This survey of Wintergreen Cemetery, Port Gibson, Mississippi, was completed in 1956 by Mr. Gordon M. Wells and published by Joyce Bridges the same year. It contains the cemetery readings Mr. Wells was able to obtain at that date. It is highly likely that not all of the gravestones had survived up to that point, and it is even more likely that a large portion of interred individuals never had a gravestone.
Claiborne County was created on 27 January 1802. The opening of the Mississippi River followed the completion of the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, brought about a land boom in the Mississippi Territory. Claiborne County was established fifteen years before statehood and chose Gibson’s Landing or Gibson’s Port as the county seat. The name was officially changed to Port Gibson in 1811.
Thousands of settlers came from the eastern and northern states to claim the new lands. Most who came, stayed and lived out their lives in this area, and this became their final resting place.
This survey was completed in 1956 by Mr. Gordon M. Wells and anyone who has searched for an ancestor in this cemetery is certainly grateful to Mr. Wells. The graves are very close together and not always in regular rows.
The cemetery was very well kept at the time of survey.
Wintergreen Cemetery, Port Gibson, Mississippi
Surname Index to the Wintergreen Cemetery, Port Gibson, Mississippi
Abraham, 18
Acker, 25
Acree, 46
Adams, 19, 71
Ainsworth, 38
Akin, 70
Alford, 20
Allen, 13, 35, 74
Alston, 20
Anderson, 12, 22, 23, 31, 43, 45, 48, 62
Andrews, 4, 7
Anktelle, 54
Archer, 10, 12, 53
Arnette, 5, 29
Arnold, 45, 61
Ash, 73
Atchison, 50
Bagnell, 27, 65
Bailey, 33
Baker, 20, 22
Baldwin, 47, 49
Barber, 10
Barbour, 10
Bare, 35
Barland, 18, 74, 75
Barnes, 9, 10, 18, 43
Barron, 24
Barbot, 60
Bearden, 11
Beaty, 61
Beck, 36, 37
Beggs, 6
Belknap, 44
Bell, 38, 71
Benton, 7, 8, 26
Berger, 17
Bergquist, 42, 43
Berry, 61
Bertron, 1, 8, 10, 13, 40, 41
Bethea, 40, 60, 63, 73
Billingslea, 18
Bird, 72
Bisland, 37
Bitterman, 23
Black, 17
Blake, 4
Bland, 8, 41, 61
Blonquest, 10
Bobo, 14, 15, 23, 63
Bolander, 4
Bolls, 48
Booth, 49
Boren, 23, 33
Bowen, 21
Bradford, 60, 72
Brady, 14
Braman, 51
Brandon, 17
Brantley, 11
Brashear, 15, 49, 59, 61
Brewer, 47
Bridgers, 1, 30
Bridges, 60
Briscoe, 6, 31, 44, 74
Brock, 39
Broughton, 53
Brown, 4, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 32, 44, 45, 70
Brownlee, 28
Bruce, 37
Buck, 59, 62
Buckner, 45
Burch, 7, 42, 75
Burnet, 56, 65
Burns, 60
Butler, 41, 43, 54, 55
Byrd, 22, 71, 72
Barnes, 34, 36, 37
Cade, 26, 27
Calhoun, 28, 45, 67
Callender, 5, 16, 22, 36
Cameron, 60
Campbell, 33, 68
Carpenter, 23, 39
Carr, 68
Cason, 25
Cates, 20
Chamberlain, 45
Chamberliss, 64
Chambliss, 48
