Church History of Norwich Vermont

The great achievement of the first generation of Norwich settlers was the building of a meeting house. More than any other event of the time, with the possible exception of the accomplishment of the national independence, this was an undertaking that enlisted the energies and taxed the resources of our forefathers. The building of a meeting house in a New England frontier settlement a century ago was regarded a matter of public concern, to be supported by the whole community without regard to sect or party, like the opening of roads or any other public charge. In less than ten … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Christopher Tilden

(VII) Christopher (3), son of William B. Tilden, was born in Charlestown, New Hampshire, in 1827. We was but one year old when the family moved to Palmyra and he attended the public schools of that town and the Glens Falls Academy. He worked on his father’s farm in his boyhood. Afterward he located in Manchester, New York, where he bought a farm which he conducted for a number of years. He was a communicant of the Protestant Episcopal church, of Palmyra, of which he was a vestryman and warden. He was a member of the local grange, Patrons of … Read more

Cushman Family of Norwich Vermont

The Cushman family in New England dates from the year 1621, the first after the landing of the Pilgrims from the Mayflower, when Robert Cushman, who was a prominent leader and organizer of the Plymouth Colony, brought from England the earliest recruits and supplies to the wasted and famishing settlement. A century and a half later Solomon Cushman, a descendant of Robert, in the sixth generation, born at Plympton, Mass., in 1745, having married Sarah Curtis, daughter of Simeon Curtis, at Lebanon, Conn., in 1768, removed to Norwich, probably in company with the Curtis family. Solomon Cushman (afterward known as … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Stephen Tilden

(II) Stephen, son of Nathaniel Tilden, was born in England, about 1630-34; married in 1661, Hannah Little, daughter of Thomas Little, of Marshfield. He resided most of the time at Marshfield. Children: Hannah, 1662; Stephen, 1663; Abigail, 1666; Mary, 1668; Judith, 1670; Joseph, mentioned elsewhere; Mercy, 1674; Ruth, 1676; Isaac, 1678; Ephraim. 1680.

History of Ontario County, New York, part 2

History of Ontario County, New York

The History of Ontario County, New York genealogical section provides an extensive array of surnames, indicating the comprehensive nature of the section in Part 2. These genealogies not only serves as a reference for individuals researching family histories but also reflects the diverse settler and immigrant populations that have contributed to the fabric of Ontario County. Each surname represents a family’s journey, struggles, and contributions to the county’s development over centuries.

Biographical Sketch of Major David Tilden

(V) Major David Tilden, son of Christopher Tilden, was born at Boston, October 5, 1741. He married Joanna. He lived in Boston and Pembroke, Massachusetts and was prominent in the revolution. He was first lieutenant in Captain James Hatch’s company in 1776 and marched from Pembroke to Braintree. He was second major of Colonel John Cushing’s regiment (Second Plymouth county) in 1777 and was in the Rhode Island campaign. He was superintendent of mustering in 1778, in Plymouth county. Children: 1. Sarah, baptized at Pembroke, February 19, 1764. 2. James, mentioned in Deane’s “Scituate.” 3. Christopher, born in Boston, April … Read more

Ancestors of the Rufus W. Bassett Family of Fall River, Massachusetts

f w bassett

The family bearing this name in Fall River, to which belonged the late Hon. Rufus W. Bassett, long prominent in business and public affairs, for years a member of the board of police and much of the time its chairman, is a branch of the earlier Taunton family, it of the still earlier Rochester branch of the distinguished Bassetts of the Cape Cod towns of the Old Colony.

Biographical Sketch of William B. Tilden

(VII) William B., son of Christopher (2) Tilden, was born in Boston, August 5, 1799. He was educated in the public schools and learned the trade of tinsmith and hardware making. He resided for some time in Charlestown, New Hampshire. He married Sarah Hunt of that town. He died in 1865, in Palmyra, New York, whither he had removed and settled. They had a son Christopher, mentioned elsewhere.

Biography of Paul Brigham

Hon. Paul Brigham, son of Paul and Catharine (Turner) Brigham, born in Coventry, Connecticut, January 17, 1746; married, October 3, 1767, Lydia Sawyer, of Hebron, Connecticut; came to Norwich from Coventry, in the spring of 1782, bringing his family with him, all of his children having been born in Connecticut. In 1788, he built the house on ”Brigham Hill,” for many years occupied by his great-granddaughter, the late Miss Louisa D. Brigham. The farm had been previously owned and occupied by Elihu Baxter. In what esteem Mr. Brigham was held by the people of his adopted state and town, is … Read more

Ancestors of Frederick Macy of New Bedford Massachusetts

Edwin B. Macy at his Blacksmith Shop

The Macy family of New Bedford is among the oldest and most prominent families of Nantucket, the name having been identified with the business interests of New Bedford for the past seventy years. The first American ancestor of the family was Thomas Macy, clothier merchant, who came, it is said, from the county of Wilts, England, and was in Newbury, Mass., a proprietor; he was a freeman of Sept. 6, 1639. He removed to Salisbury and was town officer and deputy. He removed about 1659 from there to Chilmark; his was the first family on Nantucket island. He was a … Read more

Weymouth ways and Weymouth people

Weymouth ways and Weymouth people

Edward Hunt’s “Weymouth ways and Weymouth people: Reminiscences” takes the reader back in Weymouth Massachusetts past to the 1830s through the 1880s as he provides glimpses into the people of the community. These reminiscences were mostly printed in the Weymouth Gazette and provide a fair example of early New England village life as it occurred in the mid 1800s. Of specific interest to the genealogist will be the Hunt material scattered throughout, but most specifically 286-295, and of course, those lucky enough to have had somebody “remembered” by Edward.

