Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Florence E. Edmondson

(See Ward and Grant)-Florence Eugenia Williams, born Aug. 3, 1860 in Delaware Dist., educated in the Cherokee Public Schools and Female Seminary.

She married Feb. 7, 1878 on Beanies Prairie, Michael Smith Edmondson; born September 9, 1853 in Georgia.

They are the parents of: Cherry D. born October 23, 1879; Gonia L, born January 1, 1882 and Bula B. born February 17, 1884.

Mrs. Edmondson’s Cherokee name is Galela, she is a member of the Methodist church, is an Eastern Star and belongs to the W. C. T. U.

George Ward, born March 17, 1787 married December 15, 1805 Lucy Mayes, the Aunt of Chiefs Joel Bryan and Samuel Houston Mayes. She was born March 5, 1789. George Ward was killed during the civil war and his widow died November 1, 1867. Their daughter Charlotte was born July 18, 1809 in Tennessee, she married January 13, 1824. John H. Stover, born June 2, 1802. Mrs. Stover died August 13, 1857 and he died March 31, 1865. Louisa J. daughter of John and Charlotte (Ward) Stover was born August 8, 1840. She married October 2, 1859 Joseph Lynch Williams (whose Cherokee name was Osceola) born August 1, 1837. They were the parents of Florence Eugenia, Joseph L. Williams, died November 5, 1860. Mrs. Louisa J. (Stover) Williams married February 2, 1864, William Archibald Yell Hastings, born March 8, 1842 in Benton County, Arkansas, and they were the parents of: John Rogers, William, Writ and Charlotte Delilah Hastings. Mrs. Louisa J. Hastings died February 7, 1918 and W. A, Y. Hastings, died at the residence of his son, John Rogers.


Biography, Cherokee,

Starr, Emmett. History of the Cherokee Indians and Their Legends and Folk Lore. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: The Warden Company. 1921

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