCann, McCarthy, McChesney, McClure, McCoy, McDowell, McFaul, McHenry, McKemmie, McLuse, McMillan, McNobb, Meeks, Menton, Mercer, Meyers, Middaugh, Middleton, Miles, Miller, Milliken, Millman, Mills, Miner, Mintz, Mitchell, Mitten, Mix, Mocher, Monroe, Moody, Moon, Moore, Moran, Mordoff, Morgan, Morrow, Morse, Morton, Mosely, Mosier, Moss, Mott, Mower, Mowry, Moyer, Munch, Munsell, Murphy, Murray, Murry, Myer, Myers, Nagus, Nash, Nason, Newbury, Newcomb, Newhall, Newman, Nichols, Nickolson, Nicoll, Nightingale, Niles, Nobles, Northrop, Northrup, Norton, Norwood, Notman, Noyes, Nye, O’brien, Oatley, Oats, Ogden, Oldham, Olmstead, Olver, Orcutt, Osborn, Osborne, Owen, Packard, Paddock, Page, Paine, Palfrey, Palmer, Palmeter, Palmiter, Park, Parker, Parkerson, Parks, Parsons, Partridge, Passmore, Patrick, Peabody, Peacock, Pearson, Peck, Peckham, Pelton, Pendleton, Penner, Penny, Perkins, Perrigo, Perrin, Perry, Persons, Peters, Peterson, Pettes, Phillips, Pike, Pitts, Pogue, Polhemus, Pollard, Pool, Pooler, Pope, Porter, Potter, Potts, Powell, Pratt, Preble, Prentice, Prentiss, Preston, Price, Priest, Prince, Pritchard, Prune, Prussing, Pulsifer, Purdy, Putnam, Quick, Rafter, Raikes, Ramsay, Randall, Rathbone, Rchardson, Read, Rentlinger, Reynolds, Rhodes, Rice, Rich, Richards, Richmond, Rickard, Rider, Riley, Ring, Roach, Robbins, Roberts, Robins, Robinson, Rochette, Rockwell, Rockwood, Rogers, Root, Ropley, Rose, Ross, Rossman, Rowley, Ruddock, Rudy, Rugg, Ruggles, Russel, Russell, Ryon, Samuels, Sanborn, Sanderson, Sanford, Satterlee, Sauls, Saunders, Sawyer, Saxton, Schmidtill, Schuyler, Scott, Scranton, Seagrave, Seaman, Seamans, Searl, Segar, Seguer, Severance, Seymour, Sharp, Shaul, Shaw, Sheldon, Shepard, Shepherd, Sherman, Sherwood, Sholes, Shooks, Shove, Shroeder, Shumway, Shurer, Simms, Simpson, Sink, Sisson, Skidmore, Skinner, Slawson, Slossom, Smith, Snell, Snook, Snow, Snyder, Soule, Spalding, Spear, Spears, Spencer, Spenser, Spickler, Spooner, Spurr, Squires, St John, Stahl, Stalford, Stanbro, Stanburg, Stanton, Starbuck, Stark, States, Steele, Steinnert, Stephens, Stephenson, Stevens, Stevenson, Stewart, Stickney, Stiff, Stiles, Stillman, Stonefield, Stotz, Stowell, Strait, Stransburg, Stratton, Straw, Strope, Stuart, Stuper, Sturgess, Sulzer, Sumners, Sutherland, Sutton, Swain, Swan, Swank, Sweetland, Swift, Swingle, Swisher, Tabon, Talbert, Talbot, Talcott, Tallmadge, Taylor, Terwilliger, Tewksbury, Thayer, Thomas, Thompson, Thurston, Tiffany, Tillinghast, Tillman, Timson, Tinker, Todd, Tompkins, Topper, Torgood, Torrance, Torrence, Townsend, Tracy, Truesdell, Trumbull, Tryon, Tucker, Tuers, Turner, Tyger, Tyler, Tyring, Underwood, Utter, Van Auken, Van Deusen, Van Winkle, Vandermark, Vaughn, Velsir, Vinton, Vought, Vreeland, Wadsworth, Wagner, Waide, Waite, Walke, Walker, Wallace, Walles, Walworth, Ward, Warner, Warren, Washburn, Waterman, Waters, Watson, Watts, Webber, Webster, Weed, Weeks, Weinberg, Weir, Welch, Wellner, Wells, Wentz, West, Westcott, Wheeler, Whipple, White, Whitehead, Whiting, Whitney, Wicks, Wight, Wightman, Wigton, Wilbank, Wilbur, Wilcox, Wilder, Wildrick, Wilkins, Willard, Williams, Williston, Wilson, Wing, Wiswell, Witherall, Withycombe, Wodell, Wolcott, Wolf, Wolfe, Wolfenden, Wood, Woodfield, Woodman, Woodmancy, Woodmansee, Woods, Woodward, Wooley, Worden, Wright, Wyatt, Yeomans, Yerrington, Yontz, York, Young, Youngs, and Zeiner.

