Alderman, Charlotte Ruth Odell – Obituary

Mrs. Charlotte Ruth Odell Alderman was born in Carroll County, Indiana, in 1842. Her father crossed the plains in 1851, bringing his wife and nine children. They settled in Webfoot near Dayton, where the family grew to maturity. Charlotte attended school at Lebanon, Lafayette and Willamette University, besides her home school. She taught school in Lincoln County, and in 1866, she married Albert Lockwood Alderman. They lived north of Dayton a number of years and then moved to Dayton so the children could better attend school. To them five children were born: Edwin who died in 1908; Ennis who lives … Read more

Some Descendants of Thomas Rowley of Windsor, Connecticut

Some descendants of Thomas Rowley of Windsor Connecticut

Some descendants of Thomas Rowley of Windsor. Thomas Rowley. Thomas Rowley (Rowell) a cordwainer, was in Windsor Connecticut as early as 1662, and Simsbury Connecticut by 1670. He died 1 May, 1705/8, estate inventory dated 1 May 1708. Married at Windsor, 5 May, 1669 by Rev. Wolcott, Mary Denslow, daughter of Henry, Windsor, born 10 Aug. 1651, died at Windsor 14 June, 1739, ae 91. Mary was admitted to Windsor Church in 1686. Thomas served in the Colonial Wars. On the list of those who gave to the poor. Contents: Book Notes:

Jacob Alderman

Corporal Medical Corps, Chief Surgeon Headquarters Div.; of Chowan County; son of J. O. and Mary Alderman. Entered service Aug. 12, 1918, at Norfolk, Va. Sent to Camp Lee, transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for France Sept. 13, 1918. Promoted to rank of Corporal February, 1918. Stationed at St. Nazairre, St. Aignan Thesee and at Surgeon Headquarters at Tours. Arrived in U. S. A. June 16, 1919, Hoboken. Mustered out at Camp Mitchell Field, June 25, 1919.

Alderman, Albert Lockwood – Obituary

A. L. Alderman died at the home of his son near Dayton on Christmas Eve [December 24, 1908], aged 88 years. The funeral took place on Saturday, conducted by Rev. A. J. Hunsaker of this city an old-time friend and neighbor. Mr. Alderman was a Yamhill County pioneer of 1846. He was born at Old Bedford, Connecticut, December 16, 1820. The family home for most of his boyhood was near Warsaw, N.Y. He was 25 years old when he crossed the plains. His party came by way of Southern Oregon and lost their wagons in the Rogue River. Mr. Alderman … Read more

Slave Narrative of Lizzie Baker

Interviewer: T. Pat Matthews Person Interviewed: Lizzie Baker Location: 424 Smith Street, Raleigh, North Carolina I was born de las’ year o’ de surrender an’course I don’t remember seein’ any Yankee soldiers, but I knows a plenty my mother and father tole me. I have neuritis, an’ have been unable to work any fer a year and fer seven years I couldn’t do much. My mother wus named Teeny McIntire and my father William McIntire. Mammy belonged to Bryant Newkirk in Duplin County. Pap belonged to someone else, I don’t know who. Dey said dey worked from light till dark, … Read more

Biography of Albert L. Alderman

ALBERT L. ALDERMAN. – The pioneer experiences of Mr. Alderman are not exceeded in interest by those of any of the early settlers. Born at Old Bedford, Connecticut, and taken as a child to Wyoming county, New York, where he lived until twenty-one years of age, he set out at the age of twenty-four upon the career that did not end except upon the Pacific coast. He was at Bradford, Pennsylvania, for a time with an uncle, and in 1845 came out to Quincy, Illinois, and that same winter made up an outfit for coming to the mythical Oregon. At … Read more

Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Story County, Iowa

Title Page for Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Story County, Iowa

The full manuscript contains a condensed history of the state of Iowa, a number of biographies of distinguished citizens of the state of Iowa, a descriptive history of Story county and 229 selected biographical sketches of the citizens of Story County, Iowa.