Chess, 72
Chevandemann, 66
Child, 68
Chisholm, 40
Chisolm, 37
Christie, 8
Claiborne, 4
Clampitt, 20
Clark, 16, 23, 32, 51, 65
Clarke, 63, 68
Clay, 4
Clements, 74
Cobh, 23, 33
Cochran, 14, 28
Cockbaine, 46
Corn, 19
Cogan, 19
Coleman, 55, 62
Colson, 60
Cook, 44
Cossar, 16
Cotton, 58, 68
Coulter, 32
Cowles, 59
Cox, 36, 71
Crafton, 69
Craig, 11
Crane, 59
Creighton, 4
Crews, 35
Crills, 60
Crisler, 37
Cronin, 11
Cronly, 57
Cullet, 21
Cuper, 19
Currie, 25, 37
Dakin, 49
Daniell, 8, 9, 29
Daniels, 23, 36
Darden, 38, 44
Daugherty, 34
Davenport, 9, 25, 27, 42, 44, 45, 64, 66
Davidson, 24
Davis, 15, 16, 21, 30, 31, 35, 59, 71, 72
Dawson, 58
Deluck, 75
Denny, 69
Derran, 70
Devine, 4
Dick, 42
Dillard, 65
Disharoon, 12
Dochterman, 4, 5
Donald, 50
Dougherty, 67
Douglass, 8
Dow, 19
Dowdell, 40
Downing, 3
Doyle, 21
Drake, 10, 38
Drank, 38
Drexler, 24
Docket, 66
Dunbar, 50
Duncan, 33, 56
Duval, 2
Eakin, 40
Easley, 40
Eaton, 29
Eisely, 47
Elias, 63
Ellett, 52
Ellis, 30, 59
Ely, 66
Enrick, 17
Englesing, 75
English, 52
Estes, 50
Evans, 23, 24
Ewing, 50
Farris, 23
Faulk, 5, 64
Faust, 42
Ferguson, 31
Ferriday, 42
Fife, 14, 15
Fisher, 43
Fizer, 20
Flowers, 35
Fontaine, 37
Foote, 5, 6, 61, 63
Forbes, 57
Foreman, 5
Fortson, 5
Foster, 19, 27, 28, 35, 36, 46, 71
Frazer, 55
Freeland, 16
French, 18, 45, 46
Frisby, 71
Frishman, 21
Frost, 14
Frydinger, 12
Fulkerson, 46, 48, 65
Fuller, 20
Funchess, 38
Gage, 13, 54
Galtney, 62
Garrison, 58
Gary, 17
Gason, 14
Gastings, 9
Gibbs, 68
Gibson, 5, 63, 64
Gilkeson, 30
Gilkey, 56
Girault, 31, 50, 69
Gladco, 40
Glodjo, 75
Goddard, 69
Godwin, 27
Goepel, 10, 11, 45
Goodin, 63
Gordon, 21, 42, 60, 63, 67
Gorr, 35
Goslin, 61
Gradick, 14
Grafton, 53, 57
Grandbery, 64
Grant, 39
Graves, 70
Gray, 27, 46, 74
Green, 2, 39, 41, 42, 62
Greenleaf, 63
Greenwalt, 70
Greer, 20, 27, 40
Griffing, 7, 37
Griffith, 68
Groves, 16
Guicr, 33
Guion, 35
Guthrie, 30, 41
Hackett, 38, 41
Hackley, 41
Haic, 65
Hall, 1, 3, 4, 10, 61, 62
Hamilton, 32, 44, 65, 67
Hammett, 39
Hannon, 4
Hansel, 45, 46
Harding, 2, 3, 10, 21
Haring, 68, 70
Harland, 20
Harlow, 62
Harper, 48
Harrell, 16, 19, 20, 35
Harrington, 22
Harris, 20, 37, 58, 68
Harrison, 66
Barth, 47
Hartley, 29
Harwood, 44
Hasson, 39
Hastings, 27, 57, 64
Haug, 60
Hawkins, 26, 40, 75
Haxil, 65
Hay, 17, 19
Hayden, 27
Hays, 39
Headley, 28, 32, 33
Heath, 49, 72
Hedrick, 7
Henley, 21
Hennington, 36, 37
Hensley, 75
Herlitz, 41
Hermann, 28
Herring, 15
Heslep, 55
Hicks, 30
Hill, 12, 19
Hilliard, 1
Hodge, 57
Hoel, 58, 71
Hoeler, 35
Hofer, 42
Hogg, 54
Hoisel, 33
Holder, 7
Holloway, 63
Holy, 15
Hoopes, 3, 53, 61
Hopkins, 52, 66
Horton, 16
Housley, 19
Houston, 16, 45
Howard, 38
Howell, 53
Hubbard, 20
Hudson, 7
Hughes, 8, 9, 21, 45, 48, 49, 59
Hulburt, 60
Hullum, 10
