Genealogy of the Davidson family of the Duck River Valley

Genealogy of the Davidson family of the Duck River Valley

This small booklet showcases the authors research on the Davidson family of the Duck River Valley. The genealogy starts with John Davidson of Iredell, North Carolina and advances through his son, the Revolutionary War soldier William Davidson, and his wife Margaret McConnell of Buncombe County, North Carolina. Next in line, and the first to settle the Duck River Valley is John Davidson, the eldest son of William and Margaret. He and his wife Martha Davidson settled near Knob Creek, Bedford County, Tennessee. John’s brother, Hugh, and his wife Jane Vance, settled in the Duck River Valley east of Normandy in at the time, Coffee County, Tennessee. This genealogy treats the Davidson family through several more generations. It is free to read or download.

1923 Historical and Pictorial Directory of Angola Indiana

1923 Angola Indiana Directory Book Cover

Luedders’ historical and pictorial city directory of Angola, Indiana for the year 1923, containing an historical compilation of items of local interest, a complete canvass of names in the city, which includes every member of the family, college students, families on rural lines, directory of officers of county, city, lodges, churches, societies, a directory of streets, and a classified business directory.

Samuel Beach Todd of Fairfield NY

Samuel Beach Todd5, (Gideon4, Gideon3, Michael2, Christopher1) born April 5, 1768, died March 12, 1852, married first, Lowly Humiston, who was born 1772, died Oct. 5, 1794, second,(???)Brockett, who died July 4, 1833, third, Polly Rice. He lived in Fairfield, Herkimer County, N. Y. Children by Lowly Humiston: 442. Ammi, d. in infancy. 443. Esther, d. young. Children by(???)Brockett: *444. Manning S., b. March 28, 1797. 445. Betsey, b. Sept. 27, 1798, m. Sept. 27, 1818, Eli McConnell; they had six children; lived in Salisbury Center, Herkimer County, N. Y. *446. Lyman S., b. Nov. 7, 1802. *447. Hermon S., … Read more

History of Clarks Nebraska, 1865-1976

Heritage of Clarks Nebraska

We begin our story in the year 1854 when the United States Congress organized the Nebraska Territory. Four years later, a law was passed defining the boundaries of its counties and locating their county seats. Merrick County now had a name and a county seat — Elvira. To the present day no one knows the exact location of Elvira, but many pioneers believed it was located two miles southeast of Clarks. The county received its name from the wife of the Speaker of the House of Representatives. Her maiden name was Elvira Merrick. The volume “History of Nebraska” tells us … Read more

Genealogy of the Lewis family in America

Genealogy of the Lewis family in America

Free: Genealogy of the Lewis family in America, from the middle of the seventeenth century down to the present time. Download the full manuscript. About the middle of the seventeenth century four brothers of the Lewis family left Wales, viz.: Samuel, went to Portugal; nothing more is known of him; William, married a Miss McClelland, and died in Ireland, leaving only one son, Andrew; General Robert, died in Gloucester county, Va. ; and John, died in Hanover county, Va. It is Andrews descendants who are featured in the manuscript.

Biographies of Western Nebraska

History of Western Nebraska and its People

These biographies are of men prominent in the building of western Nebraska. These men settled in Cheyenne, Box Butte, Deuel, Garden, Sioux, Kimball, Morrill, Sheridan, Scotts Bluff, Banner, and Dawes counties. A group of counties often called the panhandle of Nebraska. The History Of Western Nebraska & It’s People is a trustworthy history of the days of exploration and discovery, of the pioneer sacrifices and settlements, of the life and organization of the territory of Nebraska, of the first fifty years of statehood and progress, and of the place Nebraska holds in the scale of character and civilization. In the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. M. M. McConnell

W. M. M. McConnell, Charleston, of the firm of M. A. McConnell & Co., publishers of the Charleston. Plaindealer, was born on the 28th of August, 1855, in Cadiz, Harrison Co., Ohio; he is a son of James McConnell, of that city; he attended the public schools of his native town, graduating from the high school in 1872; he at once entered the office of the Cadiz Republican, to learn the printer’s trade, and, after completing his apprenticeship, remained in the office as a journeyman until he came to Charleston, in the spring of 1878, as one of the proprietors … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John A. McConnell

