A Genealogy of the Lake Family

A genealogy of the Lake family of Great Egg Harbour in Old Gloucester County in New Jersey : descended from John Lade of Gravesend, Long Island; with notes on the Gravesend and Staten Island branches of the family.

This volume of nearly 400 pages includes a coat-of-arms in colors, two charts, and nearly fifty full page illustrations – portraits, old homes, samplers, etc. The coat-of-arms shown in the frontispiece is an unusually good example of the heraldic art!

Table of Contents:

  • The Lake Family in England . . . 1
  • Heraldic Note Concerning the Coat of Arms . . . 5
  • John Lake of Gravesend . . . 8
  • The Gravesend Family . . . 10
  • The Staten Island Family . . . 18
  • The United Empire Loyalist Lake Family of Canada . . . 25
  • Three Daughters of John Lake of Gravesend . . . 31
  • Lake Immigrants to America . . . 33
  • The Descendants of William Lake of Great Egg Harbour . . . 35
  • Ancestral register of Esther Steelman Adams: p. 254
  • Appendix I, Three Lake Wills . . . 257
  • Appendix II, Cumberland County Lake Bible Record . . . 262
  • Appendix III, A War Time Letter of the Hon. Simon Lake . . . 266
  • Appendix IV, Reminiscences of the Rev. James E. Lake, D.D . . . 273
  • Appendix V, Miscellaneous Notes by Ezra A. Lake . . . 277
  • Appendix VI, Daniel Lake Collins’s Diary . . .280
  • Appendix VII, Some Unplaced Lake Marriages . . . 294
  • Appendix VIII, Addenda . . . 295
  • Index 297
  • Charts


Adams, Arthur and Risley, Sarah Anna. A genealogy of the Lake family of Great Egg Harbour in Old Gloucester County in New Jersey : descended from John Lade of Gravesend, Long Island ; with notes on the Gravesend and Staten Island branches of the family. Hartford, Conn. : Privately printed, 1915.