Surnames Mentioned in Part 2, Descendants of Charles Browne:

The index for part 2, Descendants of Charles Browne, beings at page 598.

Abbott, Acey, Ackley, Ackly, Adams, Akley, Aldrich, Alexander, Allen, Allyn, Armes, Ashley, Austin, Avery, Babcock, Bailey, Ball, Balow, Barber, Barden, Barnes, Barns, Barringer, Barrows, Beach, Beals, Beebe, Best, Bidwell, Blackman, Blair, Blodgett, Blythe, Bogart, Boggs, Bond, Booson, Booth, Bosworth, Boutelle, Boyd, Bradford, Bradley, Bramon, Brewster, Briggs, Brockway, Brown, Browne, Bulson, Burdick, Burdon, Burgess, Burki, Burrows, Bush, Bushnell, Butrick, Button, Caldwell, Cameron, Cantwell, Carlysle, Carpenter, Carter, Castle, Catlin, Champlin, Chapel, Chapman, Chappell, Chapple, Charles, Chesbrough, Childs, Churchill, Clark, Cochran, Coffey, Cole, Collins, Colony, Combs, Conklin, Cooper, Corken, Coulter, Councilman, Cox, Crane, Culberton, Daniels, Davenport, Davis, Day, Dayton, Dean, Dederick, Denison, Dewey, Donelson, Douck, Dow, Drotton, Eade, Eddy, Elliot, Ellis, Ellsworth, Emery, Erway, Etheridge, Evans, Everton, Fairbanks, Fanning, Farnum, Fear, Field, Finnie, Fischer, Fish, Fiske, Fitzgerald, Foley, Foote, Ford, Forsyth, Fosdick, Fowler, Fox, Franklin, Frink, Gadbois, Gallup, Gardner, Gates, Gay, Geer, Gibbs, Gibson, Gilmore, Gleason, Godfrey, Goldsmith, Goodell, Grant, Gray, Greene, Grout, Guild, Halin, Halkett, Hall, Hallet, Hammon, Hancock, Hanney, Harlson, Harrington, Harris, Hart, Hartwell, Haskell, Haskins, Haynes, Hazard, Henderson, Henry, Hess, Heston, Hewitt, Hugman, Hiles, Hiscox, Hoffman, Holbrook, Holdredge, Hollenbeck, Hollowell, Holt, Hotchkiss, Hough, Houghtling, Hovey, Howard, Howe, Hubbard, Huddlestone, Hunt, Huntoon, Hurley, Hutchinson, Hymers, Jackson, Jacobus, James, Jerome, Jewett, Johnson, Jones, Jubb, Judkins, Keeler, Keeny, Kemp, Kenney, Keyes, Kibby, Kirby, Knowles, Krouthaure, Lamphere, Langworthy, Larabee, La Roque, Latham, Lawton, Leach, Leaty, Lee, Leeds, Leissring, Leonard, Lewis, Lock, Lockwood, Long, Lothrop, Lucas, Main, Marks, Marly, Marsh, Martel, Martin, Matterson, McAllister, McClellan, McCloud, McCracken, McCurde, McKenzie, Meech, Merritt, Metcalf, Miller, Mills, Miner, Minger, Montague, Moore, Morey, Morgan, Morrow, Mortimer, Mowry, Nash, Newton, Niccounger, Nichols, Nixon, Norman, Norris, Nudd, Oliver, Olmstead, Ostrander, Otis, Packer, Parker, Parkin, Parks, Parsons, Partelo, Patch, Peck, Peckham, Pelhey, Perkins, Perron, Persons, Peterson, Petzinger, Phelps, Philips, Pike, Powers, Quarter, Randerson, Rankin, Read, Reed, Renard, Reynolds, Rhodes, Rice, Richardson, Richmond, Riel, Ripley, Roberts, Rogers, Ross, Ruge, Russell, Ryan, Salisbury, Sauter, Saxton, Sayre, Schermerhorn, Schenider, Schotz, Scofield, Scott, Seabury, Seymour, Shattuck, Shearer, Sheldon, Shepard, Shepardson, Silkman, Simmons, Slocum, Smith, Spaulding, Spencer, Spicer, Sprague, Stacy, Stanley, Stanton, Starr, Stedman, Stevens, Steward, Stewart, Stimpson, Stoddard, Stone, Stow, Stryker, Stuart, Taft, Thomas, Ticknor, Tingley, Tissue, Todd, Treat, Tubbs, Udall, Umberhind, Upson, Vanslyke, Visher, Wagner, Wait, Walkins, Wallace, Walsh, Walsworth, Waterhouse, Watson, Way, Weaver, Webster, Wells, Weston, Wheeler, Whipple, White, Wilbur, Wilcox, Wilder, Wiley, Wilkins, Williams, Williamson, Woodard, Woodward, Woodworth, Wright, Yeomans, and York.


Brown, Cyrus Henry, Brown genealogy of many of the descendants of Thomas, John, and Eleazer Brown, vol 2, Boston, The Everett press company, 1915.

Abbott, Abrams, Acey, Ackley, Ackly, Adam, Adams, Aiken, Ailman, Akers, Akley, Aldrich, Alexander, Allcott, Allen, Alley, Allin, Allyn, Ammerman, Amsden, Andrews, Andros, Archer, Armes, Armstrong, Arnold, Ashcraft, Ashley, Aster, Athes, Atwood, Austin, Avery, Ayer, Babbitt, Babcock, Bailey, Baker, Balch, Baldwin, Ball, Ballard, Balow, Banks, Barber, Barclay, Barden, Barker, Barnes, Barnhart, Barns, Barnwell, Barrell, Barringer, Barrows, Barstow, Bartlett, Barton, Bascom, Bass, Bassett, Baxter, Beach, Beadle, Beals, Bean, Beard, Beardsley, Beaumont, Becker, Beebe, Beemer, Beers, Beeton, Bell, Benjamin, Bennett, Benson, Bentley, Benton, Berridge, Best, Bester, Bevens, Bever, Biddlecom, Bidlack, Bidwell, Bill, Billings, Bird, Birdsey, Birney, Bissell, Bixby, Black, Blackburn, Blackman, Blackmer, Blackridge, Blair, Blaisdale, Blanchard, Blatchford, Blend, Bliven, Blodgett, Bloodgood, Blythe, Boardman, Bogart, Boggs, Bogue, Boles, Bolton, Bond, Bonham, Bonnell, Booson, Booth, Borden, Bordman, Boss, Bosworth, Botsford, Boutelle, Bowman, Box, Boyd, Boys, Bradford, Bradley, Bradshaw, Brainard, Bramon, Brasted, Bratager, Brayton, Breed, Brewster, Briggs, Brink, Brizzy, Broad, Brockway, Bromley, Brooks, Brouse, Brown, Browne, Browning, Brumbaugh, Bryant, Buell, Bull, Bullock, Bulson, Bunnell, Burch, Burdick, Burdon, Burgess, Burkett, Burki, Burlington, Burns, Burr, Burritt, Burroughs, Burrows, Bush, Bushnell, Butler, Butrick, Butterfield, Button, Buxton, Cadwell, Cady, Cafferty, Caldwell, Calhoun, Camel, Cameron, Camp, Campbell, Cantwell, Capin, Capwell, Card, Carey, Carlton, Carlysle, Carman, Carmen, Carpenter, Carskadden, Carson, Carter, Case, Casler, Castle, Castler, Catlin, Chace, Chadwick, Chaffee, Chalmers, Champlin, Chapel, Chapin, Chapman, Chappell, Chapple, Charles, Chase, Chesbrough, Chesebro, Chesebrough, Chester, Childs, Chrissman, Chumasero, Church, Churchill, Clarance, Clark, Clarke, Clay, Cleveland, Clowes, Coats, Cochran, Coffey, Coggswell, Cole, Coleman, Colgrove, Collins, Colony, Colwell, Combs, Conant, Conger, Conkey, Conklin, Conkling, Cook, Coolbaugh, Cooley, Coolidge, Coon, Cooper, Corey, Corken, Corliss