Biographical Sketch of R. B. Garrett

(See Grant and Ward) Robert Bruce Garrett, born December 2. 1876 near Baptist Mission, Going Snake District educated in the Cherokee Public Schools and graduated from Male Seminary May 31, 1901.

Appointed principal of the Cherokee Orphan Asylum in 1902.

Married October 3, 1903, Cherokee Dora Edmondson, born October 23, 1879 in Delaware District, educated in the National Schools and graduated from Female Seminary June 23, 1897. They are the parents of Kathleen Butler Garrett, born January 22. 1906.

James Robert Garrett, born June 29, 1850 in Carroll County, Tennessee married March 17, 1875, Elizabeth Greer, born August 30, 1854. He was appointed Clerk of Going Snake District, July 29, 1890 and elected to the same office, August 3, 1891. Mrs. J. R. Garrett died in 1903 and he died in January 1918. They were the parents of Robert Bruce, born Dec. 2, 1876; Simeon, born January 24, 1878 and died Oct. 1902; Mary E. born May 30, 1881; Allie R. born March 3, 1885; Lola born November 29, 1889; Captain J. W. born January 20, 1890 and Thomas B. Garrett, born April 16, 1892.

Robert Bruce Garrett’s Cherokee name is Oochalata and that of his wife is Cherokee, They are members of the Methodist church. He is a Mason and Knight of Pythias and she is an Eastern Star.


Biography, Cherokee,

Starr, Emmett. History of the Cherokee Indians and Their Legends and Folk Lore. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: The Warden Company. 1921

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