Richard Dexter Genealogy, 1642-1904

Being a history of the descendants of Richard Dexter of Malden, Massachusetts, from the notes of John Haven Dexter and original researches.

Richard Dexter, who was admitted an inhabitant of Boston (New England), Feb. 28, 1642, came from within ten miles of the town of Slane, Co. Meath, Ireland, and belonged to a branch of that family of Dexter who were descendants of Richard de Excester, the Lord Justice of Ireland. He, with his wife Bridget, and three or more children, fled to England from the great Irish Massacre of the Protestants which commenced Oct. 27, 1641. When Richard Dexter and family left England and by what vessel, we are unable to state, but he could not have remained there long, as we know he was living at Boston prior to Feb. 28, 1642.

Surnames Mentioned in Manuscript:

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Arms of Dexter
The arms of Dexter

Abbot, Abbott, Abercrombie, Adams, Agniel, Ahrens, Alden, Aldrich, Alexander, Allen, Alton, Ames, Amory, Anderson, Andrews, Angell, Appleton, Apthorp, Armington, Armstrong, Arnold, Atkinson, Atwood, Audebert, Austin, Aycock, Ayer, Babbidge, Bacheller, Bacon, Badger, Baghott, Bailey, Baily, Baker, Balch, Baldwin, Ball, Bannister, Barber, Barlow, Barnard, Barney, Barr, Barrell, Bartlett, Bass, Batchelder, batterman, Baxter, Bayard, Bayless, Beals, Beaman, Beane, Beanes, Bearse, Becket, Bee, Beemer, Bellamy, Bellinger, Berbank, Bernard, Berry, Bettenson, Bigelow, Bingham, Bird, Bishop, Bithell, Black, Blagden, Blaisdel, Blake, Blanchard, Blood, Blust, Boardman, Bolles, Bond, Bonifay, Bonner, Bostwick, Bowdoin, Bowen, Bowker, Boydell, Boynton, Bradford, Bradley, Bradstreet, Bragdon, Braser, Bray, Bridgham, Brigham, Brimmer, Brintnall, Brinton, Brolly, Bronson, Brookins, Brooks, Brown, Bruce, Bryant, Bryson, Buchannan, Bucklin, Bucknam, Burditt, Burgess, Burke, Burlingame, Burnham, Burrage, Bussey, Butler, Byer, Cabot, Cades, Cain, Calder, Calkins, Cameron, Campbell, Candler, Capen, Caradine, Carbee, Carnes, Carr, Carroll, Carter, Cass, Chandler, Channing, Chapin, Chapman, Cheever, Cheney, Childs, Choate, Christian, Christy, Clafflin, Clapp, Claps, Clark, Clarke, Cleveland, Closson, Codman, Coffin, Coight, Colburn, Colby, Cole, Coleman, Collier, Collins, Comstock, Connell, Conover, Conyngham, Cook, Cooke, Coombs, Copeland, Corliss, Cornell, Cotting, Cox, Cozzens, Cram, Craw, Crawford, Crehore, Crocker, Crockett, Cronkhite, Crosby, Croscup, Cross, Crossman, Crowinshield, Cummings, Cunningham, Currier, Curtis, Cusacke, Cushing, Cutler, Cuyler, Dale, Damon, Dana, Dancer, Danforth, Daniels, Davenport, Davidson, Davies, Davis, De