Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Richard N. Curtsinger

(See Hicks) -Louise Fannie Horn, born in Texas June 8, 1868 and educated in that State. She married December 15, 1886, Richard N. son of Sanford and Mary Ann Curtsinger, born Sept. 22, 1860, in Kentucky. He died October 16, 1918.

They were the parents of: Frederick, born October 10, 1889, enlisted in the World War September 22, 1917, assigned to Co. A. 11th Battalion, United States Guards and was honorably discharged December 12, 1918; Etta, born June 1, 1892 married Gilbert West. They have one child Sylvia Etta, born March 1, 1912; Eva Lena, born June 1, 1918. Married Ben Head. She died Sept. 1900; they were the parents of twins Etta and Gilbert West; Clifford, born March 16, 1901 and Millard Curtsinger was born March 5, 1907.

Broom of Broomtown, where the first rimed law of the Cherokee Nation was enacted on September 11, 1808, was a subiief of the tribe. His daughter Nancy married Nathan Hicks and they were the parents of Charles R. Hicks, second chief of this nation. Charles R. Hicks was one of the most talented and remarkable characters of the extreme frontier from 1790 to 1827 and during this period conducted practically all of the business of the nation with the United States. His daughter, Elsie married Jeremiah Horn, a white man and they were the parents of William Horn, who married Margaret Ledbetter and they were the parents of Mrs. Louise Fannie Curtsinger.


Biography, Cherokee,

Starr, Emmett. History of the Cherokee Indians and Their Legends and Folk Lore. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: The Warden Company. 1921

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