Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Eliza A. Journeycake

(See Downing)—Eliza Ann, daughter of Carter and Catherine (Benge) Daniel was born July 16, 1860, educated at the Cherokee Orphan Asylum, married December 23, 1881 Isaac Newton Journeycake, born February, 1859 and died in 1916.

They were the parents of: Robert Joseph, born October 26, 1882 and died April 14, 1903; Jesse Daniel, born March 21, 1890 married Georgia Shamblin; Isaac Newton, born October 23, 1892, married Tanna Crisp, and Bender Journeycake, born May 23, 1895.

Mrs. Journeycakes Cherokee name is Chiouke.


Biography, Cherokee,

Starr, Emmett. History of the Cherokee Indians and Their Legends and Folk Lore. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: The Warden Company. 1921

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