Bar, de Chappotin, De Costa, De Viney, De Wolf, Deblois, Denny, Dering, Des Marets, Dewey, Dexter, Diggins, Dix, Dodd, Dodge, Dole, Donelson, Dority, Dowse, Drake, Draper, Driver, Duggem, Dulany, Dunbar, Duncan, Dunham, Dunn, Dunnells, Durand, Durgie, Durgin, Dusenberry, Dustin, Dwight, Earnest, Eaton, Eddy, Ede, Edgerly, Edwards, Elder, Eldred, Eliot, Ellery, Elliott, Ellis, Elwell, Ely, Emerson, Enderlee, Endicott, Ervin, Everett, Fairfax, Fairfield, Farmer, Farnsworth, Farrington, Fearing, Fenner, Ferguson, Fielding, Finch, Fisher, Fisk, Fletcher, Flint, Floyd, Fosditch, Foss, Foster, Franklin, Freeman, French, Fressel, Friday, Frost, Frothingham, Frozer, Fuller, Galbraith, Gale, Gallaudet, Gardiner, Gardner, Gates, Gavel, Gay, Gaylord, Germaine, Gerrish, Gibbs, Giddings, Giles, Gilliland, Gillis, Gillmore, Gilman, Gilmore, Godman, Goffe, Gold, Goldsborough, Gooch, Goodale, Goode, Goodhue, Gordon, Goss, Gould, Gragg, Graham, Grannis, Grant, Gray, Greeley, Green, Greene, Greenfield, Greenleaf, Greenwood, Gregory, Grew, Griffin, Griggs, Gross, Grover, Gunby, Hacy, Hadley, Haight, Hails, Hale, Hall, Hallett, Ham, Hamilton, Hancock, Handley, Handy, Harding, Hardy, Harper, Harriman, Harrington, Harris, Hasey, Haskell, Hatch, Hatchett, Hauk, Haven, Hayden, Haynes, Hazard, Hazleton, Hemmerlie, Henderson, Henry, Herrick, Hewett, Hichins, Hickling, Hicks, Higginbotham, Higginson, Hildreth, Hill, Hilliard, Hills, Hinckley, Hird, Hitchins, Hodges, Hoffman, Holbrook, Holden, Hollingsworth, Hooker, Hooper, Hopkins, Hopkinson, Hoppin, Horton, Hovey, How, Howard, Howe, Howland, Hoyt, Huidekoper, Humphreys, Hun, Hunt, Hunting, Hurd, Hurlbut, Hussey, Hutchings, Hutchins, Ivy, Jackson, James, Janssens, Jeffry, Jenckes, Jencks, Jenkins, Jennings, Jeter, Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Joslin, Judson, Kebler, Keith, Kendall, Kent, Kerr, Kewnicut, Kidder, Kilgore, Kimball, King, Kingsland, Kinney, Kinnicut, Kip, Knight, Kniskern, Knower, La Croix, Lamar, Lamont, Lamson, Lancaster, Lane, Langley, Lanham, Latham, Laurence, Lawrie, Le Monte, Leavitt, Lee, Leffingwell, Levey, Levy, Lewis, Lincoln, Lindsay, Linzee, Livermore, lloyd, Locke, Loden, Lofton, Long, Longino, Lord, Loring, Lovell, Low, Lowe, Lowell, Lugg, Lyman, Lynde, M’cyntire, Mac Williams, MacDougald, Mackintire, Madison, Magoun, Maley, Mann, Mapel, Marsh, Marsters, Marstes, Marston, Martin, Marwick, Mason, Maua, Mayo, McAllister, McBeth, McClellan, McClure, McCullough, McCurdy, McDonald, McIntosh, McKay, McLaughlin, McLemore, McLeod, McLurday, McVery, Mealing, Mealins, Mears, Melins, Mellins, Melvin, Merriam, Merrill, Merwin, Metcalf, Meyer, Miles, Mills, Milne, Minard, Minns, Mitchel, Monroe, Moore, Morgan, Morrell, Morrill, Morse, Morton, Mosley, Mott, Moulton, Munson, Murdock, Murray, Muzzy, Naudascher, Neal, Nelson, Newbury, Newcomb, Newhall, Newman, Newton, Nichols, Norris, North, Northrop, Nourse, Nowell, Noyes, Ober, Oby, Olmstead, Olney, Osborn, Osgood, Oviatt, Page, Paine, Palmer, Parker, Parkhurst, Parsons, Parvin, Patrick, Patten, Payne, Peabody, Pearsall, Peele, Peffers, Peirce, Pelton, Pemberson, Penney, Pennington, Perkins, Perley, Perry, Peterson, Pettee, Phelps, Phillips, Pierce, Pierson, Pingree, Pinson, Plummer, Pollock, Pope, Porter, Powell, Prall, Pratt, Prentice, Prescott, Prevost, Price, Prince, Probasco, Proctor, Prout, Province, Putnam, Rand, Randall, Ray, Raymond, Rea, Reed, Renouf, Rerrick, Revere, Reynolds, Ribbon, Rice, Richards, Rideout, Riley, Ripley, Rise, Robbins, Roberts, Robinson, Rogers, Rollins, Rose, Roundy, Rowell, Ruland, Rusk, Russ, Russell, Rutland, Sampson, sanderson, Sargeant, Sargent, Sawtelle, Sawyer, Sayward, Schaffer, Schwamb, Scott, Sears, Sergeant, Shaw, Sheldon, Shepheard, Sherman, Shirley, Shurtliff, Shute Sigourney, Sill, Simmons, Simpson, Skinner, Sly, Smith, Snelling, Sohier, Somerby, Southwick, Spaulding, Spofford, Spooner, Sprague, Stacy, Stanley, Stannard, Stearns, Steel, Stevens, Stewart, Stickney, Stimson, Stone, Storrow, Story, Stowell, Stratton, Stuart, Sturtevant, Sumner, Swain, Swallow, Swan, Sweetsir, Swift, Swinington, Symonds, Taylor, Tenny, Terry, Teruotu, Thacher, Thaxter, Thayer, Theobald, Thompson, Thomson, Thredneedle, Thrower, Ticknor, Tilden, Tirrell, Titcomb, Tolman, Torrey, Towne, Townsend, Tracy, Traill, Trask, Treadwell, Treat, Tredwell, Tucker, Tufts, Turner, Turrell, Tuttle, Tyler, Underwood, Upham, Van Rensselaer, Vanden Broeck, Verder, Verry, Very, Vevers, Vila, Vincent, Vose, Wade, Wadsworth, Wainwright, Wait, Waitt, Wakefield, Waldron, Walker, Wallis, Ward, Ware, Warren, Washington, Watkins, Watson, Watts, Wayt, Wayte, Webb, Webber, Webster, Weeden, Weis, Wellington, Welsh, Wentworth, West, Westall, Weston, Wheaton, Wheeler, White, Whitford, Whitney, Whittemore, Whittington, Wigglesworth, Wihtington, Wilbur, Wilder, Wile, Wiley, Willard, Williams, Willis, Willmer, Wilson, Winsor, Winthrop, Wise, Witt, Womack, Wood, Woodbridge, Woods, Woodward, Woolcot, Word, Worth, Worthington, Worthy, Wright, Wyer, Wyman, Yarborough, Young, and Zachry.

