Weymouth ways and Weymouth people

Last Updated on November 1, 2019 by Dennis

Title:Weymouth ways and Weymouth people : reminiscences
Author:Hunt, Edmund Soper
Publication date:1907
Publisher:Boston: Privately printed
Digitizing sponsor:Internet Archive
Contributor:Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center
RepositoryInternet Archive
Weymouth ways and Weymouth people
Weymouth ways and Weymouth people

Edward Hunt’s “Reminiscences” takes the reader back in Weymouth Massachusetts past to the 1830s through the 1880s as he provides glimpses into the people of the community. These reminiscences were mostly printed in the Weymouth Gazette and provide a fair example of early New England village life as it occurred in the mid 1800s. Of specific interest to the genealogist will be the Hunt material scattered throughout, but most specifically 286-295, and of course, those lucky enough to have had somebody “remembered” by Edward.

Index of Weymouth ways and Weymouth people

  • Abbott, Gorham D. 259
  • Adams, 90, 238-240
  • Adams, Charles Francis 45, 88, 116, 127, 212, 237, 238, 276
  • Adams, Henry 232
  • Adams, John 211
  • Adams, John Quincy 66, 67, 72
  • Adams, Nehemiah 72
  • Adlington, Francis M. 23, 46, 67, 68, 91
  • Alcott, 261
  • Alden, John 18
  • Alden, Priscilla 18
  • Allen, Abijah 268
  • Allen, Frank 155, 196
  • Allen, John B. 86
  • Allen, William 196
  • Ames, Capt. 160
  • Ames, Lieut. Col. 282
  • Anderson, 118
  • Anderson, Robert; 143
  • Andrew, John A. 144
  • Arnold, 26
  • Arnold, Cornelius 40
  • Arnold, Elijah 73, 83, 84
  • Arnold, George W. 40
  • Arnold, Samuel 22, 213, 228, 231
  • Atchison, David R. 120, 122
  • Austen, Jane 60
  • Austin, David 251
  • Ayres, Royal 76
  • Baby, Capt. 198, 200
  • Bacon, Robert 159
  • Bailey, Jeremiah 85
  • Bailey, Ashford 78
  • Bailey, Baker, 218
  • Bailey, George 78, 87
  • Bailey, William 78
  • Ball, Francis 232
  • Ball, Josiah 97, 98
  • Banfield, 161
  • Banks, Nathaniel P. 107, 118
  • Barker, 268
  • Barrows, Dan. 148
  • Barry, John Stetson 203
  • Bartlett, George 55, 56, 96, 98
  • Bassett, I. 118
  • Bates, Benjamin 36
  • Bates, Cotton 233
  • Bates, Elijah 20
  • Bates, Harvey 39
  • Bates, James 118
  • Bates, James L. 68, 89, 145
  • Bates, Joseph I. 52
  • Bates, Joshua 31
  • Bates, Robert 40
  • Bates, Samuel A. 63
  • Bates, Tirzah 31, 293
  • Bates, William 39, 41
  • Bates, Zachariah 33, 34, 37, 38
  • Bates, Zachri 40
  • Baylies, Francis 63
  • Beals, Elias 234
  • Beauregard, Gen. 14. 1
  • Beckley, James R. 22
  • Beecher, Henry Ward 1 16
  • Bell, John 139
  • Bent, Josiah 209
  • Benton, Jessie 119, 120
  • Benton, Thomas H. 120
  • Besant, 167
  • Bicknell, 229, 234, 294
  • Bicknell, David 29
  • Bicknell, George H. 55, 82
  • Bicknell, Lovell 137
  • Bicknell, Luke 29, 92
  • Bicknell, Wallace 29
  • Bicknell, Zachariah 227
  • Binney, Silas 25, 40, 44, 75, 81, 86
  • Birney, James G. 72, 82
  • Blagden, Geo. W. 62
  • Blaine, James G. 140
  • Blaisdell, 145
  • Blanchard, 77
  • Blanchard, Elisha 20, 26, 86
  • Blanchard, George 20, 40, 86
  • Blanchard, Isaac 26, 76
  • Blanchard, Isaac L. 86
  • Blanchard, Nathaniel 26, 76, 81, 89, 129, 143, 233
  • Blanchard, William 270
  • Boutwell, Georges 107, 129, 244, 260, 261
  • Bowditch, 44, 117
  • Bowditch, Adoniram 9, 51, 75, 79
  • Bowditch, Adoniram J. 40, 44, 146
  • Bowditch, Alden 40, 52
  • Bowditch, Alexander 40, 86
  • Bowditch, Benjamin 40
  • Bowditch, Benjamin T. 40
  • Bowditch, Charlotte (Hunt) 9
  • Bowditch, Eben C. 86
  • Bowditch, Granville 52
  • Bowditch, John 83
  • Bowditch, Ruthy 40
  • Bowditch, Samuel 40, 86
  • Bowditch, Susannah 31, 293
  • Bowditch, William 40, 41, 44
