Progressive Men of Western Colorado

This manuscript, in its essence, is a collection of 948 biographies of prominent men and women, all leading citizens of Western Colorado. In this context, Western Colorado encompasses the counties of Archuleta, Chaffee, Delta, Eagle, Garfield, Gunnison, Hinsdale, La Plata, Lake, Mesa, Mineral, Moffat, Montezuma, Montrose, Ouray, Pitkin, Rio Blanco, Routt, San Juan, and San Miguel.

However, interwoven within the narratives of these individuals is the broader story of Colorado itself. Early expeditions by European settlers into this region primarily focused on trading with Native American tribes or serving as a passageway to California. The turning point came when a man named Ralston, traveling with one such wagon train, dipped his pan into a creek that would later bear his name and extracted a troy ounce of gold, valued at $5 at the time. This discovery ignited interest, and a decade later, other miners began staking claims in Eastern Colorado. As the search for gold pushed westward, prospectors eventually reached Western Colorado.

Some of these miners settled near their claims, becoming the area’s first residents. While a few struck it rich, others transitioned into different roles—ranching, politics, merchandising, and more. In the lives of these pioneers lies the story of Colorado. Thus, while this volume is predominantly a compilation of biographies, it also captures the early history of Western Colorado.

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Progressive Men of Western Colorado

Title Page to Progressive Men of Western Colorado
Title Page to Progressive Men of Western Colorado

Progressive Men of Western Colorado Gallery

Source: Bowen, A. W. Progressive Men of Western Colorado. Chicago: A. W. Bowen & Co., Publishers. 1905.

