Biographical Sketch of W. L. Trott

(See Adair)-John Adair, a Scotchman, married Gahoka, a full blood Cherokee woman of the Deer Clan. Their son, Samuel, married Edith, a white woman, and they were the parents of Rachel Pounds Adair, who married Reverend James Jenkins Trott, who, as early as 1828, was the “general missionary” of the Methodist church among the Cherokees in Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama and North Carolina.

Their son, William Lafayette Trott, born March 10, 1844, married Malinda Stover, born September 20, 1848, and died September 20, 1868, He then married Louisa J. Moore in 1869. She died July 9, 1918. They were the parents of: William Henry and Dot Fanny, born Dec. 4, 1877. He married Doney Crumby and has one son, Henry Moore Trott, born April 27, 1904.

Dot Fay Trott, daughter of W. L. and Louisa Trott, was born March 13, 188.5, and never married.

James J. Trott was arrested by Georgia authorities because he refused to take the oath of allegiance to the State of Georgia, as he already had taken the oath of allegiance to the Cherokee Nation. They released him on condition that he leave the state. He moved to Tennessee, where he remained until 1857, when he moved to the Cherokee Nation.


Biography, Cherokee,

Starr, Emmett. History of the Cherokee Indians and Their Legends and Folk Lore. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: The Warden Company. 1921

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