Humphreys, 1, 5, 6, 13, 23, 32, 33, 41, 43, 44, 56
Hunt, 28, 74
Hutton, 10
Hyrum, 29, 37, 38, 39
Ikerd, 4, 12, 37
Ingles, 68
Ingraham, 72
Ingram, 40, 60
Irish, 50
Irwin, 30
Jackson, 69
James, 24, 31, 43, 60
Jarratt, 34
Jefferies, 13, 32, 50, 53, 56, 62, 67
Jeffers, 72
Jeffreys, 12
Jeffries, 52
Jelks, 59
Johnson, 5, 32, 47
Johnston, 52
Jones, 16, 20, 30, 45, 47, 58, 59, 71, 74
Jordan, 19, 21, 22, 57, 69
Jordon, 38
Jouch, 25
Joyce, 23
Kavanaugh, 3
Keep, 11
Keisker, 74
Kelledy, 3
Kelley, 58
Kelly, 29
Kennard, 66, 67
Kennedy, 38
Key, 71
Killikell, 60
King, 14, 19, 20
Kirk, 4
Kirkbride, 59
Knok, 50
Krauss, 41
Lacy, 66
Lape, 55
Lawson, 24
Lee, 44, 57
Leonard, 63
Lewis, 16, 72, 74
Liebman, 43
Light, 2
Linde, 43, 44
Lischer, 74
Little, 29, 44
Lobdell, 50, 51
Lofton, 38
Looney, 75
Lorin, 50
Loring, 71
Loyd, 20
Lum, 23, 39
Lusk, 20
Lyles, 48
Lynch, 59
MacLennan, 67
Madden, 11
Maddox, 9, 44
Magruder, 9, 12, 17, 27, 29, 31, 58, 64, 65
Maldeis, 31
Mangel, Ii
Manion, 48
Maxis, 23
Mann, 12
Nahns, 45
Marks, 25
Marscralk, 71
Marshalk, 70
Marshall, 4, 53
Martin, 22, 28, 71, 73, 74
Marie, 53
Mason, 3, 19, 20, 52
Massie, 28, 59
Mathews, 22
Maury, 1
Maxwell, 48
May, 33
Mayfield, 72
McAlpin, 48
McAlpine, 65
McAmis, 19
McArn, 60
McArthur, 66
McBride, 21
McCaa, 9, 17, 24, 35
McCaleb, 22, 3?, 41, 43, 54, 61
McCall, 3
McCarstle, 39
McCay, 34, 70
McClure, 20, 67
McCollum, 34
McConb, 4
McCorkle, 55
McCrady, 41
McCrae, 22
McDougall, 9, 17, 47, 49
McEvers, 47
McFarland, 35
McFatter, 14, 22
McGill, 25, 55
McGilyary, 72, 73
McGinnis, 66
McIntosh, 6
McKerver, 60
McKewen, 21
McLaurin, 73
McLean, 65
McLendon, 18
McNurchy, 36
McPherson, 63
McRaney, 20
McVoy, 49
Meek, 52, 61
Mien, 1
Merrifield, 24, 58
Micrie, 66
Middleton, 38, 44, 63
Miller, 1, 38, 41
Millikan, 66
Millikan, 56
Mills/Ms, 16
Mines, 4, 37
Minor, 64
Monk, 22
Montgomery, 2, 20, 31, 42, 57
Moody, 67
Moore, 15, 20, 23, 32, 36, 43, 47, 62, 64, 67
Morehead, 13, 14, 45, 48
Moreland, 49
Morgan, 22
Morris, 3, 37, 61, 62
Mounger, 26
Mount, 53
Mueller, 40
Mullin, 4
Murdoch, 54
Murdock, 10, 68
Murff, 13
Murphy, 61, 68
Musgrove, 73
Myers, 72
Myles, 43, 51, 56
Naasson, 31, 60
Nailer, 9
Nance, 7
Neal, 31, 35, 58
Neil, 29
Nelson, 18, 21
Nesmith, 41
Newlin, 40
Newnan, 19
Nicholson, 13
Noble, 7, 36
Norwood, 29
Nott, 10
Nourse, 47
Nugent, 68
Nusom, 14
Ogden, 23
Oldham, 72
Oody, 74
Omen, 45
O’Conner, 70
Parker, 32, 55, 56
Parkinson, 50, 51
Parks, 6, 57, 72
Parr, 4
Patterson, 4, 26, 30, 31
Patton, 6, 52
Pearson, 6, 43, 44
Peck, 24
Pennisi, 74
Percy, 12
Perkins, 49
Pernisi, 29
Person, 10, 12, 13, 31, 38, 51
Petty, 52
Phillips, 5, 22, 23, 27, 29
Pipes, 43
Pittman, 62
Plants, 12
Poot, 67
Popkins, 26
Porter, 23
Potts, 70
Powell, 40
Preskitt, 19
Preston, 42
Price, 4, 38
Prichard, 13
Prince, 56
