Biographical Sketch of Mrs. F. W. Propp

(See Ghigau)—Mary Eleanor, daughter of David and Lucinda Ann (Harlan) Archer, born in Kansas, May 2, 1867, and educated in Cherokee County, Kansas. Married at Baxter Springs in that state, January 2, 1888 Frederick William, son of Carl and Henrietta (Stabnow) Propp, born July 22, 1859 in Germany.

They are the parents of: Carl Willard, born August 21, 1906 and Elva Carlene Propp, born December 30, 1910.

Mr. Propp is a farmer and stock raiser near Adair. Mrs. Propp is a Presbyterian and a member of the Grange and Rebeccas.

David M., son of Ezekial and Hannah (Lewis) Harlan married Lucinda Tucker and they were the parents of Lucinda Ann (Harlan) Archer.

William Harlan of Durham County, England was the father of James Harlan of Monkwearmouth, England and he was the father of George Harlan born about 1649, who together with his wife Elizabeth came to American in 1887 and settled in Chester County, Pennsylvania.

Their son, Ezekial Harlan, married Mary Beyer and they were the parents of Ezekial Harlan who married Hannah Obern.

All of the above named were Quakers and from George forward they lived in Chester County, where also was born Ellis, born about 1733, the son of Ezekial and Hannah (Obern) Harlan who married Catherine, a full blood Cherokee and they were the parents of Ezekial Harlan who married Hannah Lewis.


Biography, Cherokee,

Starr, Emmett. History of the Cherokee Indians and Their Legends and Folk Lore. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: The Warden Company. 1921

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