Washington Irving at Fort Gibson, 1832

Irving Washington

The McIntosh Creeks had been located along Arkansas River near the Verdigris on fertile timbered land which they began at once to clear, cultivate, and transform into productive farms. The treaty of 1828 with the Cherokee gave the latter a great tract of land on both sides of Arkansas River embracing that on which the Creeks were located. This was accomplished by a blunder of the Government officials, in the language of the Secretary of War, “when we had not a correct knowledge of the location of the Creek Indians nor of the features of the country.” This situation produced … Read more

Genealogical and Family History of Vermont

Genealogical and Family History of the State of Vermont vol 1

Hiram Charlton took on the publication of the Genealogical and Family History of the State of Vermont for Lewis Publishing. In it, he enlisted the assistance of living residents of the state in providing biographical and genealogical details about their family, and then he published all 1104 family histories in two distinct volumes.

Progressive Men of Western Colorado

Early Life in Colorado

This manuscript, in its essence, is a collection of 948 biographies of prominent men and women, all leading citizens of Western Colorado. In this context, Western Colorado encompasses the counties of Archuleta, Chaffee, Delta, Eagle, Garfield, Gunnison, Hinsdale, La Plata, Lake, Mesa, Mineral, Moffat, Montezuma, Montrose, Ouray, Pitkin, Rio Blanco, Routt, San Juan, and San Miguel.

Biography of James H. Pierson

James H. Pierson, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Oakland; born in Warren Co., Ohio, April 6, 1847, where he engaged in farming until Feb. 15, 1863, when, at the age of 15 years, he enlisted as private in Co. A, 12th Ohio V. I., and went forward to battle for the Union; he was in many hard-fought battles, among which were South Mountain, Antietam, 2d Bull Run, Winchester, Cedar Creek, Lynchburg and was with the 16th Army Corps under Gen, Hunter in front of Richmond; at the battle of Winchester, he was wounded and sent to the hospital for two … Read more

Chase Family of Fall River MA

King Philip Mills ad from 1896.

CHASE (Fall River family). The Chase family here considered is strictly speaking a Massachusetts-Rhode Island one, springing as it does from the early Roxbury Yarmouth family, a later generation of which located in Portsmouth, R. I. In the third generation from the immigrant ancestor through Joseph Chase, who located in Swansea, Mass., and Benjamin, who settled in Portsmouth, R. I., have descended the Chases who have come from those respective localities. And both branches have shared largely in the commercial and industrial life of this section of Massachusetts and Rhode Island. From the Portsmouth branch came the late Borden Chase, … Read more

Biography of Reverday J. Pierson

Reverday J. Pierson, junior member and business manager of the well-known firm of Holmes & Pierson, the editors and proprietors of the Riverside Daily Press and Weekly Horticulturist, of Riverside, is a native of Licking County, Ohio, and was born in 1848. When a child his parents moved to Springfield, Illinois, and thence in 1857 to Poweshiek County, Iowa. He was engaged in his attendance in the public schools until fifteen years of age, and then apprenticed to the printers trade at Montezuma, Iowa. After serving his apprenticeship, he commenced his travels as a journeyman, and was engaged on the … Read more

Pierson, Dale W. – Obituary

La Grande, Oregon Dale W. Pierson, 82, of Salem and formerly of La Grande died June 2 at his home. Viewing will be from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday June 8 at Howell Edwards Doerkson Funeral Home in Salem. A graveside service will begin at 1 p.m. Friday June 9 at the Summerville Cemetery. Mr. Pierson was born Oct. 6, 1923, to Sylvan and Vera Bradley Pierson in Grafton, Neb. The family lived in Lyle, Wash., Hermiston and at Mount Emily Camp. He graduated from La Grande High School in 1941, and served in the Army during World War … Read more

History of Ontario County, New York, part 2

History of Ontario County, New York

The History of Ontario County, New York genealogical section provides an extensive array of surnames, indicating the comprehensive nature of the section in Part 2. These genealogies not only serves as a reference for individuals researching family histories but also reflects the diverse settler and immigrant populations that have contributed to the fabric of Ontario County. Each surname represents a family’s journey, struggles, and contributions to the county’s development over centuries.

