Biographical Sketch of David M. Lee

(See Downing)—David Marshall, son of John and Mary (Faulkner) Lee, was born in Sequoyah District July 9, 1861, educated in Male Seminary.

Married March 12, 1881, Mary Elmira, daughter of lames Franklin and Elmire (Simcoe) Bethel, born September 10, 1858 in Sebastian County, Arkansas.

They are the parents of Florence Ada, deceased; Lizzie May, born Jan. 16, 1883, married W. F. Wasson; Lou Emma, born December 15, 1886, married James A. Jackson and died July 28, 1920; Flossie Edna, born February 13, 1889, mar­ried James B. Galloway and Frank Emmett Lee, born October 23, 1891 and married Mary Daugherty.

David Marshall Lee is a Mason, Odd Fellow and Knight of Pythias He was elected to council from Sequoyah District, August 1, 1887.

Mr. and Mrs. Lee have gratuitously adopted and reared the following orphans: James Sanderrs, Florence Emma Lackey, Mary Jane Lee, Wash Lee, Maudie May Lee, Carnell Overtaker, Alfred Andrews, David Bates Jackson, Flossie May Jackson and James P. Jackson, Jr.

Benjamin, son of Thomas and Catherine Pettit, married Peggy Cunningan and their daughter Nannie married Franklin Faulkner and they were the parents of Mary Faulkner who married John Lee.


Biography, Cherokee,

Starr, Emmett. History of the Cherokee Indians and Their Legends and Folk Lore. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: The Warden Company. 1921

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