Biographical Sketch of John Crutchfield Barrett

(See Downing, Oolootsa and Halfbreed)-John Crutchfield Barrett, born December 22, 1872 in Corsicana, Texas, educated at Willie Halsell College, Vinita; married at Claremore October 5, 1898 Victoria Lipe, born February 1, 1874 at Oowala, Cherokee Nation; educated at the Female Seminary and the Oswego Female College, Oswego, Kansas.

They are the parents of Flavius, born October 7, 1900; Jack, born September 3, 1903 ; Mary Bessie, born October 21, 1906. Mr. and Mrs. Barrett are Presbyterians; he is a Mason and member of the Deer clan; she is a member of the Wolf Clan Cherokees.

John C. Barrett, son of Flavius Josepheus Barrett, born October 22, 1835 in Giles County Tennessee; captain Co. B. 15th Texas Cavalry in the Confederate service; he married Aug. 18, 1865 Saphronia J. Crutchfield, born November 16, 1851; he was elected to the Texas legislature from Wise county in 1866. He now lives at Vinita.

DeWitt Clinton Lipe, born February 17, 1840, attended the Male Seminary in 1854, married March 1, 1871 Mary Elizabeth Archer, born October 19, 1847. She died March 18, 1894, and he died December 6, 1916. They were the parents of Nannie E., Victoria and Lola V. Lipe. By a previous marriage Mr. Lipe had a son John Gunter Lipe. DeWitt Clinton Lipe held the following offices:; Clerk of Cooweescoowee District Senator August 5, 1877; National Treasurer Nov. 11, 1879; Senator from which he resigned and was elected member Cherokee Citizenship court Nov. 1886. He was appointed on Cherokee Outlet Bonds, 1893, National Treas. Nov. 14, 1895 and elected County Clerk Rogers county, Oklahoma for the first term of that office.


Biography, Cherokee,

Starr, Emmett. History of the Cherokee Indians and Their Legends and Folk Lore. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: The Warden Company. 1921

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