Dexter Genealogy Title Page
Dexter Genealogy Title Page. Click image to read manuscript.

[box]Source: Dexter, Orrando Perry. Dexter genealogy, 1642-1904: being a history of the descendants of Richard Dexter of Malden, Massachusetts, from the notes of John Haven Dexter and original researches. Astor Place, New York: Press of J. J. Little & Co., 1904.[/box]

Abbot, Abbott, Abercrombie, Adams, Agniel, Ahrens, Alden, Aldrich, Alexander, Allen, Alton, Ames, Amory, Anderson, Andrews, Angell, Appleton, Apthorp, Armington, Armstrong, Arnold, Atkinson, Atwood, Audebert, Austin, Aycock, Ayer, Babbidge, Bacheller, Bacon, Badger, Baghott, Bailey, Baily, Baker, Balch, Baldwin, Ball, Bannister, Barber, Barlow, Barnard, Barney, Barr, Barrell, Bartlett, Bass, Batchelder, batterman, Baxter, Bayard, Bayless, Beals, Beaman, Beane, Beanes, Bearse, Becket, Bee, Beemer, Bellamy, Bellinger, Berbank, Bernard, Berry, Bettenson, Bigelow, Bingham, Bird, Bishop, Bithell, Black, Blagden, Blaisdel, Blake, Blanchard, Blood, Blust, Boardman, Bolles, Bond, Bonifay, Bonner, Bostwick, Bowdoin, Bowen, Bowker, Boydell, Boynton, Bradford, Bradley, Bradstreet, Bragdon, Braser, Bray, Bridgham, Brigham, Brimmer, Brintnall, Brinton, Brolly, Bronson, Brookins, Brooks, Brown, Bruce, Bryant, Bryson, Buchannan, Bucklin, Bucknam, Burditt, Burgess, Burke, Burlingame, Burnham, Burrage, Bussey, Butler, Byer, Cabot, Cades, Cain, Calder, Calkins, Cameron, Campbell, Candler, Capen, Caradine, Carbee, Carnes, Carr, Carroll, Carter, Cass, Chandler, Channing, Chapin, Chapman, Cheever, Cheney, Childs, Choate, Christian, Christy, Clafflin, Clapp, Claps, Clark, Clarke, Cleveland, Closson, Codman, Coffin, Coight, Colburn, Colby, Cole, Coleman, Collier, Collins, Comstock, Connell, Conover, Conyngham, Cook, Cooke, Coombs, Copeland, Corliss, Cornell, Cotting, Cox, Cozzens, Cram, Craw, Crawford, Crehore, Crocker, Crockett, Cronkhite, Crosby, Croscup, Cross, Crossman, Crowinshield, Cummings, Cunningham, Currier, Curtis, Cusacke, Cushing, Cutler, Cuyler, Dale, Damon, Dana, Dancer, Danforth, Daniels, Davenport, Davidson, Davies, Davis, De Bar, de Chappotin, De Costa, De Viney, De Wolf, Deblois, Denny, Dering, Des Marets, Dewey, Dexter, Diggins, Dix, Dodd, Dodge, Dole, Donelson, Dority, Dowse, Drake, Draper, Driver, Duggem, Dulany, Dunbar, Duncan, Dunham, Dunn, Dunnells, Durand, Durgie, Durgin, Dusenberry, Dustin, Dwight, Earnest, Eaton, Eddy, Ede, Edgerly, Edwards, Elder, Eldred, Eliot, Ellery, Elliott, Ellis, Elwell, Ely, Emerson, Enderlee, Endicott, Ervin, Everett, Fairfax, Fairfield, Farmer, Farnsworth, Farrington, Fearing, Fenner, Ferguson, Fielding, Finch, Fisher, Fisk, Fletcher, Flint, Floyd, Fosditch, Foss, Foster, Franklin, Freeman, French, Fressel, Friday, Frost, Frothingham, Frozer, Fuller, Galbraith, Gale, Gallaudet, Gardiner, Gardner, Gates, Gavel, Gay, Gaylord, Germaine, Gerrish, Gibbs, Giddings, Giles, Gilliland, Gillis, Gillmore, Gilman, Gilmore, Godman, Goffe, Gold, Goldsborough, Gooch, Goodale, Goode, Goodhue, Gordon, Goss, Gould, Gragg, Graham, Grannis, Grant, Gray, Greeley, Green, Greene, Greenfield, Greenleaf, Greenwood, Gregory, Grew, Griffin, Griggs, Gross, Grover, Gunby, Hacy, Hadley, Haight, Hails, Hale, Hall, Hallett, Ham, Hamilton, Hancock, Handley, Handy, Harding, Hardy, Harper, Harriman, Harrington, Harris, Hasey, Haskell, Hatch, Hatchett, Hauk, Haven, Hayden, Haynes, Hazard, Hazleton, Hemmerlie, Henderson, Henry, Herrick, Hewett, Hichins, Hickling, Hicks, Higginbotham, Higginson, Hildreth, Hill, Hilliard, Hills, Hinckley, Hird, Hitchins, Hodges, Hoffman, Holbrook, Holden, Hollingsworth, Hooker, Hooper, Hopkins, Hopkinson, Hoppin, Horton, Hovey, How, Howard, Howe, Howland, Hoyt, Huidekoper, Humphreys, Hun, Hunt, Hunting, Hurd, Hurlbut, Hussey, Hutchings, Hutchins, Ivy, Jackson, James, Janssens, Jeffry, Jenckes, Jencks, Jenkins, Jennings, Jeter, Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Joslin, Judson, Kebler, Keith, Kendall, Kent, Kerr, Kewnicut, Kidder, Kilgore, Kimball, King, Kingsland, Kinney, Kinnicut, Kip, Knight, Kniskern, Knower, La