Amidon Family: A Record of the Descendants of Roger Amadowne of Rehoboth, MA

Last Updated on March 7, 2023 by Dennis

Amidon Family : A Record of the Descendants of Roger Amadowne of Rehoboth, Mass.
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According to tradition, Roger Amadowne was a French Huguenot who was forced to flee from France after the Edict of Nantes was revoked. He is said to have lived in England for several years before immigrating to America. However, there is no information available about his birth or parentage.

In Plymouth Colony and Rehoboth records, his name is commonly spelled as Amadowne. While most of his descendants use the Amidon spelling, some branches of the family have variations such as Amadon, Amedon, Amidown, Ammidon, and Ammidown.

The first mention of Roger Amadowne’s name appears in Salem, Massachusetts in 1637.

The author of this work presents Roger Amadowne as a Huguenot who fled to England and later immigrated to America. The book is well-organized, including biographical sketches of his descendants and features two useful indexes. The index reference the family #, not the page #. The text is printed in small but legible font and is illustrated with a few portraits.

Surnames in Amidon Family : A Record of the Descendants of Roger Amadowne of Rehoboth, Mass.

Abbe, Abbott, Abenethy, Adams, Agassiz, Alderman, Aldrich, Allee, Allen, Alliard, Anderson, Andrews, Angier, Appy, Armitage, Armstrong, Austin, Averill, Axtell, Bailey, Baker, Baldwin, Ball, Ballard, Ballou, Bangs, Banister, Barber, Barker, Barnard, Barnes, Barney, Barrett, Bartlett, Barton, Bates, Beebe, Beecher, Beighen, Bemis, Bemus, Bennett, Benson, Best, Bethel, Bicknell, Bidney, Bigelow, Bingham, Bishop, Bissell, Bixby, Black, Blanchard, Bliss, Blodgett, Blye, Boardman, Bolton, Bonge, Booth, Bordurtha, Bottomley, Bowker, Bowman, Bridges, Briggs, Brindle, Brinkerhoff, Bronson, Brooks, Brown, Browning, Bruce, Bryant, Buck, Buckles, Buell, Bullock, Bunker, Burlingame, Burnett, Burnham, Burns, Burr, Burritt, Burt, Bush, Butler, Calf, Calkins, Calvert, Cameron, Canada, Caneday, Canfield, Cannon, Cantley, Capron, Carey, Carlisle, Carnes, Carpenter, Carr, Carrier, Carter, Case, Centro, Chaffee, Chamberlain, Chapel, Chapin, Chapman, Chase, Chatman, Cheesbro, Cheney, Child, Childs, Claflin, Clark, Clay, Clegg, Cleveland, Clifford, Clopper, Cobb, Cochran, Cole, Coley, Collamer, Collins, Comstock, Connig, Conrad, Conro, Cook, Coolidge, Coombs, Coomes, Cooper, Copps, Cothren, Cotton, Cowles, Crary, Crilley, Crombie, Cropsey, Crosier, Cross, Culver, Cummings, Cups, Curray, Curtis, Dalrymple, Damon, Darling, Dauer, davenport, Davidson, Davis, Davison, Day, De Wolf, Dean, Decker, Delano, Deming, Densmore, Dexter, Dickerman, Dixon, Dodge, Doolittle, Doremus, Doubledee, Dresser, Dudley, Dunlap, Dunn, Dunsmore, Durpey, Dyer, Dymond, Earll, Eastman, Eaton, Eddy, Edson, Edwards, Ellis, Emerson, Estes, Esty, Fairbanks, Falls, Farraf, Fay, Field, Firman, Fishell, Fisher, Fisk, Fletcher, Flint, Flood, Flower, Flynn, Fodder, Forbes, Ford, Forrester, Forsyth, Fossmire, Foster, Fowler, Fox, French, Frost, Frothingham, Fuller, Gage, Gardner, Gaut, George, Gilbert, Giles, Glazier, Gleason, Goddard, Goff, Goldsberg, Goodman, Goodrich, Goodspeed, Gould, Gowdy, Granger, Gray, Green, Greenslit, Grice, Griffin, Griswold, Gron, Grosvenor, Grover, Gulliford, Gunthaur, Hadsell, Haffner, Hagar, Hale, Hall, Hamblett, Hamilton, Hammett, Hammond, Haroun, Harrington, Harris, Harrison, Hartwell, Harvey, Harwood, Haskell, Hastings, Hathaway, Haven, Havens, Hawkins, Hay, Head, Healy, Henderson, Henry, Henshaw, Herrick, Herrington, Hewett, Hicks, Higgins, Hildreth, Hill, Hills, Hodges, Hoffstetler, Holbrook, Holcomb, Holden, Holmes, Holt, Hopkins, horne, Horton, Hoskins, Houghton, House, Hovey, Howard, Howe, Howell, Howland, Hudson, Hughes, Hull, Humphrey, Humphreys, Hunt, Hurlburt, Hutchison, Ingham, Inglasbee, Ives, Jackson, Jacobs, Jaynes, Jefferson, Jenkins, Jennings, Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Joyce, Judd, Keach, Keep, Keith, Kelly, Kendrick, Kenyon, Ketcham, Keyser, Kibbee, Kimball, King, Kingsbury, Kinsey, Kline, klock, Klumph, Knapp, Koufler, Kremm, Ladd, Lagare, Lamb, Lamon, Lane, Larkin, Larned, Larrow, Larson, Lawrence, Leach, Learned, Lease, Lee, Leonard, Lewis, Lichard, Lillie, Lindsley, Lines, Litchfield, Loch, Lockwood, Logan, Lonscomb, Loomis, Lord, Luce, Lyman, Lyon, Mace, Maddock, Magee, Mann, Mansfield, Marcey, Marquart, Marsh, Martin, Mason, Matterson, Matthews, Maxwell, Maynard, McAuley, McBrayne, McClure, McCormick, McCune, McHenry, McIntire, McIntyre, McKeney, McLaughlin, McManus, Mettlen, Millard, Miller, Millis, Miner, Minges, Mitten, Moffitt, Mohler, Monroe, Montgomery, Moody, Moore, Morgan, Morse, Moseley, Moses, Mosher, Mowry, Munson, Negus, Newcomb, Newell, Newman, Newton, Nichols, Niece, Nims, Noyes, Nye, Okeif, Olds, Orcott, Orcutt, Ott, Owen, Page, Paige, Park, Parker, Parmenter, Parsons, Patterson, Peck, Percy, Perham, Perkins, Pernoyer, Perrin, Perry, Phelps, Phillips, Pierce, Pierson, Plymton, Pollock, Pool, Potter, Potwin, Powers, Pratt, Prescott, Priest, Prouty, Puffer, Putney, Quirk, Rand, Randall, Randolph, Ray, Raymond, Razey, Rea, Reed, Reid, Rexford, Reynolds, Rhea, Rice, Richards, Richardson, Richmond, Ricker, Rickerds, Rickert, Rider, Risley, Robbins, Roberts, Robertson, Rockwell, Roe, Rogers, Rolhauser, Root, Rose, Ross, Rounds, Rowell, Ruggles, Rundell, Russell, Sabin, Sadler, Sage, Sall, Sampson, Sanborn, Sanger, Sawtelle, Sawyer, Sayles, Scarborough, Schafer, Schermerhorn, Schofield, Schopp, Scott, Scriver, Searls, Sedgwick, Sequim, Shales, Sharp, Shaw, Shepherd, Sherman, Shirley, Shumway, Simmons, Sinclair, Skeel, Slade, Slocum, Smith, Snider, Southwick, Southworth, Spalding, Spence, Spenhill, Sprague, Squires, Stacy, Stanton, Staples, Starkwether, Starky, Starr, Stearns, Stebbins, Steel, Steele, Stenderson, Stevens, Stewart, Stockwell, Stone, Stow, Streeter, Stringfellow, Strong, Sturgeon, Sturtevant, Sweet, Swett, Tabb, Taft, Talbot, Tanner, Taylor, Thatcher, Thayer, Thomas, Thompson, Thorpe, Thrall, Tiffany, Tinney, Todd, Tower, Town, Tracy, Truax, Trussell, Tubbs, Tucker, Turner, Twining, Twitchell, Tyler, Underwood, Upham, Urban, Valentine, Van Braak, Vinton, Wagner, Wakefield, Wales, Walker, Wallace, Walsh, Walsworth, Walworth, Ward, Wardell, Warfield, Warner, Watson, Wattles, Watts, Weatherwax, Webb, Webber, Webster, Weeks, Wells, Wessels, West, Wetherell, Wheaton, Wheelock, Whilt, Whipple, Whitcomb, White, Whitely, Whiting, Whitney, Whiton, Whitridge, Whitten, Whyland, Wilcox, Wilder, Willard, Williams, Wilson, Wing, Winship, Wirth, Woffendan, Wolcott, Wood, Woodsworth, Woodward, Wright, Yeadon, Yeomans, and Young.


