Wintergreen Cemetery, Port Gibson, Mississippi

Wintergreen Cemetery, Port Gibson, Mississippi

This survey of Wintergreen Cemetery, Port Gibson, Mississippi, was completed in 1956 by Mr. Gordon M. Wells and published by Joyce Bridges the same year. It contains the cemetery readings Mr. Wells was able to obtain at that date. It is highly likely that not all of the gravestones had survived up to that point, and it is even more likely that a large portion of interred individuals never had a gravestone.

Biography of William Augustus Jelks

William A. Jelks, youngest son of James Oliver and Mary Polhill Jelks, was born in Belleville, Hamilton County, Florida, September 5, 1859. He died in Hawkinsville, Ga., February 4, 1935. This family removed to Hawkinsville soon after the close of the War Between the States. William, or “Willie,” as he was called, was educated in private schools in Pulaski County, later at Mercer and Vanderbilt Universities. He was a member of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity. On leaving college, he taught in a private school in Hawkinsville for several years, and later edited the Hawkinsville paper until the business was … Read more

Biography of Virginia Jelks

Virginia Jelks, only daughter of James Oliver Jelks and Mary Polhill, married William Spivey Holliman, January 5, 1875. Their surviving children are: Emma Kathleen, educated in Macon, Hawkinsville, and Atlanta. She graduated from Cox College with A.B. cum laude degree. She married Edwin Poston Peterson, of Tuscaloosa, Ala. Marilu, educated in Hawkinsville, Dublin, Macon, and Atlanta. She pursued special courses at Cox College and Mercer University, and married Charles Luther Carter, of Jackson, Ga. Virginia was educated in Hawkinsville, Dublin, and Macon. She graduated ‘from high school and normal school in Macon, and pursued postgraduate course at North Carolina Teachers … Read more

Biography of Exum Nathaniel Jelks

Exum Nathaniel Jelks, oldest son of James 0. Jelks, Jr., and Elizabeth Charlotte Philips, was born near Hawkinsville, Georgia, April 6, 1864. Nat received his early education in the public schools of Hawkinsville and his business training at Eastman College, Poughkeepsie, New York. Like his father before him, he has always loved good literature, has read extensively, and has kept himself a well informed person, thoroughly abreast of the times. After returning from Poughkeepsie he was associated with his father in the mercantile business in Hawkinsville, and was also engaged in cotton buying and banking there until 1894. In that … Read more

Biography of Johnathan Joseph Jelks

Johnathan Joseph Jelks, third son of James Oliver and Mary Polhill Jelks, was born January 15, 1841, in Hawkinsville, Ga., spending his life there and in Florida and Macon, Ga., where he died May 11, 1911. In 1861, in the War Between the States, he enlisted in Company G of the Eighth Georgia Infantry. The gallant men of this famous regiment distinguished themselves at the first Battle of Manassas, and were saluted for their bravery by General Beauregard. He served with General Tige Anderson’s Brigade, Longstreet’s Corps, fighting at Dam No. 1, on the Yorktown line, in the Seven Days’ … Read more

Biography of James Oliver Jelks Jr.

James Oliver Jelks, Jr., was born July 4, 1839, the second son of James Oliver Jelks, whose ancestors came to this country from Wales, and of Mary Polhill, of Burke County, Georgia. Mr. Jelks, Jr., was a pioneer merchant of Hawkinsville. He erected the first building used exclusively for storekeeping, and established the general mercantile business of J. 0. Jelks and Brother in 1865, one of the first business firms to be organized there after the War Between the States, in which he enlisted in Company G, Eighth Georgia Regiment. This firm was located at the corner of Commerce and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edwin Augustus Jelks, Dr.

Dr. Edwin A. Jelks, eldest son of James Oliver and Mary Polhill Jelks, was born in Hawkinsville, Ga., October 1, 1836. He was educated at Mercer University, graduated at Medical College, Charleston, S. C., and at Jefferson College, Philadelphia, Pa. He was one of the earliest settlers of Quitman, buying the first lot sold in the town. In the War Between the States he enlisted in Company C, Twenty-sixth Georgia Regiment, becoming a part of Stonewall Jackson’s famous corps. It is said he was the ablest surgeon that Georgia furnished to the Confederate military service. He was on the field … Read more

Biography of Dr. Nathaniel Polhill Jelks

Dr. Nathaniel Polhill Jelks, fourth son of James Oliver Jelks and Mary Polhill, was born July 18, 1845, in Hawkinsville, Pulaski County, Georgia, where he died March 28, 1911. When six years old his family moved to Oglethorpe, Georgia, after two years moving to Hamilton County, Florida, where he received his early education, later studying in Augusta, Georgia. In 1863 he entered the Confederate Army, enlisting in Company I, Second Florida Cavalry, under General Jones, a gallant command guarding the interior of the State. He was wounded at the Battle of Natural Bridge, Florida, March 6, 1865, in which the enemy … Read more

Biography of Needham Williamson Jelks

Needham Williamson Jelks, fifth son of James Oliver and Mary Polhill Jelks, was born October 14, 1847, in Hawkinsville, Ga. When he was quite young, his family moved to Belleville, Fla., locating at Lake Oclahatchee, where he received his early education. During the War Between the States he enlisted as a private at the age of sixteen in the Florida Artillery, taking part in the Battle of Natural Bridge, and several other engagements. After the war he returned to Hawkinsville and was employed by his older brothers, J. 0. and J. J. Jelks, in the mercantile business. Associated with this … Read more

Biography of James Oliver Jelks

James Oliver Jelks, son of William Jelks and Mary Wallace, was born October 29, 1802, in Halifax County, North Carolina, where his mother’s people were reared. His father’s parents came directly from Wales, settling in Edgecombe County, N. C. They were the parents of Ruskin, Dixon, Etheldred, Robert, Jane, and William. Ruskin Jelks settled in Baton Rouge, La., and became the founder of that branch of the family. William moved to Greene County, Georgia, traveling in a snowstorm, when James Oliver was one month old. Three years later he moved to Pulaski County, Georgia. Mary Wallace’s brother, Elijah, moved from … Read more

Biography of Dr. Nathaniel Polhill Jelk

Dr. Nathaniel Polhill Jelks, fourth son of James Oliver Jelks and Mary Polhill, was born July 18, 1845, in Hawkinsville, Pulaski County, Georgia, where he died March 28, 1911. When six years old his family moved to Oglethorpe, Georgia, after two years moving to Hamilton County, Florida, where he received his early education, later studying in Augusta, Georgia. In 1863 he entered the Confederate Army, enlisting in Company I, Second Florida Cavalry, under General Jones, a gallant command guarding the interior of the State. He was wounded at the Battle of Natural Bridge, Florida, March 6, 1865, in which the … Read more