Abbott, Abrams, Adair, Adams, Akins, Alban, Albertson, Albor, Alexander, Allen, Aller, Anderson, Andrews, Androvette, Ang, Angel, Ano, Applegate, Armstrong, Asay, Ashley, Ashmead, Austin, Avery, Aydelotte, Ayres, Babcock, Bailey, Baillain, Baird, Baker, Balkwell, Ballard, Ballenger, Balliett, Bamberger, Banes, Banks, Banta, Barber, Barcus, Barkoff, Barnes, Barney, Barrar, Barre, Barrett, Barry, Bartlett, Bassett, Bates, Batten, Batts, Baxter, Baylis, Bayne, Beadle, Beagle, Beaman, Beatty, Beaujon, Beck, Bedant, Begg, Belangee, Bell, Belleville, Benham, Benner, Bennett, Berry, Betebender, Bets, Betzold, Bevis, Beyer, Biggs, Billington, Birch, Bird, Birkett, Bitten, Blackman, Blake, Bland, Bleakley, Blew, Blocksom, Bloomfield, Bloomingdale, Boehm, Boewe, Boice, Boone, Booye, Borden, Borgers, Borton, Bowden, Bowen, Bowker, Bowles, Boyce, Boyer, Boyle, Boyles, Braddock, Bradford, Bradley, Brady, Bremer, Bricker, Brines, Brittain, Brooks, Brophy, Brower, Brown, Bruner, Bryan, Bryant, Budd, Bull, Bullock, Bumstead, Bunker, Burbank, Burkett, Burley, Burr, Burrell, Burroughs, Burt, Burton, Butler, Cade, Cadman, Cain, Cake, Calder, Calverly, Camp, Campbell, Cann, Carder, Carmean, Carroll, Case, Casto, Castor, Caswell, Cavileer, Cazier, Chaffee, Chalfont, Chamberlain, Chamberlin, Chambers, Champion, Chance, Channells, Chapman, Chattin, Chester, Chew, Cissel, Claessen, Clark, Clayton, Clement, Clendenning, Cleveland, Clift, Clouting, Cobb, Coleman, Colier, Collings, Collins, Comber, Compton, Coney, Connelley, Connelly, Connors, Conover, Cooper, Corcoran, Cordery, Core, Cornell, Corson, Cosaboom, Cotton, Couch, Couenhoven, Couenover, Cowenhoven, Craft, Craig, Cranmer, Crawford, Creamer, Creavey, Croker, Cronin, Cropsey, Crowell, Crowley, Cubberly, Currie, Curry, Curtis, D'Hillier, Dailey, Daily, Dallas, Dalles, Danhart, Dare, Davenport, Davis, De Graw, De Wolfe, Deischer, Delancey, Delavall, Dennis, Dilks, Dillahey, Disbrow, Divins, Dix, Dole, Dooley, Doolittle, Doran, Doughty, Douglas, Dowler, Dragoo, Dragstrem, Drennon, Duberson, Duerr, Dunlap, Dunn, Durfee, Dutch, Eaton, Echman, Eddy, Edwards, Egbert, Eggman, Ehmann, Eiler, Eisenhart, Eldredge, Eldridge, Elliott, Ellis, Emerson, Emmons, Endicott, EngHsh, Englehart, English, Erskine, Essick, Estell, Evans, Ewan, Fagan, Fairbrothers, Farnham, Feaster, Feltman, Fennimore, Fenton, Ferguson, Fessler, Fifield, Finch, Finley, Fish, Fisher, Fleming, Fletcher, Foley, Foltz, Ford, Fortiner, Foster, Fowler, Frambes, Freas, French, Fry, Fuhrer, Furman, Gabbeart, Gale, Galkler, Gallagher, Gallaher, Gallup, Gandy, Gardiner, Garnick, Garrard, Garretson, Garrison, Garsed, Garton, Garwood, Gaskill, Gaunt, Getz, Gibb, Gibbs, Giberson, Gifford, Giflford, Gilbert, Gilkerson, Gilkey, Gillingham, Gilmore, Gilsey, Ginther, Glan, Glasby, Gleen, Glick, Gobel, Godbou, Goddard, Godfrey, Golden, Golding, Good, Goodbartlett, Goodyear, Gooth, Gordanier, Gordon, Gorham, Goulding, Grandvaux, Gray, Greaves, Green, Greenhill, Greenwood, Greinert, Grey, Griffiths, Grigg, Griscom, Guden, Guyon, Gwin, Haas, Hackett, Hackney, Hadden, Haigh, Hale, Haley, Hall, Hallam, Hallbright, Hand, Hanthorne, Harbin, Harford, Harkins, Harmer, Harris, Hart, Hartshorne, Harvey, Hassell, Hatton, Hauenstcin, Hauenstein, Hawkins, Hayes, Hayward, Haywood, Headley, Heath, Heaton, Helferty, Henderson, Henneberger, Hentz, Hepner, Hess, Hickman, Hickok, Hicks, Higbee, Hildreth, Hinchliffe, Hines, Hinkle, Hirst, Hobbs, Hodgkins, Hoffman, Hogate, Holden, Holdzkom, Hollenbeck, Holloway, Holmes, Homan, Hommer, Hoopey, Horton, HoUoway, Housenick, Houser, Howels, Howlett, Hoxey, Hubbard, Hubbs, Huber, Hudson, Hulce, Hull, Humphries, Hunt, Huntley, Hurlbut, Hutchinson, Huyk, Imlay, Ingersoll, Inman, Ireland, Irish, Irvin, Iszard, Jackaway, Jackson, James, Janse, Jeffers, Jeffries, Jeflfers, Jenkins, Jerrell, Jester, Jockel, Johns, Johnson, Jones, Joslin, Justice, Karsch, Karsh, Kassan, Kates, Kearney, Kears, Keeler, Kellem, Kelly, Kerbaugh, Kersey, Key, Kieflfer, Kindle, King, Kingsland, Kirk, Kite, Kniffin, Knight, Knott, Koegley