The Amidon Family. A Record of the Descendants of Roger Amadowne of Rehoboth, Mass. By Frank E. Best. Chicago, Ill. 1904. Frank E. Best, Box 271. 8vo. pp. 165. Illustrated.

Abbe, Abbott, Abenethy, Adams, Agassiz, Alderman, Aldrich, Allee, Allen, Alliard, Amadon, Amadowne, Amedon, Amidon, Amidown, Ammidon, Ammidown, Anderson, Andrews, Angier, Appy, Armitage, Armstrong, Austin, Averill, Axtell, Bailey, Baker, Baldwin, Ball, Ballard, Ballou, Bangs, Banister, Barber, Barker, Barnard, Barnes, Barney, Barrett, Bartlett, Barton, Bates, Beebe, Beecher, Beighen, Bemis, Bemus, Bennett, Benson, Best, Bethel, Bicknell, Bidney, Bigelow, Bingham, Bishop, Bissell, Bixby, Black, Blanchard, Bliss, Blodgett, Blye, Boardman, Bolton, Bonge, Booth, Bordurtha, Bottomley, Bowker, Bowman, Bridges, Briggs, Brindle, Brinkerhoff, Bronson, Brooks, Brown, Browning, Bruce, Bryant, Buck, Buckles, Buell, Bullock, Bunker, Burlingame, Burnett, Burnham, Burns, Burr, Burritt, Burt, Bush, Butler, Calf, Calkins, Calvert, Cameron, Canada, Caneday, Canfield, Cannon, Cantley, Capron, Carey, Carlisle, Carnes, Carpenter, Carr, Carrier, Carter, Case, Centro, Chaffee, Chamberlain, Chapel, Chapin, Chapman, Chase, Chatman, Cheesbro, Cheney, Child, Childs, Claflin, Clark, Clay, Clegg, Cleveland, Clifford, Clopper, Cobb, Cochran, Cole, Coley, Collamer, Collins, Comstock, Connig, Conrad, Conro, Cook, Coolidge, Coombs, Coomes, Cooper, Copps, Cothren, Cotton, Cowles, Crary, Crilley, Crombie, Cropsey, Crosier, Cross, Culver, Cummings, Cups, Curray, Curtis, Dalrymple, Damon, Darling, Dauer, Davenport, Davidson, Davis, Davison, Day, De Wolf, Dean, Decker, Delano, Deming, Densmore, Dexter, Dickerman, Dixon, Dodge, Doolittle, Doremus, Doubledee, Dresser, Dudley, Dunlap, Dunn, Dunsmore, Durpey, Dyer, Dymond, Earll, Eastman, Eaton, Eddy, Edson, Edwards, Ellis, Emerson, Estes, Esty, Fairbanks, Falls, Farraf, Fay, Field, Firman, Fishell, Fisher, Fisk, Fletcher, Flint, Flood, Flower, Flynn, Fodder, Forbes, Ford, Forrester, Forsyth, Fossmire, Foster, Fowler, Fox, French, Frost, Frothingham, Fuller, Gage, Gardner, Gaut, George, Gilbert, Giles, Glazier, Gleason, Goddard, Goff, Goldsberg, Goodman, Goodrich, Goodspeed, Gould, Gowdy, Granger, Gray, Green, Greenslit, Grice, Griffin, Griswold, Gron, Grosvenor, Grover, Gulliford, Gunthaur, Hadsell, Haffner, Hagar, Hale, Hall, Hamblett, Hamilton, Hammett, Hammond, Haroun, Harrington, Harris, Harrison, Hartwell, Harvey, Harwood, Haskell, Hastings, Hathaway, Haven, Havens, Hawkins, Hay, Head, Healy, Henderson, Henry, Henshaw, Herrick, Herrington, Hewett, Hicks, Higgins, Hildreth, Hill, Hills, Hodges, Hoffstetler, Holbrook, Holcomb, Holden, Holmes, Holt, Hopkins, Horne, Horton, Hoskins, Houghton, House, Hovey, Howard, Howe, Howell, Howland, Hudson, Hughes, Hull, Humphrey, Humphreys, Hunt, Hurlburt, Hutchison, Ingham, Inglasbee, Ives, Jackson, Jacobs, Jaynes, Jefferson, Jenkins, Jennings, Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Joyce, Judd, Keach, Keep, Keith, Kelly, Kendrick, Kenyon, Ketcham, Keyser, Kibbee, Kimball, King, Kingsbury, Kinsey, Kline, Klock, Klumph, Knapp, Koufler, Kremm, Ladd, Lagare, Lamb, Lamon, Lane, Larkin, Larned, Larrow, Larson, Lawrence, Leach, Learned, Lease, Lee, Leonard, Lewis, Lichard, Lillie, Lindsley, Lines, Litchfield, Loch, Lockwood, Logan, Lonscomb, Loomis, Lord, Luce, Lyman, Lyon, Mace, Maddock, Magee, Mann, Mansfield, Marcey, Marquart, Marsh, Martin, Mason, Matterson, Matthews, Maxwell, Maynard, McAuley, McBrayne, McClure, McCormick, McCune, McHenry, McIntire, McIntyre, McKeney, McLaughlin, McManus, Mettlen, Millard, Miller, Millis, Miner, Minges, Mitten, Moffitt, Mohler, Monroe, Montgomery, Moody, Moore, Morgan, Morse, Moseley, Moses, Mosher, Mowry, Munson, Negus, Newcomb, Newell, Newman, Newton, Nichols, Niece, Nims, Noyes, Nye, Okeif, Olds, Orcott, Orcutt, Ott, Owen, Page, Paige, Park, Parker, Parmenter, Parsons, Patterson, Peck, Percy, Perham, Perkins, Pernoyer, Perrin, Perry, Phelps, Phillips, Pierce, Pierson, Plymton, Pollock, Pool, Potter, Potwin, Powers, Pratt, Prescott, Priest, Prouty, Puffer, Putney, Quirk, Rand, Randall, Randolph, Ray, Raymond, Razey, Rea, Reed, Reid, Rexford, Reynolds, Rhea, Rice, Richards, Richardson, Richmond, Ricker, Rickerds, Rickert, Rider, Risley, Robbins, Roberts, Robertson, Rockwell, Roe, Rogers, Rolhauser, Root, Rose, Ross, Rounds, Rowell, Ruggles, Rundell, Russell, Sabin, Sadler, Sage, Sall, Sampson, Sanborn, Sanger, Sawtelle, Sawyer, Sayles, Scarborough, Schafer, Schermerhorn, Schofield, Schopp, Scott, Scriver, Searls, Sedgwick, Sequim, Shales, Sharp, Shaw, Shepherd, Sherman, Shirley, Shumway, Simmons, Sinclair, Skeel, Slade, Slocum, Smith, Snider, Southwick, Southworth, Spalding, Spence, Spenhill, Sprague, Squires, Stacy, Stanton, Staples, Starkwether, Starky, Starr, Stearns, Stebbins, Steel, Steele, Stenderson, Stevens, Stewart, Stockwell, Stone, Stow, Streeter, Stringfellow, Strong, Sturgeon, Sturtevant, Sweet, Swett, Tabb, Taft, Talbot, Tanner, Taylor, Thatcher, Thayer, Thomas, Thompson, Thorpe, Thrall, Tiffany, Tinney, Todd, Tower, Town, Tracy, Truax, Trussell, Tubbs, Tucker, Turner, Twining, Twitchell, Tyler, Underwood, Upham, Urban, Valentine, Van Braak, Vinton, Wagner, Wakefield, Wales, Walker, Wallace, Walsh, Walsworth, Walworth, Ward, Wardell, Warfield, Warner, Watson, Wattles, Watts, Weatherwax, Webb, Webber, Webster, Weeks, Wells, Wessels, West, Wetherell, Wheaton, Wheelock, Whilt, Whipple, Whitcomb, White, Whitely, Whiting, Whitney, Whiton, Whitridge, Whitten, Whyland, Wilcox, Wilder, Willard, Williams, Wilson, Wing, Winship, Wirth, Woffendan, Wolcott, Wood, Woodsworth, Woodward, Wright, Yeadon, Yeomans, Young,


Collection: Compiled Genealogies. Original sources listed on specific pages.

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