  • Bowen, Jock 149
  • Bowers, Miss 52
  • Boynton, 10
  • Boynton, Haskell 76
  • Bradford, Ephraim 98
  • Breck, 52, 91
  • Breckinridge, John C. 119, 1. 19
  • Brignoli, 251
  • Bryant, 60
  • Brooke, Stopford 175
  • Brooks, Preston C. 121, 123-126
  • Brown, 66
  • Brown, Charles Brockden 254
  • Bruce, Robert 194
  • Buchanan, James 98, 103, 104, 119, 120
  • Burlingame, Anson 125
  • Burnell, Jonathan 75, 98
  • Burns, Anthony 112-114
  • Burr, Waters 193
  • Burrell, Jesse 40
  • Burrell, Samuel 96
  • Burrill, Samuel 149
  • Burroughs, William 32
  • Butler, Andrew P. 121-123, 125, 126
  • Butler, Benjamin F. 90, 194, 262
  • Butler, Samuel 237
  • Calhoun, John C. 99
  • Cambridge, William G. 203
  • Canterbury, 234
  • Cass, Lewis 90, 103, 122
  • Cate, Frederick 85
  • Chamberlin, 76
  • Channing, William E. 72
  • Chapman, Mrs. 133
  • Chapman, Maria (Weston) 72
  • Cheesman, Addison 21, 31, 37, 38, 80
  • Chessman, John 37, 38
  • Chessman, William 97
  • Chickering, Jonas 42
  • Chipman, 117
  • Chipman, Edward 108
  • Chipman, Lucy J. 10, 13
  • Chipman, W. H. 109
  • Choate, Rufus 107
  • Clapp, 283
  • Clapp, Adoram 28, 29, 89, 109, 128
  • Clapp, Charles 22
  • Clapp, Edwin 281
  • Clapp, J. H. 147, 148
  • Clapp, Joseph 22
  • Clark, Arthur 167, 168, 175, 178-180
  • Clark, Rev. Mr. 250
  • Clark, Robert F. 167
  • Clarke, James Freeman 69, 117
  • Clay, Henry 72, 82, 89, 99, 101, 105
  • Cleverly, 234
  • Clothes, John 232
  • Coats, Thomas 232
  • Codman, Ogden 164
  • Coffin, E. W. 203
  • Cole, William 52, 86
  • Collingwood, Admiral 174
  • Colson, Brackley 293
  • Colson, Thomas 21, 36, 109
  • Cook, A. N. 132
  • Cook, Capt. 242
  • Cook, John 228
  • Cook, Samuel 22, 34, 40
  • Coolidge, 294
  • Coolidge, William 29
  • Coolidge, William B. 40
  • Cooper, James Fenimore 60, 254, 255, 257
  • Cowing, 80, 82, 220, 228, 293
  • Cowing, Balch 21, 30, 31, 55
  • Cowing, Balch (Hunt), Mrs. 31
  • Cowing, Francis H. 22, 25
  • Cowing, Granny 25
  • Cowing, Henry B. 40, 70
  • Cowing, William 97
  • Cox, Charles 132
  • Cox, Matthew 132
  • Crane, 193
  • Cressey, Rev. Mr. 218, 221
  • Crowninshield, B. W. 159, 162, 196-198, 200-202
  • Curtis, 239
  • Curtis, Frank 282
  • Curtis, Ira 54, 86
  • Curtis, Leander 267
  • Curtis, Samuel 22
  • Cushing, 218, 265, 290
  • Cushing, Augustus T. 51
  • Cushing, Chauncey (Loud), Mrs. 268
  • Cushing, David 31, 39, 41, 43, 44
  • Cushing, Edward 40, 41, 43, 101
  • Cushing, Francis 136, 146
  • Cushing, Frederic 30, 38, 293
  • Cushing, George 141, 146
  • Cushing, Hannah 40
  • Cushing, Hiram 38-41, 43
  • Cushing, John 39, 41
  • Cushing, Peter 15, 87, 88, 90, 109
  • Cushing, Peter H. 21, 23
  • Cushing, Simeon 28, 31, 33, 34, 40, 43
  • Cushing, Simon 41
  • Cushing, Thomas 39, 41, 43, 44
  • Cushman, Charlotte 57
  • Cushman, Spencer 40
  • Damon, Jonathan 25
  • Damon, Priscilla 40
  • Dana, Richard H. 112, 159
  • Darby, Edward 232
  • Davenport, John E. 204
  • Davis, James 160
  • Davis, Jefferson 124
  • Davis, Thomas 91, 92
  • Davy, Manning 132, 136
  • Dayton, William L. 119
  • Dean, Annie 268
  • Deane, Samuel 63
  • Dennis, John S. 203
  • Denton, Quincy 83
  • Denton, Samuel 267
  • Derby, 13, 267
  • Dickerman, Nathan 259
  • Dickerman, Nathan W. 259
  • Dickerman, Rebecca 259
  • Dill, Charles 147
  • Dizer, Marshall C. 131, 147
  • Dole, Margaret 40
  • Donelson, Andrew J. 119
  • Douglas, Frederick 71
  • Douglas, Stephen A. 103, 104, 112, 119, 121, 122, 139, 144
  • Downing, Andrew Jackson 250
  • Doyle, Joseph 155
  • Dyer, Daniel 115, 128, 234
  • Easton, 218
  • Edge, 136
  • Ellis, Thomas 70, 96, 107
  • Elssler, Fanny 74
  • Emerson, Ralph W. 261
