Biography of James Shanahan

JAMES SHANAHAN A STATE official whose long, industrious, persevering career in mechanical pursuits, and whose works in different parts of the country evince his superior powers as a master of his art is the Hon. James Shanahan, superintendent of public works of the state of New York. He belongs to a class of men whose talents and energy have advanced and enriched the interests of the empire state by the construction of works intimately connected with the railroads and canals, trade and commerce. He is a native of Ireland, and was born on the 6th of February, 1829, having now … Read more

Wintergreen Cemetery, Port Gibson, Mississippi

Wintergreen Cemetery, Port Gibson, Mississippi

This survey of Wintergreen Cemetery, Port Gibson, Mississippi, was completed in 1956 by Mr. Gordon M. Wells and published by Joyce Bridges the same year. It contains the cemetery readings Mr. Wells was able to obtain at that date. It is highly likely that not all of the gravestones had survived up to that point, and it is even more likely that a large portion of interred individuals never had a gravestone.

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Jennie Shanahan

(See Ghigau, England and Hildebrand) Genevieve, daughter of James Franklin and Mary Jane (England) Williams was born in Delaware District December 18, 1868. Educated in the Cherokee Public Schools and Female Seminary. She married February 17, 1885 Timothy Deneen, son of Patrick and Margaret (Deneen) Shanahan, born April 21, 1863 in Minnesota. Mr. Shanahan is a well to do farmer in Craig County, his post office being Vinita. He is a first cousin to Governor Deneen of Illinois. Mrs. Shanahan has one full brother, Joseph Lowrey Williams; one full sister, Mrs. Martha Jane Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. Shanahan have six … Read more