A History of Washington Valley New Jersey

Washington Valley plotted from earliest available deeds

In 1949 a committee came together to prepare a history of Washington Valley New Jersey. From its origins as a settlement in 1749 through the pivotal moments of the Revolutionary War and into the nineteenth century, they delve into the lives of the early families who once called this valley home. Despite the challenges of piecing together a fragmented historical record, their endeavor aims to illuminate the valley’s heritage, drawing on a diverse array of sources, from land deeds and wills to personal anecdotes and genealogical research. This book is free to read or to download as a PDF.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1860-1960

The Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1860-1960

“Pioneer Church: The History of the South Dakota District, the Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1860-1960” is a meticulously crafted chronicle that delves deep into the roots of Lutheran Christianity across South Dakota, Nebraska, Colorado, and Wyoming. Spanning a century, this volume unfolds the vibrant narrative of faith, community, and relentless dedication to the service of God and humanity in a region marked by its pioneering history. Free to read or download.

Kansas Registrations of Enemy Aliens, 1917 – 1921

Enemy Alien Registration Affidavit for Bernhardt Vick - Cropped Photo

The series contains original affidavits of registration that record personal information about each registrant, their photograph affixed to the majority of documents, and the registrants fingerprints. All of these are specific to Kansas, and most have the actual documents attached.

A Genealogy of the Lake Family

Ancestor Register of Esther Steelman Adams

A genealogy of the Lake family of Great Egg Harbour in Old Gloucester County in New Jersey : descended from John Lade of Gravesend, Long Island; with notes on the Gravesend and Staten Island branches of the family. This volume of nearly 400 pages includes a coat-of-arms in colors, two charts, and nearly fifty full page illustrations – portraits, old homes, samplers, etc. The coat-of-arms shown in the frontspiece is an unusually good example of the heraldic art!

Biographical Sketch of George Albert Pierson

George Albert Pierson, who in 1912 established the George Pierson Studio at Muskogee, where he has since conducted business on his own account, previous experience, however, having well qualified him for the management and development of his studio, was born in Raymond, Mississippi, on the 3d of May, 1883, and is a son of Albert and Belle (White) Pierson. His youthful days were devoted to the acquirement of an education in public and private schools, and later he became a student in the Chicago Art Institute, which maintains the largest art school in the country. He also studied at Smith’s … Read more

Marriage records of Liberty County Georgia, 1785-1895

Marriage records of Liberty County, Georgia, 1785-1895

These marriage records were abstracted from unbound marriage bonds and licenses in the Liberty County Courthouse, Hinesville, Georgia. The names were copied as they were spelled on the bonds, often barely legible and often spelled differently on the same bond. Sometimes the marriages were performed before the licenses were issued. The first date given in the abstracts is the date of the license or bond; the second is the date of marriage. The following abbreviations are used in these abstracts with the meaning indicated:

Biography of Samuel D. Pierson

Samuel D. Pierson, director in the J. W. Smith Dry Goods Company, of Geneva, New York, is one of that class of men who seem destined to overcome by their innate fitness apparently insurmountable obstacles, and his career presents a fine example of honesty and integrity, energy and perseverance, struggling with the adverse circumstances of life and rising into complete triumph. With all the elements of a strong character, he was fitted to assume the responsibilities which have devolved upon him and to increase the value of the interests entrusted to his care. Rev. Job Pierson his father was born … Read more

Richard Dexter Genealogy, 1642-1904

Arms of Dexter

Being a history of the descendants of Richard Dexter of Malden, Massachusetts, from the notes of John Haven Dexter and original researches. Richard Dexter, who was admitted an inhabitant of Boston (New England), Feb. 28, 1642, came from within ten miles of the town of Slane, Co. Meath, Ireland, and belonged to a branch of that family of Dexter who were descendants of Richard de Excester, the Lord Justice of Ireland. He, with his wife Bridget, and three or more children, fled to England from the great Irish Massacre of the Protestants which commenced Oct. 27, 1641. When Richard Dexter and family left England and by what vessel, we are unable to state, but he could not have remained there long, as we know he was living at Boston prior to Feb. 28, 1642.

Marriages of Orange County, Virginia, 1747-1810

Marriages of Orange County, Virginia, 1747-1810

Catherine Lindsay Knorr’s Marriages of Orange County, Virginia, 1747-1810 stands as a pivotal work for genealogists and historians delving into the rich tapestry of Virginia’s past. Published in 1959, this meticulously compiled volume sheds light on the matrimonial alliances formed within Orange County, Virginia, during a period that was crucial to the shaping of both local and national histories. The absence of a contemporary marriage register presented a formidable challenge, yet through exhaustive examination of marriage bonds, ministers’ returns, and ancillary records, Knorr has reconstructed a reliable record of these marriages.