Biographical Sketch of Mrs. D. T. Ogden

(See Ward and Adair) Jessie Curtis Abney, born July 24, 1900 in Afton Delaware District; educated at Afton and took a business course at Coffeyville Kansas; graduate of the Afton High School.

Married Sept. 14, 1919 at Independence, Kansas, D. T. Ogden, son of W. A. and Julia Ogden. Mr. Ogden is assistant cashier of First National Bank of Afton.

John Adair, a Scotchman, married Gahoga, a full blood Cherokee of the Deer Clan. Their son Samuel married Edith Pounds; they were the parents of: Rachael Pounds Adair, who married Rev. James Jenkins Trott, a Methodist minister. Rev. and Mrs. Trott were the parents of: James Cicro Trott, who was generally known by his an name of Osceola, born April 6, 1839 Woodbury, Tennessee, married March 1, 1886 Madora Stover, born Jan. 25, 1852 in Delaware District. She is the daughter of John Henry Stover, died March 31, 1865.

James C. and Medora Trott are the parents; of: Birdie Adair, born Nov. 25, 1871 ; educated in Vinita public schools and Worchester Academy, from which she graduated; she taught school several years and married Sept. 6, 1895 Robert A. Abney, born Aug. 1869 in Saline county, Illinois. Until his death he was in the mercantile business at Afton; he died July 16, 1906 and Mrs. Birdie A. Abney died Sept. 3, 1919; Eugene Homer and Willie A. Trott.


Biography, Cherokee,

Starr, Emmett. History of the Cherokee Indians and Their Legends and Folk Lore. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: The Warden Company. 1921

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