Biographical Sketch of Justin Grant Sholes
Sholes, Justin Grant; sec’y-treas. the Ohio Chemical & Mfg. Co.; born, Cleveland, Feb. 9, 1871; son of Thomas G. and Harriet Estee Sholes; educated at Brownell St. School and Central High; married, Cleveland, Dec. 16, 1908, Alice Everrett; issue, one son, Justion Everrett Sholes, born April 29, 1910; with the Grasselli Chemical Co., 1886 to 1900; reorganized the Lennox Chemical Co., Cleveland, sec’y and treas. to 1910; organized the Ohio Chemical Co., Cleveland, 1910, and sec’y-treas. of that firm to date; vice pres. Western Terminal Co.; has served three enlistments in Troop A., O. N. G.; member Chamber of Commerce, … Read more