Biographies of the Cherokee Indians

Whatever may be their origins in antiquity, the Cherokees are generally thought to be a Southeastern tribe, with roots in Georgia, North Carolina, and Tennessee, among other states, though many Cherokees are identified today with Oklahoma, to which they had been forcibly removed by treaty in the 1830s, or with the lands of the Eastern Band of Cherokees in western North Carolina. The largest of the so-called Five Civilized Tribes, which also included Choctaws, Chickasaws, Creeks, and Seminoles, the Cherokees were the first tribe to have a written language, and by 1820 they had even adopted a form of government resembling that of the United States.

It is a lesser known fact that there was considerably more intermarriage between Cherokees and Whites than any other tribe, so they have a genealogical significance far out of proportion to their historical numbers. There is also a great deal of genealogical data on the Cherokees, mostly in the form of census records and enrollment records. All of which is to point out the abundance of sources available to Emmet Starr when he came to pen his classic History of the Cherokee Indians and Their Legends and Folklore.

Not to diminish Mr. Starr’s contribution in writing about the early Cherokees, their constitution, treaties with the federal government, land transactions, school system, migration and resettlement, committees, councils, and officials, religion, language, and culture, and a host of other topics upon which he writes eloquently, but his stated purpose in writing the History was “to make it as near a personal history and biography of as many Cherokees as possible.” And in fact more than half the book is devoted to genealogies and biographies, of which there are several hundred. The biographies in particular, each averaging a paragraph or more, are noteworthy for their focus on the genealogical events of birth, marriage, and death over a period of several generations, naming thousands of related individuals in a classic roll-call of family members.

The references appearing in parenthesis at the beginning of each paragraph following the name refers to the connection among the foregoing old families.

Biographies of the Cherokee Indians

Abbott, Adair, Addington, Adkirson, Aldrich, Allcott, Allen, Alley, Allton, Ambrister, Andrews, Archer, Arning, Austin, Balentine, Bard, Barrett, Beamer, Benge, Bible, Billings, Blake, Boling, Boone, Boudinot, Brannon, Brown, Bryan, Burgess, Burr, Calvert, Campbell, Cansdel, Carden, Carroll, Carter, Cearley, Chamberlain, Chamberlin, Chumley, Clark, Coast, Cobb, Cochran, Conner, Cook, Copeland, Couch, Countryman, Cowan, Cox, Coyne, Crowell, Cunningham, Curtsinger, Davidson, Donnelly, Downing, Duncan, DuPree, Durall, Eaton, Eddings, Edmondson, Elliott, Ellis, England, Evans, Fair, Fields, Fite, Fletcher, Foreman, Franklin, Frazier, Freeman, French, Fry, Gamble, Garrett, Gatlin, George, Gibbs, Gish, Glass, Glenn, Goddard, Goforth, Gonzales, Graves, Greece, Griffin, Grimes, Gulager, Haddan, Hail, Hall, Hallum, Hamilton, Hammett, Harlan, Harnage, Harris, Hastings, Hawkins, Heady, Hefflefinger, Hendricks, Henry, Hickey, Hicks, Highland, Hildebrand, Hill, Hogue, Holland, Holloway, Houston, Howard, Howell, Hubbard, Hurst, Hutchins, Jackson, Jennings, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Jordan, Journeycake, Keith, Kelley, Kerr, Keys, Kincaid, King, Klaus, Lamon, Landrum, Lane, Lawrence, Le Force, Leafer, Lechner, Lee, Letteer, Lewis, Lightle, Lipe, Little, Lowrey, Lowry, Lynch, Madison, Manifee, Markham, Martin, Matheron, Matney, Maxfield, Mayes, Mayturn, McCorkle, McCullough, McIntosh, McKisick, McLain, McLaughlin, McNair, McSpadden, Meek, Meeker, Meeks, Meigs, Merrell, Merritt, Milam, Miller, Mitchell, Moore, Morgan, Mounts, Murphy, Musgrove, Nall, Odle, Ogden, Owen, Pace, Padgett, Parkinson, Patterson, Payne, Pennell, Phillips, Poplin, Post, Prater, Propp, Rambo, Reagan, Reed, Reid, Renfro, Riggs, Roberts, Robertson, Rogers, Ross, Russell, Samuel, Sanders, Sandifer, Sevier, Shade, Sisson, Skinner, Sleeper, Sloan, Smith, Snider, Snodgrass Mrs. T. L., Sparlin, Starr, Stewart, Stiles, Strange, Sullivan, Sunday, Swain, Tadpole, Tanner, Taylor, Tell, Terrell, Teter, Thomas, Thompson, Thornton, Tinker, Trott, Trout, Tucker, Tuton, Tyner, Vann, Walkabout, Walkingstick, Walkley, Wallace, Waller, Ware, Warner, Washam, Watts, Webb, Weinberger, Weir, Whisenhunt, Whitaker, White, Whiteaker, Whitmire, Wiener, Williams, Witz, Woodall, Woods, Woodward, Wormington, Worsham, Wright, Wyley,

Starr, Emmett. History of the Cherokee Indians and Their Legends and Folk Lore. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: The Warden Company. 1921

1 thought on “Biographies of the Cherokee Indians”

  1. Thank You for the info it helped me oh so very much I really enjoy history especially when it comes to the American Indian


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