Croix, Lamar, Lamont, Lamson, Lancaster, Lane, Langley, Lanham, Latham, Laurence, Lawrie, Le Monte, Leavitt, Lee, Leffingwell, Levey, Levy, Lewis, Lincoln, Lindsay, Linzee, Livermore, Lloyd, Locke, Loden, Lofton, Long, Longino, Lord, Loring, Lovell, Low, Lowe, Lowell, Lugg, Lyman, Lynde, M'cyntire, Mac Williams, MacDougald, Mackintire, Madison, Magoun, Maley, Mann, Mapel, Marsh, Marsters, Marstes, Marston, Martin, Marwick, Mason, Maua, Mayo, McAllister, McBeth, McClellan, McClure, McCullough, McCurdy, McDonald, McIntosh, McKay, McLaughlin, McLemore, McLeod, McLurday, McVery, Mealing, Mealins, Mears, Melins, Mellins, Melvin, Merriam, Merrill, Merwin, Metcalf, Meyer, Miles, Mills, Milne, Minard, Minns, Mitchel, Monroe, Moore, Morgan, Morrell, Morrill, Morse, Morton, Mosley, Mott, Moulton, Munson, Murdock, Murray, Muzzy, Naudascher, Neal, Nelson, Newbury, Newcomb, Newhall, Newman, Newton, Nichols, Norris, North, Northrop, Nourse, Nowell, Noyes, Ober, Oby, Olmstead, Olney, Osborn, Osgood, Oviatt, Page, Paine, Palmer, Parker, Parkhurst, Parsons, Parvin, Patrick, Patten, Payne, Peabody, Pearsall, Peele, Peffers, Peirce, Pelton, Pemberson, Penney, Pennington, Perkins, Perley, Perry, Peterson, Pettee, Phelps, Phillips, Pierce, Pierson, Pingree, Pinson, Plummer, Pollock, Pope, Porter, Powell, Prall, Pratt, Prentice, Prescott, Prevost, Price, Prince, Probasco, Proctor, Prout, Province, Putnam, Rand, Randall, Ray, Raymond, Rea, Reed, Renouf, Rerrick, Revere, Reynolds, Ribbon, Rice, Richards, Rideout, Riley, Ripley, Rise, Robbins, Roberts, Robinson, Rogers, Rollins, Rose, Roundy, Rowell, Ruland, Rusk, Russ, Russell, Rutland, Sampson, Sanderson, Sargeant, Sargent, Sawtelle, Sawyer, Sayward, Schaffer, Schwamb, Scott, Sears, Sergeant, Shaw, Sheldon, Shepheard, Sherman, Shirley, Shurtliff, Shute Sigourney, Sill, Simmons, Simpson, Skinner, Sly, Smith, Snelling, Sohier, Somerby, Southwick, Spaulding, Spofford, Spooner, Sprague, Stacy, Stanley, Stannard, Stearns, Steel, Stevens, Stewart, Stickney, Stimson, Stone, Storrow, Story, Stowell, Stratton, Stuart, Sturtevant, Sumner, Swain, Swallow, Swan, Sweetsir, Swift, Swinington, Symonds, Taylor, Tenny, Terry, Teruotu, Thacher, Thaxter, Thayer, Theobald, Thompson, Thomson, Thredneedle, Thrower, Ticknor, Tilden, Tirrell, Titcomb, Tolman, Torrey, Towne, Townsend, Tracy, Traill, Trask, Treadwell, Treat, Tredwell, Tucker, Tufts, Turner, Turrell, Tuttle, Tyler, Underwood, Upham, Van Rensselaer, Vanden Broeck, Verder, Verry, Very, Vevers, Vila, Vincent, Vose, Wade, Wadsworth, Wainwright, Wait, Waitt, Wakefield, Waldron, Walker, Wallis, Ward, Ware, Warren, Washington, Watkins, Watson, Watts, Wayt, Wayte, Webb, Webber, Webster, Weeden, Weis, Wellington, Welsh, Wentworth, West, Westall, Weston, Wheaton, Wheeler, White, Whitford, Whitney, Whittemore, Whittington, Wigglesworth, Wihtington, Wilbur, Wilder, Wile, Wiley, Willard, Williams, Willis, Willmer, Wilson, Winsor, Winthrop, Wise, Witt, Womack, Wood, Woodbridge, Woods, Woodward, Woolcot, Word, Worth, Worthington, Worthy, Wright, Wyer, Wyman, Yarborough, Young, Zachry,

Collection: Compiled Genealogies. Original sources listed on specific pages.

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