, Corson, Cottrell, Coulter, Councilman, Cowan, Cowles, Cox, Coxe, Cram, Crandall, Crane, Crans, Crary, Crumb, Culberton, Culbertson, Culver, Curtiss, Cutler, Cuzner, Daggett, Danger, Daniel, Daniels, Davenport, David, Davis, Day, Dayton, Dean, Decker, Deckhart, Dederick, Dellamy, DeLong, Denison, Dennison, Depew, Derrick, Detra, Deuro, Devendorf, Deverell, Dewey, Dickinson, Dickson, Die, Dillon, Dinsmore, Dixon, Doane, Dobson, Dodge, Domenici, Donelson, Dopp, Dorland, Doty, Douck, Dougherty, Douglas, Dow, Downing, Draper, Drotton, Dudley, Dunham, Dunn, Dunning, Dunton, Durfee, Duthig, Dwell, Dwight, Dye, Dyer, Eade, Eames, Ebbuhardt, Ecclestone, Eckert, Eddy, Edelmann, Edmonds, Edmundson, Edwards, Eldred, Eldredge, Elliot, Elliott, Ellis, Ellsworth, Elsasser, Elsbree, Ely, Emerson, Emery, Engel, Ennis, Epplor, Erway, Estabrook, Etheridge, Evans, Everton, Fairbanks, Fairchilds, Fanning, Farnsworth, Farnum, Fassett, Fay, Fear, Fellow, Fellows, Felton, Ferguson, Field, Finley, Finnie, Fischer, Fish, Fisk, Fiske, Fitch, Fitzgerald, Flanders, Fleming, Flint, Flynn, Foley, Foot, Foote, Forbes, Ford, Forsyth, Fosdick, Foster, Fowler, Fox, Frankenstein, Franklin, Frazier, Frear, Freeman, Fretcher, Fries, Frink, Frisbee, Frisbie, Frost, Fuller, Furman, Futchey, Gadbois, Gale, Gallaudet, Gallup, Gamon, Ganett, Gannon, Gardiner, Gardner, Garnant, Garner, Garry, Gartland, Gaskill, Gates, Gavitt, Gay, Gazely, Geary, Geckler, Geer, Genung, Gibbs, Gibson, Gilbert, Gilkey, Gillette, Gilmartin, Gilmore, Gleason, Gnuse, Godfrey, Goff, Goldsmith, Goodell, Goodenough, Goodhue, Goodrich, Goodwin, Gordon, Gore, Goring, Gorton, Goss, Gould, Gouldon, Graber, Grant, Graves, Gray, Green, Greene, Gregg, Gregson, Gridley, Griffin, Grooves, Grout, Grover, Guild, Gunn, Hadcok, Hagadorn, Hagarty, Halin, Halkett, Hall, Hallet, Hallock, Hamlin, Hammers, Hammon, Hammond, Hancock, Hand, Hanley, Hanney, Hansman, Hardin, Harding, Hardy, Harkness, Harlson, Harmon, Harrington, Harris, Harrison, Harry, Hart, Hartwell, Harvey, Haskell, Haskins, Hastings, Hatch, Hatcher, Hauer, Haukins, Haven, Hawes, Hawthorn, Hayes, Haynes, Hazard, Hazen, Heath, Heathcote, Heatherby, Helmer, Henderson, Henry, Henson, Hern, Herrington, Hess, Heston, Hewitt, Hibbard, Hicks, Hidecker, Higgins, Hiles, Hill, Hillard, Hilliard, Hillis, Hinckley, Hinley, Hiscox, Hitchcock, Hix, Hobson, Hodge, Hodgeeng, Hodgson, Hoffman, Hogan, Holbrook, Holden, Holdredge, Holdridge, Holdsworth, Holland, Hollenbeck, Hollister, Holloway, Hollowell, Holmes, Holt, Homet, Hooker, Hoover, Hope, Hopkins, Horsfall, Horton, Hosselkus, Hotchkiss, Hough, Houghtling, Houghton, Houston, Hovey, Howard, Howe, Howell, Howes, Howmiller, Hoxie, Hoyt, Hubbard, Huddlestone, Hudleston, Hughes, Hugman, Hull, Hume, Humphrey, Hunt, Hunter, Huntley, Huntoon, Hurd, Hurley, Hussey, Hutchinson, Huyk, Hyde, Hymers, Iler, Ingerson, Inghram, Ingraham, Ingram, Irish, Irwin, Jackson, Jacobus, James, Jeffery, Jenks, Jennings, Jepson, Jerome, Jewett, Johnson, Jones, Joseph, Joslin, Joslyn, Jubb, Judkins, Justin, Kane, Kavanaugh, Keeler, Keeley, Keen, Keeny, Kelley, Kellogg, Kelly, Kelsey, Kemp, Kennedy, Kenney, Kent, Kenyon, Ketchum, Keyes, Kibby, Kieffer, Kilduff, King, Kingsbury, Kingsley, Kinne, Kinner, Kinney, Kirby, Kirkpatrick, Kirtland, Kitchen, Knapp, Kneeland, Knoblock, Knowles, Konkle, Kothe, Krantz, Kranz, Krauss, Kress, Krief, Krouthaure, Kuebler, Kurowski, La Roque, Lacey, Lacy, Ladd, Lake, Lamb, Lameraux, Lamont, Lamphere, Lampman, Lamson, Lander, Lane, Lang, Langodn, Langsworthy, Langworthy, Lanphere, Larabee, Larkin, Larned, Latham, Laughton, Lawrence, Lawton, Leach, Leaty, Lebates, Lee, Leeds, Leidlein, Leissring, Lemon, Lenety, Leonard, Lewis, Leyford, Lezenby, Light, Lincoln, Listman, Livingston, Lloyd, Lock, Lockwood, Londergan, London, Long, Loomis, Loper, Lothrop, Lough, Loveland, Lovett, Low, Lucas, Lum, Lund, Lung, Lutes, Luther, Lyman, Lynch, Mabbett, Macumber, Magee, Main, Maine, Mallory, Mamerll, Mann, Manning, Manville, Mapes, Marcellus, Margeson, Markoff, Marks, Marly, Marquis, Marsden, Marsh, Marshall, Martel, Martin, Masse, Masters, Mathewson, Matterson, Maxfield, Maxson, Maxwell, Maynard, Mayne, McAllester, McAllister, McCann, McCarthy, McChesney, McClellan, McCloud, McClure, McCoy, McCracken, McCurde, McDowell, McFaul, McHenry, McKemmie, McKenzie, McLuse, McMillan, McNobb, Meech, Meeks, Menton, Mercer, Merritt, Metcalf, Meyers, Middaugh, Middleton, Miles, Miller, Milliken, Millman, Mills, Miner, Minger, Mintz, Mitchell, Mitten, Mix, Mocher, Monroe, Montague, Moody, Moon, Moore, Moran, Mordoff, Morey, Morgan, Morrow, Morse, Mortimer, Morton, Mosely, Mosier, Moss, Mott, Mower, Mowry, Moyer, Munch, Munsell, Murphy, Murray, Murry, Myer, Myers, Nagus, Nash, Nason, Newbury, Newcomb, Newhall, Newman, Newton, Niccounger, Nichols, Nickolson, Nicoll, Nightingale, Niles, Nixon, Nobles, Norman, Norris, Northrop, Northrup, Norton, Norwood, Notman, Noyes, Nudd, Nye, O'Brien, Oatley, Oats, Ogden, Oldham, Oliver, Olmstead, Olver, Orcutt, Osborn, Osborne, Ostrander, Otis, Owen, Packard, Packer, Paddock, Page, Paine, Palfrey, Palmer, Palmeter, Palmiter, Park, Parker, Parkerson, Parkin, Parks, Parsons, Partelo, Partridge, Passmore, Patch, Patrick, Peabody, Peacock, Pearson, Peck, Peckham, Pelhey, Pelton, Pendleton, Penner, Penny, Perkins, Perrigo, Perrin, Perron, Perry, Persons, Peters, Peterson, Pettes, Petzinger, Phelps, Philips, Phillips, Pike, Pitts, Pogue, Polhemus, Pollard, Pool, Pooler, Pope, Porter, Potter, Potts, Powell, Powers, Pratt, Preble, Prentice, Prentiss, Preston, Price, Priest, Prince, Pritchard, Prune, Prussing, Pulsifer, Purdy, Putnam, Quarter, Quick, Rafter, Raikes, Ramsay, Randall, Randerson, Rankin, Rathbone, Rchardson, Read, Reed, Renard, Rentlinger, Reynolds, Rhodes, Rice, Rich, Richards, Richardson, Richmond, Rickard, Rider, Riel, Riley, Ring, Ripley, Roach, Robbins, Roberts, Robins, Robinson, Rochette, Rockwell, Rockwood, Rogers, Root, Ropley, Rose, Ross, Rossman, Rowley, Ruddock, Rudy, Ruge, Rugg, Ruggles, Russel, Russell, Ryan, Ryon, Salisbury, Samuels, Sanborn, Sanderson, Sanford, Satterlee, Sauls, Saunders, Sauter, Sawyer, Saxton, Sayre, Schenider, Schermerhorn, Schmidtill, Schotz, Schuyler, Scofield, Scott, Scranton, Seabury, Seagrave, Seaman, Seamans, Searl, Segar, Seguer, Severance, Seymour, Sharp, Shattuck, Shaul, Shaw, Shearer, Sheldon, Shepard, Shepardson, Shepherd, Sherman, Sherwood, Sholes, Shooks, Shove, Shroeder, Shumway, Shurer, Silkman, Simmons, Simms, Simpson, Sink, Sisson, Skidmore, Skinner, Slawson, Slocum, Slossom, Smith, Snell, Snook, Snow, Snyder, Soule, Spalding, Spaulding, Spear, Spears, Spencer, Spenser, Spicer, Spickler, Spooner, Sprague, Spurr, Squires, St John, Stacy, Stahl, Stalford, Stanbro, Stanburg, Stanley, Stanton, Starbuck, Stark, Starr, States, Stedman, Steele, Steinnert, Stephens, Stephenson, Stevens, Stevenson, Steward, Stewart, Stickney, Stiff, Stiles, Stillman, Stimpson, Stoddard, Stone, Stonefield, Stotz, Stow, Stowell, Strait, Stransburg, Stratton, Straw, Strope, Stryker, Stuart, Stuper, Sturgess, Sulzer, Sumners, Sutherland, Sutton, Swain, Swan, Swank, Sweetland, Swift, Swingle, Swisher, Tabon, Taft, Talbert, Talbot, Talcott, Tallmadge, Taylor, Terwilliger, Tewksbury, Thayer, Thomas, Thompson, Thurston, Ticknor, Tiffany, Tillinghast, Tillman, Timson, Tingley, Tinker, Tissue, Todd, Tompkins, Topper, Torgood, Torrance, Torrence, Townsend, Tracy, Treat, Truesdell, Trumbull, Tryon, Tubbs, Tucker, Tuers, Turner, Tyger, Tyler, Tyring, Udall, Umberhind, Underwood, Upson, Utter, Van Auken, Van Deusen, Van Winkle, Vandermark, Vanslyke, Vaughn, Velsir, Vinton, Visher, Vought, Vreeland, Wadsworth, Wagner, Waide, Wait, Waite, Walke, Walker, Walkins, Wallace, Walles, Walsh, Walsworth, Walworth, Ward, Warner, Warren, Washburn, Waterhouse, Waterman, Waters, Watson, Watts, Way, Weaver, Webber, Webster, Weed, Weeks, Weinberg, Weir, Welch, Wellner, Wells, Wentz, West, Westcott, Weston, Wheeler, Whipple, White, Whitehead, Whiting, Whitney, Wicks, Wight, Wightman, Wigton, Wilbank, Wilbur, Wilcox, Wilder, Wildrick, Wiley, Wilkins, Willard, Williams, Williamson, Williston, Wilson, Wing, Wiswell, Witherall, Withycombe, Wodell, Wolcott, Wolf, Wolfe, Wolfenden, Wood, Woodard, Woodfield, Woodman, Woodmancy, Woodmansee, Woods, Woodward, Woodworth, Wooley, Worden, Wright, Wyatt, Yeomans, Yerrington, Yontz, York, Young, Youngs, Zeiner,


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