Biographical Sketch of Virgil H. Adair

(See Adair)-Virgil Harvey Adair, born April 15, 1869, married October 2, 1892, Dorinda, daughter of Jesse and Hariette Calloway, born April 9, 1874 in Missouri.

They are the parents of: Viola, born June 15, 1893, married A. B. Jordan; Millard Herron, born July 16, 1898, married Minnie Thompson; Winnie, born December 23, 1900; Virgil, born March 27, 1903; Velma born November 15, 1904; Delphia, born February 28, 1907; Gladys, born December 23, 1909; Francis, born June 27, 1913 and Neva Marie, born July 31, 1915.

Mr. Adair belongs to the Wolf Clan and is a Mason. He was elected a member of Council from Cooweescoowee District, August 3, 1903.

Edward Alexander, son of John and Ann Berry (Graham) Adair was born August 25, 1847, was a member of Company C of Edmondson’s Georgia Battalion, Confederate service.

Married in October 1867 Narcissa Malissa Harrison, born December 25, 1846 in Murray County Georgia. He died December 3, 1901. They were the parents of Virgil Harvey Adair, the subject of this sketch.


Biography, Cherokee,

Starr, Emmett. History of the Cherokee Indians and Their Legends and Folk Lore. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: The Warden Company. 1921

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