  • Emery, Joshua 48, 49, 79, 206, 234
  • English, Frank 141, 146
  • Esterbrook, John 132
  • Everett, Edward 116, 124, 139
  • Faucon, Edward 159, 188, 189
  • Faxon, 239
  • Faxon, Rachel 40
  • Fellows, Ensign 226
  • Field, Granville E. 2S
  • Field, William 22, 25
  • Fifield, Noah 28, 48, 68, 81, 86, 245, 294
  • Fifield, William C. B. 244, 245
  • Fillmore, Millard 90, 100, 102, 104, 119, 120, 232, 233
  • Fiske, James 267
  • Fiske, John 262
  • Forbes, John M. 159
  • Forbes, Robert B. 99, 159, 172, 188
  • Foster, John Hatherly 11, 13, 14, 30, 32, 5i
  • Fox, John 61
  • Foye, John O. 85, 233
  • Foye, Samuel S. 146, 151, 152
  • Foye, Stephen 85
  • Fremont, Jessie (Benton) 119, 120
  • Fremont, John C. 119, 120, 140
  • French, 265
  • French, George 239
  • French, Samuel 233
  • Fuller, Margaret 260, 261
  • Fuller, Timothy 260
  • Gannett, Ezra S. Ill
  • Gardner, Henry J. 115, 116, 128
  • Garland, A. E. 225-227
  • Garrison, William Lloyd 30, 69, 72, 111, 115, 117, 220, 240
  • Gilbert, J. H. 128
  • Goddard, D. F. 204
  • Goodhue, 107
  • Grant, Ulysses S. 129, 159, 262
  • Gray, Horace 160
  • Gray, Thomas 169, 172, 180-182, 185, 196
  • Greeley, Horace 116, 134, 141
  • Green, Joseph 231
  • Gurney, Sam 232
  • Hale, John P. 105
  • Hall, Albion 97
  • Hall, Capt. 159
  • Hall, Elijah F. 98, 106
  • Hamlin, Hannibal 139, 140
  • Hamlin, Ilanson, Edward 15
  • Hamlin, Thomas R. 22, 23, 55, 98
  • Harding, William M. 234
  • Hardwick, 239
  • Harris, Tom 147, 148
  • Harrison, William H, 65, 66
  • Hartshorn, Jonathan 20
  • Hassam, Frederick F, 146
  • Hastings, Charles W. 145
  • Hatch, 118
  • Hathaway, William 1′. 85
  • Hawes, Bradford 222
  • Hawkins, John 67
  • Hawthorne, Nathaniel 60, 10-1, 106, 261
  • Hayden, J. W. 86
  • Hayden, Sam 75
  • Hayward, 228
  • Hayward, William 40
  • Hemphill, J. 203
  • Hermans, 251
  • Higginson, Thomas W. 113
  • Hill, Rhoda (Stetson) 51
  • Hine, 169
  • Hoar, George F. 129, 260-262
  • Hobart, 44
  • Hobart, Charles 40
  • Hobart, F. A. 53
  • Hobart, Henry 40
  • Hobart, William W. 86
  • Hodgdon, John 232
  • Holbrook, 229, 231
  • Holbrook, Abner 115, 128, 234
  • Holbrook, Cornelius 231
  • Holbrook, Daniel 90
  • Holbrook, Henry 50
  • Holbrook, Henry J. 151
  • Holden, George S. 76
  • Hollis, Bart 36
  • Hollis, Eliza 40
  • Hollis, Freeman 128, 129
  • Hollis, James 36
  • Hollis, Otis 108
  • Holmes, Abiel 9
  • Holmes, Eleanor 270
  • Holmes, Oliver W. 9, 213
  • Hovey, James G. 136, 137
  • Howe, Appleton 48, 81, 97, 128, 206
  • Howe, John C. 154, 156
  • Humphrey, 229
  • Humphrey, Albert 55
  • Humphrey, Col. 211
  • Humphrey, James 128, 152, 234
  • Hunt, 41, 43, 44, 109, 165, 200, 202, 219-224, 229, 231, 265, 279, 281, 286-289
  • Hunt, Albert 36
  • Hunt, Anna (Richards) 288
  • Hunt, Asa 34, 36, 129
  • Hunt, Atherton, 42, 83, 89, 131
  • Hunt, Atherton N. 24, 33, 38, 39, 41-43, 73, 80, 82, 84, 109, 128, 205, 233
  • Hunt, Aubrey 169, 180
  • Hunt, Betsey (Nash) 42
  • Hunt, Byron, Mrs. 34
  • Hunt, Caleb 24, 51, 92, 295
  • Hunt, Charles 19, 29, 33, 42, 79, 82, 84, 89, 131
  • Hunt, Charles E. 40, 43, 70, 90, 101, 107, 118, 128, 145, 233
  • Hunt, Charles P. 34
  • Hunt, Charlotte 9
  • Hunt, Col. 288
  • Hunt, Daniel 34
  • Hunt, David 33, 34, 81, 108, 132
  • Hunt, E. Atherton 34, 83, 118, 128, 143
  • Hunt, Eben 29-32, 54, 81, 118, 131
  • Hunt, Ebenezer 28, 31, 33-35, 3844, 50, 57, 84, 151, 205, 228, 258, 265, 292, 294
  • Hunt, Ebenezer A. 75
  • Hunt, Ebenezer William 14, 129-131
  • Hunt, Edmund 83, 244
  • Hunt, Edmund S. 75
  • Hunt, Elbridge 73, 89
  • Hunt, Elbridge G. 9, 22, 29, 92, 233
  • Hunt, Elias 9, 30, 31, 38, 40-44, 47, 79, 100, 128, 206, 233, 292-294
  • Hunt, Elizabeth 40, 42, 269
  • Hunt, Elizabeth (Richards) 32
  • Hunt, Emmons 31, 33, 40, 42
  • Hunt, Ephraim 227, 228, 231, 286, 288
  • Hunt, Eunice (Nash) 42
  • Hunt, Fred 131, 149, 150, 155
  • Hunt, George 34
  • Hunt, George Minot 143
  • Hunt, Henry 287
  • Hunt, James 269
  • Hunt, John 228
  • Hunt, John E. 29, 34, 92, 250
  • Hunt, Lucy J. (Chipman) 10
  • Hunt, Maria (Cook) 34
  • Hunt, Nathaniel 19, 21, 29, 33, 40, 42, 43, 268
  • Hunt, N. F. T. 269
  • Hunt, Quincy 25
  • Hunt, Richard 19, 29, 33, 42, 79, 82, 84, 89
  • Hunt, Richard A. 10, 40, 43, 44, 67, 70, 99, 101, 118, 128, 145, 206, 233, 269
  • Hunt, Richard Lloyd 33
  • Hunt, Russell 200, 269
  • Hunt, Samuel 39-41, 2SS
  • Hunt, Susan 40, 42
  • Hunt, Susannah 31, 50
  • Hunt, Susannah (Bowditch) 31, 293
  • Hunt, Thomas 289
  • Hunt, Tirza Bates 31, 293
  • Hunt, Willam 9, 30, 31, 40-44, 265, 288, 289, 294
  • Hunt, William M. 188
  • Hunt, William M. (Perkins), Mrs. 188
  • Hunt, Ziba 40
  • Hyde, William 27
  • Ingraham, Fred 143
  • Irving, Washington 60
  • Jackman, 107
  • Jackson, Andrew 89, 103
  • Jackson, Edmund 232
  • Jackson, Isaac 76, 130, 146
  • Jackson, James W. 225
  • Jackson, John 76
  • Jefferson, Thomas 119
  • Jenks, William 259
  • Jewett, Dr. 67
  • Johnson, 124, 139
  • Johnson, Samuel 209
  • Joice, Mary 40
  • Jones, James 228
  • Jordan, Peleg 50
  • Jordan, Thomas 40
  • Joy, Caleb 36
  • Joy, David 39
  • Joy, Eri T. 147
  • Joy, Noah 36
  • Julien, 79, 105
  • Keith, 87
  • Keith, Bizah 52
  • Kelley, Henry 267
  • Kellogg, Louise 251
  • Kendall, 150
  • Kimball, 162
  • Kimball, Moses 74
  • Kimball, Supt. 196-201
  • King, Benjamin 55
  • Kingjnan, Amos 35
  • Kingjnan, Ebenezer 34-38, 81, 296
  • Kingjnan, Ebenezer, Mrs. 35
  • Kingjnan, John 39, 41
  • Kingjnan, Minot 40
  • Kingjnan, Sally 25
  • Kingjnan, Tabitha 40
  • Kingjnan, Thomas 231, 291
  • Kingjnan, William 38, 40
  • Kingsbury, Fisher A. 22, 55, 86, 90, 91
  • Kossuth, Louis 102, 103
  • Lafayette, Gen. 103
  • Lane, Andrews 266, 269
  • Lane, Daniel 40
  • Lane, Joseph 139
  • Lane, Peter 20, 54, 55, 85, 86, 108
  • Lane, Quincy 20
  • Lanergan, Andrew 136, 137
  • Lanergan, Henry 146
  • Lathrop, Prescott 128
  • Lawrence, 190
  • Lawrence, Abbott 159, 232, 233
  • Lawrence, Amos 232, 233
  • Lawrence, William 232
  • Lawson, Peter 154
  • Leach, Benjamin 75
  • Leach, Ezra 14, 23, 33, 48, 51, 54, 66, 71, 85, 91, 92
  • Leach, Isaac 33
  • Leach, Jesse 40
  • Leach, Lebbeus 39
  • Leach, Mary 13
  • Learned, E. T. 79
  • Leavitt, 56
  • Le Hunt, Adam 287
  • Le Hunt, Ralph 287
  • Lewis, 168, 169, 218
  • Lewis, Winslow 118, 137
  • Lincoln, 218
  • Lincoln, Abraham 119, 139-142, 144
  • Lincoln, Cyrus 86
  • Lincoln, David 267
  • Lincoln, George 266, 268, 269
  • Lincoln, Marshall 118
  • Lincoln, Solomon 63
  • Lind, Jenny 38
  • Lindsley, J. C. 132
  • Linfield, 71
  • Linfield, Arad 19
  • Linton, 140, 141, 146, 151, 152
  • Linton, Augustus 145, 146
  • Linton, Charles 155
  • Linton, Edward F. 132, 134, 136, 145, 146, 155
  • Linton, P. Henry 145
  • Littlefield, Justin 40
  • Livermore, Daniel P. 203
  • Livermore, Mary A. 203
  • Long, John D. 124
  • Longfellow, Henry W. 60, 124
  • Loring, 113
  • Loring, Enos 118
  • Loring, N. W. 86
  • Loring, Thomas 87
  • Loring, William Caleb 201
  • Lothrop, 190
  • Lothrop, Samuel K. 127, 160
  • Loud, 56, 76
  • Loud, Henry 131, 234
  • Loud, Jacob 32
  • Loud, John J. 44
  • Loud, Loud, John W. 40, 44, 55, 86, 98, 128, 145, 233
  • Loud, Joseph 26, 76, 86, 118, 228
  • Loud, Lorenzo H. 75
  • Loud, Richard 32, 131
  • Loud, Richard E. 81, 109
  • Loud, Sarah 268
  • Loud, Warren 86
  • Lovell, 198, 200, 229
  • Lovell, John P. 118, 161, 197, 234
  • Lovell, Stephen 206
  • Lucy, Thomas 61
  • Ludden, James 232
  • Lyle, Lieut., Capt. 162, 163, 196-200, 231
  • Lyon, Lieut. 163
  • Manley, Wm. 232
  • Marcy, William L, 103, 104
  • Mason, James M. 140
  • Mason, Lowell 111
  • Matthews, Watson 40
  • May, Samuel J. 117
  • McCormick, 132
  • McGraw, Morris 196
  • Medora, 251
  • Mellen, Charles W. 204
  • Mellen, Thomas 96
  • Mellen, Thomas E. 33
  • Merritt, Emeline 10, 23
  • Merritt, Washington 23, 151
  • Merritt, William 151, 153
  • Miller, 238, 239
  • Miller, William 74
  • Mitchell, Nathan 63
  • Monk, Elias 232
  • Morgan, 250
  • Morgan, J. P. 159
  • Morphy, Paul 143
  • Morse, 139
  • Motley, John Lothrop 159
  • Motley, Thomas 159-161, 164-167, 169, 187, 188, 197
  • Mudge, 150
  • Nash, 265
  • Nash, A. Prescott 145
  • Nash, Aaron P. 22
  • Nash, Betsey 42
  • Nash, Ebenezer 33
  • Nash, Elias 22, 97
  • Nash, Elias W. 40
  • Nash, Eliza 40
  • Nash, Erastus 36, 109
  • Nash, Eunice 42
  • Nash, George 32, 36, 40, 81
  • Nash, Gilbert 14, 32, 231, 237
  • Nash, Henry 228
  • Nash, Henry A. 55
  • Nash, Job 35
  • Nash, John P. 35, 39, 40, 88, 294
  • Nash, Joseph 296
  • Nash, Lieut. 232
  • Nash, Nancy 35
  • Nash, Oran 40
  • Nash, Prince E. 33, 83, 84
  • Nash, S. W. 109, 131, 142
  • Nash, Stephen 36, 40, 41, 81, 109
  • Nash, Thomas 31, 128
  • Nash, Timothy 32, 35, 296
  • Nash, Warren 40
  • Nash, William 40
  • Nash, Zichri 31, 296
  • Newcomb, Deacon 30, 41, 88, 214
  • Newton, Alexander S. 40
  • Newton, Henry 40
  • Newton, Lincoln 40, 52
  • Newton, Minot 40
  • Nims, 14
  • Northumberland, Duke of 168
  • Norton, Jacob 205
  • Noyes, 107
  • Nye, Dr. 78
  • “Old Prince”, 289
  • Olmstead, Frederick Law 250
  • Packard, Col. 282
  • Pain, James 194
  • Paine, Abner W. 79
  • Palmer, Capt. 169-172, 177, 178, 180, 185, 186
  • Park, Charles 23
  • Parker, Theodore 62, 69, 102, 111-113, 127, 220, 240
  • Pater, Martha 40
  • Peabody, George 175
  • Pease, James T. 9
  • Peck, 158
  • Perkins, Jonas 19, 28, 35, 38, 41, 47, 48, 50, 67, 88, 204, 245, 279
  • Perkins, Josiah 40, 44
  • Perkins, Martha 50
  • Perkins, Thomas Handasyde 188
  • Peterson, Henry 98
  • Peterson, John P. 25, 97
  • Phelps, 168
  • Phillips, Isaac 26, 32
  • Phillips, John 32, 96, 97
  • Phillips, Nich. 232
  • Phillips, Wendell 69, 73, 102, Hi, 113, 140, 220, 240
  • Pierce, Elijah 23, 54, 297
  • Pierce, Eliot 26
  • Pierce, Franklin 98, 104-107
  • Fillsbury, Parker 14, 69, 71, 240
  • Poe, Edgar A. 60
  • Polk, James K. 72, 104
  • Pomeroy, Samuel C. 127
  • Pope, Frederic 25
  • Porter, Frank 267, 268
  • Porter, George 15, 25, 66, 118
  • Porter, George E. 270
  • Porter, George M. 34
  • Porter, Jane 60
  • Porter, John 15, 25, 66
  • Porter, Joseph 40
  • Porter, T. B. 86
  • Porter, Thomas 89, 118, 120
  • Porter, Thomas B. 21, 22, 85
  • Porter, Whitcomb 20, 24-26, 54, 66, 76, 89, 205
  • Potter, Edmund S. 234
  • Powers, Samuel L. 220
  • Pratt, 229
  • Pratt, Francis B. 145
  • Pratt, Lewis 22
  • Pratt, Martin K. 109
  • Pratt, Nathaniel 40
  • Pratt, Phineas 91, 250, 270
  • Pratt, Solon 22
  • Pratt, Thomas 94
  • Pray, Edward 40, 50
  • Pray, George 40
  • Pray, Thomas 25
  • Prescott, William H. 60
  • Quincy, 238, 239
  • Rand, Theodore J. 98
  • Randall, Dean 86
  • Ray, Abram 70, 71
  • Raymond, Alvah 1 37
  • Raymond, Robert 75, 267
  • Raymond, William 267
  • Reed, Edwin 163
  • Reed, Hannah 40
  • Reed, Harvey 20
  • Reed, John 163
  • Reed, Loring W. 40
  • Reed, M. F. 204
  • Reed, M. T. 152
  • Reed, Mary 40
  • Reed, Quincy 20
  • Reed, Samuel 24, 40, 86
  • Reed, Samuel W, 12
  • Reed, Thomas 25, 40, 295
  • Remington, Jacob 83, 84
  • Reynolds, Sir Joshua 174