John A. McConnell, editor of the Charleston Plaindealer, Charleston; was born in Cadiz, Ohio, Dec. 26, 1826; he began, at 12 years of age, to learn his father’s business of chairmaking; his inclinations were, however, toward literary or professional pursuits, but he was prevented from carrying out his intentions in that direction by a weakness of the eyes; at the age of 17, he began teaching school, and taught during the winters for four years; in 1859, he engaged in the grocery business in Cadiz, in which he continued until 1871, when he embarked in the tanning business, and followed … Read more

1894 Michigan State Census – Eaton County

United States Soldiers of the Civil War Residing in Michigan, June 1, 1894 [ Names within brackets are reported in letters. ] Eaton County Bellevue Township. – Elias Stewart, Frank F. Hughes, Edwin J. Wood, Samuel Van Orman, John D. Conklin, Martin V. Moon. Mitchell Drollett, Levi Evans, William Fisher, William E. Pixley, William Henry Luscomb, George Carroll, Collins S. Lewis, David Crowell, Aaron Skeggs, Thomas Bailey, Andrew Day, L. G. Showerman, Hulbert Parmer, Fletcher Campbell, Lorenzo D. Fall, William Farlin, Francis Beecraft, William Caton, Servitus Tucker, William Shipp, Theodore Davis. Village of Bellevue. – William H. Latta, Thomas B. … Read more

Progressive Men of Western Colorado

Early Life in Colorado

This manuscript, in its essence, is a collection of 948 biographies of prominent men and women, all leading citizens of Western Colorado. In this context, Western Colorado encompasses the counties of Archuleta, Chaffee, Delta, Eagle, Garfield, Gunnison, Hinsdale, La Plata, Lake, Mesa, Mineral, Moffat, Montezuma, Montrose, Ouray, Pitkin, Rio Blanco, Routt, San Juan, and San Miguel.

Biographical Sketch of Dr. Geo. W. McConnell

Dr. McConnell is one of those jovial, good-natured men that we are always glad to meet. He is active and energetic, and what he does he does with a will, and infuses humor and good. nature into all with whom he comes in contact. He is a native of Indiana, and made his debut on this world’s stage in Greensburg, Decatur county, on the 14th day of September, 1849. He received his education there, and having at natural liking for the noblest of all professions, he entered the Eclectic Medical Institute of Cincinnati in 1871, and graduated three years later. … Read more

History of Polk Nebraska, 1874-1974

Polk Memoirs: Where Corn is King 1874-1974

In 1974, sisters Mrs. Dwight Burney and Mrs. Irvin Anderson, edited a centennial celebration for the town of Polk Nebraska titled Polk Memoirs: Where Corn is King, 1874-1974. In this manuscript they and other townsfolks provide a look at the people and businesses that made up Polk in both the past and present. Genealogists should pay special attention to the families section.

Origin, history, and genealogy of the Buck family

Origin, history, and genealogy of the Buck family

Origin, history and genealogy of the Buck family : including a brief narrative of the earliest emigration to and settlement of its branches in America and a complete tracking of every lineal descendant of James Buck and Elizabeth Sherman, his wife

McConnell, S.W. – Obituary

S. W. McConnell, who had been in ill health for a long time, died at his home in Paradise, Sunday, Nov. 10th, and was buried Tuesday in the Paradise cemetery. Mr. McConnell was well known in our locality and was held in very high esteem by those who were so fortunate as to know him. Wallowa County Reporter, Wallowa County, Oregon, Thursday November 14, 1918

Marriage records of Liberty County Georgia, 1785-1895

Marriage records of Liberty County, Georgia, 1785-1895

These marriage records were abstracted from unbound marriage bonds and licenses in the Liberty County Courthouse, Hinesville, Georgia. The names were copied as they were spelled on the bonds, often barely legible and often spelled differently on the same bond. Sometimes the marriages were performed before the licenses were issued. The first date given in the abstracts is the date of the license or bond; the second is the date of marriage. The following abbreviations are used in these abstracts with the meaning indicated: