Biographical Sketch of John M. Taylor

(See Foreman) –John Manchester, son of James Madison, born April 18, 1818, and died January 7, 1907, and Addle (Manchester) Taylor was born Aug. 14, 1860, in Cherokee County, North Carolina, and was educated in the Cumberland Presbyterian College, Louden, Tennessee, and at Atlanta, Georgia.

Married at Claremore, Thursday, February 23, 1893, Bertha E. McCutchan, daughter of Samuel and Margaret McCutchan, born November 29, 1872, at Redoak, Charlotte County,Virginia and was educated in Missouri. They are the parents of Blaine Samuel, born June 25, 1894; Robert Clinton, born July 24, 1897; served during the World war in the Medical Corps; Florence Thelma, born August 17, 1902; McCutchan, born November 28, 1904; Oklahoma, born November 6, 1906, and John Manchester Taylor, born November 8, 1909.

David Taylor, born December 16, 1791, to Orange County, Virginia, married Mary Ann Bigby, born August 9, 1802, and they were the parents of James Madison Taylor, who married Addie Manchester, a native of Providence, R.I.

John Manchester Taylor, whose Cherokee name is Katahya, is a thirty-second degree Mason, Shriner and Elk. Attorney for the Cherokees, Creeks and Seminoles. Was U. S. Deputy Marshal for the Fort Smith Court for twenty-three years; Indian Police twelve years; Deputy Sheriff five years; Postal Inspector three years; Assistant Solicitor of Cooweescoowee District eight years; United States Commissioner 4 years and Master in Chancery.


Biography, Cherokee,

Starr, Emmett. History of the Cherokee Indians and Their Legends and Folk Lore. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: The Warden Company. 1921

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