  • Rhines, John B. 76
  • Rhines, John C. 21, 22, 49, 76, 86, 89
  • Rice, C. A. 21, 25
  • Richards, 81, 220, 229
  • Richards, Alden, 32
  • Richards, Anna 288
  • Richards, Augustus J. 52, 55
  • Richards, Austin 30, 74
  • Richards, Avis 32
  • Richards, David 25
  • Richards, Deborah 40
  • Richards, Eben H. 22
  • Richards, Ebenezer 28, 40
  • Richards, Ebenezer Hunt 29, 44
  • Richards, Edward 32
  • Richards, Elbridge 32
  • Richards, Elias 20, 23, 29, 30, 38, 39, 42, 44, 70-72, 86, 109, 233, 266, 268, 269
  • Richards, Elias (Hunt), Mrs. 38, 42, 269
  • Richards, Elizabeth 32
  • Richards, Elizabeth (Hunt) 42, 269
  • Richards, Francis 32, 36
  • Richards, Frank 32
  • Richards, George 28
  • Richards, Jacob 32, 52, 86, 97, 293
  • Richards, Josiah 29, 32, 129
  • Richards, Nathaniel 21, 32, 40, 293
  • Richards, Sara 40
  • Richards, Susan 270
  • Richards, Thomas 32, 39, 293
  • Richardson, Mrs. 42, 91
  • Richardson, E. T. F. 42
  • Richmond, Micah 52, 295
  • Ripley, Ebed 193
  • Ripley, Henry 193
  • Robinson, Charles 127
  • Rockefeller, John D. 250
  • Rollie, John 78
  • Ross, Lieut. 198
  • Russell, Bradford 261
  • Russell, Thomas 262
  • Sanderson, Chester 136-138
  • Sato, M. 192
  • Saville, Dr. 267
  • Scheyrer, 133
  • Schley, Winfield S. 196
  • Schurz, Carl 276
  • Scott, Walter 60
  • Scott, Winfield 104, 105
  • Sedgwick, Henry Dwight 253
  • Seguin, 79
  • Seward, William H. 126, 139, 140
  • Seymour, 10
  • Shadrach, 102
  • Sheppard, Joel F. 22
  • Sherlock, 165, 167
  • Simmons, William A. 161, 196, 262
  • Sims, Thomas 102
  • Simms, William Gilmore 263
  • Singer, 70
  • Slocum, 290
  • Smith, Avis (Richards) 32
  • Smith, Dana 269
  • Smith, Darius 80, 109, 269
  • Smith, James 232
  • Smith, Jerome V. C. Ill
  • Smith, Otis 31, 80, 108
  • Smith, William 205
  • Snow, Capt. 189, 190
  • Snow, Jonathan 191
  • Somes, John 53
  • Somes, John C. 49
  • Soper, 291
  • Soper, Edmund 9, 50, 228, 231
  • Soper, Eliza M. T. 9
  • South, 94
  • South, James 40
  • Souther, Laban 92
  • Sparrow, B. C. 190, 198
  • Spear, John M. 68, 203
  • Spense, 182-184
  • Sproul, Arthur E. 159
  • Stagg, 225
  • Standish, Miles 250, 270, 291
  • Sterling, Auburn, Mrs, 270
  • Stetson, 80
  • Stetson, Albert (Holbrook), Mrs. 50, 228
  • Stetson, Amos 52, 86
  • Stetson, Amos W. 13, 16, 44, 50, 86
  • Stetson, A. Warren 52
  • Stetson, Caleb 31, 40, 41, 50, 80, 86, 101, 212
  • Stetson, Henry 153
  • Stetson, Loring 75
  • Stetson, Major 51, 54
  • Stetson, Mary 40
  • Stetson, Rhoda 51
  • Stetson, Susannah (Hunt) 31, 50
  • Stetson, Warren 143
  • Storrs, R. S. 41, 75, 205, 245
  • Stowe, Harriet Beecher 110
  • Stratton, William D. 137
  • Strauss, Johann 79
  • Strong, Alexander 130
  • Sumner, Charles 100, 101, 106, 110, 115, 120-125, 159
  • Tapley, A. P. 132
  • Taylor, Bayard 111
  • Taylor, Jolm 232
  • Taylor, Zachary 90, 100-102, 106, 232, 233
  • Terrill, Jacob 40
  • Terry, James S. 234
  • Thatcher, James 63
  • Thayer, 44
  • Thayer, Abraham 108, 209
  • Thayer, Abram 18, 22, 26
  • Thayer, Ben. 66, 90, 91
  • Thayer, Benjamin B. 15, 26
  • Thayer, Chapin 29
  • Thayer, Col. 21, 41, 54, 67
  • Thayer, Eben C. 40
  • Thayer, Eli 70, 86, 126-128
  • Thayer, Elisha 43
  • Thayer, Elisha N. 40
  • Thayer, George L. 132
  • Thayer, Gideon 52, 231
  • Thayer, Harvey 83
  • Thayer, Hezekiah 83
  • Thayer, Isaiah 24
  • Thayer, Josiah 12, 29
  • Thayer, Lewis 83
  • Thayer, Minot 22, 30, 41, 49, 52, 53, 67, 29S
  • Thayer, Rachel 49, 53
  • Thayer, Simeon 83
  • Thayer, Stephen 66
  • Thayer, W. G. 146
  • Thayer, William 141
  • Thomas, 221, 234
  • Thomas, George 232
  • Thompson, Edwin 67, 69, 71
  • Thompson, Gilman 40, 74, 77, 93, 109, 233
  • Thompson, Granville 94, 98, 137
  • Thoreau, Henry D. 261
  • Tilden, 56, 75, 294
  • Tilden, Atherton 29
  • Tilden, Atherton W. 12, 26, 29, 54, 69, 88, 97, 232
  • Tilden, Francis H. 13, 26, 29, 75, 81, 97, 232, 269
  • Tilden, Louis E. 267
  • Tilden, Thomas 13, 29, 71, 77, 83, 87, 88
  • Tilden, Thomas W. 109
  • Tirrell, Abner D. 36
  • Tirrell, Augustus 267, 268
  • Tirrell, David 34
  • Tirrell, David J. 22
  • Tirrell, Elbridge 24
  • Tirrell, Eliphas 36
  • Tirrell, Franklin 34, 77
  • Tirrell, Jacob 36
  • Tirrell, Minot 55
  • Torrey, 87, 229, 2 U
  • Torrey, Alexis 147
  • Torrey, Lemuel 128
  • Torrey, Phillips 25
  • Torrey, Turner 71, 86
  • Torrey, Sumner 147
  • Tilman, Eben 131
  • Tilman, Joseph 131
  • Trescott, 132
  • Trott, 151, 152
  • Trott, Charles 141
  • Trott, Charles R. 132, 136, 146
  • Trott, Rufus K. 40, 85
  • Tufts, 91
  • Tufts, Augustus 30
  • Tufts, Cotton 27, 28, 30, 132, 227, 295
  • Tufts, Mercy 26
  • Tufts, Quincy 26, 30
  • Tufts, Susan 26
  • Turner, 174
  • Turner, Hez. 232
  • Tuttle, 158
  • Tyler, John 66
  • Van Buren, Martin 66, 88, 90
  • Van Dyck, 174
  • Vaughn, 142
  • Vest, Sen. 241
  • Vickers, George 40
  • Vinal, Dexter 40
  • Vining, 234
  • Vining, Noah 89, 128, 233
  • Vinson, John 232
  • Vinton, 227
  • Vinton, John Adams 63
  • Vinton, Josiah 22, 55
  • Vinton, Mary 40
  • Wade, Atherton 40
  • Wade, Harriet 40
  • Wales, 79, 155, 204, 209, 239
  • Wales, Asa B. 21, 22, 55, 86, 90, 98, 106-108, 233
  • Wales, Elisha 40
  • Walker, Roscius R. 76, 86, 146
  • Walker, Russell 146, 155
  • Walsh, — – 191
  • Warren, 61
  • Warren, (Ball), Mrs. 97
  • Warren, Lewis 97, 98
  • Warren, William 79
  • Washburn, Emory 115
  • Washington, Booker 220
  • Washington, George 115, 137, 139, 213, 289
  • Waterer, Anthony 274
  • Waters, Jo. 232
  • Watson, Thomas A. 67
  • Webb, 44, 268
  • Webb, Asa 22, 54, 70, 80, 212, 266, 295
  • Webb, Charles Henry 22, 266
  • Webb, Christopher 27, 54, 91
  • Webb, Henry 43
  • Webb, Samuel 27, 228
  • Webb, Thomas 22, 38, 43, 265
  • Webb, Thomas C. 21, 40
  • Webster, Daniel 53, 67, 89, 100, 101, 103-105, 117, 283, 290
  • Webster, Fletcher, Mrs. 117
  • Welsh, David 39, 41
  • Welsh, John C. 39, 40
  • Welsh, Joseph 40
  • West, 174
  • Weston, 175, 220, 295
  • Weston, Hervey E. 97
  • Weston, Maria 72
  • Weston, Warren 24, 28
  • Weston, Warren (Hunt), Mrs. 31
  • Wheelock, Amos 76
  • Wheildon, W. W. 137
  • White, 105, 117, 225, 226, 231, 234, 239
  • White, Alden 19, 78
  • White, Amos 233
  • White, Amos S. 70, 74, 75, 79, 96, 134, 135, 143, 147, 151
  • White, Benjamin F. 100, 128
  • White, Elihu 51
  • White, Eliot 28, 51
  • White, George 19, 78, 79
  • White, James 27, 86
  • White, Jonathan E. 21
  • White, Joseph 151, 152
  • White, Loring 40
  • White, Naaman 51, 74, 91
  • White, Nehemiah 22, 40
  • White, N. L. 40
  • White, Oran 128, 233
  • White, Samuel 227
  • White, Sanford 24
  • Whiting, 193
  • Whitman, 36
  • Whitmarsh, Freeman 96
  • Whitmarsh, John 21, 26
  • Whitmarsh, Samuel 21
  • Whitney, 41, 137
  • Whitney, Henry A. 159
  • Whiton, Bela 118
  • Whiton, Morris 268
  • Whittemore, 91
  • Whittemore, Augustus 30
  • Whittemore, James 27, 30, 295
  • Whittemore, Quincy 30
  • Whittier, John G. 60
  • Wild, John 40, 105
  • Wildes, John 38, 43, 44, 265, 290
  • Willey, Theodore P. 270
  • Williams, 239
  • Williams, Chauncey 25, 32-33
  • Williams, John M. S. 127
  • Willis, George 86
  • Willis, Henry 15
  • Willis, Tilley 24, 79
  • Wilson, Henry 262
  • Winsor, Justin 63
  • Winthrop, Robert C. 100
  • Wilson, Henry 110, 115, 116, 125, 126, 129, 262
  • Witte, 194
  • Woods, 261
  • Woods, John D. 22
  • Worster, Edwin P. 26, 97
  • Worster, Ezekiel 26, 86
  • Worster, Henry 97
  • Worster, John 97
  • Worster, Thomas 97
  • Wright, Justin 76
  • Wright, Solomon 76
  • Young, Harvey 193

Abbott, Adams, Adlington, Alcott, Alden, Allen, Ames, Anderson, Andrew, Arnold, Atchison, Austen, Austin, Ayres, Baby, Bacon, Bailey, Ball, Banfield, Banks, Barker, Barrows, Barry, Bartlett, Bassett, Bates, Baylies, Beals, Beauregard, Beckley, Beecher, Bell, Bent, Benton, Besant, Bicknell, Binney, Birney, Blagden, Blaine, Blaisdell, Blanchard, Boutwell, Bowditch, Bowen, Bowers, Boynton, Bradford, Breck, Breckinridge, Brignoli, Brooke, Brooks, Brown, Bruce, Bryant, Buchanan, Burlingame, Burnell, Burns, Burr, Burrell, Burrill, Burroughs, Butler, Calhoun, Cambridge, Canterbury, Cass, Cate, Chamberlin, Channing, Chapman, Cheesman, Chessman, Chickering, Chipman, Choate, Clapp, Clark, Clarke, Clay, Cleverly, Clothes, Coats, Codman, Coffin, Cole, Collingwood, Colson, Cook, Coolidge, Cooper, Cowing, Cox, Crane, Cressey, Crowninshield, Curtis, Cushing, Cushman, Damon, Dana, Darby, Davenport, Davis, Davy, Dayton, Dean, Deane, Dennis, Denton, Derby, Dickerman, Dill, Dizer, Dole, Donelson, Douglas, Downing, Doyle, Dyer, Easton, Edge, Ellis, Elssler, Emerson, Emery, English, Esterbrook, Everett, Faucon, Faxon, Fellows, Field, Fifield, Fillmore, Fillsbury, Fiske, Forbes, Foster, Fox, Foye, Fremont, French, Fuller, Gannett, Gardner, Garland, Garrison, Gilbert, Goddard, Goodhue, Grant, Gray, Greeley, Green, Gurney, Hale, Hall, Hamlin, Harding, Hardwick, Harris, Harrison, Hartshorn, Hassam, Hastings, Hatch, Hathaway, Hawes, Hawkins, Hawthorne, Hayden, Hayward, Hemphill, Hermans, Higginson, Hill, Hine, Hoar, Hobart, Hodgdon, Holbrook, Holden, Hollis, Holmes, Hovey, Howe, Humphrey, Hunt, Hyde, Ingraham, Irving, Jackman, Jackson, Jefferson, Jenks, Jewett, Johnson, Joice, Jones, Jordan, Joy, Julien, Keith, Kelley, Kellogg, Kendall, Kimball, King, Kingjnan, Kingsbury, Kossuth, Lafayette, Lane, Lanergan, Lathrop, Lawrence, Lawson, Le Hunt, Leach, Learned, Leavitt, Lewis, Lincoln, Lind, Lindsley, Linfield, Linton, Littlefield, Livermore, Long, Longfellow, Loring, Lothrop, Loud, Lovell, Lucy, Ludden, Lyle, Lyon, Manley, Marcy, Mason, Matthews, May, McCormick, McGraw, Medora, Mellen, Merritt, Miller, Mitchell, Monk, Morgan, Morphy, Morse, Motley, Mudge, Nash, Newcomb, Newton, Nims, Northumberland, Norton, Noyes, Nye, Old Prince, Olmstead, Packard, Pain, Paine, Palmer, Park, Parker, Pater, Peabody, Pease, Peck, Perkins, Peterson, Phelps, Phillips, Pierce, Poe, Polk, Pomeroy, Pope, Porter, Potter, Powers, Pratt, Pray, Prescott, Quincy, Rand, Randall, Ray, Raymond, Reed, Remington, Reynolds, Rhines, Rice, Richards, Richardson, Richmond, Ripley, Robinson, Rockefeller, Rollie, Ross, Russell, Sanderson, Sato, Saville, Scheyrer, Schley, Schurz, Scott, Sedgwick, Seguin, Seward, Seymour, Shadrach, Sheppard, Sherlock, Simmons, Simms, Sims, Singer, Slocum, Smith, Snow, Somes, Soper, South, Souther, Sparrow, Spear, Spense, Sproul, Stagg, Standish, Sterling, Stetson, Storrs, Stowe, Stratton, Strauss, Strong, Sumner, Tapley, Taylor, Terrill, Terry, Thatcher, Thayer, Thomas, Thompson, Thoreau, Tilden, Tilman, Tirrell, Torrey, Trescott, Trott, Tufts, Turner, Tuttle, Tyler, Van Buren, Van Dyck, Vaughn, Vest, Vickers, Vinal, Vining, Vinson, Vinton, Wade, Wales, Walker, Walsh, Warren, Washburn, Washington, Waterer, Waters, Watson, Webb, Webster, Welsh, West, Weston, Wheelock, Wheildon, White, Whiting, Whitman, Whitmarsh, Whitney, Whiton, Whittemore, Whittier, Wild, Wildes, Willey, Williams, Willis, Wilson, Winsor, Winthrop, Witte, Woods, Worster, Wright, Young,



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