Biographical Sketch of George W. Smith

George Washington Smith, born in Flint District, July 18, 1878, educated locally and in Male Seminary. Married Nov. 24, 1904. Jennie May Paden, born Sept. 24, 1885.

They are the parents of Grover Paden, born Aug.. 30th, 1905; and George Washington Smith, Jr. born April 14. 1907.

George Washington is a Royal Arch mason, He was a member of the legislature from Adair County in 1910 and 1911.

Chief Charles R. Hicks married Nancy Broom and their daughter Elsie married Jeremiah Broom, they are the parents of John Horn who married Nellie Miller and their daughter, Elizabeth, married Charles Smith and they were the parents of George Washington Smith, the subject of the sketch. Mrs. Smith is the daughter of Benjamni P. and Lucy Paden and the grand-daughter of Benjamin and Elmire (Miller) Paden.


Biography, Cherokee,

Starr, Emmett. History of the Cherokee Indians and Their Legends and Folk Lore. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: The Warden Company. 1921

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