1867 Plymouth County Massachusetts Directory, Oil and Candle Manufacturers to Pump Makers

Oil and Candle Manufacturers  Judd L. S., Marion Organ Manufacturers Reynolds P., N. Bridgewater Marston A. B. Campello, Bridgewater Oysters and Refreshments (See Eating Houses) Nash J. E. Abington Douglas W. East Abington Gilman A. N., Bridgewater Fuller John, Bridgewater Hull J. C., Bridgewater Tripp B. F., Middleboro Union Saloon, Middleboro Grover R. B., No. Bridgewater Washburn and Richardson, No. Bridgewater Ballard S. D., Plymouth Dodge J. E., Plymouth Painters Carriage  Peirce Wm. M., Abington Ford B. F. East Abington Bates Asa, South Abington Hersey David A. Hingham Sprague Joseph T., Hingham Eldridge David, Kingston Boomer B. L., Middleboro Southworth Rodney E., Middleboro … Read more

Descendants of William Brett of Bridgewater, MA

Ellis Brett

Ellis Brett, president of the Plymouth County Trust Company, of Brockton, and one of that city’s honored and respected citizens, is a worthy representative of historic New England ancestry, the Brett family having resided in this community since the first settlement of the mother town of Bridgewater, from which the town of North Bridgewater (now Brockton) was set off. Mr. Brett was born in the latter town Oct. 23, 1840, only son of Ephraim and Ruth (Copeland) Brett. The early history of the Brett family in America begins with William Brett, who came to Duxbury, Mass., in 1645, from Kent, England, and later became one of the fifty-four original proprietors and first settlers of the town of ancient Bridgewater, settling in the West parish of the town. He was an elder in the church, and often when the Rev. James Keith, the first ordained pastor of the church there, was ill, Mr. Brett preached to the people. He was a leading man in both church and town affairs, and was deputy to the General Court from the date of the in-corporation of ancient Bridgewater in 1656 to 1661. That he was well educated and intelligent is manifest from a letter to Governor Winslow, still extant, and he was much esteemed by his brethren and often employed in their secular affairs. He died Dec. 17, 1681, aged sixty-three years

Biographical Sketch of Christopher Tilden

(IV) Christopher, son of Joseph Tilden, was baptized at Scituate May 4, 1712. He married Sarah Parrot of Boston and lived there. Children, born in Boston: Major David, mentioned elsewhere; Sarah, born March 6, 1743; Abigail, April 17, 1745; Captain Joseph. of Boston, had sons Joseph, Bryant P. and William.

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Tilden

(III) Joseph, son of Stephen Tilden, was born May 13, 1672. He lived at Scituate and Marshfield. He married, November 30, 1710, Sarah White, who was baptized, an adult, June 20, 1708, at Scituate. He and his wife were admitted to the Scituate church, September 5, 1756. Sarah White was born April 26, 1685, at Scituate, daughter of Timothy White who married in 1678. Abigail, daughter of John Rogers. Timothy was a son of Gowan White of the Conihasset plantation in 1646, who bought a farm of William Richards, in 1650. Children of Joseph and Sarah Tilden : Joseph, born … Read more

History of Hanover Massachusetts

1879 Map of Hanover, Massachusetts

An historical sketch about Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts as abstracted from the Plymouth County Directory and Historical Register of 1867. Includes a list of the men from Hanover who gave their life during the Revolutionary War.

Wintergreen Cemetery, Port Gibson, Mississippi

Wintergreen Cemetery, Port Gibson, Mississippi

This survey of Wintergreen Cemetery, Port Gibson, Mississippi, was completed in 1956 by Mr. Gordon M. Wells and published by Joyce Bridges the same year. It contains the cemetery readings Mr. Wells was able to obtain at that date. It is highly likely that not all of the gravestones had survived up to that point, and it is even more likely that a large portion of interred individuals never had a gravestone.

Biographical Sketch of Nathaniel Tilden

Nathaniel Tilden, the immigrant ancestor, came in the ship “Hercules” of Sandwich, England, from Tenterden, England, in March, 1634, bringing with him his wife Lydia, seven children and seven servants. He settled at Scituate where he was living and had a house built according to Parson Lothrop, as early as September, 1634. He was the first ruling elder of the Scituate church, indicating that he was one of the foremost citizens. He held many town offices. His was the third house on Kent street, south of Greenfield lane. He also had lands at Long Marsh, and in 1640 land on … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William H. Tilden

(IX) William H., son of Christopher (3) Tilden, was born on the homestead in the town of Manchester, Ontario county, New York, February 21, 1860. He was educated in the public schools of his native town and at Palmyra. He has always followed farming for a vocation. He is a member of the Protestant Episcopal church at Palmyra and of the Palmyra Grange, Patrons of Husbandry. He married, July 13, 1904, Daisy Hortense Culver, daughter of Alexander H. and Elvira H. Culver. They have one daughter, Florence Myrtie, born October 22, 1905.

Richard Dexter Genealogy, 1642-1904

Arms of Dexter

Being a history of the descendants of Richard Dexter of Malden, Massachusetts, from the notes of John Haven Dexter and original researches. Richard Dexter, who was admitted an inhabitant of Boston (New England), Feb. 28, 1642, came from within ten miles of the town of Slane, Co. Meath, Ireland, and belonged to a branch of that family of Dexter who were descendants of Richard de Excester, the Lord Justice of Ireland. He, with his wife Bridget, and three or more children, fled to England from the great Irish Massacre of the Protestants which commenced Oct. 27, 1641. When Richard Dexter and family left England and by what vessel, we are unable to state, but he could not have remained there long, as we know he was living at Boston prior to Feb. 28, 1642.