, Kronenwetter, Kuster, Lacer, Laird, Lake, Laman, Lamb, Lane, Langley, Lanterman, Larley, LaRue, Larzelere, Lashley, Lawes, Lawrence, Lawson, Lear, Lecroy, Ledew, Ledterman, Lee, Leeds, Leek, Lehman, Leidy, Leonard, Lewis, Lindley, Lippincott, Litherland, Littlepage, Lockwood, Long, Longstreet, Loomer, Loper, Lore, Lotton, Loux, Lowe, Lower, Lowry, Lozier, Lucas, Ludlam, Lukens, Lutz, Lynch, Macintosh, MacMullen, Madara, Madden, Maddox, Major, Mandeville, Mann, Mannery, Marshall, Martin, Mary, Masland, Mason, Masterson, Mather, Mathews, Mathis, Matthews, Mattix, McAnney, McCabe, McCain, McCann, McCintock, McClain, McClure, McCollum, McCormick, McCure, McGregor, McHugh, McKenna, McKindry, McLarin, Mclntyre, McMahon, McMinnimum, Meek, Melville, Merrill, Merry, Mesereau, Michaux, Mick, Mickle, Miller, Mills, Milner, Mintzer, Mitchell, Moody, Mooney, Moore, Moran, Morgan, Morrell, Morris, Morse, Moss, Mounce, Mull, Mundy, Mungal, Murphy, Murray, Myers, Naabe, Neely, Nelgin, Newcomb, Newell, Newlin, Nice, Nichols, Nicholson, Nickerson, Ninewegen, Noble, Nuneviller, Nutt, Nütz, O'Donnell, O'Hara, O'Neil, O'Rourke, Oakford, Oakley, Oberteuffer, Ogden, Oldendorf, Oliver, Onens, Oppelt, Orum, Osborn, Packer, Page, Painter, Palmer, Paris, Parker, Parkyn, parr, Parrott, Parsells, Parvin, Pashley, Patch, Paul, Pawling, Payne, Peck, Pedrick, Pennell, Penney, Penston, Pepper, Perrigo, Perry, Peters, Peterson, Pfeil, Pferman, Pfersching, Pharo, Phelps, Phifer, Phillips, Phipps, Piatt, Pierson, Pigg, Pinyard, Poillon, Poley, Polyon, Pomelear, Potter, Powell, Powers, Prescott, Price, Pringle, Pryor, Pyles, Quick, Quigg, Race, Radcliffe, Ralston, Randolph, Raney, Ray, Raymond, Read, Reed, Reese, Reeves, Regan, Reins, Reming, Renkauff, Reynolds, Rhubart, Rice, Richards, Riggins, Riggs, Rinker, Risky, Risley, Rittenhouse, Robbin, Robbins, Roberts, Robertson, Robinette, Robinson, Rogers, Rolph, Rose, Ross, Rossiter, Rothchild, Rotrammel, Royal, Rue, Runyon, Russell, Rutledge, Ryan, Ryder, Rynick, Ryon, Sack, Sampson, Sanderlin, Sanford, Sapp, Saunders, Saylor, Scarborough, Schaeffer, Scheldine, Schellenger, Schloendorn, Scott, Scudder, Scull, Seeds, Seiler, Shackleford, Shadle, Shane, Shapter, Sharp, Sharpley, Sharrock, Shaw, Shay, Shearer, Sheck, Sheeks, Shellhorn, Shemelia, Shepard, Sheppard, Sherman, Shibley, Shinn, Shipley, Shoultes, Shubert, Shull, Sibley, Sickles, Sigsby, Simmons, Simonds, Simons, Simpers, Simpkins, Simpson, Skelton, Skidmore, Skirm, Sloan, Smallwood, Smith, Smyth, Sneider, Snider, Snover, Snyder, Soars, Somers, Somerville, Sooy, Souder, Souders, Souville, Sowers, Spaeth, Specht, Spicer, Sprague, Springer, Sprong, Stafford, Stanford, Stanger, Stead, Stebbins, Steel, Steele, Steelman, Steinlein, Stephens, Stetzer, Stevens, Stevenson, Stevirart, Stewart, Stiddam, Stiles, Stillwell, Stilwell, Stites, Stockham, Stokes, Stonehill, Storms, Stout, Stretch, Strickland, String, Stringer, Stryker, Stuart, Studdam, Suck, Surran, Sutphen, Sutton, Swackhamer, Taft, Tage, Take, Taliaferro, Tallman, Tankersly, Tapken, Tatem, Taylor, Thomas, Thomason, Thompson, Tice, Tilton, Townsend, Toy, Trader, Treen, Tribbett, Tribe, Trie, Trizendance, Trout, Trunk, Tullis, Tullock, Turish, Turner, Turpen, Turpin, Tyson, Urquhart, Utter, Van Alstine, Van Cleef, Van Gilder, Van Houten, Van Luven, Van Nuyse, Van Pelt, Van Sicklen, Van Sutphen, VanAman, Vandewater, Vansant, Vansenden, Vaughn, Veal, Vechte, Venable, Vennel, Verne, Vincent, Vogel, Voorhees, Vorhees, Walker, Wallace, Wallis, Walters, Walton, Ward, Ware, Warnock, Warrick, Warthman, Warwick, Waters, Watkins, Watson, Watt, Way, Weaver, Webb, Weed, Weeks, Weiler, Weirs, Wells, Wenery, Wescoat, West, Westcott, Wetzel, Wharram, White, Whitecar, Wickman, Wicks, Wiles, Wiley, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Willers, Willetts, Williams, Willits, Willitts, Wills, Wilson, Winters, Wolbert, Wolfe, Wolfenden, Wood, Woodruff, Woods, Woolbert, Worrell, Wright, Yates, Yearsley, Yost, Young, Zane, Zentmayer,

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