Pruett, 4
Purser, 20
Qualls, 22
Ragland, 33
Railey, 53
Randolph, 47
Rayner, 13, 14
Rna, 41
Redish, 6
Redus, 41
Reed, 6
Reeding, 4
Reeves, 55
Regan, 27, 70
Reid, 46
Rhodes, 50
Richards, 59
Richardson, 48, 75
Richey, 59
Richmond, 17
Rickhow, 62
Roan, 34
Robbins, 63
Roberts, 11, 45, 49, 70, 72
Rogers, 12, 21
Rogillio, 36
Rollins, 8, 31, 36, 41, 54
Roney, 45
Ross, 2, 16, 58, 59
Rotrock, 2
Rowan, 43, 62, 63, 66
Rundill, 35
Rush, 39
Russell, 18, 54
Russum, 16, 33, 36
Rutledge, 22
Sadler, 68
Sargent, 38
Satterfield, 74
Saunders, 46
Sawyer, 37
Sayer, 46
Sayers, 46
Sbobo, 27
Scarborough, 31
Schillig, 25
Schneider, 57
Schooler, 21
Schultz, 68
Scott, 66, 70
Seale, 18
Segrest, 17, 36
Sessions, 48
Sevier, 50
Shahan, 34
Shaifer, 17, 39, 66, 69
Shanahan, 70
Shannon, 21, 22, 29, 30
Sharbourgh, 48
Sharbrough, 33
Shelby, 13, 21, 35, 56, 66
Shrive, 9, 41, 42
Shure, 4
Shims, 46
Silver, 67
Simmers, 25
Simms, 6
Simonson, 42
Sims, 58
Singleton, 61
Sittler, 53
Skinner, 7
Slayton, 29
Slone, 62
Smith, 6, 7, 19, 29, 32, 61, 70, 71, 73
Snodgrass, 44
Spencer, 3, 53, 54, 56, 57, 68, 69
Sprott, 19, 46, 47
Stampley, 17, 41
Stamps, 20, 51
Stanford, 4
Stanley, 44
Stanrod, 18
Starker, 42
Starkey, 46
Starnes, 21, 35
Stead, 11
Stevens, 73
Steward, 68
Storment, 16
Stowers, 50, 51, 52
Strauss, 68
Strickland, 18
Strong, 55
Stuart, 46
Sudduth, 19
Sullivan, 10
Sulser, 18
Sutton, 71
Tabor, 15
Taliaferro, 13, 15
Tannatt, 35
Tanner, 40
Tatum, 62
Taylor, 2, 22, 23, 45, 61, 73
Terry, 14
Thaler, 7
Thomas, 16, 26, 27, 33, 44, 66
Thompson, 58
Thornhill, 75
Thrasher, 14, 44, 59
Tiernon, 72
Tilden, 47
Tilghman, 67
Tillman, 30
Tipping, 30
Torrey, 22, 34
Trayler, 5
Trevillion, 35, 72
Trim, 24, 29
Tullos, 21
Turner, 21, 42, 52
Turnipseed, 37
Turpin, 10, 47
Surname Him
Twomey, 15
Ungerer, 7, 18
Utz, 11, 14
Valentine, 11, 17, 18
Van, 14, 35
VanDorn, 63
YanHook, 15
VanHorn, 13, 65
Yarnado, 4
Vaughan, 7
Venables, 58
Virtner, 61, 63
Wade, 2, 27, 28, 32, 35
Wailes, 36
Walker, 55, 66, 67
Walni, 15
Walsh, 21
War, 40
Ward, 67
Warren, 17, 34
Watkins, 28, 70, 71
Watson, 5, 14, 20, 26, 28, 31, 33, 36, 43, 49, 59, 62, 73
Watt, 3
Way, 24
Weatherly, 25
Webbers, 15
Wedgeworth, 40
Weeks, 63
Weiler, 17
Weiss, 74
Wells, 51
Wesley, 36
West, 47
Westcott, 47
Wharton, 33, 52, 57
Whatley, 30
Wheatley, 7
Wheeless, 18, 39, 42
Whelless, 10
Whitfield, 11
Whittemore, 60
Wickliffe, 9
Wid, 67
Wilkins, 75
Wilkinson, 3, 11, 39, 48
Williams, 5, 14, 21, 67, 73, 74, 75
Wilson, 5, 27, 40, 46, 55, 57, 69
Wolcott, 33
Wolfe, 23
Wood, 6, 66, 71
Woods, 21
Wooley, 37
Worthington, 67
Wright, 69
Wroth, 33, 39
Wylie, 60, 67
Yorke, 55
Young, 16, 59
Zentz, 70
Bridges, Joyce Shannon, Wintergreen Cemetery, Port Gibson, Claiborne County, Mississippi, Shreveport, Louisiana : J.S. Bridges, 1956.