Muster Roll of Captain Nathan Barker’s Company

Title page to the Aroostook War

Muster Roll of Captain Nathan Barker’s Company of Light Infantry in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the sixth day of March, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Augusta Maine, to the twenty-sixth day of March, 1839, when discharged or mustered.

Bean, Frederick Carroll – Obituary

Fred C. Bean, a life-long resident of Lane County, died suddenly last evening at his home on 579 Ninth Avenue East, at 8:15 o’clock, at the age of 52 years. He had been in poor health for some time but had retired early last night in apparently the usual condition. Soon he began to suffer and as no relief could be administered, it was only a short time until he passed away. Mr. Bean is the son of Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Bean who are well-known pioneers of Oregon having come here in the early ’50s. He was born … Read more

Abbott Genealogical Register

Abbott Genealogical Register

In 1847, Abiel Abbot and Ephraim Abbot compiled a comprehensive genealogical record titled “Abbott Genealogical Register,” detailing the lineage of several Abbott families originating from early New England settlers. Initially aimed to document the descendants of George Abbot, Sr. of Andover, the scope expanded to include numerous branches such as George Abbot, Jr., Thomas Abbot of Andover, Arthur Abbot of Ipswich, Robert Abbot of Branford, Ct., and George Abbot of Norwalk, Ct., among others. This volume, published by J. Munroe and Company in Boston, Massachusetts, integrates meticulously gathered data, revealing the expansive and intertwined genealogies of the Abbott families. The authors’ painstaking research and dedication to accuracy, despite challenges in data completeness, provide a valuable resource for anyone tracing the Abbott lineage or studying early American familial structures.

Bean, Ormond Robert – Obituary

Retired Portland City Commissioner Ormond R. Bean, 89, a 31-year servant in city, state and federal governments, died early Friday morning [February 14, 1975] in the Parkview Nursing Home. Death was due to natural causes, said his son, Ormond Bean, Jr. First elected to the Portland City Council in 1932, the elder Bean served from 1933 until 1939 when he was appointed Oregon Public Utility Commissioner. From 1943 until 1946, Mr. Bean was a transportation director in America’s World War II effort, serving in Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the Middle East. Returning to Portland, he was elected once more to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin L. Bean

Benjamin L. Bean, farmer, Section 27, P. O. Tekamah, was born in La Fayette County, Wis.; raised in Iowa County. He enlisted in August, 1862, in Company A, Thirty-third Wisconsin Infantry. Served to the end of the war. In 1866, came to Nebraska. Worked on the Union Pacific Railroad as foreman for A. H. Johnson, contractor, till 1867, when he came to Arizona Precinct, and has since been engaged in farming. He owns 553 acres of land, 140 acres of which is under cultivation. He feeds about forty head of cattle and about fifty hogs.

Surnames Bacon to Buzzard

This document contains genealogical statements regarding various individuals and families of Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Mississippi Choctaw descent who sought recognition and enrollment in tribal rolls. The records, primarily from 1909 reports, detail claimants’ ancestry, enrollment issues, and tribal affiliations. Many individuals were denied enrollment due to factional disputes, legal technicalities, or failure to apply within deadlines. The document includes references to official reports and affidavits, offering insights into the complexities of Native American citizenship and land rights during the early 20th century.

Muster Roll of Captain John D. Barnard’s Company

Title page to the Aroostook War

Muster Roll of Captain John D. Barnard’s Company of Infantry in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the sixth day of March, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Augusta, Maine, to the twenty-eighth day of March, 1839, when discharged or mustered.

Bean, Rufus Eusebeous – Obituary

Rufus E. Bean of Milton, well-known civic and political leader of Umatilla County, died Saturday afternoon [April 5] at a Walla Walla hospital of cerebral thrombosis. Born January 1, 1876 at Virgil City, Mo., he was the youngest of 13 children. After four years of schooling in a one-room school in Michigan, he learned telegraphy at Janesville, Wis., where his teacher was George Parker, fountain pen inventor. He worked as a telegraph operator at Floodwood, Minn., and at Portland. He became and agent for the O.W.R. & N. Company at Milton, and lived in this community for the rest of … Read more

Biography of Charles Danford Bean

Charles Danford Bean, attorney and counselor at law in Geneva, Ontario county, New York, is a member of a family that has been domiciled in New York state for several generations, and their history and that of the family seat is a more than usually interesting one. Maple Hill, the homestead, derives its name from the thickly-wooded land upon which the house stands, and has many historic associations. The mansion was originally erected in 1834. and was at that time a twostory structure; successive owners added wings and rebuilt and remodeled the house, which has sheltered and extended hospitality to … Read more

1894 Hinckley Minnesota Forest Fire Deaths

1894 Hinckley Minnesota Forest Fire

The exact origin of the fire is somewhat indefinite; the one that visited Hinckley must have started in the region south of Mission Creek. Around this little village much of the pine had been cut. There was in the hamlet twenty-six houses, a schoolhouse, a small sawmill a general store, hotel and blacksmith shop. At the time of the fire there were seventy-three people living in, and adjacent to, this village; a great number of the population were away from home, having gone to Dakota for the harvest. The people had been fighting local fires for a month. At noon, … Read more

History of Ontario County, New York, part 2

History of Ontario County, New York

The History of Ontario County, New York genealogical section provides an extensive array of surnames, indicating the comprehensive nature of the section in Part 2. These genealogies not only serves as a reference for individuals researching family histories but also reflects the diverse settler and immigrant populations that have contributed to the fabric of Ontario County. Each surname represents a family’s journey, struggles, and contributions to the county’s development over centuries.