Abbott, Adair, Adams, Ahrens, Alerton, Alexander, Allen, Anderson, Andrews, Ankele, Arbaney, Armstrong, Ashley, Askins, Austin, Avery, Baker, Ball, Bane, Banta, Bardwell, Barnard, Barsch, Barth, Barthel, Baxter, Beardsley, Beck, Beckley, Bell, Belot, Benjamin, Bennett, Berg, Bertholf, Bevier, Biebel, Bills, Bird, Bivans, Blachly, Blair, Blewitt, Bogert, Bogue, Bolem, Boner, Boone, Borah, Bossé, Bourg, Bowles, Boyce, Boyle, Breeze, Brewer, Briggs, Brock, Brower, Brown, Bruner, Bryan, Buchmann, Bucklin, Buddecke, Budge, Bull, Bunting, Burger, Burritt, Cain, Campbell, Canfield, Cannon, Cardnell, Carle, Carnahan, Carolan, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Cartmel, Caster, Caswell, Cavanaugh, Chadwick, Chapman, Charlesworth, Chatfield, Chiles, Chisholm, Choate, Christie, Clapp, Clare, Clark, Clausen, Cobb, Coburn, Coffey, Collins, Collom, Cone, Conklin, Cook, Cookman, Cooper, Copeland, Copp, Corcoran, Couchman, Covey, Cowell, Cox, Crabill, Craig, Cramer, Crawford, Crawley, Criswell, Croall, Crook, Crossan, Crotser, Crowell, Croxton, Crumly, Cullen, Cunningham, Curtis, Curtiss, Cyr, Daggett, Dailey, Dappen, Davenport, Davidson, Davis, Day, Deakins, Delaney, DeLong, Dennison, Dickinson, Dickson, Diel, Dirlan, Ditman, Doak, Dodgion, Donlavy, Donnelson, Doughty, Dow, Downing, Ducey, Duckett, Dunckley, Dunham, Dunn, Dunstan, Dwyer, Dyer, Easterly, Eaton, Ebler, Edgerton, Edwards, Eglee, Egry, Ehrhart, Eilebrecht, Ellington, Elliott, Ellis, Ellison, Elmer, Elrod, Erwin, Estes, Evans, Ewers, Ewing, Farmer, Farmers & Merchant Bank, Farrington, Fenlon, Ferguson, Finley, Fisher, Fiske, Fitzpatrick, Fix, Fletcher, Fogg, Forker, Forkner, Fox, Frahm, Franz, Fritzler, Fullenwider, Fuller, Gagnon, Gaines, Gale, Galloway, Gant, Gavin, Geiger, Geil, Gentry, George, Gerbaz, Gibbs, Gibson, Gillaspey, Gilliam, Goddard, Goff, Gollagher, Goodrich, Gould, Grace, Graham, Graves, Gray, Green, Griffmg, Grow, Guiney, Hall, Halm, Halsey, Hamilton, Hammond, Hanson, Harker, Harp, Harris, Harrod, Hartman, Hasley, Haverstick, Hawthorne, Heaton, Hedges, Heiner, Helvey, Hemmerlee, Henderson, Henrickson, Henry, Hernage, Heron, Heuschkel, Hick, Hickman, Hicxson, Hills, Hitchens, hmith, Hockett, Hoffman, Holbrook, Holland, Hollingsworth, Holmes, Hook, Hooker, Hooper, Hoskins, Hotchkiss, Hotz, Howard, Hudson, Hughes, Hull, Humphrey, Hunter, Hurlburt, Hurst, Hurt, Hutchinson, Hyde, Hynes, Hyzer, Ikeler, Imoversteg, Innman, Irving, Irwin, Jacobs, Jacobson, James, Jaquette, Jarvis, Jay, Jayne, Jaynes, Jeep, Jenkins, Jens, Jensen, Jewell, JoHantgen, Johnson, Jones, Joseph, Judy, Julian, Jutten, Kauble, Keller, Kelley, Kellogg, Kelsey, Kendall, Kennedy, Kenney, Kermode, Kern, Kiefer, Kiggins, Kilduff, Kimball, Kimbley, King, Kinney, Kitchen, Kitchens, Knowles, Koch, Koehne, Koll, Kreuger, Lake, Lando, Lane, Langstaff, Larkin, Larson, Laughlin, Laurent, Lawley, Lawrence, Lee, Lefever, Leighton, LeKamp, Lewis, Lewy, Libbey, Light, Lightley, Lindgren, Lindsay, Linell, Lines, Linton, Lof, Loper, Loshbaugh, Lucero, Lumsden, Lundgreen, Lunny, Luxen, Lyons, Lyttle, Mahany, Mahon, Male, Mallory, Manges, Mann, Marold, Marsh, Martin, Masser, Masters, Matthews, May, McBirney, McCall, McCarthy, McCartney, McCary, McClure, McConnell, McCormick, McCoy, McDonald, McDougal, McDowell, McFarland, McGrew, McHugh, McKee, McKenna, McKenzie, McKinlay, McKinney, McKinnis, McLachlan, McLaughlin, McLean, McMullin, McMurray, McPherson, McQuaid, Melton, Meredith, Merling, Metcalf, Metzger, Miller, Misemer, Mollette, Monroe, Monson, Monteith, Moog, Moore, Morgan, Morin, Morse, Mott, Mounson, Moyer, Mulqueen, Mulvihill, Nachtrieb, Naefe, Naeve, Needham, Neidhardt, Neiman, Nelson, Newcomb, Newell, Newman, Nichols, Nicholson, Nimerick, Nisbeth, Nolan, Norton, Norvell, Nuckolds, Nurnberg, Olesen, Ornis, Orr, Osborn, Ostrom, Overbay, Overman, Page, Palmer, Parker, Parlin, Parry, Parton, Paterson, Patterick, Patterson, Pattison, Paxton, Pelton, Perkins, Perreault, Peters, Phillips, Pierce, Pierson, Pitchford, Plank, Platt, Port, Porter, Powell, Price, Pritchard, Proffitt, Puett, Purdy, Putney, Ragley, Ralston, Ranney, Ratekin, Rathnell, Rausis, Ray, Rector, Reeser, Reeves, Reid, Reigan, Reynolds, Rhinehart, Rhoads, Rhyne, Rice, Richner, Rider, Riehl, Riland, Rives, Roatcap, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Rock, Rodgers, Rogers, Rohrbough, Roller, Romer, Rominger, Rose, Rosenberg, Ross, Roth, Rownan, Russey, Rutan, Ryan, Salmon, Sampson, Sanders, Sandy, Sapp, Saylor, Scales, Scandrett, Schaffnit, Scharnhorst, Schermerhorn, Schildt, Schilling, Schmitt, Schupp, Schutte, Schwartz, Scott, Sebree, Seeley, Sewell, Sharp, Sharpe, Shaver, Shaw, Sheek, Shellabarger, Shelton, Sherwood, Shindledecker, Shinn, Shippee, Shumate, Sieber, Sievers, Simmons, Simpson, Slick, Sloan, Sloss, Smith, Snelson, Snoddy, Songer, Spalding, Spencer, Spiers, Springer, Squire, Staats, Stahl, Staley, Stanley, Stapleton, Stark, Staton, Steinberg, Stephan, Stephens, Sterner, Steward, Stewart, Stockdale, Stoddard, Stolze, Stone, Strehlke, Streit, Stringfleld, Stroud, Strouse, Stubbs, Sullivan, Swanson, Sweet, Sweitzer, Sweney, Tagert, Talbert, Tappan, Tayior, Taylor, Teachout, Temple, Thatcher, Thomas, Thompson, Tichenor, Tobin, Todd, Toland, Tomkins, Tomlinson, Torrence, Totten, Tourtelotte, Trimble, Trites, Truax, Trull, Turner, Twining, Ulin, Utley, Vader, Van, Van Cleave, Van Cleve, Van Deusen, Van Ostern, Veatch, Veerkamp, Vêzina, Vickers, Victoria, Vidal, Virden, Von, Voorhees, Wachter, Wade, Waggoner, Wald, Wales, Walker, Wallihan, Walther, Ward, Wardlaw, Ware, Warren, Wason, Waters, Watkins, Watson, Wattle, Webb, Webber, Weeks, Weir, Weisbeck, Welch, Welsh, Welty, Weston, Wheeler, Whetstone, Whinnery, Whipp, White, Whitley, Whitsell, Wilbur, Wilder, Wilheim, Wilkinson, Williams, Willis, Willits, Willson, Wilmoth, Wilson, Winburn, Wingate, Wingert, Winkelman, Winter, Wise, Wister, Wolbert, Wolf, Woll, Wood, Woodward, Woolery, Woolley, Wright, Wurts, Wurtz, Wylie, Yeaton, Yeoman, Yessen, Yoast, Young, Yule, Zanola, Zaugg, Zerbe,



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