Bean, Jean Audrey Withington Down – Obituary

A memorial service will be at 2 p.m. Thursday, July 6, 2000, in the chapel in River View Cemetery for Jean Audrey Bean, who died June 29 of emphysema at age 77. Mrs. Bean was born Aug. 5, 1922, in Portland, where she lived all her life. Her maiden name was Withington. She graduated from Lincoln High School and attended Oregon State College. She was a homemaker. In 1965, she married Ormond R. Bean Jr.; he died in 1994. Survivors include her sons, Terrence P., Richard M. and Timothy B. Down; daughter, Rebecca A. Wade; two grandchildren; and two great … Read more

1899 Directory for Middleboro and Lakeville Massachusetts

1899 Middleboro and Lakeville Massachusetts Directory Cover

Resident and business directory of Middleboro’ and Lakeville, Massachusetts, for 1899. Containing a complete resident, street and business directory, town officers, schools, societies, churches, post offices, notable events in American history, etc. Compiled and published by A. E. Foss & Co., Needham, Massachusetts. The following is an example of what you will find within the images of the directory: Sheedy John, laborer, bds. J. G. Norris’, 35 West Sheehan John B., grocery and variety store, 38 West, h. do. Sheehan Lizzie O., bds. T. B. Sheehan’s, 16 East Main Sheehan Lucy G. B., bds. T. B. Sheehan’s, 16 East Main … Read more

Slave Narrative of Nancy Rogers Bean

Person Interviewed: Nancy Rogers Bean Location: Hulbert, Oklahoma Place of Birth: Boggy Depot, Oklahoma Age: 82 I’m getting old and it’s easy to forget most of the happenings of slave days; anyway I was too little to know much about them, for my mammy told me I was born about six years before the war. My folks was on their way to Fort Gibson, and on the trip I was born at Boggy Depot, down in southern Oklahoma. There was a lot of us children; I got their names somewheres here. Yes, there was George, Sarah, Emma, Stella, Sylvia, Lucinda, … Read more

Establishment of Fort Smith in 1817

Quapaw Cession Map

The white population in Arkansas in 1817 had increased to several thousand, whose protection, as well as that of the Cherokee people living in that territory, from the continued hostilities of the Osage, required the establishment of a military post at the western border dividing the white settlements from the Osage. From Saint Louis came further news of threatened hostilities by the Osage near Clermont’s Town, and a report that Major William Bradford with a detachment of United States riflemen, and accompanied by Major Long, topographical engineer, had left that city for the purpose of establishing a military post on … Read more

Representative Men of Maine – Biographical Sketches and Portraits

Representative Men of Maine Title Page

A collection of portraits with biographical sketches of residents of the state of Maine who have achieved success and are prominent in commercial, industrial, professional, and political life, to which is added the portraits and sketches of all the governors since the formation of the state of Maine in 1820.

Bean, Julia Anne Sharp – Obituary

Mrs. Julia A. Bean, an early Oregon pioneer, died at her home in Eugene this afternoon [February 19, 1908] at 1:00 after a long illness. She would have been 70 years old age on the 25th of this month had she lived until then. Mrs. Bean, whose maiden name was Sharp, was born near Newmarket, Harrison County, Ohio, February 25, 1838. In company with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sharp, she started across the plains for Oregon in 1849, but on reaching Missouri they purchased a farm and resided there three years. In May 1852, they started for Oregon … Read more

Bean, Fred C. – Obituary

Fred C. Bean, a life-long resident of Lane county, died suddenly last evening at his home on 579 Ninth Avenue East at 8:15 o’clock, at the age of 52 years [October 24, 1921]. He had been in poor health for some time but had retired early last night in apparently the usual condition. Soon he began to suffer and as no relief could be administered it was only a short time until he passed away. Mr. Bean is the son of Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Bean who are well known pioneers of Oregon, having come here in the early … Read more

Bean, Barbara L. – Obituary

Barbara L, 8100 SW 2nd; wife of Ormond R. Bean Jr.; mother of Becky Bean; sister of Maxine Patrick. Services Tuesday 10 am at Calwell’s Colonial Mortuary, Sandy Blvd. At 14th. Vault Interment Riverview Cemetery. Oregonian, May 17, 1964 Contributed by: Shelli Steedman

Bean, Robert Sharp, Judge – Obituary

Judge Robert Sharp Bean of the federal court for the District of Oregon, nationally known for his judicial mind died suddenly of a heart attack at 6:30 o’clock this morning [January 7, 1931] at his home, 1620 Briar Place. He was 76. Shock of the death was doubly felt in that it was so unexpected. According to a member of the family, Judge Bean, on retiring last night, was as well as he had ever been. He retired about 11 o’clock, Mrs. Bean said. Shortly before 6 a.m. today he arose complaining of a slight stomach ailment. He was somewhat … Read more